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[508]Finding interface child ids for text writing!


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Purpose: To show you how to write to interfaces.
Classes Modified: I used Command.java to use a command to show me.
Step 1: Open Command.java
Add a new command:

 else if(cmd[0].equals("ti") && p.rights >= 2) {
String string = "line";
int inter = Integer.parseInt(cmd[1]);
int child = Integer.parseInt(cmd[2]);
p.frames.showInterface(p, inter);
for(int i = 0; i < child; i++) {
p.frames.setString(p, string+i, inter, i);

^^ That will show you the interface with the text "line" for each childId.
NOW: If you client crashes... Look on it:
You should see something like this:

Error: Class68_Sub20_Sub15:64 PacketParser:1051 Class14:33 Class90:143 client:78
4 Applet_Sub1:485 Applet_Sub1:156 java.lang.Thread.run | java.lang.ArrayIndexOut
OfBoundsException: 107 | T2 - 179,179,179 - 12,3163,3484 - 108,105,110,101,49,48

Where it says java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 107 thats where you gotta look for the total lines to write to.
The number 107 is the number of lines writable.
Try it:

::ti 156 107

Credits: 60
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