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Everything posted by Austen

  1. Try the #buying section of our Discord. More activity there.
  2. Better to get help for this in the RuneSuite Discord #rsps-help section.
  3. Welcome to the RSPS download section of RuneSuite. Here we have a few rules for those who would like to post new downloads, or those who just want to download. 1. Downloads must be posted in the correct section. e.g. 317 must be posted in 317 section 2. Media is required if you are posting a download 3. No unnecessary spam 4. Files must be scanned & safe to download, for those who are posting them
  4. I added some media. πŸ‘
  5. There are some OSRS servers out there that have pretty simple setup instructions. RS Mod, for example is pretty user friendly. Only thing with that base, it’s in Kotlin. Worth learning still. [Hidden Content]
  6. It’s in Discord. You need either donator rank or to invite 5 friends to the Discord server to obtain access to passwords.
  7. Yes. I’ve only fixed the link.
  8. Download link is now working. πŸ™‚ download here ↴ [Hidden Content] Password will be posted to the #vip-content section of Discord.
  9. You have to earn the role to obtain passwords in the RuneSuite Discord. Do not ask for it otherwise.
  10. Austen

    hyperion 718/751

    What is broken? Download works
  11. Where water meets land -- You'll want to make sure that water tiles are flat, as they are in OSRS. Would suggest more naturally curved tiles, rather than straight lines. Study small details on runescape maps and copy them over to your own. They'll start looking much better.
  12. Austen

    Xeros 214

    Nice contribution as always
  13. Fixed link with no missing files as well. Enjoy. πŸ™‚ [Hidden Content]
  14. This one’s gonna change the game


[email protected]


What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

Popular RSPS Servers

Runewild Ikov RedemptionRSPS


Runesuite is not affiliated with runescape, jagex in any way & exists solely for educational purposes.

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