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Everything posted by Madara

  1. Madara

    Ruse V2 - Released

    Ah From what he said, he changed a lot of things from the client. But it is a very nice client.
  2. Madara


    Welcome to Rune Leak! Are you the same Titanium on R-S?
  3. Trump wont reveal how broke he actually is, ever wonder why NO bank in America will loan Trump money? He owes LOADS of people money that he doesn't plan on paying back... We as a country tried doing that, and now we owe $19.3 Trillion dollars. He complains about outsourcing to other countries and make our product here, when his line of suits are made in Mexico, and His "Make America Great Again" hats are made in China..... Hillary is just a liar and a aid in murder, she pushes for very unnecessary war, killing innocent people. She BOUGHT OUT BY WALL STREET, LOBBYISTS AND SPECIAL INTERESTS AND, BENGHAZI HEARINGS PROVE SHE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT AMERICANS. Why have someone in office who doesn't care about it's people? If you plan on voting for either one of these disasters, then please open a book before Nov. 8th.. 1776 will happen again.
  4. Madara

    Ruse V2 - Released

    Yeah i was able to snag a copy from Swiffy, before R-S took it down. Leaving as a Leak due to the fact you can not get this source anymore.
  5. Its very possible, Although there was a and still is a server with that name, he was trying to steal and RAT my players.. Jocobey does sound familiar tho.
  6. My very first server was back before the 508's. Avalon peaked at around 300-400 players online at all times. Unfortunitly Jagex forced me to take down on copy right infringement and soul split took over. Avalon was #6 on the chart. (Im sure i have the files still on a flash drive)
  7. Madara


    Welcome to Rune Leak! Any questions you may have, feel free to PM me.
  8. Madara

    MySQL Help

    Hey fellow leakers! I was wondering if someone could help me with Motivote, I cant seem to get my server to connect to my database.
  9. In that method make sure all your sprites are replaced and you should be good to go. There should be more in the client, referring to your mouse position.
  10. You are basically looking for the X and Y coords of your mouse. It should be client sided. For example: drawingArea.method385(0xffff00, "Mouse X: " + super.mouseX + " , Mouse Y: " + super.mouseY, 314, 5);
  11. I did a really quick once over and didnt spot anything, not saying i didnt miss anything.
  12. Sanders! Don't count him out yet. (He can still win )
  13. Thanks, I mainly use Metasequoia 4.
  14. Let me know if you still need help on this.
  15. Welcome to Rune Leak Remi! If you have any questions or need any assistance; My PM is always open. I hope you enjoy our community we are trying so hard to build
  16. Madara


    I too am here m8, hmu on skype
  17. What kind of DJ? Most DJs just use itune playlists. Are you wanting to edit audio to make your own stuff? Or just play at events? I can list what I equiptment I use when I get home if you wish.
  18. Welcome to Rune Leak Merp, Please feel free to PM Me if you have any questions. Good luck with your server!
  19. Welcome to Rune Leak Austin! We are Glad to have you apart of this community, Please feel free to PM Me with any questions you may have.
  20. Welcome to RuneLeak, Harry! Please feel free to PM Me with any questions.
  21. Welcome to RuneLeak, Swag! Please feel free to PM Me with any questions.
  22. Madara


    Welcome to RuneLeak! Please feel free to PM Me with any questions.


[email protected]


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A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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