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Increasing Draw Distance


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I have not tested this yet. feel free to leave some notes if using.

Step 1: WorldController (or Scene) Tiles; Add the following...

private final int TILE_DRAW_DISTANCE = 300;

Search for the following, where its defined. 


Adjust it to the following

aBooleanArrayArrayArrayArray491 = new boolean[8][32][(TILE_DRAW_DISTANCE * 2) + 1][(TILE_DRAW_DISTANCE * 2) + 1];

Search for the following, where its defined.


Adjust it to the following

aflag[][][][] = new boolean[9][32][(TILE_DRAW_DISTANCE * 2) + 3][(TILE_DRAW_DISTANCE * 2) + 3];


Finally, the op stated to find all the  "25" in WorldController, replace it with TILE_DRAW_DISTANCE 

Step 2: Model class; Add the following...

private final int MODEL_DRAW_DISTANCE = 30000;


k2 is a standard variable in most clients so should be able to find, replace the following model draw distance new final draw distance. Like below.



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