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Merp last won the day on December 19 2016

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About Merp

  • Birthday 04/26/1996

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    United States

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  1. Fellow RuneLeakers, Title says it all, I'm looking for an OSRS Client for a project I am going to be started. Any feedback is great. Preferably something newer cache as I'm not a great client developer and can't do much lol. Drop your feedback, suggestions, and/links. Thank you, thank you.
  2. I'm looking for an OSRS Client with OSRS models, maps, etc. I am going to start working on a project that isn't like any other private server so little to no content would be okay as I'm going to add just about everything that is needed for the project. Main features to be included: Combat - Melee, Range, Magic, Etc. Skilling - Mining, Smithing, Fishing, Cooking, Woodcutting, Firemaking, Crafting, Etc. Mainly used to make items required for main objectives. Achievement system - Will add achievements, just a base needed. Mingames - Duel Arena, Barrows, Godwars, Etc. Other features will be added as in Trivia, Announcements, Shops, Zones, Home locations, and such. As I said, lititle to no content would be great as a stable clean source is recommended. If anyone could please reply with some links to point me towards the right direction or so. I would explain my project but as I said it isn't like any other private server, therefore I'm hoping that it will be one of a kind to where more people will enjoy it instead of other servers being like it. But as I know of right now. It is just an idea I have thought of and would like to make it happen. Thank you for your time and thanks in advance.
  3. I'm gonna have to go with RuneLeak. I do like RuneServer and all, but RuneServer's Community is bad. Although I has lots of contect, people just criticize way way to much. I hope RuneLeak will be different.
  4. Hello mate, and welcome to RuneLeak. Stay tuned, while RuneLeak rises!
  5. Merp


    Hello, and welcome to RuneLeak! As far as I can tell, Runeleak is doing an amazing job so far.
  6. Hello there, and welcome to RuneLeak!
  7. Merp

    ~ Um?

    Hello, and Welcome to RuneLeak! I mean, theres always some type of bullshit, oh well.
  8. Thanks man. & Yeah, hes nice for the most part. Hes kinda mean to some people tho, when hes being bi-polar, lmfao.
  9. Merp


    Hello, and welcome to RuneLeak!
  10. Merp

    Hey guys

    Hello, and welcome to RuneLeak! I wish you the best of the luck on your RSPS, if I find any customs ill be sure to get ahold of you to see if you have it already. See you around, Happy Gaming.
  11. Hello, and welcome to RuneLeak! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  12. Merp


    Hello, and welcome to RuneLeak!
  13. Hello, everyone of RuneLeak. My name is Tyler, I am 20 years young. I have been into the private server community for quite sometime now. I began messing around with ddspecced awhile ago. The first ever private server I played was FatalX if anyone has heard of it. FatalX ended up shutting down and I moved onto playing RitzScape. When I was playing RitzScape, thats when started messing around with coding. Due to that, I have gotta some experience and am working on a server right now. It is not released to the public yet, and don't plan on releasing it quite yet until everythings ready. Well, back to alittle bit about myself. As I said, my name is Tyler, I am 20 years young. I had a dog. He is a full blooded red nose pitbull, he is almost a year and half. His name is Diesel. He is a very hyper, playing, bi-polar, but loving dog. Hmm? Anything? I don't know. Hope to see what this community is about. Thanks for your time, and happy gaming.


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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