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? Oldschool Smite - A Quality Emulation


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On 1/14/2020 at 3:36 PM, trees said:

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An OSRS Emulation
The tales of old school in high definition has been played with time and time again, with a few success stories 
behind the idea. Me and my partner Technotik have combined efforts in attempt to bring together another great server 
for us all to enjoy, which of course needed some full high definition features! Our engine is a highly updated hyperion with
update server and cross world features, hyperion is a game server suite server which was aimed to provide an excellent, 
stable, quality base with advanced features. With these components and the complete updating for oldschool data, we
feel this is a very competitive and elaborate game environment.

What is the smite client protocol? 
The client is originally a 530 client which was converted by leanbow to use the 464 packet structure and read the 464 cache. Smite's team uses tools to overwrite the data of that cache with everything from inside the oldshool cache, which allows us to update our oldschool cache, then smite cache painlessly with a few clicks. We do not use any data other than oldschool. In a nut shell its an osrs replica with all added benfits of opengl.

People can't ever keep things safe, I sold it off to cheap. 
Smite #170 is now a public repository.

Project made by @Technotik and @trees


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