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Everything posted by AlbanianLHC

  1. ye camelot pking was really fun... good memories, I remember finalfight by the owner " yodamonkey5 "........ over 10 years ago
  2. ye brother, just continue coding, try to fix some easy bugs and you will get there!
  3. really good work , hope you are still coding lots of stuff
  4. hope it looks good! I will check
  5. hahaha looks freshhh , all clean
  6. looks really good man! keep it up with coding
  7. oohh let me check out, nice template
  8. I'm a guy that likes to see new rsps coming out especially OSRS pking ones. Fun to see developers create new features and interfaces. I am probably going to start to learn too.. why not did in the past 10years ago+.


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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