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[Ferox] Cannot load data store from C:/Users/PC/Desktop/Project


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I simply cannot figure out why I can't get the server to start. I took quite the break from RSPS development (I was also still a noob when I was developing years ago) and I have come as far as figuring out how to load everything into IntelliJ as opposed to Eclipse.

I am trying to run the Ferox base package and I am running into this error:

[06 Aug 2022, 4:49:42 PM] [FeroxInitializationThread] [GameServer] [FATAL] An error occurred while loading Ferox.
java.io.FileNotFoundException: Cannot load data store from C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Judgment, aborting.
	at com.ferox.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:172) [Server/:?]

When I look in the ServerProperties.java file I see:

definitionsDirectory = "./data/def/";
dumpDefinitionsDirectory = "./data/dump/";
clippingDirectory = "./data/clipping/";

I'm not sure if I need to change the path to my directories? I've tried doing this but there are a LOT of paths to change and I just feel as if that is not what I need to do.

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