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Necrotic [Ruse Development] Late RS2/OSRS Hybrid, Customs, Ready for Hosting


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On 10/30/2018 at 6:42 AM, MGK said:

Fuzzy paragraph:
Thank you to everyone who has played my server. You've literally paid for my college degree in Computer Science, and gave me a reason to continue the project as long as I have. 2 YEARS BABY!
While I feel it is time for me to move on, and focus on the future; I hope someone can learn from my project, as I've learned from other releases.
Ruse was attractive because it came with content out of the box. You can say the same thing about Necrotic's release now.
I would honestly say there's a lot of shit code in this release (like most releases), but lets face it - you don't care.
Thank you to the community of Rune-Server as well. You've served as a great resource of knowledge.


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have to try the server

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