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Dreamscape client freezing upon login


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When I login the 500m coins load with no other items and I get spamed with this error


java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 76616
	at com.dreamscape.Buffer.readSmart(Buffer.java:257)
	at com.dreamscape.Model.read317Format(Model.java:1472)
	at com.dreamscape.Model.<init>(Model.java:132)
	at com.dreamscape.Model.forId(Model.java:3893)
	at com.dreamscape.ItemDef.method201(ItemDef.java:1376)
	at com.dreamscape.ItemDef.getSprite(ItemDef.java:1168)
	at com.dreamscape.ItemDef.getSprite(ItemDef.java:1057)
	at com.dreamscape.ItemDef.getSprite(ItemDef.java:1052)
	at com.dreamscape.GameClient.drawInterface(GameClient.java:14484)
	at com.dreamscape.GameClient.drawTabArea(GameClient.java:4820)
	at com.dreamscape.GameClient.drawGameScreen(GameClient.java:14017)
	at com.dreamscape.GameClient.draw(GameClient.java:15763)
	at com.dreamscape.GameShell.run(GameShell.java:303)
	at com.dreamscape.GameClient.run(GameClient.java:8377)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Anyone have any ideas what this is and where it's trying to load 76616 from as I can't find anything

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a cache error I'm assuming

Read  Your Array Index is out of bonds because it cannot find the other assets;


Go into ur DS Source; Open the Server section & extract "dreamygang-live-server-023220884618"

then do the same with your client & cache; Go into Eclipse; Add all corresponding files to Libraries. 

Let me know if you cant figure it out

Apex? / Live Resin?#6145

Edited by Dawmian
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  • 1 month later...

Honestly, it seems like you guys need to familiarize yourself with at least the basics of the java language before you take on a project as large as the OSRS.

Edited by Flamo
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