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Everything posted by risk

  1. None of the above, as said there are so many servers like this I wouldnt bother putting time into it to get a server open for a month with a maximum of 8 players on the first day of advertisement but do what you wish and gl with it
  2. risk

    What's up

    welcome mate, enjoy your stay
  3. got majroity of these but thanks
  4. good luck, any idea on what you want to create?
  5. risk


    Thanks for the heads up, BTW maybe you want to remove or block out your personal info such as email and password?
  6. risk

    Sup lads

    hello and welcome
  7. risk


    welcome lee friend
  8. risk


    welcome dennis nice to meet you too
  9. Not going to deny, I prefer Rune-server, but then that has 10 years + on this Runeleak only been open for few months I believe? so it's going well will be giving this a good shot for sure so keep it up @Ace
  10. risk


    Hello Don Vito Welcome
  11. risk

    Ello Ello

    Sup, what's going on if you haven't already seen open your eyes my name is risk. Been around the rsps community for a good few years now found this site thought i'd give it a try. From the UK dunno what else to say lol if you want to know anything feel free to ask. cheers


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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