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Everything posted by greenthumb

  1. @Madara Yeah I figured it out after adding a search plugin for eclipse lol. Swapped sources either way though back to using shitty elvarg :3 Thanks tho homie
  2. Thanks i guess prolly wont use
  3. ayee @Apollo u got a spare link bro?
  4. How badly would it effect performance if I was to use code from a pi or other source to implement in a custom framework? Or would it just fuck the server up..?
  5. @Madara well shit, not that experienced to write it myself an doubt any rips would be compatible with osr guess thats out the window thanks for the reply glad i can stop picking through every line searching lol
  6. Can someone tell me which directory contains player owned shops settings? looked in everything i saw related to it aswell as everything imported into the playershop plugin itself, cant find it anywhere, wanted to enable to do some testing if its stable or not. Please if someone has the time just to tell me the mf name of the directory I'd be a happy hoe Edit: Non existent
  7. greenthumb


    Quick health tip, eatcakizsogood4u nice to meetcha


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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