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Everything posted by decysp

  1. looking O_o will edit when I see it and mess with it so this isn't spammy :3
  2. The only playstation device ive ever owned was a PSP and PSP Go way back in the day, and have an Xbox One now, and personally love xbox more. The controller fits more comfortably for me :3
  3. Personally, i like RuneLeak. I slightly disagree with the post requirements and I feel like it turns down a ton of potential on-the-edge members, but I also see why it is done. RuneLeak has a cool, chill, mature community with less drama. Also can't forget about the releases on here that aren't released anywhere else.
  4. Valid point actually. Seems like the players of RSPS usually spark ideas faster and better than Jagex, so im kinda surprised that it hasn't been a popular thing yet
  5. lets def make a game thats almost like runescape but not exactly and its kinda like.. a private server and we can customize stuff on it. the people would love it inb4peopletakemyseriously
  6. inb4 runeleak makes a server, that was either leaked or gets leaked
  7. hey :3 i personally would say to get this forum so its not like.. dead. would be less strict on the force; and defs more forum categories to make people feel inclined to post
  8. lowkey idk if this post is dead but im a shitty person who likes to play RSPS's alone and knows 1% about java/coding, and im a rare breed who f***ing hates eclipse, so if you could like leak some stuff that doesnt use eclipse, i'd bang.
  9. i see mantvis is on the 10 post journey as well lmao but hey welcome to runeleaks hope its everything you've dreamed of and more
  10. decysp


    AYYYYE. welcome :] im also new and have been playing runescape for over 10 years but like.. k. not really. sort of. i started in 2004 and quit for 10 years and now im back so wassup love you
  11. wassup homecats, my names dakota im just trying to live my dreams on runeleak; which is 10 posts to see the 317 download section #lifegoals atm im high key a POS. Love you all bye
  12. lmao george jones 10/10 my favorite lool. but hey! just strolling by to get 10 posts to look at the 317 forum huehue


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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