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Client-end Developer


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Hello, RuneSuite! :yay:

Currently looking for the following services, there are no set time-frame as this is only a project.
If text is underlined = means no longer need

Base: 317 (OSV)
Discord: Thee_Wiz

- RuneLite 117HD Implementation
- Custom Edgeville Map (details in dm)
- Pathfinding needs fixing/redone
- OSRS Account Management Interface 
- Custom Teleport Interface
- Custom NPC Drop Viewer Interface
- Custom Client Background/Logo
- Custom Donator Panel Interface (details in dm)
- Possibly a rev upgrade (unsure of which version)

--- Most likely other stuff as well, just dm me.

If this is in the wrong please, I apologize.

Edited by Expired
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[email protected]


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