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Everything posted by Adam200214

  1. Saw recently posted on so just being nosey
  2. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  3. Looking for a PVP source with pvm content, pets too would be a bonus
  4. May use this for next project. Thanks
  5. When I login the 500m coins load with no other items and I get spamed with this error java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 76616 at com.dreamscape.Buffer.readSmart(Buffer.java:257) at com.dreamscape.Model.read317Format(Model.java:1472) at com.dreamscape.Model.<init>(Model.java:132) at com.dreamscape.Model.forId(Model.java:3893) at com.dreamscape.ItemDef.method201(ItemDef.java:1376) at com.dreamscape.ItemDef.getSprite(ItemDef.java:1168) at com.dreamscape.ItemDef.getSprite(ItemDef.java:1057) at com.dreamscape.ItemDef.getSprite(ItemDef.java:1052) at com.dreamscape.GameClient.drawInterface(GameClient.java:14484) at com.dreamscape.GameClient.drawTabArea(GameClient.java:4820) at com.dreamscape.GameClient.drawGameScreen(GameClient.java:14017) at com.dreamscape.GameClient.draw(GameClient.java:15763) at com.dreamscape.GameShell.run(GameShell.java:303) at com.dreamscape.GameClient.run(GameClient.java:8377) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Anyone have any ideas what this is and where it's trying to load 76616 from as I can't find anything
  6. Hey, I've been working on this and I'm just getting stuck with: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 76616 at com.dreamscape.Buffer.readSmart(Buffer.java:257) at com.dreamscape.Model.read317Format(Model.java:1472) at com.dreamscape.Model.<init>(Model.java:132) at com.dreamscape.Model.forId(Model.java:3893) at com.dreamscape.ItemDef.method201(ItemDef.java:1376) at com.dreamscape.ItemDef.getSprite(ItemDef.java:1168) at com.dreamscape.ItemDef.getSprite(ItemDef.java:1057) at com.dreamscape.ItemDef.getSprite(ItemDef.java:1052) at com.dreamscape.GameClient.drawInterface(GameClient.java:14484) at com.dreamscape.GameClient.drawTabArea(GameClient.java:4820) at com.dreamscape.GameClient.drawGameScreen(GameClient.java:14017) at com.dreamscape.GameClient.draw(GameClient.java:15763) at com.dreamscape.GameShell.run(GameShell.java:303) at com.dreamscape.GameClient.run(GameClient.java:8377) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) The coins load for me but that's it before my client freezes and it spams this error.. I can't find where it's trying to load 76616 from though, perhaps we can work together to get a fixed version.
  7. Adam200214


    Been looking for this, hope links still work Been looking for this, hope links still work
  8. I know most people will say something about RSPS but is there anyone that's left the RSPS scene but is still active on here just to socialise/keep up with the community?
  9. Donate on this forums and you can get it
  10. I think I recognise you from Rune-Server, if so you do great work and I would recommend you to anyone. Welcome
  11. Welcome, if you're starting out I would recommend you grab a Release source from here to get a more complete source to learn how things work. When I started I would use tutorials and snippets from rune-server to see where you put things and what does what. Feel free to hmu if you need any help(no spoon feeding though you gotta learn )
  12. I'm an oldish member that never really got involved with the community, however I'm returning to the RSPS scene honestly out of boredom and curiosity to see how far they've come
  13. Adam200214


    Welcome, drax from dreamscape by any chance?
  14. xbox 360 over ps3 ps4 over xbox - i would say xbox1 is better but they went back to the huge controllers, they should have stuck with roughly the same size controller like what ps4 did with ps3
  15. I would have to say rune-server and runesuite, rune-server is a lot better for non-Release resources such as tools/graphics whereas the best things always comes from leaks, from places like here
  16. Gonna rip pet system, thanks.
  17. Want a server to mess around on this looks good, thanks
  18. Will use this if the item def file works
  19. Adam200214


    Heya from Adam, might be active here for a bit


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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