Broheim 0 Posted June 24, 2020 Report Share Posted June 24, 2020 Thank you! Can't wait to check it out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pirate 1 Posted June 28, 2020 Report Share Posted June 28, 2020 Really nice release! Gonna download this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
doyoumind 0 Posted June 29, 2020 Report Share Posted June 29, 2020 thanks for releasing ill take a look Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Siphoe 2 Posted August 4, 2020 Report Share Posted August 4, 2020 nice one ill check it out mn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Remix 0 Posted August 6, 2020 Report Share Posted August 6, 2020 looking good maybe ill look into it once looking good maybe ill look into it once Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Xerics 164 Posted October 11, 2021 Report Share Posted October 11, 2021 nice stuff Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrx 2 Posted December 31, 2021 Report Share Posted December 31, 2021 ty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noah Houser 16 Posted January 1, 2022 Report Share Posted January 1, 2022 thanks dude elts see if this works Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joe mama 124 Posted January 1, 2022 Report Share Posted January 1, 2022 cool Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lonezeig566 0 Posted January 11, 2022 Report Share Posted January 11, 2022 ayye Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigbags 0 Posted January 14, 2022 Report Share Posted January 14, 2022 dope Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeWolf 1 Posted February 12, 2022 Report Share Posted February 12, 2022 On 4/19/2018 at 5:22 PM, Madara said: This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Hello Welcome to Aeros Beta, We are just in The beta stage right now We have all working skills We have mini games, and bosses Few custom interfaces Pk mode still being worked on almost finish vote and donate still being worked on Boss event is almost finished. 4 custom pets with pet perks Working inferno - Updated users' yell colors - 200m xp announcements - Inferal max cape is added to make it you need infernal cape plus max cape use item on item and it makes infernal max cape - 2 pet perks has been added fairy pet drop bonus of 20 percent, and dragonkin pet it tele grab your item from a npc you kill 50 percenct chance of banking ur loot if you have him in the wildy it auto maticlly teleport your loot to the bank pvp - Osrs items added, - Fixed infernal max cape - 120 capes fixed and added - I have added a command to allow the end user to change the color of their yell. Trimming armor is added you need 200mil xp in crafting and the materials Hidden Content Give reaction or reply to this topic to see the hidden content. I know I need to work on adv thread please don't hate MEDIA This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Dev Log: Dev log 12/13/17 The updates for 12/13/17 are as follows: The inferno minigame NPCs and zulrah's hit points should now not reset to full after 5 seconds of not attacking. Fishing now gives fish like it's supposed to. 12/11/17 (1) ezone is almost complete (2) santa pet it is free to get, just message a staff member, thanks to goody (3) shift click drop is added thanks to goody. 12/10/17 (1) added callisto, drops just need to get added. (2) for right now max cape has the, hp,str,att,magic,range,pray,def perks (3) I finally fixed the staff commands 12/8/17 (1) Christmas event has been added talk by speaking to santa at home (New client is required) is fixed thanks to zakku (2) Oblis model and slayer master model should be fixed now (3) fixed boss event command and change it to (wyrm) female characters can wear armor now thanks to zakku 12/6/17 I got rid of free welfare shop only kept select few items added bossevent command that teles you to wildy wyvrn removed twisted bow and magma blow pipe from donator store replaced them with 2 new items. 11/30/17 Server: Infernal cape minigame converted from sellers files. Removed ana in a barrel from the crystal key chest. Fixed the ancient spells wilderness combat level check. Started on the professional game mode. 12/2/17 Server: Fixed the crowns in ::staff. Removed a couple of exploits.(thanks Adam) Added drop rate bonuses for specific player rights, game mode, and experience modes. Client: Fixed the ultimate Ironman icon showing up wrong in a few places. Added the hardcore Ironman icon. Replaced the old cache downloader. 12/3/17 Server: Infernal cape is now untradable.(whoops lol) You now only need to sacrifice a fire cape once to gain permanent access to the infernal minigame. Balanced out some exp gaining. Hardcore Ironmen no longer receive 55% reduced exp gain. Client: Fixed the staff and the ironmen icons, they now show up correctly in chat. 12/4/17 Server: Reworked the pvp points, pest control commendations/cash, and Slayer points gaining slightly. Removed a faulty system that would re-create your player file if you got unbanned. Added the perks behind the daily bonuses since they were left unimplemented in the server base. Added world messages when players claim a donation. Moved the duplicate slash bash back to donator zone. Fixed and enabled the dialogue explaining the exp modes Finished the professional exp mode. 11/28/17 Server: Updated the voting and donation claiming commands in ::commands. When you leave the wilderness the attack option no longer stays. Fixed the combat level check for bounty Hunter target acquiring. Stopped the bounty hunter interface from staying active if you logged out of an account that was in the wilderness and logged into one that wasn't with the same client. In bounty hunter you can no longer receive a target that is on the same ip address. Ultimate Ironman was named wrong in a few places. Hardcore Ironmen now receive 55% less xp than all other ranks. Hardcore Ironmen that die with over a 1000 total level now get a world announcement. Got rid of everything for NoblePK in the npc definitions and 2 dialogues. 11/25/17 Client: Added the Purgatory-X shield to the client background. Removed everything to do with the base used for the server. Fixed the menu bar at the top of the game client. Disabled the invisible buttons on the login screen that were left over from the server base. Server: Fixed logging in to the server, on login it was thinking the player had a active pet. Replaced the well in edgeville with a well of good will. Added comma filtering in the price checker and money pouch, 2000000 now would show was 2,000,000. 11/26/17 Server: Removed the old MySQL system and added the temporary handlers until the new system is finished. Fixed the combat level check when trying to attack a player, it was getting the difference between the players combat levels and if it was more than the wild level you couldn't fight. This concludes my updates for 11/25-11/26 2017 11/24/17 1.attack skill cape perk, If your wearing this cape it will boost your attack up to 118 while wearing this cape 2. Strength, it will boost your str up to 118 while wearing this cape(-) 3. While wearing this cape it will heal you 5 hp every 5-10 minute(-) 4. def it will boost your def up to 118(-) 5. range it will at like ava acculmeter collecting arrows for you(-) 6. mage it will allow you to tele port out of lvl 30 wildy while wearing this cape and boost your mage up to 118(-) 7. while wearing praying skill cape it will restore your pray like a prayer pot every 15 minutes(-) 8. while wearing rc cape you can craft tripple the runes(-) 9. crafting/ fire making and smithing cape you don't need tools for them the skill cape will act as your tools once every hour (not finish) 10. slay cape you can get .01 drop bonus only slayer monsters only almost finish 11. cooking cape you have less chance of burning food no need for it 12. agililty cape you when your wearing it will restore your run every 20 minutes (-) 13 fishing cape while fishing sharks or rock crabs it you can get 2x the fish as fast(-) Bronze Member -Donator Rank in game and on forums -Access to donator zone :zone - - -Access to ::yell chat - - -1.10x Experience bonus - - -Access to set a custom player title using the ::title command - -Access to dzone thieving stalls that give pure cash -Free potion decanting -Access to spec recharge altar on dzone - - -Access to exclusive frost dragons and other npcs at dozne -Access to donator shop at dzone -Double loot at barrows minigame - -35 pest control points per game - -10% chance of double pkp per kill - -3,000 Bonus cash per thieve stall thieve -1/25 chance to save runes on a magic spell cast - -1/15 chance of their casket not deleting when opening it - -1/15 chance of their crystal key not deleting when opening it MKlMelh.png Silver Member -Donator Rank in game and on forums -Access to donator zone :zone - - -Access to ::yell chat - - -1.25x Experience bonus - - -Access to set a custom player title using the ::title command - - -Access to dzone thieving stalls that give pure cash -Free potion decanting -Access to spec recharge altar on dzone - - -Access to exclusive frost dragons and other npcs at dozne -Access to donator shop at dzone -Double loot at barrows minigame - - -40 pest control points per game - - -15% chance of double pkp per kill - - -No kill count required to enter godwars dungeons - - -5k cash bonus per thieving stall thieve -1/20 chance to save runes on a magic spell cast - - -1/12 chance of their casket not deleting when opening it - - -1/12 chance of their crystal key not deleting when opening it - - BDuqdiM.png Gold Member -Donator Rank in game and on forums -Access to donator zone :zone - - -Access to ::yell chat - - -1.50x Experience bonus - - -Access to set a custom player title using the ::title command - - -Access to dzone thieving stalls that give pure cash -Free potion decanting -Access to spec recharge altar on dzone - -Access to exclusive frost dragons and other npcs at dozne -Access to donator shop at dzone -Double loot at barrows minigame - -45 pest control points per game - -20% chance of double pkp per kill - -No kill count required to enter godwars dungeons - -27.5 second veng timer instead of 30 seconds -7.5k cash bonus per thieving stall thieve -1/15 chance to save runes on a magic spell cast - -1/9 chance of their casket not deleting when opening it - -1/9 chance of their crystal key not deleting when opening it - wsVu17k.png Platinum Member -Donator Rank in game and on forums -Access to donator zone :zone - - -1.75x Experience bonus - - -Access to ::yell chat - - -Access to set a custom player title using the ::title command - -Access to dzone thieving stalls that give pure cash -Free potion decanting -Access to spec recharge altar on dzone - - -Access to exclusive frost dragons and other npcs at dozne -Access to donator shop at dzone -Double loot at barrows minigame - -50 pest control points per game - -25% chance of double pkp per kill - -No kill count required to enter godwars dungeons - -25 second veng timer instead of 30 seconds -10k cash bonus per thieving stall thieve -1/6 chance of their casket not deleting when opening it - -1/6 chance of their crystal key not deleting when opening it - YQSQhIJ.png Diamond Member -Donator Rank in game and on forums -Access to donator zone :zone - -2.00x Experience bonus - -Access to ::yell chat - -Access to set a custom player title using the ::title command - -Access to dzone thieving stalls that give pure cash -Free potion decanting -Access to spec recharge altar on dzone - - -Access to exclusive frost dragons and other npcs at dozne -Access to donator shop at dzone -Double loot at barrows minigame - -60 pest control points per game - -30% chance of double pkp per kill - -No kill count required to enter godwars dungeons - -20 second veng timer instead of 30 seconds -Accesss to ::bank command - - -Double drops for rare drops (ex: dkite drop = 2 dkites) -15k cash bonus per thieving stall thieve -1/5 chance to save runes on a magic spell cast - - -1/3 chance of their casket not deleting when opening it - -1/3 chance of their crystal key not deleting when opening it - Ruby Member -Donator Rank in game and on forums -Access to donator zone :zone - -2.25x Experience bonus - - -Access to ::yell chat - - -Access to set a custom player title using the ::title command - - -Access to dzone thieving stalls that give pure cash -Free potion decanting -Access to spec recharge altar on dzone - - -Access to exclusive frost dragons and other npcs at dozne -Access to donator shop at dzone -Double loot at barrows minigame - -60 pest control points per game - -30% chance of double pkp per kill - -No kill count required to enter godwars dungeons - -20 second veng timer instead of 30 seconds -Accesss to ::bank command - -Double drops for rare drops (ex: dkite drop = 2 dkites) -15k cash bonus per thieving stall thieve (working on) -1/5 chance to save runes on a magic spell cast - - -1/3 chance of their casket not deleting when opening it - -1/3 chance of their crystal key not deleting when opening it - -Unlimited prayer outside of the wilderness - 2x Trivia points - - 2x Boss points - Prayer Pet - - restores prayer every 20 seconds Treasure Fairy Pet - gives you a 10 percent boost in your drop rate can be stack with any other drop rating DragonKin Pet - will tele grab a item and bank it when killing a monster Health Pet - - restores health every 20 seconds 11/18/17 Difirent game modes from normal, medium and hard. medium and hard gets a drop rate boost. When you add money to the well of good will, It will boost drop rates to. Got rid of that special bar for rune cross bow it was annoying to look at. added where donator scrolls gives you donator points now, instead of having to manually do it from staff. 12-21-17 added heavy ballista, fixed eating anim, and fighting anim. added disco clothing and party hat. added rare, chest get key by wildy bosses. 12/22/17 re did all shops Removed ang and fm shop re did stardust shop players command sorted - general command owner rights - trivia bot What is the 1st item in the PvP Pure shop? has been sorted as it had the incorrect answer. - Darth maul whip has the right animations - achievements for voting has been added properly - daily task lobsters weren't working - the message "your drop rate is being increased due to your pet" was being spammed but sorted it out - an issue with dragonkin pet has been resolved. - ironman mode players weren't able to view the ironman shop but now can. - you cannot gamble anymore as an ironman - Updated users' yell colors - add skilling points 1 point every level or somthing - There is a gnome at home where you can view how much you have remaining for your daily task. - Referral system has been added, speak to wise old man at home. - More daily tasks have been added for PVM (bandos, chaos elemental, kraken, barrel chest) - Daily Tasks have been added. - 200m xp announcements - Set up git so aeros developers have the option of working on the server from their own pc rather than the vps - Inferal max cape is added to make it you need infernal cape plus max cape use item on item and it makes infernal max cape - 2 pet perks has been added fairy pet drop bonus of 20 percent, and dragonkin pet it tele grab your item from a npc you kill 50 percenct chance of banking ur loot if you have him in the wildy it auto maticlly teleport your loot to the bank pvp - Osrs items added, just need coded in server side with it’s effects - Fixed infernal max cape - 120 capes fixed and added - I have added a command to allow the end user to change the colour of their yell. -Altar work at home - Inferno boss now gives you infernal cape once you won the mini game - Magic store is finally added at home - Fixed bug with 200m xp announcements - 3/2/18 - Removed zerker helm from being added to inventory when teleing to ::mutant - 3/4/18 - Fixed wilderness bug now players can pvm at wildy bosses with out getting nulled - Fixed Dungerining now players can do dungeon. - Added 3 bosses, - Added 3 new items -BM shop is now finished -Trivia is fixed instead of giving 3 winners it gives 1 - Bm drops from all wildy bosses. - 2 new items has been added elemental staff and bow - Custom quest has been added - Skilling points - Skilling shop Download: Hidden Content Give reaction or reply to this topic to see the hidden content. Hidden Content Give reaction or reply to this topic to see the hidden content. Credits: Me - for Leak and Some GFX Work and Code H1N1 - Original Owner People who worked on Ruse. Whoever else that worked on this. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Xerics 164 Posted October 8, 2022 Report Share Posted October 8, 2022 got a working link for this anyone? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Xerics 164 Posted October 16, 2022 Report Share Posted October 16, 2022 dead links Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dyrango 1 Posted October 18, 2022 Report Share Posted October 18, 2022 last Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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