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[EXTREME CONTENT] Enchanta - 25 skills | 28 Bosses | Construction | Bank Tabs & more

Oak Tree

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On 12/16/2019 at 12:56 AM, Oak Tree said:


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Get ready for the most extreme Runescape private server on the market.
Enchanta offers all 25 skills, active pking, active pvm, unique minigames, 100% stability combined with staff professionalism,
unique interfaces, and beautiful game play 
Enchanta might just be one of the best Runescape Private Servers you'll ever play.

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[mod=Prestige style gameplay]
Reached level 99 in a skill?
The fun doesn't end there. 
In Enchanta you can prestige your skills up to 10 times, with each time getting gradually harder. 

Prestiging unlocks cash rewards, increase in rank, better drop rates,and perks like keeping untradeables when you die.

Skills available (Total: 25) - Yes that's right, all 25 skills fully working. 
[/B]Full construction
Farming (Trees, flowers, herbs, and allotments)
Full slayer
Full summoning
Full crafting
Full cooking
Full fishing
Full woodcutting
Full Fletching
Full mining
Fully working range, with all weapons coded.
Full agility - (every single course 100%.)
Full thieving 
Full Runecrafting, with multiples.
Full Herblore, with every single potion working.
Full Smithing
Full Firemaking

Combat features:
Fully working ancient curses
Fully working normal spellbook, and ancient spell book
Perfect switches
Perfect max hit formulas
Realistic accuracy formulas
Every single weapon working
All special attacks working
Well structured pk point shop.
PK raffle (Win cash prizes)
PK Streak system

Duel arena:
Solid duel arena, no bugs or cheats or dupes, option for DDS only duels. RANDOM PID'S


[MOD=Community]Enchanta attracts a mature community, most members on the server are layed back, and are chilled out, we rarely have to ban anyone.
We have a dedicated plug.dj channel, in which most members participate in sharing there favourite music.
Our staff are extremely friendly, mature and a pleasure to be around, they will always go out there way to help you, and will not punish you unless they really have to.

Enchanta contains little to no bugs, since release there has not been one dupe found, (oh how many have tried and failed), keep in mind Enchanta was written from scratch.
There has not been any rollbacks.
The game has never crashed due to a coding mistake.
There have never been any duel arena cheats found. 
Cheat engines are absolutley useless on the server, it is impossible to noclip without the servers permission.
The server is very optimized, don't expect any lag at all whilst playing.

The server was based off RS2D (Yeah, the source everyone forgot about), I have written everything from scratch, and it took nearly 5 months to make. Framework peek: 

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[/B]Pest control - (Cash rewards + void)
Barrows (Cash rewards + barrows equipment)
Zombie SWAT - (Boots and gauntlets)
Fight pits - (Tokkul)
Champions Challenge - (Defenders)
Dominion Tower - (Zaryte bow, dark energy shield(custom), cash rewards.)
Fight caves - (2 modes, easy and hard) (both capes)

Desert treasure - Ancient magicks
Songs of many rains
Cooks Assisant
Kings favour
Vampire Slayer
Ogre threat
Plague city
Books of the gods

Other features

NPC's fully clipped, no walking into walls.

Clan slayer 

Fully working following with dancing

Cutscenes in quests

Nex with correct maps and minions.

28 Bosses in total including Dominion tower bosses

Bank tabs

Pure based pking, players are rewarded bonuses for pking as pures, most of the pking community are pures.

PVP Streaks

Fully synced Mob loot database on website

New items such as steadfast, pernix

Clipped following, with dancing, 100% accurate to runescape

Double XP weekends, every week.

Double Drops, and double XP constantly through school-breaks.

Huge game world to explore

50 Clue scrolls

Realistic PVM, NPC's are scripted.

Realistic NPC combat

1200 npc's spawned

No, x logging or losing progress when disconnecting, char stays online for 60 seconds.

Double XP for voting.

Decent full screen.

Custom tabs

Fully working clan chat and clan settings

Yell channel available for all users

DDoS protected network

Fast uplink to server globally

Stable, little to no bugs.








1. Fully working, non-glitchy Bank tabs
2. Fully working construction
3. Weapon rental system
4. Special Attack orb
5. Realistic cutscene system
6. Perfect player following, with dancing
7. Full slayer skill with all masters
8. Drops database
9. Fully working clan chat with settings
10. Prestige system, with skills changing colours and benefits!

Suggestions? e-mail me: [email protected]
Feedback in this thread would also be appreciated!
Development time (from start until beta finished): 5 Months
Server Base: RS2D (The first one released by varek)
Total classes: 383
Total script files: 921
Total script triggers: 1029
Network: 1000mbit uplink, DDoS protected, 3 servers.
There's also been some people who have been worried that the construction code may have been somebody elses work, I have cleared it up with those people. But if you would like proof the construction has not been leeched or you are that person who's code got Release, please feel free to PM me, and I can show you snippets of the code and script files to put your mind at ease. Please do not post anything relating to this on the thread as it is disrespectful and irrelevant.


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On 12/15/2019 at 10:56 PM, Oak Tree said:


Downlaoad Link:


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Server media\information:

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Get ready for the most extreme Runescape private server on the market.
Enchanta offers all 25 skills, active pking, active pvm, unique minigames, 100% stability combined with staff professionalism,
unique interfaces, and beautiful game play 
Enchanta might just be one of the best Runescape Private Servers you'll ever play.

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Cutscenes/quest shots:
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[mod=Prestige style gameplay]
Reached level 99 in a skill?
The fun doesn't end there. 
In Enchanta you can prestige your skills up to 10 times, with each time getting gradually harder. 

Prestiging unlocks cash rewards, increase in rank, better drop rates,and perks like keeping untradeables when you die.

Skills available (Total: 25) - Yes that's right, all 25 skills fully working. 
[/B]Full construction
Farming (Trees, flowers, herbs, and allotments)
Full slayer
Full summoning
Full crafting
Full cooking
Full fishing
Full woodcutting
Full Fletching
Full mining
Fully working range, with all weapons coded.
Full agility - (every single course 100%.)
Full thieving 
Full Runecrafting, with multiples.
Full Herblore, with every single potion working.
Full Smithing
Full Firemaking

Combat features:
Fully working ancient curses
Fully working normal spellbook, and ancient spell book
Perfect switches
Perfect max hit formulas
Realistic accuracy formulas
Every single weapon working
All special attacks working
Well structured pk point shop.
PK raffle (Win cash prizes)
PK Streak system

Duel arena:
Solid duel arena, no bugs or cheats or dupes, option for DDS only duels. RANDOM PID'S


[MOD=Community]Enchanta attracts a mature community, most members on the server are layed back, and are chilled out, we rarely have to ban anyone.
We have a dedicated plug.dj channel, in which most members participate in sharing there favourite music.
Our staff are extremely friendly, mature and a pleasure to be around, they will always go out there way to help you, and will not punish you unless they really have to.

Enchanta contains little to no bugs, since release there has not been one dupe found, (oh how many have tried and failed), keep in mind Enchanta was written from scratch.
There has not been any rollbacks.
The game has never crashed due to a coding mistake.
There have never been any duel arena cheats found. 
Cheat engines are absolutley useless on the server, it is impossible to noclip without the servers permission.
The server is very optimized, don't expect any lag at all whilst playing.

The server was based off RS2D (Yeah, the source everyone forgot about), I have written everything from scratch, and it took nearly 5 months to make. Framework peek: 

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[/B]Pest control - (Cash rewards + void)
Barrows (Cash rewards + barrows equipment)
Zombie SWAT - (Boots and gauntlets)
Fight pits - (Tokkul)
Champions Challenge - (Defenders)
Dominion Tower - (Zaryte bow, dark energy shield(custom), cash rewards.)
Fight caves - (2 modes, easy and hard) (both capes)

Desert treasure - Ancient magicks
Songs of many rains
Cooks Assisant
Kings favour
Vampire Slayer
Ogre threat
Plague city
Books of the gods

Other features

NPC's fully clipped, no walking into walls.

Clan slayer 

Fully working following with dancing

Cutscenes in quests

Nex with correct maps and minions.

28 Bosses in total including Dominion tower bosses

Bank tabs

Pure based pking, players are rewarded bonuses for pking as pures, most of the pking community are pures.

PVP Streaks

Fully synced Mob loot database on website

New items such as steadfast, pernix

Clipped following, with dancing, 100% accurate to runescape

Double XP weekends, every week.

Double Drops, and double XP constantly through school-breaks.

Huge game world to explore

50 Clue scrolls

Realistic PVM, NPC's are scripted.

Realistic NPC combat

1200 npc's spawned

No, x logging or losing progress when disconnecting, char stays online for 60 seconds.

Double XP for voting.

Decent full screen.

Custom tabs

Fully working clan chat and clan settings

Yell channel available for all users

DDoS protected network

Fast uplink to server globally

Stable, little to no bugs.








1. Fully working, non-glitchy Bank tabs
2. Fully working construction
3. Weapon rental system
4. Special Attack orb
5. Realistic cutscene system
6. Perfect player following, with dancing
7. Full slayer skill with all masters
8. Drops database
9. Fully working clan chat with settings
10. Prestige system, with skills changing colours and benefits!

Suggestions? e-mail me: [email protected]
Feedback in this thread would also be appreciated!
Development time (from start until beta finished): 5 Months
Server Base: RS2D (The first one released by varek)
Total classes: 383
Total script files: 921
Total script triggers: 1029
Network: 1000mbit uplink, DDoS protected, 3 servers.
There's also been some people who have been worried that the construction code may have been somebody elses work, I have cleared it up with those people. But if you would like proof the construction has not been leeched or you are that person who's code got Release, please feel free to PM me, and I can show you snippets of the code and script files to put your mind at ease. Please do not post anything relating to this on the thread as it is disrespectful and irrelevant.

tyty for release

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