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[667] - Client Freezes When OSRS NPC Spawns In [HELP]


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My server is a 667/728 revision and I have been trying to add in OSRS support via new opcodes and what not and I have methods for npcdefinition and model decoding in which they both seem to not work even though they are there and I BELIEVE are added correctly, but considering it doesn't work it 100% wasn't added correctly. If anyone has any idea and could help me solve this problem I would be very grateful. At least nudge me into the right direction. I got the opcodes from a server release that is a 718/OSRS. I also have the OSRS data packed via an offset and accessing them as well. I also was able to run my npcdefinitions dumper that dumps all a list of NPC's that are in my cache and it gave me opcode errors and once I added them they were able to be dumped and it shows the OSRS npc's start at 20000(my offset). Been trying to get this for like 2 weeks, just have not gotten anywhere. 

If you need anymore information just ask below or add me on discord. Anything will help! Ill also provide the npcdefinitions client sided and server sided if anyone wants to see what i'm dealing with. 


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