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LetsPK Re-release


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On 8/6/2019 at 8:44 PM, DesolutionRS said:

Because most releases on here are leaks obviously. Why else would most of them include "download with caution, etc"

Okay and? So you're saying that leaks cannot contain viruses or keyloggers? Someone can claim it's the iKov database and source files then put a rat in it then rip your shit is stolen.

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1 hour ago, MMO said:

Okay and? So you're saying that leaks cannot contain viruses or keyloggers? Someone can claim it's the iKov database and source files then put a rat in it then rip your shit is stolen.

And if you actually know what you're doing you won't run into that problem and will be able to easily find the keyloggers or whatever malware is infected in the files and remove it with no complications.

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