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Best source to use?


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As much as Ruse / Necrotic is full of bugs, it's still an amazing source for newbeis to learn how RS servers work and the backends. I started on Ruse & I'm slowly moving over to 718 revisions now. Obviously, I wouldn't really recommend launching a live server with a Ruse build unless you really have put a lot of time in ironing out all the bugs in the source however.


Which ever way you go, good luck dude!

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as long as you don't touch ruse with a 10 foot pole your better off for it other than that elvarg is great but it's mostly just a framework so its not ideal for someone who isn't prepared to write nearly all of their content.  vencillio is the next step up from ruse so i wouldn't really recommend it unless your a total noob or have time to rewrite a lot of the core. apollo is good but much more of a pain to work with than elvarg and basically the same amount of content out of the box. hyperion is old but good to a point. pi is also old  and has been through so many hands that its usually not worth the effort to fix up. there's a few new frameworks around that i haven't tried so perhaps one of those will be the next big thing.

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