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I'd like to get into creating my own rsps

I know ::item 4151 1 is one abyssal whip,

I've read a few tutorials about changing shop amounts,

editing the items within' a shop,

Uhm, how to edit XP rates, and such..



I hear alot about caches and I see alot of { signs like..



and - if c.Engineer == 4151 and also 955



I have no idea where to start, I'll be reading some Java coding thing that I found on a guide 

I'll be trying out downloading a source, and see if I can apply what I've read about these shop changes, XP rates etc..

If anyone that knows even little about creating, coding, editing rsps please do give me your beginner steps info, or guides you went through

A nice 317 source I can mess around with would be cool, anything really for someone that is clueless or knows nothing about RSPS.


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On 3/30/2020 at 6:22 PM, Exeqtd said:

I'd like to get into creating my own rsps

I know ::item 4151 1 is one abyssal whip,

I've read a few tutorials about changing shop amounts,

editing the items within' a shop,

Uhm, how to edit XP rates, and such..



I hear alot about caches and I see alot of { signs like..



and - if c.Engineer == 4151 and also 955



I have no idea where to start, I'll be reading some Java coding thing that I found on a guide 

I'll be trying out downloading a source, and see if I can apply what I've read about these shop changes, XP rates etc..

If anyone that knows even little about creating, coding, editing rsps please do give me your beginner steps info, or guides you went through

A nice 317 source I can mess around with would be cool, anything really for someone that is clueless or knows nothing about RSPS.


Great start & glad to see your interest.

You might wanna start downloading a simple base... any 317 will suffice or even higher revisions w/e you like.
On top of that, actually learn java... helps so much, there are tons of free sites like sololearn or codeacademy.
Best is to just learn java, hop in and try it out... trial/error + reading documentation & expanding your boundaries.


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the best way i found to learn was reading tutorials on sites like this and actually having a base reading the code and then testing my own code fixing it till it works. and if worst comes to worst do you have a friend who knows how to code, you can always ask them why something isnt working as long as your legitimately trying to learn youll find people will help you out :)

Discord is DylanPage95#7837

i have a lot of spare time atm if you have any questions  

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the best way i found to learn was reading tutorials on sites like this and actually having a base reading the code and then testing my own code fixing it till it works.

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Welcome to the RSPS community.

Looks like you have a lot of interest and are not afraid to do the work, so you shouldn't have any problems setting something up in a few months :)

I recommend starting with learning java in general, not RSPS specific development. From there you can download a nice source and move smoothly inside of it.

Codecademy has a nice Java course where you can learn the syntax: 

This is the hidden content, please

From there I recommend you do a few extra exercises, maybe write a small program that will help you in your day to day life.

Good luck in your journey :)


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