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Packing 179 data/readvalues.


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I'm packing 179 data into Ascend. I know how to pack the data but I'm completely clueless when it comes to readvalues, if anyone can help me fix those I'd greatly apprecaite it!

My discord is : a n d y#3230

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Guest bobby

Here a list of the ReadValue's for 179 Data pack

Animation Read Value's


import java.util.Arrays;

public final class Animation {

	public static void unpackConfig(StreamLoader archive) {
		Buffer buffer = new Buffer(archive.getDataForName("seq.dat"));

		final int length = buffer.readUShort();

		if (animations == null) {
			animations = new Animation[length];

		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
			if (animations[i] == null) {
				animations[i] = new Animation();


	public int method258(int i) {
		int j = durations[i];
		if (j == 0) {
			Frame class36 = Frame.method531(primaryFrames[i] );
			if (class36 != null)
				j = durations[i] = class36.anInt636;
		if (j == 0)
			j = 1;
		return j;

	private void decode(Buffer buffer) {
		while(true) {
			final int opcode = buffer.readUByte();

			if (opcode == 0) {
			} else if (opcode == 1) {
				frameCount = buffer.readUShort();
				primaryFrames = new int[frameCount];
				secondaryFrames = new int[frameCount];
				durations = new int[frameCount];

				for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
					durations[i] = buffer.readUShort();

				for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
					primaryFrames[i] = buffer.readUShort();
					secondaryFrames[i] = -1;

				for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
					primaryFrames[i] += buffer.readUShort() << 16;

//				for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { // walking works but godswords break
//					primaryFrames[i] = buffer.readInt();
//					secondaryFrames[i] = -1;
//				}

//                for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { // walking breaks godswords work
//                    primaryFrames[i] = buffer.readUShort();
//                    secondaryFrames[i] = -1;
//                }
//                for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
//                    primaryFrames[i] =+ buffer.readUShort() << 16;
//                }

			} else if (opcode == 2) {
				loopOffset = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 3) {
				int len = buffer.readUByte();
				interleaveOrder = new int[len + 1];
				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
					interleaveOrder[i] = buffer.readUByte();
				interleaveOrder[len] = 9999999;
			} else if (opcode == 4) {
				stretches = true;
			} else if (opcode == 5) {
				forcedPriority = buffer.readUByte();
			} else if (opcode == 6) {
				playerOffhand = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 7) {
				playerMainhand = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 8) {
				maxLoops = buffer.readUByte();
			} else if (opcode == 9) {
				animatingPrecedence = buffer.readUByte();
			} else if (opcode == 10) {
				walkingPrecedence = buffer.readUByte();
			} else if (opcode == 11) {
				replayMode = buffer.readUByte();
			} else if (opcode == 12) {
				int len = buffer.readUByte();

				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {

				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
			} else if (opcode == 13) {
				int len = buffer.readUByte();

				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {

		if (frameCount == 0) {
			frameCount = 1;
			primaryFrames = new int[1];
			primaryFrames[0] = -1;
			secondaryFrames = new int[1];
			secondaryFrames[0] = -1;
			durations = new int[1];
			durations[0] = -1;

		if (animatingPrecedence == -1) {
			animatingPrecedence = (interleaveOrder == null) ? 0 : 2;

		if (walkingPrecedence == -1) {
			walkingPrecedence = (interleaveOrder == null) ? 0 : 2;

	private Animation() {
		animatingPrecedence = -1; //Stops character from moving
		walkingPrecedence = -1;
		replayMode = 1;

	public static Animation animations[];
	public int frameCount;
	public int primaryFrames[];
	public int secondaryFrames[];
	public int[] durations;
	public int loopOffset = -1;
	public int interleaveOrder[];
	public boolean stretches;
	public int forcedPriority = 5;
	public int playerOffhand = -1;
	public int playerMainhand = -1;
	public int maxLoops = 99;
	public int animatingPrecedence;
	public int walkingPrecedence;
	public int replayMode;


Buffer Read value's


package io.battlerune;

import java.math.BigInteger;

public final class Buffer extends Cacheable {

	public static Buffer create() {
		synchronized (nodeList) {
			Buffer stream = null;
			if (anInt1412 > 0) {
				stream = (Buffer) nodeList.popHead();
			if (stream != null) {
				stream.currentOffset = 0;
				return stream;
		Buffer stream_1 = new Buffer();
		stream_1.currentOffset = 0;
		stream_1.buffer = new byte[5000];
		return stream_1;

	public String readStringNew() {
		int i = currentOffset;
		while (buffer[currentOffset++] != 0)
		return new String(buffer, i, currentOffset - i - 1);

	public int readShort2() {
		currentOffset += 2;
		int i = ((buffer[currentOffset - 2] & 0xff) << 8) + (buffer[currentOffset - 1] & 0xff);
		if (i > 60000)
			i = -65535 + i;
		return i;


	final int v(int i) {
		currentOffset += 3;
		return (0xff & buffer[currentOffset - 3] << 16) + (0xff & buffer[currentOffset - 2] << 8) + (0xff & buffer[currentOffset - 1]);

	private Buffer() {

	public Buffer(byte abyte0[]) {
		buffer = abyte0;
		currentOffset = 0;

	public int readUSmart2() {
		int baseVal = 0;
		int lastVal = 0;
		while ((lastVal = method422()) == 32767) {
			baseVal += 32767;
		return baseVal + lastVal;

	public String readNewString() {
		int i = currentOffset;
		while (buffer[currentOffset++] != 0)
		return new String(buffer, i, currentOffset - i - 1);

	public void writeOpcode(int i) {
		// System.out.println("Frame: " + i);
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (i + encryption.getNextKey());

	public void writeByte(int i) {
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) i;

	public void writeShort(int i) {
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (i >> 8);
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) i;

	public void writeDWordBigEndian(int i) {
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (i >> 16);
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (i >> 8);
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) i;

	public void writeDWord(int i) {
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (i >> 24);
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (i >> 16);
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (i >> 8);
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) i;

	public void method403(int j) {
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) j;
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (j >> 8);
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (j >> 16);
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (j >> 24);

	public void writeQWord(long l) {
		try {
			buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (int) (l >> 56);
			buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (int) (l >> 48);
			buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (int) (l >> 40);
			buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (int) (l >> 32);
			buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (int) (l >> 24);
			buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (int) (l >> 16);
			buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (int) (l >> 8);
			buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (int) l;
		} catch (RuntimeException runtimeexception) {
			Utility.reporterror("14395, " + 5 + ", " + l + ", " + runtimeexception.toString());
			throw new RuntimeException();

	public void writeString(String s) {
		// s.getBytes(0, s.length(), buffer, currentOffset); //deprecated
		System.arraycopy(s.getBytes(), 0, buffer, currentOffset, s.length());
		currentOffset += s.length();
		buffer[currentOffset++] = 10;

	public void writeBytes(byte abyte0[], int i, int j) {
		for (int k = j; k < j + i; k++)
			buffer[currentOffset++] = abyte0[k];

	public void writeBytes(int i) {
		buffer[currentOffset - i - 1] = (byte) i;

	public int readUByte() {
		return buffer[currentOffset++] & 0xff;

	public byte readSignedByte() {
		return buffer[currentOffset++];

	public int readUShort() {
		currentOffset += 2;
		return ((buffer[currentOffset - 2] & 0xff) << 8) + (buffer[currentOffset - 1] & 0xff);

	public int readSignedWord() {
		currentOffset += 2;
		int i = ((buffer[currentOffset - 2] & 0xff) << 8) + (buffer[currentOffset - 1] & 0xff);
		if (i > 32767)
			i -= 0x10000;
		return i;

	public int read24Int() {
		currentOffset += 3;
		return ((buffer[currentOffset - 3] & 0xff) << 16) + ((buffer[currentOffset - 2] & 0xff) << 8) + (buffer[currentOffset - 1] & 0xff);

	public int readInt() {
		currentOffset += 4;
		return ((buffer[currentOffset - 4] & 0xff) << 24) + ((buffer[currentOffset - 3] & 0xff) << 16) + ((buffer[currentOffset - 2] & 0xff) << 8) + (buffer[currentOffset - 1] & 0xff);

	public long readLong() {
		long l = (long) readInt() & 0xffffffffL;
		long l1 = (long) readInt() & 0xffffffffL;
		return (l << 32) + l1;

	public String readString() {
		int i = currentOffset;
		while (buffer[currentOffset++] != 10)
		return new String(buffer, i, currentOffset - i - 1);

	public byte[] readBytes() {
		int i = currentOffset;
		while (buffer[currentOffset++] != 10)
		byte abyte0[] = new byte[currentOffset - i - 1];
		System.arraycopy(buffer, i, abyte0, i - i, currentOffset - 1 - i);
		return abyte0;

	public void readBytes(int i, int j, byte abyte0[]) {
		for (int l = j; l < j + i; l++)
			abyte0[l] = buffer[currentOffset++];

	public void initBitAccess() {
		bitPosition = currentOffset * 8;

	public int readBits(int i) {
		int k = bitPosition >> 3;
		int l = 8 - (bitPosition & 7);
		int i1 = 0;
		bitPosition += i;
		for (; i > l; l = 8) {
			i1 += (buffer[k++] & anIntArray1409[l]) << i - l;
			i -= l;
		if (i == l)
			i1 += buffer[k] & anIntArray1409[l];
			i1 += buffer[k] >> l - i & anIntArray1409[i];
		return i1;

	public void finishBitAccess() {
		currentOffset = (bitPosition + 7) / 8;

	public int method421() {
		int i = buffer[currentOffset] & 0xff;
		if (i < 128)
			return readUByte() - 64;
			return readUShort() - 49152;

	public int method422() {
		int i = buffer[currentOffset] & 0xff;
		if (i < 128)
			return readUByte();
			return readUShort() - 32768;

	public void encodeRSA(BigInteger exponent, BigInteger modulus) {
		int i = currentOffset;
		currentOffset = 0;
		byte abyte0[] = new byte[i];
		readBytes(i, 0, abyte0);

		byte rsa[] = abyte0;

		if (Configuration.ENABLE_RSA) {
			rsa = new BigInteger(abyte0).modPow(exponent, modulus).toByteArray();
		currentOffset = 0;
		writeBytes(rsa, rsa.length, 0);

	public void writeNegatedByte(int i) {
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (-i);

	public void method425(int j) {
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (128 - j);

	public int readUByteA() {
		return buffer[currentOffset++] - 128 & 0xff;

	public int readNegUByte() {
		return -buffer[currentOffset++] & 0xff;

	public int readUByteS() {
		return 128 - buffer[currentOffset++] & 0xff;

	public byte method429() {
		return (byte) (-buffer[currentOffset++]);

	public byte method430() {
		return (byte) (128 - buffer[currentOffset++]);

	public void writeLEShort(int i) {
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) i;
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (i >> 8);

	public void writeShortA(int j) {
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (j >> 8);
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (j + 128);

	public void writeLEShortA(int j) {
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (j + 128);
		buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (j >> 8);

	public int readLEUShort() {
		currentOffset += 2;
		return ((buffer[currentOffset - 1] & 0xff) << 8) + (buffer[currentOffset - 2] & 0xff);

	public int readUShortA() {
		currentOffset += 2;
		return ((buffer[currentOffset - 2] & 0xff) << 8) + (buffer[currentOffset - 1] - 128 & 0xff);

	public int readLEUShortA() {
		currentOffset += 2;
		return ((buffer[currentOffset - 1] & 0xff) << 8) + (buffer[currentOffset - 2] - 128 & 0xff);

	public int readLEShort() {
		currentOffset += 2;
		int j = ((buffer[currentOffset - 1] & 0xff) << 8) + (buffer[currentOffset - 2] & 0xff);
		if (j > 32767)
			j -= 0x10000;
		return j;

	public int method438() {
		currentOffset += 2;
		int j = ((buffer[currentOffset - 1] & 0xff) << 8) + (buffer[currentOffset - 2] - 128 & 0xff);
		if (j > 32767)
			j -= 0x10000;
		return j;

	public int method439() {
		currentOffset += 4;
		return ((buffer[currentOffset - 2] & 0xff) << 24) + ((buffer[currentOffset - 1] & 0xff) << 16) + ((buffer[currentOffset - 4] & 0xff) << 8) + (buffer[currentOffset - 3] & 0xff);

	public int method440() {
		currentOffset += 4;
		return ((buffer[currentOffset - 3] & 0xff) << 24) + ((buffer[currentOffset - 4] & 0xff) << 16) + ((buffer[currentOffset - 1] & 0xff) << 8) + (buffer[currentOffset - 2] & 0xff);

	public void method441(int i, byte abyte0[], int j) {
		for (int k = (i + j) - 1; k >= i; k--)
			buffer[currentOffset++] = (byte) (abyte0[k] + 128);


	public void readReverseData(int i, int j, byte abyte0[]) {
		for (int k = (j + i) - 1; k >= j; k--)
			abyte0[k] = buffer[currentOffset++];


	public byte buffer[];
	public int currentOffset;
	public int bitPosition;
	private static final int[] anIntArray1409 = {0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, 511, 1023, 2047, 4095, 8191, 16383, 32767, 65535, 0x1ffff, 0x3ffff, 0x7ffff, 0xfffff, 0x1fffff, 0x3fffff, 0x7fffff, 0xffffff, 0x1ffffff, 0x3ffffff, 0x7ffffff, 0xfffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, -1};
	public ISAACRandomGen encryption;
	private static int anInt1412;
	private static final Deque nodeList = new Deque();

FloorDefinition's Read value's

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class FloorDefinition {

	 * The single logger for this class.
	private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ItemDefinition.class.getName());

	public static FloorDefinition[] overlays;
	public static FloorDefinition[] underlays;

	public int texture;
	public int rgb;
	public boolean occlude;
	public int anotherRgb;

	public int hue;
	public int saturation;
	public int lumiance;

	public int anotherHue;
	public int anotherSaturation;
	public int anotherLuminance;

	public int blendHue;
	public int blendHueMultiplier;
	public int hslToRgb;

	private FloorDefinition() {
		texture = -1;
		occlude = true;

	public static void unpackConfig(StreamLoader streamLoader) {
		ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(streamLoader.getDataForName("flo.dat"));
		int underlayAmount = buffer.getShort();
		underlays = new FloorDefinition[underlayAmount];

		System.out.println(String.format("Loaded: %d underlays", underlayAmount));

		for (int i = 0; i < underlayAmount; i++) {
			if (underlays[i] == null) {
				underlays[i] = new FloorDefinition();
		int overlayAmount = buffer.getShort();

		System.out.println(String.format("Loaded: %d overlays", overlayAmount));

		overlays = new FloorDefinition[overlayAmount];
		for (int i = 0; i < overlayAmount; i++) {
			if (overlays[i] == null) {
				overlays[i] = new FloorDefinition();

	private void generateHsl(boolean isUnderlay) {
		if (anotherRgb != -1) {
			anotherHue = hue;
			anotherSaturation = saturation;
			anotherLuminance = lumiance;
		int color = isUnderlay && Settings.SNOW ? 0xFFFFFF : rgb;

	private void readValuesUnderlay(ByteBuffer buffer) {
		for (; ; ) {
			int opcode = buffer.get();
			if (opcode == 0) {
			} else if (opcode == 1) {
				rgb = ((buffer.get() & 0xff) << 16) + ((buffer.get() & 0xff) << 8) + (buffer.get() & 0xff);
			} else {
				System.out.println("Error unrecognised underlay code: " + opcode);

	private void readValuesOverlay(ByteBuffer buffer) {
		for (; ; ) {
			int opcode = buffer.get();
			if (opcode == 0) {
			} else if (opcode == 1) {
				rgb = ((buffer.get() & 0xff) << 16) + ((buffer.get() & 0xff) << 8) + (buffer.get() & 0xff);
			} else if (opcode == 2) {
				texture = buffer.get() & 0xff;
			} else if (opcode == 5) {
				occlude = false;
			} else if (opcode == 7) {
				anotherRgb = ((buffer.get() & 0xff) << 16) + ((buffer.get() & 0xff) << 8) + (buffer.get() & 0xff);
			} else {
				System.out.println("Error unrecognised overlay code: " + opcode);

	private void rgbToHsl(int rgb) {
		double r = (rgb >> 16 & 0xff) / 256.0;
		double g = (rgb >> 8 & 0xff) / 256.0;
		double b = (rgb & 0xff) / 256.0;
		double min = r;
		if (g < min) {
			min = g;
		if (b < min) {
			min = b;
		double max = r;
		if (g > max) {
			max = g;
		if (b > max) {
			max = b;
		double h = 0.0;
		double s = 0.0;
		double l = (min + max) / 2.0;
		if (min != max) {
			if (l < 0.5) {
				s = (max - min) / (max + min);
			if (l >= 0.5) {
				s = (max - min) / (2.0 - max - min);
			if (r == max) {
				h = (g - b) / (max - min);
			} else if (g == max) {
				h = 2.0 + (b - r) / (max - min);
			} else if (b == max) {
				h = 4.0 + (r - g) / (max - min);
		h /= 6.0;
		hue = (int) (h * 256.0);
		saturation = (int) (s * 256.0);
		lumiance = (int) (l * 256.0);
		if (saturation < 0) {
			saturation = 0;
		} else if (saturation > 255) {
			saturation = 255;
		if (lumiance < 0) {
			lumiance = 0;
		} else if (lumiance > 255) {
			lumiance = 255;
		if (l > 0.5) {
			blendHueMultiplier = (int) ((1.0 - l) * s * 512.0);
		} else {
			blendHueMultiplier = (int) (l * s * 512.0);
		if (blendHueMultiplier < 1) {
			blendHueMultiplier = 1;
		blendHue = (int) (h * blendHueMultiplier);
		hslToRgb = hslToRgb(hue, saturation, lumiance);

	private final static int hslToRgb(int h, int s, int l) {
		if (l > 179) {
			s /= 2;
		if (l > 192) {
			s /= 2;
		if (l > 217) {
			s /= 2;
		if (l > 243) {
			s /= 2;
		return (h / 4 << 10) + (s / 32 << 7) + l / 2;

Graphic Read Value's


public final class Graphic {

	public static void unpackConfig(StreamLoader archive) {
		Buffer buffer = new Buffer(archive.getDataForName("spotanim.dat"));
		int length = buffer.readUShort();

		System.out.println(String.format("Loaded: %d gfx", length));

		if (cache == null) {
			cache = new Graphic[length];

		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
			if (cache[i] == null) {
				cache[i] = new Graphic();
			cache[i].id = i;

		if (buffer.currentOffset != buffer.buffer.length) {
			System.out.println("gfx mismatch! " + buffer.currentOffset + " " + buffer.buffer.length);

	private void decode(Buffer buffer) {
		while(true) {
			final int opcode = buffer.readUByte();

			if (opcode == 0) {
			} else if (opcode == 1) {
				modelId = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 2) {
				animationId = buffer.readUShort();

				if (Animation.animations != null) {
                    aAnimation_407 = Animation.animations[animationId];
			} else if (opcode == 4) {
				resizeX = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 5) {
				resizeY = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 6) {
				rotation = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 7) {
				ambience = buffer.readUByte();
			} else if (opcode == 8) {
				contrast = buffer.readUByte();
			} else if (opcode == 40) {
				int len = buffer.readUByte();
				colorToFind = new int[len];
				colorToReplace = new int[len];
				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
					colorToFind[i] = buffer.readUShort();
					colorToReplace[i] = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 41) { // re-texture
				int len = buffer.readUByte();

				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
			} else {
				System.out.println("gfx invalid opcode: " + opcode);

	public Model getModel() {
		Model model = (Model) aMRUNodes_415.get(id);
		if (model != null)
			return model;
		model = Model.getModel(modelId);
		if (model == null)
			return null;
		for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
			if (colorToFind[0] != 0)
				model.recolor(colorToFind[i], colorToReplace[i]);

		aMRUNodes_415.put(model, id);
		return model;

	private Graphic() {
		animationId = -1;
		colorToFind = new int[6];
		colorToReplace = new int[6];
		resizeX = 128;
		resizeY = 128;

	public static Graphic cache[];
	private int id;
	public int modelId;
	private int animationId;
	public Animation aAnimation_407;
	private int[] colorToFind;
	private int[] colorToReplace;
	public int resizeX;
	public int resizeY;
	public int rotation;
	public int ambience;
	public int contrast;
	public static Cache aMRUNodes_415 = new Cache(30);


IdentityKit Read value's


public final class IdentityKit {

	public static int length;
	public static IdentityKit kits[];
	public int bodyPartId = -1;
	private int[] bodyModels;
	private final int[] originalColors = new int[6];
	private final int[] replacementColors = new int[6];
	private final int[] headModels = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
	public boolean validStyle;

	private IdentityKit() {

	public static void init(StreamLoader archive) {
		Buffer buffer = new Buffer(archive.getDataForName("idk.dat"));
		length = buffer.readUShort();

		System.out.println(String.format("Loaded: %d identity kits", length));

		if (kits == null) {
			kits = new IdentityKit[length];

		for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
			if (kits[index] == null) {
				kits[index] = new IdentityKit();

			IdentityKit kit = kits[index];
			kit.originalColors[0] = 55232;
			kit.replacementColors[0] = 6798;

	private void decode(Buffer buffer) {
		while(true) {
			final int opcode = buffer.readUByte();

			if (opcode == 0) {

			if (opcode == 1) {
				bodyPartId = buffer.readUByte();
			} else if (opcode == 2) {
				final int length = buffer.readUByte();
				bodyModels = new int[length];
				for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
					bodyModels[i] = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 3) {
				validStyle = true;
			} else if (opcode >= 40 && opcode < 50) {
				originalColors[opcode - 40] = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode >= 50 && opcode < 60) {
				replacementColors[opcode - 50] = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode >= 60 && opcode < 70) {
				headModels[opcode - 60] = buffer.readUShort();
			} else {
				System.out.println("Error unrecognised config code: " + opcode);

	public boolean bodyLoaded() {
		if (bodyModels == null) {
			return true;
		boolean ready = true;
		for (int part = 0; part < bodyModels.length; part++) {
			if (!Model.isCached(bodyModels[part]))
				ready = false;
		return ready;

	public Model method538() {
		if (bodyModels == null) {
			return null;

		Model models[] = new Model[bodyModels.length];

		for (int i = 0; i < bodyModels.length; i++) {
			models[i] = Model.getModel(bodyModels[i]);

		Model model;
		if (models.length == 1) {
			model = models[0];
		} else {
			model = new Model(models.length, models);

		for (int part = 0; part < 6; part++) {
			if (originalColors[part] == 0) {
			model.recolor(originalColors[part], replacementColors[part]);

		return model;

	public boolean headLoaded() {
		boolean ready = true;
		for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
			if (headModels[i] != -1 && !Model.isCached(headModels[i]))
				ready = false;
		return ready;

	public Model headModel() {
		Model models[] = new Model[5];
		int count = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
			if (headModels[i] != -1) {
				models[count++] = Model.getModel(headModels[i]);

		Model model = new Model(count, models);
		for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
			if (originalColors[i] == 0) {
			model.recolor(originalColors[i], replacementColors[i]);

		return model;


ItemDefinition Read value's


package io.battlerune;

public final class ItemDefinition {

    public static void nullLoader() {
        mruNodes2 = null;
        mruNodes1 = null;
        offsets = null;
        cache = null;
        dataBuf = null;

    public boolean method192(int j) {
        int k = primaryMaleHeadPiece;
        int l = secondaryMaleHeadPiece;
        if (j == 1) {
            k = primaryFemaleHeadPiece;
            l = secondaryFemaleHeadPiece;
        if (k == -1)
            return true;
        boolean flag = true;
        if (!Model.isCached(k))
            flag = false;
        if (l != -1 && !Model.isCached(l))
            flag = false;
        return flag;

    public static void dumpList() {
        /*JsonArray array = new JsonArray();

        for (int index = 0; index < totalItems; index++) {
            try {
                ItemDefinition definition = lookup(index);

                if (definition.name == null || definition.name.equals("null") || definition.name.isEmpty())

                JsonObject object = new JsonObject();

                object.addProperty("id", definition.id);
                object.addProperty("name", definition.name);
                object.addProperty("examine", definition.description);

                if (definition.stackable) {
                    object.addProperty("stackable", true);
                if (definition.itemActions != null) {
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < definition.itemActions.length; idx++) {
                        String action = definition.itemActions[idx];
                        if (action != null) {
                            if (action.contains("Wear") || action.contains("Wield")) {
                                object.addProperty("equipable", true);
                            if (action.contains("Destroy")) {
                                object.addProperty("destroyable", true);
                if (definition.certTemplateID == -1 && definition.certID != -1) {
                    object.addProperty("noted-id", definition.certID);
                if (definition.certTemplateID != -1 && definition.certID != definition.id) {
                    object.addProperty("unnoted-id", definition.certID);
                if (definition.value > 1) {
                    object.addProperty("base-value", definition.value);
                if (definition.itemActions != null) {
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < definition.itemActions.length; idx++) {
                        String action = definition.itemActions[idx];
                        if (action != null) {
                            if (action.contains("Wield")) {
                                object.addProperty("equipment-type", "WEAPON");

            } catch (Exception e) {

        try {
            Files.write(Paths.get("./item_dump.json"), new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().disableHtmlEscaping().create().toJson(array).getBytes());
        } catch (IOException e) {

    public static void init(StreamLoader archive) {
        dataBuf = new Buffer(archive.getDataForName("obj.dat"));
        Buffer metaBuf = new Buffer(archive.getDataForName("obj.idx"));
        totalItems = metaBuf.readUShort();

        System.out.println(String.format("Loaded: %d items", totalItems));

        offsets = new int[totalItems];
        int offset = 2;
        for (int i = 0; i < totalItems; i++) {
            offsets[i] = offset;
            offset += metaBuf.readUShort();

        cache = new ItemDefinition[10];

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            cache[i] = new ItemDefinition();


    Model method194(int j) {
        int k = primaryMaleHeadPiece;
        int l = secondaryMaleHeadPiece;
        if (j == 1) {
            k = primaryFemaleHeadPiece;
            l = secondaryFemaleHeadPiece;
        if (k == -1)
            return null;
        Model model = Model.getModel(k);
        if (l != -1) {
            Model model_1 = Model.getModel(l);
            Model aclass30_sub2_sub4_sub6s[] = {model, model_1};
            model = new Model(2, aclass30_sub2_sub4_sub6s);
        if (modifiedModelColors != null) {
            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < modifiedModelColors.length; i1++)
                model.recolor(modifiedModelColors[i1], originalModelColors[i1]);

        return model;

    public boolean method195(int j) {
        int k = primaryMaleModel;
        int l = secondaryMaleModel;
        int i1 = tertiaryMaleEquipmentModel;
        if (j == 1) {
            k = primaryFemaleModel;
            l = secondaryFemaleModel;
            i1 = tertiaryFemaleEquipmentModel;
        if (k == -1)
            return true;
        boolean flag = true;
        if (!Model.isCached(k))
            flag = false;
        if (l != -1 && !Model.isCached(l))
            flag = false;
        if (i1 != -1 && !Model.isCached(i1))
            flag = false;
        return flag;

    Model method196(int i) {
        int j = primaryMaleModel;
        int k = secondaryMaleModel;
        int l = tertiaryMaleEquipmentModel;
        if (i == 1) {
            j = primaryFemaleModel;
            k = secondaryFemaleModel;
            l = tertiaryFemaleEquipmentModel;
        if (j == -1)
            return null;
        Model model = Model.getModel(j);
        if (k != -1)
            if (l != -1) {
                Model model_1 = Model.getModel(k);
                Model model_3 = Model.getModel(l);
                Model aclass30_sub2_sub4_sub6_1s[] = {model, model_1, model_3};
                model = new Model(3, aclass30_sub2_sub4_sub6_1s);
            } else {
                Model model_2 = Model.getModel(k);
                Model aclass30_sub2_sub4_sub6s[] = {model, model_2};
                model = new Model(2, aclass30_sub2_sub4_sub6s);
        if (i == 0 && maleTranslation != 0)
            model.method475(0, maleTranslation, 0);
        if (i == 1 && femaleTranslation != 0)
            model.method475(0, femaleTranslation, 0);
        if (modifiedModelColors != null) {
            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < modifiedModelColors.length; i1++)
                model.recolor(modifiedModelColors[i1], originalModelColors[i1]);

        return model;

    private void setDefaults() {
        modelId = 0;
        name = "null";
        description = "";
        modifiedModelColors = null;
        originalModelColors = null;
        spriteScale = 2000;
        spritePitch = 0;
        spriteCameraRoll = 0;
        spriteCameraYaw = 0;
        spriteTranslateX = 0;
        spriteTranslateY = 0;
        stackable = false;
        value = 1;
        membersObject = false;
        groundActions = new String[]{null, null, "Take", null, null};;
        itemActions = new String[]{null, null, null, null, "Drop"};
        primaryMaleModel = -1;
        secondaryMaleModel = -1;
        maleTranslation = 0;
        primaryFemaleModel = -1;
        secondaryFemaleModel = -1;
        femaleTranslation = 0;
        tertiaryMaleEquipmentModel = -1;
        tertiaryFemaleEquipmentModel = -1;
        primaryMaleHeadPiece = -1;
        secondaryMaleHeadPiece = -1;
        primaryFemaleHeadPiece = -1;
        secondaryFemaleHeadPiece = -1;
        stackIds = null;
        stackAmounts = null;
        certID = -1;
        certTemplateID = -1;
        groundScaleX = 128;
        groundScaleY = 128;
        groundScaleZ = 128;
        ambience = 0;
        diffusion = 0;
        team = 0;

    public static ItemDefinition lookup(int id) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            if (cache[i].id == id) {
                return cache[i];

        cacheIndex = (cacheIndex + 1) % 10;
        ItemDefinition itemDef = cache[cacheIndex];
        dataBuf.currentOffset = offsets[id];
        itemDef.id = id;

        switch(id) {


        if (itemDef.certTemplateID != -1) {
        return itemDef;

    private void toNote() {
        ItemDefinition noted = lookup(certTemplateID);
        modelId = noted.modelId;
        spriteScale = noted.spriteScale;
        spritePitch = noted.spritePitch;
        spriteCameraRoll = noted.spriteCameraRoll;

        spriteCameraYaw = noted.spriteCameraYaw;
        spriteTranslateX = noted.spriteTranslateX;
        spriteTranslateY = noted.spriteTranslateY;
        modifiedModelColors = noted.modifiedModelColors;
        originalModelColors = noted.originalModelColors;
        ItemDefinition unnoted = lookup(certID);

        if (unnoted == null || unnoted.name == null) {

        name = unnoted.name;
        membersObject = unnoted.membersObject;
        value = unnoted.value;
        String aOrAn = "a";
        char vowelChar = unnoted.name.charAt(0);
        if (vowelChar == 'A' || vowelChar == 'E' || vowelChar == 'I' || vowelChar == 'O' || vowelChar == 'U') {
            aOrAn = "an";

        description = "Swap this note at any bank for " + aOrAn + " " + unnoted.name + ".";
        stackable = true;

    public static Sprite getSprite(int item, int amount, int k) {
        if (k == 0) {
            Sprite sprite = (Sprite) mruNodes1.get(item);
            if (sprite != null && sprite.resizeHeight != amount && sprite.resizeHeight != -1) {

                sprite = null;
            if (sprite != null)
                return sprite;
        ItemDefinition itemDef = lookup(item);
        if (itemDef.stackIds == null)
            amount = -1;
        if (amount > 1) {
            int i1 = -1;
            for (int j1 = 0; j1 < 10; j1++)
                if (amount >= itemDef.stackAmounts[j1] && itemDef.stackAmounts[j1] != 0)
                    i1 = itemDef.stackIds[j1];

            if (i1 != -1)
                itemDef = lookup(i1);
        Model model = itemDef.method201(1);
        if (model == null)
            return null;
        Sprite sprite = null;
        if (itemDef.certTemplateID != -1) {
            sprite = getSprite(itemDef.certID, 10, -1);
            if (sprite == null)
                return null;
        Sprite enabledSprite = new Sprite(32, 32);
        int k1 = Rasterizer.textureInt1;
        int l1 = Rasterizer.textureInt2;
        int ai[] = Rasterizer.anIntArray1472;
        int ai1[] = Raster.pixels;
        int i2 = Raster.width;
        int j2 = Raster.height;
        int k2 = Raster.topX;
        int l2 = Raster.bottomX;
        int i3 = Raster.topY;
        int j3 = Raster.bottomY;
        Rasterizer.aBoolean1464 = false;
        Raster.initDrawingArea(enabledSprite.raster, 32, 32);
        Raster.fillRectangle(0, 0, 32, 32, 0);
        int k3 = itemDef.spriteScale;
        if (k == -1)
            k3 = (int) ((double) k3 * 1.5D);
        if (k > 0)
            k3 = (int) ((double) k3 * 1.04D);
        int l3 = Rasterizer.anIntArray1470[itemDef.spritePitch] * k3 >> 16;
        int i4 = Rasterizer.anIntArray1471[itemDef.spritePitch] * k3 >> 16;
        model.method482(itemDef.spriteCameraRoll, itemDef.spriteCameraYaw, itemDef.spritePitch, itemDef.spriteTranslateX, l3 + model.modelHeight / 2 + itemDef.spriteTranslateY, i4 + itemDef.spriteTranslateY);
        for (int i5 = 31; i5 >= 0; i5--) {
            for (int j4 = 31; j4 >= 0; j4--)
                if (enabledSprite.raster[i5 + j4 * 32] == 0)
                    if (i5 > 0 && enabledSprite.raster[(i5 - 1) + j4 * 32] > 1)
                        enabledSprite.raster[i5 + j4 * 32] = 1;
                    else if (j4 > 0 && enabledSprite.raster[i5 + (j4 - 1) * 32] > 1)
                        enabledSprite.raster[i5 + j4 * 32] = 1;
                    else if (i5 < 31 && enabledSprite.raster[i5 + 1 + j4 * 32] > 1)
                        enabledSprite.raster[i5 + j4 * 32] = 1;
                    else if (j4 < 31 && enabledSprite.raster[i5 + (j4 + 1) * 32] > 1)
                        enabledSprite.raster[i5 + j4 * 32] = 1;


        if (k > 0) {
            for (int j5 = 31; j5 >= 0; j5--) {
                for (int k4 = 31; k4 >= 0; k4--)
                    if (enabledSprite.raster[j5 + k4 * 32] == 0)
                        if (j5 > 0 && enabledSprite.raster[(j5 - 1) + k4 * 32] == 1)
                            enabledSprite.raster[j5 + k4 * 32] = k;
                        else if (k4 > 0 && enabledSprite.raster[j5 + (k4 - 1) * 32] == 1)
                            enabledSprite.raster[j5 + k4 * 32] = k;
                        else if (j5 < 31 && enabledSprite.raster[j5 + 1 + k4 * 32] == 1)
                            enabledSprite.raster[j5 + k4 * 32] = k;
                        else if (k4 < 31 && enabledSprite.raster[j5 + (k4 + 1) * 32] == 1)
                            enabledSprite.raster[j5 + k4 * 32] = k;


        } else if (k == 0) {
            for (int k5 = 31; k5 >= 0; k5--) {
                for (int l4 = 31; l4 >= 0; l4--)
                    if (enabledSprite.raster[k5 + l4 * 32] == 0 && k5 > 0 && l4 > 0 && enabledSprite.raster[(k5 - 1) + (l4 - 1) * 32] > 0)
                        enabledSprite.raster[k5 + l4 * 32] = 0x302020;


        if (itemDef.certTemplateID != -1) {
            int l5 = sprite.resizeWidth;
            int j6 = sprite.resizeHeight;
            sprite.resizeWidth = 32;
            sprite.resizeHeight = 32;
            sprite.drawSprite(0, 0);
            sprite.resizeWidth = l5;
            sprite.resizeHeight = j6;
        if (k == 0)
            mruNodes1.put(enabledSprite, item);
        Raster.initDrawingArea(ai1, i2, j2);
        Raster.setDrawingArea(k2, i3, l2, j3);
        Rasterizer.textureInt1 = k1;
        Rasterizer.textureInt2 = l1;
        Rasterizer.anIntArray1472 = ai;
        Rasterizer.aBoolean1464 = true;
        if (itemDef.stackable)
            enabledSprite.resizeWidth = 33;
            enabledSprite.resizeWidth = 32;
        enabledSprite.resizeHeight = amount;
        return enabledSprite;

    public static Sprite getSprite(int item, int amount, int k, int zoom) {
        if (k == 0) {
            Sprite sprite = (Sprite) mruNodes1.get(item);
            if (sprite != null && sprite.resizeHeight != amount && sprite.resizeHeight != -1) {

                sprite = null;
            if (sprite != null)
                return sprite;
        ItemDefinition itemDef = lookup(item);
        if (itemDef.stackIds == null)
            amount = -1;
        if (amount > 1) {
            int i1 = -1;
            for (int j1 = 0; j1 < 10; j1++)
                if (amount >= itemDef.stackAmounts[j1] && itemDef.stackAmounts[j1] != 0)
                    i1 = itemDef.stackIds[j1];

            if (i1 != -1)
                itemDef = lookup(i1);
        Model model = itemDef.method201(1);
        if (model == null)
            return null;
        Sprite sprite = null;
        if (itemDef.certTemplateID != -1) {
            sprite = getSprite(itemDef.certID, 10, -1);
            if (sprite == null)
                return null;
        Sprite enabledSprite = new Sprite(32, 32);
        int k1 = Rasterizer.textureInt1;
        int l1 = Rasterizer.textureInt2;
        int ai[] = Rasterizer.anIntArray1472;
        int ai1[] = Raster.pixels;
        int i2 = Raster.width;
        int j2 = Raster.height;
        int k2 = Raster.topX;
        int l2 = Raster.bottomX;
        int i3 = Raster.topY;
        int j3 = Raster.bottomY;
        Rasterizer.aBoolean1464 = false;
        Raster.initDrawingArea(enabledSprite.raster, 32, 32);
        Raster.fillRectangle(0, 0, 32, 32, 0);
        int k3 = itemDef.spriteScale;
        if (k == -1)
            k3 = (int) ((double) k3 * 1.5D);
        if (k > 0)
            k3 = (int) ((double) k3 * 1.04D);
        int l3 = Rasterizer.anIntArray1470[itemDef.spritePitch] * k3 >> 16;
        int i4 = Rasterizer.anIntArray1471[itemDef.spritePitch] * k3 >> 16;
        model.method482(itemDef.spriteCameraRoll, itemDef.spriteCameraYaw, itemDef.spritePitch, itemDef.spriteTranslateX, l3 + model.modelHeight / 2 + itemDef.spriteTranslateY, i4 + itemDef.spriteTranslateY);
        for (int i5 = 31; i5 >= 0; i5--) {
            for (int j4 = 31; j4 >= 0; j4--)
                if (enabledSprite.raster[i5 + j4 * 32] == 0)
                    if (i5 > 0 && enabledSprite.raster[(i5 - 1) + j4 * 32] > 1)
                        enabledSprite.raster[i5 + j4 * 32] = 1;
                    else if (j4 > 0 && enabledSprite.raster[i5 + (j4 - 1) * 32] > 1)
                        enabledSprite.raster[i5 + j4 * 32] = 1;
                    else if (i5 < 31 && enabledSprite.raster[i5 + 1 + j4 * 32] > 1)
                        enabledSprite.raster[i5 + j4 * 32] = 1;
                    else if (j4 < 31 && enabledSprite.raster[i5 + (j4 + 1) * 32] > 1)
                        enabledSprite.raster[i5 + j4 * 32] = 1;


        if (k > 0) {
            for (int j5 = 31; j5 >= 0; j5--) {
                for (int k4 = 31; k4 >= 0; k4--)
                    if (enabledSprite.raster[j5 + k4 * 32] == 0)
                        if (j5 > 0 && enabledSprite.raster[(j5 - 1) + k4 * 32] == 1)
                            enabledSprite.raster[j5 + k4 * 32] = k;
                        else if (k4 > 0 && enabledSprite.raster[j5 + (k4 - 1) * 32] == 1)
                            enabledSprite.raster[j5 + k4 * 32] = k;
                        else if (j5 < 31 && enabledSprite.raster[j5 + 1 + k4 * 32] == 1)
                            enabledSprite.raster[j5 + k4 * 32] = k;
                        else if (k4 < 31 && enabledSprite.raster[j5 + (k4 + 1) * 32] == 1)
                            enabledSprite.raster[j5 + k4 * 32] = k;


        } else if (k == 0) {
            for (int k5 = 31; k5 >= 0; k5--) {
                for (int l4 = 31; l4 >= 0; l4--)
                    if (enabledSprite.raster[k5 + l4 * 32] == 0 && k5 > 0 && l4 > 0 && enabledSprite.raster[(k5 - 1) + (l4 - 1) * 32] > 0)
                        enabledSprite.raster[k5 + l4 * 32] = 0x302020;


        if (itemDef.certTemplateID != -1) {
            int l5 = sprite.resizeWidth;
            int j6 = sprite.resizeHeight;
            sprite.resizeWidth = 32;
            sprite.resizeHeight = 32;
            sprite.drawSprite(0, 0);
            sprite.resizeWidth = l5;
            sprite.resizeHeight = j6;
        if (k == 0)
            mruNodes1.put(enabledSprite, item);
        Raster.initDrawingArea(ai1, i2, j2);
        Raster.setDrawingArea(k2, i3, l2, j3);
        Rasterizer.textureInt1 = k1;
        Rasterizer.textureInt2 = l1;
        Rasterizer.anIntArray1472 = ai;
        Rasterizer.aBoolean1464 = true;
        if (itemDef.stackable)
            enabledSprite.resizeWidth = 33;
            enabledSprite.resizeWidth = 32;
        enabledSprite.resizeHeight = amount;
        return enabledSprite;

    public Model method201(int i) {
        if (stackIds != null && i > 1) {
            int j = -1;
            for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++)
                if (i >= stackAmounts[k] && stackAmounts[k] != 0)
                    j = stackIds[k];

            if (j != -1)
                return lookup(j).method201(1);
        Model model = (Model) mruNodes2.get(id);
        if (model != null)
            return model;
        model = Model.getModel(modelId);
        if (model == null)
            return null;
        if (groundScaleX != 128 || groundScaleY != 128 || groundScaleZ != 128)
            model.method478(groundScaleX, groundScaleZ, groundScaleY);
        if (modifiedModelColors != null) {
            for (int l = 0; l < modifiedModelColors.length; l++)
                model.recolor(modifiedModelColors[l], originalModelColors[l]);

        model.light(64 + ambience, 768 + diffusion, -50, -10, -50, true);
        model.aBoolean1659 = true;
        mruNodes2.put(model, id);
        return model;

    public Model method202(int i) {
        if (stackIds != null && i > 1) {
            int j = -1;
            for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++)
                if (i >= stackAmounts[k] && stackAmounts[k] != 0)
                    j = stackIds[k];

            if (j != -1)
                return lookup(j).method202(1);
        Model model = Model.getModel(modelId);
        if (model == null)
            return null;
        if (modifiedModelColors != null) {
            for (int l = 0; l < modifiedModelColors.length; l++)
                model.recolor(modifiedModelColors[l], originalModelColors[l]);

        return model;

    private void decode(Buffer buffer) {
            int opcode = buffer.readUByte();

            if (opcode == 0) {
            } else if (opcode == 1) {
                modelId = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 2) {
                name = buffer.readString();
            } else if (opcode == 4) {
                spriteScale = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 5) {
                spritePitch = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 6) {
                spriteCameraRoll = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 7) {
                spriteTranslateX = buffer.readUShort();
                if (spriteTranslateX > 32767) {
                    spriteTranslateX -= 0x10000;
            } else if (opcode == 8) {
                spriteTranslateY = buffer.readUShort();
                if (spriteTranslateY > 32767) {
                    spriteTranslateY -= 0x10000;
            } else if (opcode == 11) {
                stackable = true;
            } else if (opcode == 12) {
                value = buffer.readInt();
            } else if (opcode == 16) {
                membersObject = true;
            } else if (opcode == 23) {
                primaryMaleModel = buffer.readUShort();
                maleTranslation = buffer.readSignedByte();
            } else if (opcode == 24) {
                secondaryMaleModel = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 25) {
                primaryFemaleModel = buffer.readUShort();
                femaleTranslation = buffer.readSignedByte();
            } else if (opcode == 26) {
                secondaryFemaleModel = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode >= 30 && opcode < 35) {
                if (groundActions == null) {
                    groundActions = new String[5];
                groundActions[opcode - 30] = buffer.readString();
                if (groundActions[opcode - 30].equalsIgnoreCase("Hidden")) {
                    groundActions[opcode - 30] = null;
            } else if (opcode >= 35 && opcode < 40) {
                if (itemActions == null) {
                    itemActions = new String[5];

                itemActions[opcode - 35] = buffer.readString();
            } else if (opcode == 40) {
                int len = buffer.readUByte();
                originalModelColors = new int[len];
                modifiedModelColors = new int[len];
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    originalModelColors[i] = buffer.readUShort();
                    modifiedModelColors[i] = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 41) {
                int len = buffer.readUByte();
                originalTexture = new short[len];
                modifiedTexture = new short[len];
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    originalTexture[i] = (short) buffer.readUShort();
                    modifiedTexture[i] = (short) buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 42) {
                shiftClickIndex = buffer.readUByte();
            } else if (opcode == 65) {
                searchable = true;
            }  else if (opcode == 78) {
                tertiaryMaleEquipmentModel = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 79) {
                tertiaryFemaleEquipmentModel = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 90) {
                primaryMaleHeadPiece = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 91) {
                primaryFemaleHeadPiece = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 92) {
                secondaryMaleHeadPiece = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 93) {
                secondaryFemaleHeadPiece = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 95) {
                spriteCameraYaw = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 97) {
                certID = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 98) {
                certTemplateID = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode >= 100 && opcode < 110) {
                if (stackIds == null) {
                    stackIds = new int[10];
                    stackAmounts = new int[10];
                stackIds[opcode - 100] = buffer.readUShort();
                stackAmounts[opcode - 100] = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 110) {
                groundScaleX = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 111) {
                groundScaleY = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 112) {
                groundScaleZ = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 113) {
                ambience = buffer.readSignedByte();
            } else if (opcode == 114) {
                diffusion = buffer.readSignedByte();
            } else if (opcode == 115) {
                team = buffer.readUByte();
            } else if (opcode == 139) {
                unnotedId = buffer.readUShort(); // un-noted id
            } else if (opcode == 140) {
                notedId = buffer.readUShort(); // noted id
            } else if (opcode == 148) {
                buffer.readUShort(); // placeholder id
            } else if (opcode == 149) {
                buffer.readUShort(); // placeholder template

    private ItemDefinition() {
        id = -1;

    private byte femaleTranslation;
    private byte maleTranslation;
    public int id;// anInt157
    public int team;
    public int value;// anInt155
    public int certID;
    public int modelId;// dropModel
    public int primaryMaleHeadPiece;
    public int primaryFemaleModel;// femWieldModel
    public int spriteCameraYaw;// modelPositionUp
    public int secondaryFemaleModel;// femArmModel
    public int primaryFemaleHeadPiece;
    public int secondaryMaleModel;// maleArmModel
    public int primaryMaleModel;// maleWieldModel
    public int spriteScale;
    public int spriteTranslateX;
    public int spriteTranslateY;//
    public int certTemplateID;
    public int unnotedId = -1;
    public int notedId = -1;
    public int spriteCameraRoll;// modelRotateRight
    public int spritePitch;// modelRotateUp
    public static int totalItems;
    public int[] stackIds;// modelStack
    public int[] stackAmounts;// itemAmount
    public int[] modifiedModelColors;// newModelColor
    public int[] originalModelColors;
    public short[] modifiedTexture;
    public short[] originalTexture;
    private int ambience;
    private int tertiaryFemaleEquipmentModel;
    private int secondaryMaleHeadPiece;
    private int diffusion;
    private int tertiaryMaleEquipmentModel;
    private int groundScaleZ;
    private int groundScaleY;
    private int groundScaleX;
    private int secondaryFemaleHeadPiece;
    private int shiftClickIndex = -2;
    private boolean stockMarket;
    public boolean searchable;
    private static int cacheIndex;
    private static int[] offsets;
    public boolean stackable;// itemStackable
    public boolean membersObject;// aBoolean161
    public static boolean isMembers = true;
    public String name;// itemName
    public String description;// itemExamine
    public String itemActions[];// itemMenuOption
    public String groundActions[];
    private static Buffer dataBuf;
    private static ItemDefinition[] cache;
    public static Cache mruNodes1 = new Cache(100);
    public static Cache mruNodes2 = new Cache(50);

 NpcDefinition Read Value's


public final class NpcDefinition {

    public static void unpackConfig(StreamLoader archive) {
        buffer = new Buffer(archive.getDataForName("npc.dat"));
        Buffer metaBuf = new Buffer(archive.getDataForName("npc.idx"));
        int totalNPCs = metaBuf.readUShort();

        System.out.println(String.format("Loaded: %d npcs", totalNPCs));

        offsets = new int[totalNPCs];
        int metaOffset = 2;
        for (int i = 0; i < totalNPCs; i++) {
            offsets[i] = metaOffset;
            metaOffset += metaBuf.readUShort();

        cache = new NpcDefinition[20];

        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            cache[i] = new NpcDefinition();

       // ClassFieldPrinter printer = new ClassFieldPrinter();

//        try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new File("npc_fields.txt"))) {
//            for (int i = 0; i < totalNPCs; i++) {
//                NpcDefinition def = lookup(i);
//                if (def == null || def.name == null) {
//                    continue;
//                }
//                try {
//                    printer.printFields(def, "", true);
//                } catch (Exception ex) {
//                    ex.printStackTrace();
//                    continue;
//                }
//            }
//            writer.print(printer.getBuilder().toString());
//        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
//            e.printStackTrace();
//        }


    public static NpcDefinition lookup(int id) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            if (cache[i].interfaceType == (long) id) {
                return cache[i];

        anInt56 = (anInt56 + 1) % 20;
        NpcDefinition entityDef = cache[anInt56] = new NpcDefinition();
        buffer.currentOffset = offsets[id];
        entityDef.interfaceType = id;
        return entityDef;

    public Model method160() {
        if (morphisms != null) {
            NpcDefinition entityDef = morph();
            if (entityDef == null)
                return null;
                return entityDef.method160();
        if (additionalModels == null)
            return null;
        boolean flag1 = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < additionalModels.length; i++)
            if (!Model.isCached(additionalModels[i]))
                flag1 = true;

        if (flag1)
            return null;
        Model aclass30_sub2_sub4_sub6s[] = new Model[additionalModels.length];
        for (int j = 0; j < additionalModels.length; j++)
            aclass30_sub2_sub4_sub6s[j] = Model.getModel(additionalModels[j]);

        Model model;
        if (aclass30_sub2_sub4_sub6s.length == 1)
            model = aclass30_sub2_sub4_sub6s[0];
            model = new Model(aclass30_sub2_sub4_sub6s.length, aclass30_sub2_sub4_sub6s);
        if (recolorOriginal != null) {
            for (int k = 0; k < recolorOriginal.length; k++)
                model.recolor(recolorOriginal[k], recolorTarget[k]);

        return model;

    public Model getAnimatedModel(int primaryFrame, int secondaryFrame, int interleaveOrder[]) {
        if (morphisms != null) {
            NpcDefinition definition = morph();
            if (definition == null)
                return null;
                return definition.getAnimatedModel(primaryFrame, secondaryFrame, interleaveOrder);
        Model model = (Model) modelCache.get(interfaceType);
        if (model == null) {
            boolean flag = false;
            for (int index = 0; index < modelId.length; index++)
                if (!Model.isCached(modelId[index]))
                    flag = true;
            if (flag) {
                return null;
            Model models[] = new Model[modelId.length];
            for (int index = 0; index < modelId.length; index++)
                models[index] = Model.getModel(modelId[index]);

            if (models.length == 1)
                model = models[0];
                model = new Model(models.length, models);
            if (recolorOriginal != null) {
                for (int index = 0; index < recolorOriginal.length; index++)
                    model.recolor(recolorOriginal[index], recolorTarget[index]);

            model.light(64 + lightModifier, 850 + shadowModifier, -30, -50, -30, true);
            modelCache.put(model, interfaceType);
        Model model_1 = Model.EMPTY_MODEL;
        model_1.method464(model, Frame.method532(secondaryFrame) & Frame.method532(primaryFrame));
        if (secondaryFrame != -1 && primaryFrame != -1)
            model_1.method471(interleaveOrder, primaryFrame, secondaryFrame);
        else if (secondaryFrame != -1)
        if (scaleXZ != 128 || scaleY != 128)
            model_1.method478(scaleXZ, scaleXZ, scaleY);
        model_1.anIntArrayArray1658 = null;
        model_1.anIntArrayArray1657 = null;
        if (size == 1)
            model_1.aBoolean1659 = true;
        return model_1;

    public NpcDefinition morph() {
        int j = -1;
        if (varbit != -1) {
            Varbit varBit = Varbit.cache[varbit];
            int k = varBit.configId;
            int l = varBit.lsb;
            int i1 = varBit.msb;
            int j1 = Client.BIT_MASKS[i1 - l];
            j = clientInstance.settings[k] >> l & j1;
        } else if (varp != -1)
            j = clientInstance.settings[varp];
        if (j < 0 || j >= morphisms.length || morphisms[j] == -1)
            return null;
            return lookup(morphisms[j]);

    public static void clear() {
        modelCache = null;
        offsets = null;
        cache = null;
        buffer = null;

    Model method164(int j, int currAnim, int nextAnim, int currCycle, int nextCycle, int ai[]) {
        if (morphisms != null) {
            final NpcDefinition type = morph();
            if (type == null) {
                return null;
            } else {
                return type.method164(j, currAnim, nextAnim, currCycle, nextCycle, ai);
        Model model = (Model) modelCache.get(interfaceType);
        if (model == null) {
            boolean flag = false;
            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < modelId.length; i1++) {
                if (!Model.isCached(modelId[i1])) {
                    flag = true;
            if (flag) {
                return null;
            final Model[] parts = new Model[modelId.length];
            for (int j1 = 0; j1 < modelId.length; j1++) {
                parts[j1] = Model.getModel(modelId[j1]);
            if (parts.length == 1) {
                model = parts[0];
            } else {
                model = new Model(parts.length, parts);
            if (recolorOriginal != null) {
                for (int k1 = 0; k1 < recolorOriginal.length; k1++) {
                    model.recolor(recolorOriginal[k1], recolorTarget[k1]);
            if (Settings.CUSTOM_LIGHTING) {
                model.light(84, 1000, -90, -580, -90, true);
            } else {
                model.light(64 + lightModifier, 850 + shadowModifier, -30, -50, -30, true);
            modelCache.put(model, interfaceType);
        final Model model_1 = Model.EMPTY_MODEL;
        model_1.method464(model, Frame.method532(currAnim) & Frame.method532(j));
        if (currAnim != -1 && j != -1) {
            model_1.method471(ai, j, currAnim);
        } else if (currAnim != -1) {
            if (Settings.TWEENING) {
                model_1.interpolateFrames(currAnim, nextAnim, nextCycle, currCycle);
            } else {
        if (scaleXZ != 128 || scaleY != 128) {
            model_1.method478(scaleXZ, scaleY, scaleXZ);
        model_1.anIntArrayArray1658 = null;
        model_1.anIntArrayArray1657 = null;
        if (size == 1) {
            model_1.aBoolean1659 = true;
        return model_1;

    public void decode(Buffer buffer) {
        while(true) {
            int opcode = buffer.readUByte();
            if (opcode == 0) {
            } else if (opcode == 1) {
                int len = buffer.readUByte();
                modelId = new int[len];
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    modelId[i] = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 2) {
                name = buffer.readString();
            } else if (opcode == 12) {
                size = buffer.readUByte();
            } else if (opcode == 13) {
                standingAnimation = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 14) {
                walkingAnimation = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 15) {
            } else if (opcode == 16) {
            } else if (opcode == 17) {
                walkingAnimation = buffer.readUShort();
                halfTurnAnimation = buffer.readUShort();
                quarterClockwiseTurnAnimation = buffer.readUShort();
                quarterAnticlockwiseTurnAnimation = buffer.readUShort();
                if (halfTurnAnimation == 65535) {
                    halfTurnAnimation = walkingAnimation;
                if (quarterClockwiseTurnAnimation == 65535) {
                    quarterClockwiseTurnAnimation = walkingAnimation;
                if (quarterAnticlockwiseTurnAnimation == 65535) {
                    quarterAnticlockwiseTurnAnimation = walkingAnimation;
            } else if (opcode >= 30 && opcode < 35) {
                if (actions == null) {
                    actions = new String[5];

                actions[opcode - 30] = buffer.readString();

                if (actions[opcode - 30].equalsIgnoreCase("Hidden")) {
                    actions[opcode - 30] = null;
            } else if (opcode == 40) {
                int len = buffer.readUByte();
                recolorOriginal = new int[len];
                recolorTarget = new int[len];
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    recolorOriginal[i] = buffer.readUShort();
                    recolorTarget[i] = buffer.readUShort();

            } else if (opcode == 41) {
                int len = buffer.readUByte();

                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    buffer.readUShort(); // textures
            } else if (opcode == 60) {
                int len = buffer.readUByte();
                additionalModels = new int[len];
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    additionalModels[i] = buffer.readUShort();
            } else if (opcode == 93) {
                aBoolean87 = false;
            } else if (opcode == 95)
                combatLevel = buffer.readUShort();
            else if (opcode == 97)
                scaleXZ = buffer.readUShort();
            else if (opcode == 98)
                scaleY = buffer.readUShort();
            else if (opcode == 99)
                aBoolean93 = true;
            else if (opcode == 100)
                lightModifier = buffer.readSignedByte();
            else if (opcode == 101)
                shadowModifier = buffer.readSignedByte();
            else if (opcode == 102)
                headIcon = buffer.readUShort();
            else if (opcode == 103)
                rotation = buffer.readUShort();
            else if (opcode == 106 || opcode == 118) {
                varbit = buffer.readUShort();

                if (varbit == 65535) {
                    varbit = -1;

                varp = buffer.readUShort();

                if (varp == 65535) {
                    varp = -1;

                int value = -1;

                if (opcode == 118) {
                    value = buffer.readUShort();

                int len = buffer.readUByte();
                morphisms = new int[len + 2];
                for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
                    morphisms[i] = buffer.readUShort();
                    if (morphisms[i] == 65535) {
                        morphisms[i] = -1;
                morphisms[len + 1] = value;
            } else if (opcode == 109) {
                aBoolean84 = false;
            } else if (opcode == 107 || opcode == 111) {

            } else {
                System.out.println(String.format("npc def invalid opcode: %d", opcode));

    public NpcDefinition() {
        quarterAnticlockwiseTurnAnimation = -1;
        varbit = -1;
        halfTurnAnimation = -1;
        varp = -1;
        combatLevel = -1;
        anInt64 = 1834;
        walkingAnimation = -1;
        size = 1;
        headIcon = -1;
        standingAnimation = -1;
        interfaceType = -1L;
        rotation = 32;
        quarterClockwiseTurnAnimation = -1;
        aBoolean84 = true;
        scaleY = 128;
        aBoolean87 = true;
        scaleXZ = 128;
        aBoolean93 = false;

    public int quarterAnticlockwiseTurnAnimation;
    public static int anInt56;
    public int varbit;
    public int halfTurnAnimation;
    public int varp;
    public static Buffer buffer;
    public int combatLevel;
    public final int anInt64;
    public String name;
    public String actions[];
    public int walkingAnimation;
    public int size;
    public int[] recolorTarget;
    public static int[] offsets;
    public int[] additionalModels;
    public int headIcon;
    public int[] recolorOriginal;
    public int standingAnimation;
    public long interfaceType;
    public int rotation;
    public static NpcDefinition[] cache;
    public static Client clientInstance;
    public int quarterClockwiseTurnAnimation;
    public boolean aBoolean84;
    public int lightModifier;
    public int scaleY;
    public boolean aBoolean87;
    public int morphisms[];
    public byte description[];
    public int scaleXZ;
    public int shadowModifier;
    public boolean aBoolean93;
    public int[] modelId;
    public int interfaceZoom = 0;
    public static Cache modelCache = new Cache(30);


ObjectDefinition Read Value's


public final class ObjectDefinition {

	public static void unpackConfig(StreamLoader archive) {
		dataBuf = new Buffer(archive.getDataForName("loc.dat"));
		Buffer metaBuf = new Buffer(archive.getDataForName("loc.idx"));
		int totalObjects = metaBuf.readUShort();

		System.out.println(String.format("Loaded: %d objects", totalObjects));

		offsets = new int[totalObjects];

		int metaOffset = 2;
		for (int i = 0; i < totalObjects; i++) {
			offsets[i] = metaOffset;
			metaOffset += metaBuf.readUShort();

		cache = new ObjectDefinition[20];

		for (int index = 0; index < 20; index++) {
			cache[index] = new ObjectDefinition();

//		ClassFieldPrinter printer = new ClassFieldPrinter();
//        printer.setDefaultObject(new ObjectDefinition());
//		try(PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new File("obj_fields.txt"))) {
//			for (int i = 0; i < totalObjects; i++) {
//				ObjectDefinition def = forID(i);
//				if (def == null) {
//					continue;
//				}
//				try {
//					printer.printFields(def);
//				} catch (Exception ex) {
//					ex.printStackTrace();
//				}
//			}
//            writer.print(printer.getBuilder());
//		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
//			e.printStackTrace();
//		}


	static ObjectDefinition lookup(int i) {
		if (i > offsets.length)
			i = offsets.length - 1;
		for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
			if (cache[j].type == i)
				return cache[j];
		cacheIndex = (cacheIndex + 1) % 20;
	    /* Seers village fix */
		if (i == 25913)
			i = 15552;
		if (i == 25916 || i == 25926)
			i = 15553;
		if (i == 25917)
			i = 15554;
		ObjectDefinition def = cache[cacheIndex];
		dataBuf.currentOffset = offsets[i];
		def.type = i;
		return def;

	public void setDefaults() {
		modelIds = null;
		modelTypes = null;
		description = null;
		modifiedModelColors = null;
		originalModelColors = null;
		originalTexture = null;
		modifiedTexture = null;
		width = 1;
		length = 1;
		solid = true;
		impenetrable = true;
		interactive = false;
		contouredGround = false;
		nonFlatShading = false;
		modelClipped = false;
		animation = -1;
		decorDisplacement = 16;
		ambientLighting = 0;
		contrast = 0;
		actions = null;
		mapIcon = -1;
		mapscene = -1;
		inverted = false;
		castsShadow = true;
		scaleX = 128;
		scaleY = 128;
		scaleZ = 128;
		surroundings = 0;
		translateX = 0;
		translateY = 0;
		translateZ = 0;
		obstructsGround = false;
		removeClipping = false;
		supportItems = -1;
		varbit = -1;
		varp = -1;
		morphisms = null;

	public void method574(ResourceProvider provider) {
		if (modelIds == null)
		for (int j = 0; j < modelIds.length; j++) {
			System.out.println(modelIds[j] & 0xffff);
			provider.method560(modelIds[j] & 0xffff, 0);

	public static void nullLoader() {
		mruNodes1 = null;
		mruNodes2 = null;
		offsets = null;
		cache = null;
		dataBuf = null;

	public boolean method577(int i) {
		Model model = (Model) mruNodes2.get(type);
		if (modelTypes == null) {
			if (modelIds == null)
				return true;
			if (i != 10)
				return true;
			boolean flag1 = true;
			for (int k = 0; k < modelIds.length; k++)
				flag1 &= Model.isCached(modelIds[k] & 0xffff);
			return flag1;
		for (int j = 0; j < modelTypes.length; j++)
			if (modelTypes[j] == i)
				return Model.isCached(modelIds[j] & 0xffff);
		return true;

	public Model method578(int i, int j, int k, int l, int i1, int j1, int k1) {
		Model model = method581(i, k1, j);
		if (model == null)
			return null;
		if (contouredGround || nonFlatShading)
			model = new Model(contouredGround, nonFlatShading, model);
		if (contouredGround) {
			int l1 = (k + l + i1 + j1) / 4;
			for (int i2 = 0; i2 < model.anInt1626; i2++) {
				int j2 = model.anIntArray1627[i2];
				int k2 = model.anIntArray1629[i2];
				int l2 = k + ((l - k) * (j2 + 64)) / 128;
				int i3 = j1 + ((i1 - j1) * (j2 + 64)) / 128;
				int j3 = l2 + ((i3 - l2) * (k2 + 64)) / 128;
				model.anIntArray1628[i2] += j3 - l1;
		return model;

	public boolean method579() {
		if (modelIds == null)
			return true;
		boolean flag1 = true;
		for (int i = 0; i < modelIds.length; i++)
			flag1 &= Model.isCached(modelIds[i] & 0xffff);
		return flag1;

	public ObjectDefinition method580() {
		int i = -1;
		if (varbit != -1) {
			Varbit varBit = Varbit.cache[varbit];
			int j = varBit.configId;
			int k = varBit.lsb;
			int l = varBit.msb;
			int i1 = Client.BIT_MASKS[l - k];
			i = clientInstance.settings[j] >> k & i1;
		} else if (varp != -1)
			i = clientInstance.settings[varp];

		int var;

		if (i >= 0 && i < morphisms.length) {
			var = morphisms[i];
		} else {
			var = morphisms[morphisms.length - 1];

		return var != -1 ? lookup(var) : null;

	public Model method581(int j, int k, int l) {
		Model model = null;
		long l1;
		if (modelTypes == null) {
			if (j != 10)
				return null;
			l1 = (long) ((type << 8) + l) + ((long) (k + 1) << 32);
			Model model_1 = (Model) mruNodes2.get(l1);
			if (model_1 != null)
				return model_1;
			if (modelIds == null)
				return null;
			boolean flag1 = inverted ^ (l > 3);
			int k1 = modelIds.length;
			for (int i2 = 0; i2 < k1; i2++) {
				int l2 = modelIds[i2];
				if (flag1)
					l2 += 0x10000;
				model = (Model) mruNodes1.get(l2);
				if (model == null) {
					model = Model.getModel(l2 & 0xffff);
					if (model == null)
						return null;
					if (flag1)
					mruNodes1.put(model, l2);
				if (k1 > 1)
					aModelArray741s[i2] = model;

			if (k1 > 1)
				model = new Model(k1, aModelArray741s);
		} else {
			int i1 = -1;
			for (int j1 = 0; j1 < modelTypes.length; j1++) {
				if (modelTypes[j1] != j)
				i1 = j1;

			if (i1 == -1)
				return null;
			l1 = (long) ((type << 8) + (i1 << 3) + l) + ((long) (k + 1) << 32);
			Model model_2 = (Model) mruNodes2.get(l1);
			if (model_2 != null)
				return model_2;
			int j2 = modelIds[i1];
			boolean flag3 = inverted ^ (l > 3);
			if (flag3)
				j2 += 0x10000;
			model = (Model) mruNodes1.get(j2);
			if (model == null) {
				model = Model.getModel(j2 & 0xffff);
				if (model == null)
					return null;
				if (flag3)
				mruNodes1.put(model, j2);
		boolean flag;
		flag = scaleX != 128 || scaleY != 128 || scaleZ != 128;
		boolean flag2;
		flag2 = translateX != 0 || translateY != 0 || translateZ != 0;
		Model model_3 = new Model(modifiedModelColors == null, Frame.method532(k), l == 0 && k == -1 && !flag && !flag2, modifiedTexture == null, model);
		if (k != -1) {
			model_3.anIntArrayArray1658 = null;
			model_3.anIntArrayArray1657 = null;
		while (l-- > 0)
		if (modifiedModelColors != null) {
			for (int k2 = 0; k2 < modifiedModelColors.length; k2++)
				model_3.recolor(modifiedModelColors[k2], originalModelColors[k2]);

		if (modifiedTexture != null) {
			for (int k2 = 0; k2 < modifiedTexture.length; k2++)
				model_3.retexture(modifiedTexture[k2], originalTexture[k2]);

		if (flag)
			model_3.method478(scaleX, scaleZ, scaleY);
		if (flag2)
			model_3.method475(translateX, translateY, translateZ);

		if (Settings.CUSTOM_LIGHTING) {
			model_3.light(84, 1500, -90, -280, -70, !nonFlatShading);
		} else {
			model_3.light(64 + ambientLighting, 768 + contrast * 5, -50, -10, -50, !nonFlatShading);
		if (supportItems == 1)
			model_3.anInt1654 = model_3.modelHeight;
		mruNodes2.put(model_3, l1);
		return model_3;

	public void decode(Buffer buffer) {
		while(true) {
			int opcode = buffer.readUByte();

			if (opcode == 0) {
			} else if (opcode == 1) {
				int len = buffer.readUByte();
				if (len > 0) {
					if (modelIds == null) {
						modelTypes = new int[len];
						modelIds = new int[len];

						for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
							modelIds[i] = buffer.readUShort();
							modelTypes[i] = buffer.readUByte();
					} else {
						buffer.currentOffset += len * 3;
			} else if (opcode == 2) {
				name = buffer.readString();
			} else if (opcode == 5) {
				int len = buffer.readUByte();
				if (len > 0) {
					if (modelIds == null) {
						modelTypes = null;
						modelIds = new int[len];
						for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
							modelIds[i] = buffer.readUShort();
					} else {
						buffer.currentOffset += len * 2;
			} else if (opcode == 14) {
				width = buffer.readUByte();
			} else if (opcode == 15) {
				length = buffer.readUByte();
			} else if (opcode == 17) {
				solid = false;
			} else if (opcode == 18) {
				impenetrable = false;
			} else if (opcode == 19) {
				interactive = (buffer.readUByte() == 1);
			} else if (opcode == 21) {
				contouredGround = true;
			} else if (opcode == 22) {
				nonFlatShading = true;
			} else if (opcode == 23) {
				modelClipped = true;
			} else if (opcode == 24) {
				animation = buffer.readUShort();
				if (animation == 0xFFFF) {
					animation = -1;
			} else if (opcode == 27) {
				clipType = 1;
			} else if (opcode == 28) {
				decorDisplacement = buffer.readUByte();
			} else if (opcode == 29) {
				ambientLighting = buffer.readSignedByte();
			} else if (opcode == 39) {
				contrast = buffer.readSignedByte() * 25;
			} else if (opcode >= 30 && opcode < 35) {
				if (actions == null) {
					actions = new String[5];
				actions[opcode - 30] = buffer.readString();
				if (actions[opcode - 30].equalsIgnoreCase("Hidden")) {
					actions[opcode - 30] = null;
			} else if (opcode == 40) {
				int len = buffer.readUByte();
				modifiedModelColors = new int[len];
				originalModelColors = new int[len];
				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
					modifiedModelColors[i] = buffer.readUShort();
					originalModelColors[i] = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 41) {
				int len = buffer.readUByte();
				modifiedTexture = new short[len];
				originalTexture = new short[len];
				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
					modifiedTexture[i] = (short) buffer.readUShort();
					originalTexture[i] = (short) buffer.readUShort();

			} else if (opcode == 62) {
				inverted = true;
			} else if (opcode == 64) {
				castsShadow = false;
			} else if (opcode == 65) {
				scaleX = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 66) {
				scaleY = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 67) {
				scaleZ = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 68) {
				mapscene = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 69) {
				surroundings = buffer.readUByte();
			} else if (opcode == 70) {
				translateX = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 71) {
				translateY = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 72) {
				translateZ = buffer.readUShort();
			} else if (opcode == 73) {
				obstructsGround = true;
			} else if (opcode == 74) {
				removeClipping = true;
			} else if (opcode == 75) {
				supportItems = buffer.readUByte();
			} else if (opcode == 78) {
				buffer.readUShort(); // ambient sound id
			} else if (opcode == 79) {
				int len = buffer.readUByte();

				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
			} else if (opcode == 81) {
			} else if (opcode == 82) {
				mapIcon = buffer.readUShort();

				if (mapIcon == 0xFFFF) {
					mapIcon = -1;
			} else if (opcode == 77 || opcode == 92) {
				varp = buffer.readUShort();

				if (varp == 0xFFFF) {
					varp = -1;

				varbit = buffer.readUShort();

				if (varbit == 0xFFFF) {
					varbit = -1;

				int value = -1;

				if (opcode == 92) {
                    value = buffer.readUShort();

                    if (value == 0xFFFF) {
                        value = -1;

				int len = buffer.readUByte();

				morphisms = new int[len + 2];
				for (int i = 0; i <= len; ++i) {
					morphisms[i] = buffer.readUShort();
					if (morphisms[i] == 0xFFFF) {
						morphisms[i] = -1;
				morphisms[len + 1] = value;
			} else {
				System.out.println("invalid opcode: " + opcode);


		if (name != null && !name.equals("null")) {
			interactive = modelIds != null && (modelTypes == null || modelTypes[0] == 10);
			if (actions != null)
				interactive = true;

		if (removeClipping) {
			solid = false;
			impenetrable = false;

		if (supportItems == -1) {
			supportItems = solid ? 1 : 0;

	public ObjectDefinition() {
		type = -1;

	private short[] originalTexture;
	private short[] modifiedTexture;
	public boolean obstructsGround;
	public byte ambientLighting;
	public int translateX;
	public String name;
	public int scaleZ;
	public static final Model[] aModelArray741s = new Model[4];
	public int contrast;
	public int width;
	public int translateY;
	public int mapIcon;
	public int[] originalModelColors;
	public int scaleX;
	public int varp;
	public boolean inverted;
	public static boolean lowMem;
	public static Buffer dataBuf;
	public int type;
	public static int[] offsets;
	public boolean impenetrable;
	public int mapscene;
	public int morphisms[];
	public int supportItems;
	public int length;
	public boolean contouredGround;
	public boolean modelClipped;
	public static Client clientInstance;
	public boolean removeClipping;
	public boolean solid;
	public int surroundings;
	public boolean nonFlatShading;
	public static int cacheIndex;
	public int scaleY;
	public int[] modelIds;
	public int varbit;
	public int decorDisplacement;
	public int[] modelTypes;
	public byte description[];
	public boolean interactive;
	public boolean castsShadow;
	public static Cache mruNodes2 = new Cache(30);
	public int animation;
	public static ObjectDefinition[] cache;
	public int translateZ;
	public int[] modifiedModelColors;
	public static Cache mruNodes1 = new Cache(500);
	public String[] actions;
	int clipType = 2;

VarBit Read Value's


public final class Varbit {

	public static void unpackConfig(StreamLoader archive) {
		final Buffer buffer = new Buffer(archive.getDataForName("varbit.dat"));
		final int len = buffer.readUShort();

		if (cache == null) {
			cache = new Varbit[len];

		System.out.println(String.format("Loaded: %d varbits", len));

		for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
			if (cache[i] == null) {
				cache[i] = new Varbit();


			if (cache[i].aBoolean651) {
				Varp.varps[cache[i].configId].aBoolean713 = true;

		if (buffer.currentOffset != buffer.buffer.length) {
			System.out.println("varbit mismatch! " + buffer.currentOffset + " " + buffer.buffer.length);

	private void decode(Buffer buffer) {
		int opcode = buffer.readUByte();

		if (opcode == 0) {
		} else if (opcode == 1) {
			configId = buffer.readUShort();
			lsb = buffer.readUByte();
			msb = buffer.readUByte();
		} else {

	private Varbit() {
		aBoolean651 = false;

	public static Varbit cache[];
	public int configId;
	public int lsb;
	public int msb;
	private boolean aBoolean651;


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