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[727] All identified packets and information regarding UpdateZone packets


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For anyone developing 727 revision, I have managed to refactor almost all of the packets from going client->server and server->client. I would gladly accept any help with refactoring this as it has been a very fun project so far. I know that the index 36 packets have something to do with vorbis and those are the only packets I'm not too sure of.


This is the hidden content, please


This is the hidden content, please

Also some eye opening information as to how frameworks like Matrix do not utilize all the bandwidth saving and efficient "update zone" packets. Every single framework I have seen so far only utilizes the packets jagex calls "specific" packets where it sends the entire tile for things such as ground items, spotanims, projectiles, etc.

The way these packets should be utilized is as follow for maximum bandwidth and data efficiency:

organize all tile-based update events that utilize the "update zone" system (spotanim/projectile/objects/ground items/etc)
	for each tile that needs updated
    send update zone packet
        for each update event that is on that tile
            send update zone version of packet for that event

This means that instead of sending the tile and item for a giant ass pile of items on the floor, you send the coordinates once, then send every item that should be on that tile, only sending a new location when there are items on another tile. Same goes for projectiles, objects, and spotanims.

Update Zone Packets

This is the hidden content, please

As for projectiles, I noticed they have a couple more useful flags that can be set that I have not seen utilized in any frameworks yet as well, such as being able to make them follow terrain height rather than a predefined height, etc.

Anyone who wants to help figure out the rest or has any information regarding some of the unidentified few that are left, let me know please. Or any corrections/advice are greatly appreciated.

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