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MX3 GFX Looping /718


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Hello Runeleak,
This is nothing special, but just contributing something to the Community.
In you're commands.java or developerconsole.java or any other class file where you list you're commands add this:
   WorldTasksManager.schedule(new WorldTask() {
    public void run() {
     if (3250 >= Utils.getGraphicDefinitionsSize()) {
     if (player.hasFinished()) {
     player.setNextGraphics(new Graphics(92)); //Change This ID To Any GFX
   }, 0, 3);
   return true;[/CODE]
and for 667:
   [CODE]if (cmd[0].equalsIgnoreCase("ANY NAME")) {
    WorldTasksManager.schedule(new WorldTask() {
     public void run() {
      if (3250 >= Utils.getGraphicDefinitionsSize()) {
      if (player.hasFinished()) {
      player.setNextGraphics(new Graphics(500)); //Change This ID To Any GFX
    }, 0, 3);
    return true;
What does this do?
This give's you the GFX Id you inserted on you're account until you logout, yes, you can make it so when you login the server that the GFX stays on the character without typing an command in, but we diden't want that.
That's a feature for later maybe, well.. I hope you can get use of this :)
If already released, couldn't find a topic for it.[/QUOTE]
this was my release on rune-server
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