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RSPSi ~ Beginners Guide


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Welcome to my beginners guide for RSPSi!

I did not make any of the content I am describing here, I am simply trying to make getting started on RSPSi easier to understand for new members to the community.

I started digging into the RSPS scene about a month ago and have had the opportunity to look into many of the tools available to people within the community. One of these amazing tools is a Map Editor that is free to use called, RSPSi. The purpose behind this guide will be to help individuals who are interested in starting to map for RSPS's, but may be having issues getting the tool to launch and once the tool is launched they may struggle learning the UI. Today, I hope to make it as simple of a process as possible for you to start creating new maps!

For the purpose of this tutorial, I will be referring to the Zenyte Source for any examples.


What is RSPSi?


How can I download RSPSi?


How can I run RSPSi?

  • RSPSi is able to work with multiple clients, for example; Zenyte, Necrotic, etc.
  • Find out the plugin that will work for your source, for Zenyte, we will be using OSRSPlugin.
    • Move the plugin you will be using from inactive to active, only one should be active at a time.
  • Make sure that you have JRE 1.8 installed in /Program Files/Java/JRE_1.8 (https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp)
  • Create a run.bat file to run editor.jar.
    • "C:\Program Files\Java\jre-1.8\bin\java.exe" -jar editor.jar
  • Run the file!


How to start working on a project?

  • Once you've got RSPSi to run, we will need to load a cache and XETA keys, you can find some here: https://archive.openrs2.org/caches 
  • Once you have successfully completed this, you will see white text that says "Please select a map to load..."
    • We have a couple options here, we can load through .dat/.gz files, .pack files or by using a HASH.
  • Begin editing your map! 








Edited by Huntley
Added RSPSi discord link
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