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Rune-Server Dies?

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It doesn't mean anything. He can't do anything, he just used it for traffic and admitted it. so all you dick riders can calm down a bit. it's corrupt yes but so is every government in the world. just get over it all you anonymoooses or whatever

I mean here is corrupt too, he offers mod/admin spots if you leak good sources for him to gain more traffic. I'm not the only one that was offered

Edited by flamehax
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  On 10/7/2016 at 9:12 AM, flamehax said:

It doesn't mean anything. He can't do anything, he just used it for traffic and admitted it. so all you dick riders can calm down a bit. it's corrupt yes but so is every government in the world. just get over it all you anonymoooses or whatever

I mean here is corrupt too, he offers mod/admin spots if you leak good sources for him to gain more traffic. I'm not the only one that was offered


I don't see it like that, I personally don't like Rune-server's community and I don't think that RuneLeak is corrupted, by the way your argument is false, he gives a special rank for people who leak good sources (HQ Leaker) which isn't mod or admin whatsoever. Yes a shit ton of stuff in the world are corrupted but I don't think RuneLeak is.

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