tpark75 0 Posted May 28, 2022 Report Share Posted May 28, 2022 (edited) I am working on an 876 Nocturne base, and have been having some trouble with the bank tabs keeping items in the correct in place. (Array Hell) I have applied the code mentioned in this Snippet: This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up , but have not seen any difference in my testing. In addition, I have compared and the SWITCH_INTERFACE_COMPONENTS_PACKET section of WorldPacketsDecoder with a couple different 876 sources. All to no luck. It appears that the tabs are being created correctly at first, but closing and reopening the bank will shift items around completely, and even remove some in rare cases. Here is a This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up , and an This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up of what I mean. I am unsure if this is relevant, but I set the server to be in legacy mode by default. (may change some interfaces or components that I am unaware of) Is anyone willing to share a solution to this problem? package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /* * dont name anything bankPin, unless its a short */ public class Bank implements Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1551246756081236625L; // tab, items private Item[][] bankTabs; private int lastWithdrawX; private int lastDepositX; /** * Bankpin related code. */ private int pin = -1; private byte failedAttempts; private long recoveryTime = -1, disableTime = -1; private transient boolean verified; private transient Player player; private transient int currentTab; private transient Item[] lastContainerCopy; private boolean withdrawNotes; private transient boolean insertItems; private transient int total_size; private transient boolean hasEnteredPin; public static final int MAX_BANK_SIZE = 871; public Bank() { withdrawNotes = false; bankTabs = new Item[1][0]; } public boolean containsItem(int id) { if (bankTabs != null) { for (Item[] bankTab : bankTabs) { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < bankTab.length; i2++) { if (bankTab[i2].getId() == id) return true; } } } return false; } public void openPinSettings(boolean createDialogue) { checkPinReset(); int value = pin == -1 ? 4 : 1; boolean recovery = recoveryTime >= System.currentTimeMillis(); if (recovery) { value = 3; player.getPackets().sendCSVarString(344, ""); } player.getPackets().sendCSVarInteger(98, value); player.getInterfaceManager().sendCentralInterface(14); if (createDialogue) { player.getDialogueManager().startDialogue(new Dialogue() { @Override public void start() { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void run(int interfaceId, int componentId) { if (pin == -1) { openPin(0); } else { if (componentId == 18 || componentId == 19) { player.getDialogueManager() .startDialogue( "RemovePIND", !(recoveryTime >= Utils .currentTimeMillis())); } else { player.getDialogueManager().startDialogue( "RemovePIND", "This action is currently disabled."); } } } @Override public void finish() { } @Override public void run(int interfaceId, int componentId, int slotId) throws ClassNotFoundException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }); } } public void openPin(final int pinType) { if (pin != -1 && recoveryTime >= System.currentTimeMillis() && player.getTemporaryAttributtes().get(Key.RECOVERY_VERIFIED) == null) { openPinSettings(true); player.getTemporaryAttributtes().put(Key.RECOVERY_VERIFIED, true); return; } else if (disableTime >= Utils.currentTimeMillis()) { player.getDialogueManager() .startDialogue( "PinMessageD", "You must wait " + (disableTime / 60000) + " minutes before being able to attempt your PIN once more."); return; } player.getDialogueManager().startDialogue(new Dialogue() { @Override public void start() { player.getTemporaryAttributtes().put(Key.PIN_TYPE, pinType); player.getTemporaryAttributtes().put(Key.BANK_PIN, 0); player.getPackets() .sendIComponentText( 13, 27, pinType == 1 ? "ENTER IDENTICAL PIN" : recoveryTime >= System .currentTimeMillis() ? "Your pin will be removed in " + ((recoveryTime - System .currentTimeMillis()) / 86400000) + " days." : "ENTER YOUR PIN."); player.getInterfaceManager().sendCentralInterface(13); player.getInterfaceManager().setInterface(true, 13, 5, 759); player.getPackets().sendExecuteScriptReverse(1107);// randomize // the script player.getVarsManager().forceSendVar(163, 0); player.getPackets().sendCSVarInteger(98, recoveryTime > 0 ? 1 : 0); // send // 1 // if // confirming } public void run(int interfaceId, int componentId, int slotId) { sendNext(componentId, true); } @Override public void finish() { if ((Integer) player.getTemporaryAttributtes() .get(Key.PIN_TYPE) == 1) setPin(-1); player.getTemporaryAttributtes().remove(Key.BANK_PIN); player.getTemporaryAttributtes().remove(Key.PIN_TYPE); player.getVarsManager().sendVar(163, 0); // sets to first bottom } }); } public void sendNext(int componentId, boolean isDialogue) { int count = player.getVarsManager().getBitValue(1010); Integer pin = (Integer) player.getTemporaryAttributtes().get( Key.BANK_PIN); Integer pin_type = (Integer) player.getTemporaryAttributtes().get( Key.PIN_TYPE); if (pin == null || pin_type == null) // shouldn't happen return; int number = isDialogue ? componentId - 6 : (componentId / 4) - 1; player.getTemporaryAttributtes().put(Key.BANK_PIN, pin + (number << (12 - (count * 4)))); pin = (Integer) player.getTemporaryAttributtes().get(Key.BANK_PIN); player.getVarsManager().sendVar(163, count + 1); if (count == 3) { if (!isValidInput(pin, pin_type)) { if (failedAttempts++ == 3) { disableTime = Utils.currentTimeMillis() + 30000;// Five // minutes. player.getDialogueManager() .startDialogue("PinMessageD", "All bank attempts have been disabled for the next <col=7E2217>FIVE MINUTES."); return; } player.closeInterfaces(); player.getDialogueManager().startDialogue("PinMessageD", "Incorrect pin sequence. Please try again."); } else { if (pin_type == 0 || pin_type == 1) { setPin(pin, pin_type); if (pin_type == 1) { player.getTemporaryAttributtes().put(Key.PIN_TYPE, 2);// Just // so // pin // doesn't // reset. player.closeInterfaces(); player.getDialogueManager().startDialogue( "PinMessageD", "Your pin has been set."); } else openPin(1); } else { failedAttempts = 0; setVerified(true); if (pin_type == 2) { player.closeInterfaces(); player.getDialogueManager().startDialogue("ChooseBank"); } else if (pin_type == 3) { openDepositBox(); } else if (pin_type == 4) player.getGeManager().openGrandExchange(); else if (pin_type == 5) player.getGeManager().openCollectionBox(); else if (pin_type == 6) { player.getHouse().setBuildMode(true); player.getHouse().enterMyHouse(); } else if (pin_type == 7) player.getHouse().setBuildMode(true); else if (pin_type == 8) ClansManager.leaveClan(player); else if (pin_type == 9) player.getSlayerManager().sendSlayerInterface( SlayerManager.BUY_INTERFACE); else if (pin_type == 10) player.closeInterfaces(); else if (pin_type == 12) { player.closeInterfaces(); player.getMoneyPouch().withdrawPouch(); } } } } } private void setPin(Integer pin, Integer pin_type) { if (pin_type == 1) { if (!isValidInput(pin)) { player.getDialogueManager().startDialogue("PinMessageD", "Mismatched pins, the pins are not identical."); setPin(-1);// Reset it. return; } } setPin(pin); } private void setVerified(boolean verified) { this.verified = verified; } public void setPin(int pin) { = pin; } public void setRecoveryTime(long recoveryTime) { this.recoveryTime = recoveryTime; } public long getRecoveryTime() { return recoveryTime; } private boolean isValidInput(int pin, int pin_type) { return pin_type == 0 || pin_type == 1 || == pin; } private boolean isValidInput(int pin) { return isValidInput(pin, 2); } public boolean hasVerified(int type) { checkPinReset(); boolean verified = player.isMasterLogin() || pin == -1 || this.verified; if (!verified) openPin(type); return verified; } public int removeAndReturnQuantity(int id) { int quantity = 0; if (bankTabs != null) { for (Item[] bankTab : bankTabs) { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < bankTab.length; i2++) { if (bankTab[i2].getId() == id) { bankTab[i2].setId(0); // dwarf remains quantity += bankTab[i2].getAmount(); } } } } return quantity; } public void setPlayer(Player player) { this.player = player; if (bankTabs == null || bankTabs.length == 0) bankTabs = new Item[1][0]; } private void checkPinReset() { if (recoveryTime != -1 && recoveryTime < System.currentTimeMillis()) { setPin(-1); recoveryTime = -1; player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "Your PIN has been succesfully removed."); } } public void setItem(int slotId, int amt) { Item item = getItem(slotId); if (item != null) { item.setAmount(amt); refreshItems(); refreshTabs(); refreshViewingTab(); } } private void refreshTabs() { for (int slot = 1; slot < 9; slot++) refreshTab(slot); } private int getTabSize(int slot) { if (slot >= bankTabs.length) return 0; return bankTabs[slot].length; } public void withdrawLastAmount(int bankSlot) { withdrawItem(bankSlot, lastWithdrawX); } public void withdrawItemButOne(int fakeSlot) { int[] fromRealSlot = getRealSlot(fakeSlot); Item item = getItem(fromRealSlot); if (item == null) return; if (item.getAmount() <= 1) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "You only have one of this item in your bank"); return; } withdrawItem(fakeSlot, item.getAmount() - 1); } public void withdrawBoBItemButOne(int fakeSlot) { int[] fromRealSlot = getRealSlot(fakeSlot); Item item = getItem(fromRealSlot); if (item == null) return; if (item.getAmount() <= 1) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "You only have one of this item in your bank"); return; } withdrawBoBItem(fakeSlot, item.getAmount() - 1); } public void depositLastAmount(int bankSlot) { depositItem(bankSlot, lastDepositX, true); } public void depositBoBLastAmount(int bankSlot) { depositBoBItem(bankSlot, lastDepositX, true); } public void depositAllInventory(boolean banking) { if (getMaxBankSize() - getBankSize() < player.getInventory().getItems() .getSize()) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "Not enough space in your bank."); return; } for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++) depositItem(i, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false); refreshTab(currentTab); refreshItems(); if (banking) refreshTotalSize(); } public int getMaxBankSize() { return MAX_BANK_SIZE + getBank50Rows() * 50 + (player.hasEmailRestrictions() ? 0 : 20); } public void depositAllBob(boolean banking) { Familiar familiar = player.getFamiliar(); if (familiar == null || familiar.getBob() == null) return; int space = addItems(familiar.getBob().getBeastItems().getItems(), banking); if (space != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < space; i++) familiar.getBob().getBeastItems().set(i, null); familiar.getBob().sendInterItems(); } if (space < familiar.getBob().getBeastItems().getSize()) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "Not enough space in your bank."); return; } if (banking) refreshTotalSize(); } public void withdrawBoBItem(int bankSlot, int quanity) { withdrawBoBItem(getRealSlot(bankSlot), quanity); } public void withdrawBoBItem(int[] slots, int quantity) { Familiar familiar = player.getFamiliar(); Item item = getItem(slots); if (familiar == null || familiar.getBob() == null) return; if (quantity < 1) return; if (slots == null) return; if (item == null) return; if (!ItemConstants.isTradeable(item)) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "You cannot store untradeable items to your familiar."); return; } if (item.getAmount() < quantity) item = new Item(item.getId(), item.getAmount(), 0); else item = new Item(item.getId(), quantity, 0); boolean noted = false; ItemDefinitions defs = item.getDefinitions(); if (!withdrawNotes) { if (defs.isNoted() && defs.getCertId() != -1) { item.setId(defs.getCertId()); noted = false; } } if (noted || defs.isStackable()) { if (player.getFamiliar().getBob().getBeastItems().containsOne(item)) { int slot = player.getFamiliar().getBob().getBeastItems() .getThisItemSlot(item); Item bobItem = player.getFamiliar().getBob().getBeastItems() .get(slot); assert bobItem != null; if (bobItem.getAmount() + item.getAmount() <= 0) { item.setAmount(Integer.MAX_VALUE - bobItem.getAmount()); player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "Not enough space in your BoB-inventory."); } } else if (!player.getFamiliar().getBob().hasFreeSlots()) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "Not enough space in your BoB-inventory."); return; } } else { int freeSlots = player.getFamiliar().getBob().getFreeSlots(); if (freeSlots == 0) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "Not enough space in your BoB-inventory."); return; } if (freeSlots < item.getAmount()) { item.setAmount(freeSlots); player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "Not enough space in your inventory."); } } removeItem(slots, item.getAmount(), true, false); player.getFamiliar().getBob().addItem(item); } public void depositBoBItem(int bobSlot, int quantity, boolean refresh) { if (quantity < 1 || bobSlot < 0 || bobSlot > 27) return; if (player.getFamiliar() == null || player.getFamiliar().getBob() == null) return; Item item = player.getFamiliar().getBob().getItem(bobSlot); if (item == null) return; int amt = player.getFamiliar().getBob().getBeastItems() .getNumberOf(item); if (amt < quantity) item = new Item(item.getId(), amt, /* item.getDegrade() */0); else item = new Item(item.getId(), quantity, /* item.getDegrade() */0); ItemDefinitions defs = item.getDefinitions(); int originalId = item.getId(); if (defs.isNoted() && defs.getCertId() != -1) item.setId(defs.getCertId()); Item bankedItem = getItem(item.getId()); if (bankedItem != null) { if (bankedItem.getAmount() + item.getAmount() <= 0) { item.setAmount(Integer.MAX_VALUE - bankedItem.getAmount()); player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "Not enough space in your bank."); } else if (bankedItem.getAmount() + item.getAmount() >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "Unable to bank '" + item.getName() + "'."); return; } } else if (!hasBankSpace()) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "Not enough space in your bank."); return; } player.getFamiliar().getBob() .deleteItem(new Item(originalId, item.getAmount(), 0)); // player.getInventory().deleteItem(item); addItem(item, refresh); } public void depositAllEquipment(boolean banking) { int space = addItems(player.getEquipment().getItems().getItems(), banking); if (space != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < space; i++) player.getEquipment().getItems().set(i, null); player.getEquipment().init(); player.getAppearence().generateAppearenceData(); } if (space < player.getEquipment().getItems().getSize()) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "Not enough space in your bank."); return; } if (banking) refreshTotalSize(); } public void collapse(int tabId) { if (tabId == 0 || tabId >= bankTabs.length) return; Item[] items = bankTabs[tabId]; for (Item item : items) removeItem(getItemSlot(item.getId()), item.getAmount(), false, true); for (Item item : items) addItem(item.getId(), item.getAmount(), 0, false); refreshTabs(); refreshItems(); } public void insertItem(int fromSlot, int toSlot, int fromComponentId, int toComponentId) { int[] slot = getRealSlot(fromSlot); Item fromItem = getItem(slot); if (fromItem == null) return; int[] toRealSlot = getRealSlot(toSlot); Item toItem = getItem(toRealSlot); if (toItem == null) return; Item[] tab = new Item[bankTabs[slot[0]].length + 1]; System.arraycopy(bankTabs[slot[0]], slot[1], tab, slot[1] - 1, bankTabs[slot[0]].length - slot[1] + 1); bankTabs[slot[0]][slot[1]] = toItem; bankTabs[slot[0]][slot[1] + 1] = fromItem; refreshTab(slot[0]); } public void switchItem(int fromSlot, int toSlot, int fromComponentId, int toComponentId) { if (toSlot == 65535 || toSlot == 1 || toSlot == 0) { if (fromComponentId == 215 && toComponentId == 215) { switchItem(fromSlot, toSlot); return; } int toTab = getTab(toComponentId); if (toTab < 0 || toTab > 9) return; if (bankTabs.length == toTab) { int[] fromRealSlot = getRealSlot(fromSlot); if (fromRealSlot == null) return; if (toTab == fromRealSlot[0]) { switchItem(fromSlot, getStartSlot(toTab)); return; } Item item = getItem(fromRealSlot); if (item == null) return; removeItem(fromSlot, item.getAmount(), false, true); createTab(); bankTabs[bankTabs.length - 1] = new Item[] { item }; refreshTab(fromRealSlot[0]); refreshTab(toTab); refreshItems(); } else if (bankTabs.length > toTab) { int[] fromRealSlot = getRealSlot(fromSlot); if (fromRealSlot == null) return; if (toTab == fromRealSlot[0]) { switchItem(fromSlot, getStartSlot(toTab)); return; } Item item = getItem(fromRealSlot); if (item == null) return; boolean removed = removeItem(fromSlot, item.getAmount(), false, true); if (!removed) { refreshTab(fromRealSlot[0]); } else if (fromRealSlot[0] != 0 && toTab >= fromRealSlot[0]) { toTab -= 1; } refreshTab(fromRealSlot[0]); addItem(item.getId(), item.getAmount(), toTab, true); } } else switchItem(fromSlot, toSlot); } public void switchItem(int fromSlot, int toSlot) { System.out.println("TO SLOT: " + toSlot); int[] fromRealSlot = getRealSlot(fromSlot); Item fromItem = getItem(fromRealSlot); if (fromItem == null) return; int[] toRealSlot = getRealSlot(toSlot); Item toItem = getItem(toRealSlot); if (toItem == null) return; bankTabs[fromRealSlot[0]][fromRealSlot[1]] = toItem; bankTabs[toRealSlot[0]][toRealSlot[1]] = fromItem; refreshTab(fromRealSlot[0]); if (fromRealSlot[0] != toRealSlot[0]) refreshTab(toRealSlot[0]); refreshItems(); } public void openDepositBox() { if (!hasVerified(3)) return; player.getInterfaceManager().sendCentralInterface(11); player.getInterfaceManager().sendLockGameTab( InterfaceManager.INVENTORY_TAB, true); player.getInterfaceManager().sendLockGameTab( InterfaceManager.EQUIPMENT_TAB, true); // tab sendBoxInterItems(); player.setCloseInterfacesEvent(() -> { player.getInterfaceManager().sendLockGameTab( InterfaceManager.INVENTORY_TAB, false); player.getInterfaceManager().sendLockGameTab( InterfaceManager.EQUIPMENT_TAB, false); }); } public void sendBoxInterItems() { player.getPackets().sendInterSetItemsOptionsScript(11, 1, 93, 6, 5, "Deposit-1", "Deposit-5", "Deposit-10", "Deposit-All", "Deposit-X", "Examine"); player.getPackets().sendUnlockIComponentOptionSlots(11, 1, 0, 27, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); } public void init() { player.getVarsManager().sendVar(4145, 2);// Displays items refreshViewingTab(); refreshTabs(); refreshLastX(); refreshBank50Rows(); } private int getBank50Rows() { return player.getDonationManager().isDivineDonator() ? 6 : player .getDonationManager().isHeroicDonator() ? 8 : player .getDonationManager().isLegendaryDonator() ? 4 : 1; } public void refreshBank50Rows() { player.getVarsManager().sendVarBit(942, getBank50Rows()); // 50 slots // per. } public void openBank() { if (!hasVerified(2)) return; player.stopAll(); lastContainerCopy = null; player.getInterfaceManager().sendBankInterface(762); player.getInterfaceManager().setInterface(true, 762, 119, 1463); player.getPackets().sendIComponentText(1463, 21, player.getDisplayName()); if (!player.hasEmailRestrictions()) player.getPackets().sendCSVarInteger(1324, 3); if (total_size == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < bankTabs.length; i++) total_size += getTabSize(i); } refreshTotalSize(); refreshViewingTab(); refreshTabs(); refreshItems(); unlockButtons(); sendItems(); if (player.getFamiliar() != null && player.getFamiliar().getBob() != null && player.getFamiliar().getBob().isBoB(player)) player.getPackets().sendCSVarInteger(4619, player.getFamiliar().getBOBSize()); else { player.getPackets().sendCSVarInteger(4619, 0); player.isOnBoBWindow = false; } player.setCloseInterfacesEvent(() -> { player.getTemporaryAttributtes().remove("ClanBank"); player.getTemporaryAttributtes().remove("Bank2"); player.getActionbar().refreshActionBar(); }); } public void openPlayerBank(Player victim) { if (victim == null) return; player.getInterfaceManager().sendBankInterface(762); // player.getInterfaceManager().setInterface(true, 762, 14, 1463);// // TODO player.getPackets().sendIComponentText(1463, 21, player.getDisplayName()); player.getPackets().sendItems(95, victim.getBank().getContainerCopy()); refreshViewingTab(); refreshTabs(); unlockButtons(); } public void refreshTotalSize() { int usedFreeSlots = total_size > 403 ? 403 : total_size; player.getPackets().sendCSVarInteger(1038, usedFreeSlots); player.getPackets().sendCSVarInteger(192, total_size < 403 ? usedFreeSlots : total_size); } public void setLastWithdrawX(int x) { lastWithdrawX = x; } public void setLastDepositX(int x) { lastDepositX = x; } public void refreshLastX() { player.getVarsManager().sendVar(111, lastWithdrawX); player.getVarsManager().sendVar(3922, lastDepositX); } public void potatoBank() { for (int slot = 0; slot < bankTabs.length; slot++) { Item[][] tabs = new Item[bankTabs.length - 1][]; System.arraycopy(bankTabs, 0, tabs, 0, slot); System.arraycopy(bankTabs, slot + 1, tabs, slot, bankTabs.length - slot - 1); bankTabs = tabs; if (currentTab != 0 && currentTab >= slot) currentTab--; } } public void createTab() { int slot = bankTabs.length; Item[][] tabs = new Item[slot + 1][]; System.arraycopy(bankTabs, 0, tabs, 0, slot); tabs[slot] = new Item[0]; bankTabs = tabs; } public void destroyTab(int slot) { Item[][] tabs = new Item[bankTabs.length - 1][]; System.arraycopy(bankTabs, 0, tabs, 0, slot); System.arraycopy(bankTabs, slot + 1, tabs, slot, bankTabs.length - slot - 1); bankTabs = tabs; if (currentTab != 0 && currentTab >= slot) currentTab--; } public boolean hasBankSpace() { return getBankSize() < getMaxBankSize(); } public void withdrawItem(int bankSlot, int quanity) { withdrawItem(getRealSlot(bankSlot), quanity); } public void withdrawItem(int[] slots, int quantity) { if (quantity < 1) return; Item item = getItem(slots); if (item == null) return; if (item.getAmount() < quantity) item = new Item(item.getId(), item.getAmount()); else item = new Item(item.getId(), quantity); boolean noted = false; ItemDefinitions defs = item.getDefinitions(); if (withdrawNotes) { if (defs.getId() == 29957) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage("You cannot withdraw this item as a note."); } else if (!defs.isNoted() && defs.getCertId() != -1) { item.setId(defs.getCertId()); noted = true; } else player.getPackets().sendGameMessage("You cannot withdraw this item as a note."); } if (noted || defs.isStackable()) { if(player.getInventory().getItems().containsOne(item)) { int slot = player.getInventory().getItems().getThisItemSlot(item); Item invItem = player.getInventory().getItems().get(slot); if(invItem.getAmount() + item.getAmount() <= 0) { item.setAmount(Integer.MAX_VALUE - invItem.getAmount()); player.getPackets().sendGameMessage("Not enough space in your inventory."); } }else if (!player.getInventory().hasFreeSlots()) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage("Not enough space in your inventory."); return; } }else{ int freeSlots = player.getInventory().getFreeSlots(); if(freeSlots == 0) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage("Not enough space in your inventory."); return; } if(freeSlots < item.getAmount()) { item.setAmount(freeSlots); player.getPackets().sendGameMessage("Not enough space in your inventory."); } } removeItem(slots, item.getAmount(), true, false); player.getInventory().addItemMoneyPouch(item); } public void sendWearBank(int bankSlot) { System.out.println("wear"); int[] slot = getRealSlot(bankSlot); if (slot == null) return; Item item = bankTabs[slot[0]][slot[1]]; withdrawItem(bankSlot, 1); int invSlot = player.getInventory().getItems() .getThisItemSlot(item.getId()); if (invSlot == -1 || !ButtonHandler.wear(player, invSlot, item.getId(), false, false)) { refreshItems(); player.getEquipment().refreshItems(new Item[] {}); } else { player.getInventory().refresh(invSlot); player.getAppearence().generateAppearenceData(); } } public void sendWearInventory(int slot) { System.out.println("wield"); Item item = player.getInventory().getItem(slot); if (item == null) return; if (, slot, item)) return; if (ButtonHandler.wear(player, slot, item.getId(), false, false)) { player.getInventory().refresh(slot); player.getAppearence().generateAppearenceData(); } } public void sendExamineInventory(int slotId) { Item item = player.getInventory().getItem(slotId); if (item == null) return; player.getPackets().sendGameMessage(ItemExamines.getExamine(item)); } public void sendExamine(int fakeSlot) { int[] slot = getRealSlot(fakeSlot); if (slot == null) return; Item item = bankTabs[slot[0]][slot[1]]; player.getPackets().sendGameMessage(ItemExamines.getExamine(item)); } public void depositItem(int invSlot, int quantity, boolean refresh) { if (quantity < 1 || invSlot < 0 || invSlot > 27) return; Item item = player.getInventory().getItem(invSlot); if (item == null) return; if (player.getTemporaryAttributtes().contains("ClanBank") && !ItemConstants.isTradeable(item)) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "Untradeable items can't be deposited into a clan bank."); return; } int amt = player.getInventory().getItems().getNumberOf(item); if (amt < quantity) item = new Item(item.getId(), amt, /* item.getDegrade() */0); else item = new Item(item.getId(), quantity, /* item.getDegrade() */0); ItemDefinitions defs = item.getDefinitions(); int originalId = item.getId(); if (defs.isNoted() && defs.getCertId() != -1) item.setId(defs.getCertId()); Item bankedItem = getItem(item.getId()); if (bankedItem != null) { if (bankedItem.getAmount() + item.getAmount() <= 0) { item.setAmount(Integer.MAX_VALUE - bankedItem.getAmount()); player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "Not enough space in your bank."); } else if (bankedItem.getAmount() + item.getAmount() >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "Could not bank your " + item.getName()); return; } } else if (!hasBankSpace()) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "Not enough space in your bank."); return; } player.getInventory().deleteItem( new Item(originalId, item.getAmount(), /* item.getDegrade() */ 0)); addItem(item, refresh); player.getVarsManager().sendVar(3922, item.getAmount()); setLastDepositX(item.getAmount()); } public void addItem(Item item, boolean refresh) { addItem(item.getId(), item.getAmount(), refresh); } public int addItems(Item[] items, boolean refresh) { int space = getMaxBankSize() - getBankSize(); if (space != 0) { space = (space < items.length ? space : items.length); for (int i = 0; i < space; i++) { if (items[i] == null) continue; addItem(items[i], false); } if (refresh) { refreshTabs(); refreshItems(); } } return space; } public boolean addItem(int id, int quantity, boolean refresh) { return addItem(id, quantity, currentTab, refresh); } public int getTab(int comp) { if (comp >= 148 && comp <= 212) { return (comp - 148) / 8; } return -1; } public boolean addItem(int id, int quantity, int creationTab, boolean refresh) { if (ItemDefinitions.getItemDefinitions(id).isNoted() && ItemDefinitions.getItemDefinitions(id).getCertId() != -1) id = ItemDefinitions.getItemDefinitions(id).getCertId(); int[] slotInfo = getItemSlot(id); if (slotInfo == null) { if (creationTab >= bankTabs.length) creationTab = bankTabs.length + 1; if (creationTab < 0) // fixed now, alex creationTab = 0; int slot = bankTabs[creationTab].length; Item[] tab = new Item[slot + 1]; System.arraycopy(bankTabs[creationTab], 0, tab, 0, slot); tab[slot] = new Item(id, quantity); bankTabs[creationTab] = tab; if (refresh) refreshTab(creationTab); total_size++; } else { Item item = bankTabs[slotInfo[0]][slotInfo[1]]; bankTabs[slotInfo[0]][slotInfo[1]] = new Item(item.getId(), item.getAmount() + quantity, /* item.getDegrade() */0); } if (refresh) { refreshItems(); refreshTotalSize(); } return true; } public boolean removeItem(int fakeSlot, int quantity, boolean refresh, boolean forceDestroy) { return removeItem(getRealSlot(fakeSlot), quantity, refresh, forceDestroy); } public boolean removeItem(int[] slot, int quantity, boolean refresh, boolean forceDestroy) { if (slot == null) return false; Item item = bankTabs[slot[0]][slot[1]]; boolean destroyed = false; if (quantity >= item.getAmount()) { if (bankTabs[slot[0]].length == 1 && (forceDestroy || bankTabs.length != 1)) { destroyTab(slot[0]); if (refresh) refreshTabs(); destroyed = true; } else { Item[] tab = new Item[bankTabs[slot[0]].length - 1]; System.arraycopy(bankTabs[slot[0]], 0, tab, 0, slot[1]); System.arraycopy(bankTabs[slot[0]], slot[1] + 1, tab, slot[1], bankTabs[slot[0]].length - slot[1] - 1); bankTabs[slot[0]] = tab; if (refresh) refreshTab(slot[0]); } total_size--; } else bankTabs[slot[0]][slot[1]] = new Item(item.getId(), item.getAmount() - quantity, /* item.getDegrade() */0); if (refresh) { refreshItems(); refreshTotalSize(); } return destroyed; } public Item getItem(int id) { for (int slot = 0; slot < bankTabs.length; slot++) { for (Item item : bankTabs[slot]) if (item.getId() == id) return item; } return null; } public int[] getItemSlot(int id) { for (int tab = 0; tab < bankTabs.length; tab++) { for (int slot = 0; slot < bankTabs[tab].length; slot++) if (bankTabs[tab][slot].getId() == id) return new int[] { tab, slot }; } return null; } public Item getItem(int[] slot) { if (slot == null) return null; return bankTabs[slot[0]][slot[1]]; } public int getStartSlot(int tabId) { int slotId = 0; for (int tab = 1; tab < (tabId == 0 ? bankTabs.length : tabId); tab++) slotId += bankTabs[tab].length; return slotId; } public int[] getRealSlot(int slot) { for (int tab = 1; tab < bankTabs.length; tab++) { if (slot >= bankTabs[tab].length) slot -= bankTabs[tab].length; else return new int[] { tab, slot }; } if (slot >= bankTabs[0].length) return null; return new int[] { 0, slot }; } public void refreshViewingTab() { player.getVarsManager().sendVarBit(288, currentTab + 1); } public void refreshTab(int slot) { if (slot == 0) return; player.getVarsManager().sendVarBit(280 + (slot - 1), getTabSize(slot)); } public void sendItems() { player.getPackets().sendItems(95, getContainerCopy()); } public void refreshItems(int[] slots) { player.getPackets().sendUpdateItems(95, getContainerCopy(), slots); } public Item[] getContainerCopy() { if (lastContainerCopy == null) lastContainerCopy = generateContainer(); return lastContainerCopy; } public void refreshItems() { refreshItems(generateContainer(), getContainerCopy()); } public void refreshItems(Item[] itemsAfter, Item[] itemsBefore) { if (itemsBefore.length != itemsAfter.length) { lastContainerCopy = itemsAfter; sendItems(); return; } int[] changedSlots = new int[itemsAfter.length]; int count = 0; for (int index = 0; index < itemsAfter.length; index++) { if (itemsBefore[index] != itemsAfter[index]) changedSlots[count++] = index; } int[] finalChangedSlots = new int[count]; System.arraycopy(changedSlots, 0, finalChangedSlots, 0, count); lastContainerCopy = itemsAfter; refreshItems(finalChangedSlots); } public int getBankSize() { int size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bankTabs.length; i++) size += bankTabs[i].length; return size; } public Item[] generateContainer() { Item[] container = new Item[getBankSize()]; int count = 0; for (int slot = 1; slot < bankTabs.length; slot++) { System.arraycopy(bankTabs[slot], 0, container, count, bankTabs[slot].length); count += bankTabs[slot].length; } System.arraycopy(bankTabs[0], 0, container, count, bankTabs[0].length); return container; } public void unlockButtons() { player.getPackets().sendIComponentSettings(762, 136, 0, 18, 15302654); player.getPackets().sendIComponentSettings(762, 10, 0, 27, 14682110); player.getPackets().sendIComponentSettings(762, 243, 0, 1271, 15302654); player.getPackets().sendIComponentSettings(762, 300, 0, 1271, 2097152); for (int componentId = 281; componentId < 291; componentId++) { player.getPackets().sendIComponentSettings(762, componentId, 0, 1, 10485760); } } public void searchBank() { player.getInterfaceManager().sendInputTextInterface(); player.getPackets().sendCSVarInteger(190, 1); } public void switchWithdrawNotes() { withdrawNotes = !withdrawNotes; } public void switchInsertItems() { insertItems = !insertItems; } public void setCurrentTab(int currentTab) { if (currentTab >= bankTabs.length) return; this.currentTab = currentTab; } public void depositAllMoneyPouch(boolean banking) { int coinsCount = player.getMoneyPouch().getCoinsAmount(); int space = 0; if (coinsCount != 0) space = addItems(new Item[] { new Item(995, coinsCount) }, banking); if (space != 0) { if (space < 1) { player.getPackets().sendGameMessage( "Not enough space in your bank."); return; } player.getMoneyPouch().sendDynamicInteraction(coinsCount, true, MoneyPouch.TYPE_REMOVE); } } public void openHelpInterface() { // find correct one // player.getInterfaceManager().sendCentralInterface(767); } public boolean isInsertItems() { return insertItems; } public int getCurrentTab() { return currentTab; } } Edited May 28, 2022 by tpark75 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vainiven 2 Posted May 30, 2022 Report Share Posted May 30, 2022 Thanks for this brother Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0117be 67 Posted June 2, 2022 Report Share Posted June 2, 2022 Good work! thanks for the contribution. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tpark75 0 Posted June 4, 2022 Author Report Share Posted June 4, 2022 On 6/2/2022 at 11:48 AM, 0117be said: Good work! thanks for the contribution. On 5/30/2022 at 6:16 AM, Vainiven said: Thanks for this brother This is literally a help post with me saying things are broken... I'd love to post a fix, but I am asking about a problem. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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