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OSDC "V2" Paid Version

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On 5/15/2019 at 10:57 AM, Tutus Frutus said:

Well, as the "strongmuffin" guy removed his initial tool and then went on to sell an "updated" version I decided to go ahead and release that same "updated" version.
Not sure till what revision it packs/converts to 317 format... probably 170 or something.


Dumps Item defs (obj) to 317 format
Dumps Npc defs (npc) to 317 format
Dumps Object defs (loc) to 317 format
Dumps Animation defs (seq) to 317 format
Dumps Graphic defs (spotanim) to 317 format
Dumps Varbit defs (varbit) to 317 format
Dumps Floor defs (obj) to Poesy700's format (he combined both flo.dat and flo.idx into flo.dat)
Dumps IdentityKit (idk) definitions into 317 format
Dump Models into 317 format (gzipped all ready to be packed)
Dump Animations into 317 format (this was a fun challenge, but finally got it all gzipped ready to go)
Dump Midis into 317 format (gzipped and ready to go)
Dump Maps into 317 format (gzipped and ready to go, you need to load your XTEAs for this)
Dump Sprites
Dump Map Image

Media of v1 (nothing changed apart from title afaik)

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Enjoy lads



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