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Nan last won the day on October 5 2016

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  1. Nan

    Turmoil #119 - Released

    Ill see who bough it, and "partner" with them
  2. Nan

    Turmoil #119 - Released

    Can someone link me to the original thread for the sale?
  3. Nan

    Turmoil #119 - Released

    I'll look into the updated version, no clue who has it ill stalk the post.
  4. Yes, and there is full Skotizo so I'm not sure what he's all on about.
  5. Are you positive there is no npc def for skotizo?
  6. Nan

    Turmoil #119 - Released

    Still not too bad to start with, hopefully get the update version soon
  7. released and its the latest copy yes
  8. Skotizo is included, there are two boss teleports that are either commented out or something and thats Kraken, Cerberus, and Shaman
  9. I'll be honest I prefer Rune-Server. Community really isnt as bad as people say. This site is #2 though
  10. Nan


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