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need beta tester soon


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hello i am looking for new beta tester that will be able to test our server out we about to release the beta soon.


LegacyFire :tools: New Rsps Project :tools:
Starting our project we welcome you to join our discord, chill with friends and project members. 
Get first sneak peaks at content and progress on the server.

:large_orange_diamond:We are looking for loyal members for staff as well, the project will not release ASAP just so you are aware if interested. We are always working hard to give you updates on the server. 

The beta client will be released this  week allowing us to address any and all bugs/fixes. We WILL reset for full release however everyone that joins gets 5 free mboxes!

:large_orange_diamond:Some of our server features:
* Daily log in rewards that change based on streak
* Multi Slayer Masters
* Daily tasks for either skilling or pk (player can choose)
* Membership bonds & membership benefits
* hundreds of donator perks
* random server events 
* Achievement diaries for 11 areas
* seperate achievements system (Easy, medium, hard for skilling, and pk)
* The whole game is multi combat zone
* clean prestige system
* several maxed out perks
* degradable items already on all bis. and even an NPC to repair them or claim one
* raids (with 3 different difficulty modes) - in progress
* proper clan system
* hold CTRL over items for stats
* raids have storage units you build, and they allow you to level construction too
* proper maps up until nightmare zone (1/20/20)
* Hourly reward box

This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please



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[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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