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FuryPS Base (Frontier) Source & Client Download

Oak Tree

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On 12/15/2019 at 10:07 PM, Oak Tree said:

Download link:


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Next is the bottom floor of the Polypore dungeon map, its where you slay the big gandodermic beasts! Wearing equips from all eras at once.

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This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

Now some juicy stuff that I love, get that amazing hand cannon with hand cannon shots at chaos dwarfs
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A cool picture from the Jadinko lair, you know! WHERE YOU GET THE VINE to make a VINE WHIP!!!

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Full glacors in their little glacor cave 
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This is the hidden content, please

Nex being Nex and guess what its fully working!

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QBD looks so scary!!! Will you be ready to take on the challenge you puny little human?

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Srtykeworms are cute, will you be able to take them on?

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What about a wilderness one? Are you ready for that!!!!

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Oh and also some OSRS bosses are fully working in the wilderness, just so it keeps things interesting
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If you don't want to kill Glacors? Then kill some Cerberus! We got a surprise so both boots stay relevant in the game 
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This is the hidden content, please

Woops sorry I talked about the wilderness back there? Did you miss revs, how about the whole dungeon for revs so you can pk there and PvM?

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Mage bank is waiting for you!

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Now if were talking skills, lets talk dungoneering first right? Almost every floor is functional and similar to RS, only a few floors have been skipped, but all in all almost full dungoneering in a 317? Also every dungeon is randomly generated to be kept as a fun activity!

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What about runecrafting in the ZMI altar with all the NPCS and the two paths you can take, safe or dangerous? Does anyone remember how fun it made runecrafting!

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How about the legendary runecrafting guild, which had teleport tabs to every altar and you know what, we have that 
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This is the hidden content, please

Catching imps in a perfectly coded puro puro is fun, and guess what you will get to experience that

This is the hidden content, please

Wait? What about grenwalls and grenwall spikes to make our potions!!!! Wait we can catch those too!!!!! YESSSSS

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This is the hidden content, please

I know firemaking isn't the funnest, but the bright colors you can make and don't forget bonfires?

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What about our customization features on the comp cape
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How about customizing your head
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And the body or whatever else you want(like changing your gender)
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On 12/16/2019 at 6:07 AM, Oak Tree said:

Download link:

https://runesuite.io/downloads/Fury Package2.zip



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Next is the bottom floor of the Polypore dungeon map, its where you slay the big gandodermic beasts! Wearing equips from all eras at once.

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This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

Now some juicy stuff that I love, get that amazing hand cannon with hand cannon shots at chaos dwarfs
This is the hidden content, please

A cool picture from the Jadinko lair, you know! WHERE YOU GET THE VINE to make a VINE WHIP!!!

This is the hidden content, please

Full glacors in their little glacor cave 
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This is the hidden content, please

Nex being Nex and guess what its fully working!

This is the hidden content, please

QBD looks so scary!!! Will you be ready to take on the challenge you puny little human?

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Srtykeworms are cute, will you be able to take them on?

This is the hidden content, please

What about a wilderness one? Are you ready for that!!!!

This is the hidden content, please

Oh and also some OSRS bosses are fully working in the wilderness, just so it keeps things interesting
This is the hidden content, please

If you don't want to kill Glacors? Then kill some Cerberus! We got a surprise so both boots stay relevant in the game 
This is the hidden content, please


This is the hidden content, please

Woops sorry I talked about the wilderness back there? Did you miss revs, how about the whole dungeon for revs so you can pk there and PvM?

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Mage bank is waiting for you!

This is the hidden content, please

Now if were talking skills, lets talk dungoneering first right? Almost every floor is functional and similar to RS, only a few floors have been skipped, but all in all almost full dungoneering in a 317? Also every dungeon is randomly generated to be kept as a fun activity!

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What about runecrafting in the ZMI altar with all the NPCS and the two paths you can take, safe or dangerous? Does anyone remember how fun it made runecrafting!

This is the hidden content, please

How about the legendary runecrafting guild, which had teleport tabs to every altar and you know what, we have that 
This is the hidden content, please


This is the hidden content, please

Catching imps in a perfectly coded puro puro is fun, and guess what you will get to experience that

This is the hidden content, please

Wait? What about grenwalls and grenwall spikes to make our potions!!!! Wait we can catch those too!!!!! YESSSSS

This is the hidden content, please


This is the hidden content, please

I know firemaking isn't the funnest, but the bright colors you can make and don't forget bonfires?

This is the hidden content, please

What about our customization features on the comp cape
This is the hidden content, please

How about customizing your head
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And the body or whatever else you want(like changing your gender)
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Where's my Nasa Computer Science gang at that simply need help 'changing the ip"

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  • 1 year later...
On 12/16/2019 at 1:07 AM, Oak Tree said:

Download link:

https://runesuite.io/downloads/Fury Package2.zip



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This is the hidden content, please



This is the hidden content, please

Next is the bottom floor of the Polypore dungeon map, its where you slay the big gandodermic beasts! Wearing equips from all eras at once.

This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

Now some juicy stuff that I love, get that amazing hand cannon with hand cannon shots at chaos dwarfs
This is the hidden content, please

A cool picture from the Jadinko lair, you know! WHERE YOU GET THE VINE to make a VINE WHIP!!!

This is the hidden content, please

Full glacors in their little glacor cave 
This is the hidden content, please


This is the hidden content, please

Nex being Nex and guess what its fully working!

This is the hidden content, please

QBD looks so scary!!! Will you be ready to take on the challenge you puny little human?

This is the hidden content, please

Srtykeworms are cute, will you be able to take them on?

This is the hidden content, please

What about a wilderness one? Are you ready for that!!!!

This is the hidden content, please

Oh and also some OSRS bosses are fully working in the wilderness, just so it keeps things interesting
This is the hidden content, please

If you don't want to kill Glacors? Then kill some Cerberus! We got a surprise so both boots stay relevant in the game 
This is the hidden content, please


This is the hidden content, please

Woops sorry I talked about the wilderness back there? Did you miss revs, how about the whole dungeon for revs so you can pk there and PvM?

This is the hidden content, please

Mage bank is waiting for you!

This is the hidden content, please

Now if were talking skills, lets talk dungoneering first right? Almost every floor is functional and similar to RS, only a few floors have been skipped, but all in all almost full dungoneering in a 317? Also every dungeon is randomly generated to be kept as a fun activity!

This is the hidden content, please

What about runecrafting in the ZMI altar with all the NPCS and the two paths you can take, safe or dangerous? Does anyone remember how fun it made runecrafting!

This is the hidden content, please

How about the legendary runecrafting guild, which had teleport tabs to every altar and you know what, we have that 
This is the hidden content, please


This is the hidden content, please

Catching imps in a perfectly coded puro puro is fun, and guess what you will get to experience that

This is the hidden content, please

Wait? What about grenwalls and grenwall spikes to make our potions!!!! Wait we can catch those too!!!!! YESSSSS

This is the hidden content, please


This is the hidden content, please

I know firemaking isn't the funnest, but the bright colors you can make and don't forget bonfires?

This is the hidden content, please

What about our customization features on the comp cape
This is the hidden content, please

How about customizing your head
This is the hidden content, please

And the body or whatever else you want(like changing your gender)
This is the hidden content, please

Link is dead? :(

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