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Kronos based server loading #223 data

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I am currently working on two projects at the same time and I simply don't have time for this one anymore. 

The project I am selling is Kronos based. Good for starters who want to learn more but already have content at the same time. 

Since December we upgraded to #223 data. This contains content up to and including TOB. All that remains to be coded are the attack mechanics and location for Nex and Verzik Vitur. COX is also now fully functional with the new implementation. Also has new animation id's for the weapons, (zaryte cb, voidwaker, etc) 

Number of bug fixes: 
No more clipping with flower poker 
Debugged whole server
Added 3 tick Scythe of Vitur instead of 1
Added TOB map, you only need to edit the inside of TOB for it work. 
Fixed collection log
Bugfix daggannoth Cave, when dying you spawn back to home and aren't bugged.
Added anim ID ice giants,
Fixed dupe glitch Toxic blowpipe
Fixed dupeglitch flower poker
Fixed dupeglitch item buying and selling 
Revision 223
Fixed trading post bug 
Fixed drop at COX, there was a glitch with not receiving rewards 
Fixed scoreboard.
Fixed dungeon zone for donators
Fixed Unstackable charge items in bank
Fixed PID wilderness playerkilling
Reworked commandhandler

What you should fix: 
Use of Max capes in Wildy 
Fix tournament
Fix the max Exp string 
If you update incorrect way clan chat will be bugged.
Donator zone will bring you to d zone without being donator. Had no time to fix it 
When flower pokering it should take (mithril seeds) out of the inventory but even when you dont have seeds you can still fp. 

What comes with the package? 
- Working RSPSI map editor

- Working Item editor

- Working interface editor 

- Working cache packer/suite 

interested? add me on discord and i send you some more info + price:      Miek_mill 



Edited by Saturated
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  • Saturated changed the title to Kronos based server loading #223 data
On 1/29/2025 at 9:17 AM, Saturated said:

This is def not NR. This is Kronos based. 

why remove the map then lol

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9 hours ago, lms said:

why remove the map then lol

I don't know what map you mean? if you want more images,  more information  and the code snippets etc i will gladly give it to you. once again this is kronos based 

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