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Everything posted by SweatyRS

  1. Thanks for the contribution will be checkin it out shortly
  2. +1 Thank you for your contribution,havent been able to find a working simp download link for awhile
  3. Thanks for the repost. was nice of you to credit the owner Ive noticed not alot of people do nowadays thanks for the contribution.:)
  4. There is a little notification that pops up when you first login and visit the forums. It is a 10 post count, be careful not to spam though I believe you may get some heat for it haha.
  5. Thank you for the little TuT. the details and imaging really helped
  6. This looks dope. Hope your keeping active in the rsps community need more people like ya!
  7. Hello, with me being new in the community and not heard of I decided its probably best if I keep this short and sweet. I would like to Fully Fund and Manage a new Oldschool Project. It has been years (4+) since ive messed around in the rsps community and I would really like to revive one of the servers I was apart of back in the day. The server would be (pre-eoc) an RS2 Build of sorts.. Im not looking to start a huge project, just something small for now and if it turns into something bigger so be it im always down.. I am not looking for any super skilled developers in particular as I am pretty novice myself. If anyone is interested in learning more details on the server itself, helping out or joining the small development team please feel free to shoot me a pm or reply below :). Thanks so much for the time (General Idea) RS2-ish server. Without the loads of customs. No pay to win donation system just a fun not as rough grind.
  8. It looks awesome. Bummer to hear about the lost model.. Keep up the good work!
  9. Hello my name is Sweaty and im a gamer sweat. I like osrs and console games Mainly been playing MW and DayZ. Missed rsps's so i decided to take a look around some communities.


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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