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[OSRS] Alora - Gauntlet ★ Raids 1 & 2 ★ Group Ironman


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Hello everyone,


Firstly we'd like to apologize for the delay in getting this update out, we know that some of you camped out last night and were eager to get right into it. There were some technicalities that prevented us from releasing it as soon as we would've liked, and we took the extra time to test everything and make sure the release goes as smoothly as possible. We'd like to thank you for your patience, and all the members of the staff team who helped us to test (especially @@God, @, @ & @ who were testing with me for the better part of today)! Nonetheless, we're exited to announce that the Nightmare is officially live! We're proud to be able to be the first to bring this content to an RSPS, and we're looking forward to seeing all of you enjoying this content in-game :)


Without further ado:


  • The Nightmare:
    • The Nightmare has descended upon Alora! Although her origins are not entirely clear, one thing is for certain — she is here to wreak havoc! Speak to Shura in the Sisterhood Sanctuary to learn more about the Nightmare and to enter her realm.
      • This boss can be fought solo or scale all the way up to 80 players.
      • The only requirement to enter is level 50 combat, though a higher combat level and decent gear is highly recommended.
      • Battle:
        • Main attacks:
          • The Nightmare can use all 3 combat styles. It is crucial that you correctly protect against her attack, due to the fact that you will take 20% more damage than usual if you are using the wrong protection prayer.
            • She primarily attacks with mage or range (dark claw or pink projectile), but can sometimes switch to melee unexpectedly and deal high damage to players situated in the direction she is facing.
        • Phases / special attacks:
          • The Nightmare mechanics are intricate and must be paid special attention to. There are 3 phases of this fight, each separated by a totem phase.
            • Any phase:
              • Grasping Claws
                • The Nightmare will pull black portals out of the ground which can deal high damage. When you see this attack, run to a free tile to avoid taking any damage.
            • Phase 1:
              • Flower Power
                • During this attack, she will split up the room into 4 quadrants. You must quickly move to the green quadrant to avoid taking any damage. Every tick you are in the wrong quadrant, you will rapidly take damage that heals the Nightmare.
              • Husks
                • A few players in the room may be cornered by Husks, and will be locked into place, unable to walk until they kill both Husks to free themselves.
            • Phase 2:
              • Parasites
                • She will occasionally throw parasites at random players, which will take a few seconds to grow and then burst out of the player. It will then heal the Nightmare until it is killed.
                  • To avoid this, as soon as you are "impregnated" with the parasite (see chatbox message to confirm), take a sip of Sanfew's serum and it will stop the parasite from growing.
              • Curse
                • A purple 'fog' will quickly flash on your screen, letting you know that you have been cursed. Once you are cursed, your overhead protection prayer will be shuffled over to the right, and any protection prayer you click in your prayer book will be scrambled for a few seconds.
                  • To use the correct prayer, simply remember that all the prayers are shifted over to the right.
            • Phase 3:
              • Spores
                • Mushroom like objects spawn around the arena. Standing next to one will cause it to explode, causing you to become weary; your run will be disabled and their attack speed is lowered by 1 tick for a short duration.
      • Rewards:
        • The reward system has three different components:
          • Room drops:
            • These drops are more likely to be seen in larger groups, and only 1 of each can be obtained:
              • Nightmare staff:
                • Rolled separately, there is a 1/750 to 1/600 rate to obtain this item. The more players in the room, the higher the chance. The players with more contribution have a better chance over other players.
              • Unique table:
                • There is a 1/250 to 1/200 chance to hit this table, with the chance being better with more players in the room. As with the Nightmare staff, higher contribution players have more of a chance to obtain the loot from this table. Once you hit this table, the rates for the items in this table are as follows:
                  • Inquisitor's mace - 3/24
                  • Inquisitor's great helm, hauberk, platelets - 5/24 for each
                  • Harmonised, Eldricht and Volatile orbs - 2/24 for each
          • Personal uniques:
            • These items' drop rates are only affected by your own performance and nobody else in the room. The more you contribute, the better chance of obtaining them:
              • Little Nightmare (pet)
                • Between 1/6000 - 1/3000
              • Jar of Dreams
                • Between 1/3000 - 1/1500
              • Elite clue scroll
                • Between 1/320 - 1/160
          • Non-uniques:
            • This drop table has standard items, and you are guaranteed at least 2 of these drops.
      • Combination weapons:
        • Nightmare staff can be upgraded with 3 different orbs:
          • The nightmare staff is a staff that requires level 65 magic and 50 Hitpoints to wield.
          • This staff in it’s base form, and variant forms, has a 15% magic damage bonus.
            • Eldritch nightmare staff:
              • This staff requires level 75 magic and 50 Hitpoints to wield.
              • The defining feature of this variant is the special attack, Invocate, which consumes 75% of the players special attack energy, and restores the caster’s prayer points by 50% of the damage dealt.
                • The damage is based on the player’s magic level, and ranges from 39(level 75 magic) to 50(level 99 magic) without any magic damage boosts.
                • The caster’s prayer cannot exceed 120 when using this special attack.
            • Harmonised nightmare staff:
              • This staff requires level 75 magic and 50 Hitpoints to wield.
              • The defining feature of this variant is that it can cast spells on the standard spell book with only a 4 tick delay, as opposed to the normal 5 ticks.
                • This staff can autocast standard spells, but unlike the other variants, it cannot autocast Ancient Magicks, and does not get the attack speed boost for those spells.
            • Volatile nightmare staff:
              • This staff requires level 75 magic and 50 Hitpoints to wield.
              • The defining feature of this variant is the special attack, which costs 55% of their special attack bar, and deals damage from 50(level 75 magic) to 66(level 99 magic) without any magic damage boosts.
                • The max hit of this spell off-task is 80.
                • Players also benefit from 50% increased accuracy when using this special attack.
      • Notes:
        • This is a DANGEROUS death for Hardcore Ironman. If you are unwilling to risk your Hardcore status, do not join the fight.
        • Items lost on death can be reclaimed from Shura outside of the room for 250k GP.
        • The player who dealt the most damage (MVP) will have the highest chance of loot. To know if you were the MVP, look at the ground and see if you received Big bones as a drop.



  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed a bug where players who dropped master clues and then logged out before the item disappeared would not be able to get another one.
      • If a player drops a master clue and logs out, it will disappear, thereby resetting they steps and making them eligible to get another clue.
    • The Spin at the soul altar step can now be completed with an infernal pickaxe or Dragon pickaxe (or).
    • Fixed a bug where players who had their drop notification set could not dismantle the Elysian spirit shield (or).
    • The following bosses can now be killed in their instances for Konar tasks: 
      • Waterbirth Dagannoths (Dagannoth kings)
      • Kalphite Lair kalphites (Kalphite queen)
      • Smoke dungeon smoke devils (Thermonuclear smoke devil)
    • Added the Gold headband to the medium clue scroll POH treasure chest.
    • Fixed slayer task assignment typos for the following tasks:
      • Cerberus
      • Barrows brothers
      • Grotesque Guardians
    • Fixed Viggora's chainmace attack/walk/stand/run animations.
    • Fixed a bug where the Supply chest was being announced as the Bloody chest.
    • Removed a bugged guard from the Ardougne market.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the special attack bar to not go away sometimes when a player would equip a new weapon that didn't have a special attack bar.
    • The “Check-steps” option on master clues now functions properly.
    • Fixed a bug where the friendly names overlay would turn off each time a player relogged until they opened their client settings again.
    • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the duel arena presets to be inaccurate.
    • Fixed a bug with both Desert amulet 4 teleports taking players to the Kalphite cave.
    • Giant mole will now burrow if he is being safe-spotted.
    • Fixed a bug where Mort more fungus could be collected by a player who did not cast bloom.
    • Mort myre fungus that was spawned with a silver silver ( cool.png will now disappear when a player who created it logs out.
    • Master clue killcount will now show the correct number on the Collection log.
    • The Scythe of Vitur's Chop attack will no longer be a Stab style attack. It will now be a Slash style attack as intended.
    • Fixed a bug which messed up some objects in your house (construction). Everything should be fixed, but if not send me a private message and I can look into it to fix it manually.
    • Players will now be warned when combining items that can’t be dismantled/returned to their base form.
    • Fixed a bug where equipping a staff that had a special attack bar would give all of your other staves that you equipped a special attack bar, even if they weren't supposed to have one.
    • Fixed a bug where two GIM received the same drop on the same tile from a monster, and after the first player picked up their drop, the other player's drop would disappear.
    • Alchemical Hydra will no longer drop Brimstone keys.
    • Fixed a bug which sometimes caused players who just killed Jad to still take incoming damage on the last hit, causing them to die outside of the fight caves.
  • Equipment tab rework:
    • The Equipment tab will now include the following information:
      • Ranged strength
      • Magic damage multiplier (as a percentage)
      • Undead multiplier (as a percentage)
        • The % of extra damage dealt to undead NPCs.
      • Slayer multiplier (as a percentage)
        • The % of extra damage dealt to NPCs that are Slayer tasks.
  • Quality of life:
    • Added snake weed to the ironman and Herblore supply shops.
    • Added Nail beast nails to the ironman supply shops.
    • Kandarin headgear now teleports players to Sherlock instead of the Seers bank.
    • Warm gloves are now sold in the daily task shop for 100 points, along with the rest of the pyromancer set.
    • Viggora’s chainmace can be now uncharged.
    • Completion of the Falador elite diary will now provide a 1% higher chance to get a godlen nugget for each pay-dirt cleaned.
    • The drop warning will now apply to items that players attempt to sell, as well as ones they attempt to drop.
      • If the cumulative value of item(s) being sold is greater than or equal to the drop value set, then it will warn you when trying to sell the item(s).
        • This means that if your item value is set to 10m, and you try to sell 1 whip, it will not warn you(since 1 whip is not worth 10m), but it will if you tried to sell, for example, 28 whips.
    • The drop warning notification now works cumulatively on stackable items.
      • Previously, if you set your drop warning limit to 10m and tried to drop 100 noted whips, it would not warn you. 
  • Scroll sack fix:
    • The Scroll sack has been added to the Wise old man's store after you've completed 100 Master clues.
      • Although there was a news announcement for this before, the feature never properly worked.
  • Ornamented Slayer helmet imbuement:
    • You can now directly use an Imbuement scroll on an already ornamented Slayer helmet from the following versions:
      • Twisted
      • Hydra
  • Wilderness death mechanic changes:
    • Previously, when an ironman killed a player, or a realism player killed a non-realism player, the loot of that kill would just go back to the player who died.
      • This mechanic has changed so that the items of the player who died to the ironman/realism player will now be wiped from the game.
        • Note: Realism players who kill other realism players will still be able to get the drops as normal.
  • Drop searcher interface:
    • A new interface has been added to the quest tab called the “Drop searcher”.
      • Players can open this interface, and lookup any item in the game that’s dropped by an NPC.
        • If the item is not dropped by an NPC, it will not show up.
        • After searching, a list of results that match the search will show up, and players can click on the option they wish to see, and it will display all of the NPC’s/reward systems that drop the item, as well as the amount, and rarity.
          • The rarity is dynamic, and changes based on your current drop rate boost.
        • If a player clicks on the name of the NPC that drops the item, it will redirect them to the NPC drop database interface so that they can see all of that NPC’s drops.
          • The opposite also works, so if a player clicks a drop on the NPC drop database interface, it will take them to the Drop searcher interface and show all the NPC’s that drop that item.
  • Players can now create Sanfew serums:
    • Sanfew serum is made by adding, in order, unicorn horn dust, clean snake weed and nail beast nails to an already made Super restore. Partially completed Sanfew serums are called Mixture - step 1 and step 2, but are not drinkable in these forms.
      • Level 65 Herblore is required to mix there potions.
        • Mixture - step 1 provides 57 Herblore experience.
        • Mixture - step 2 provides 63 Herblore experience.
        • Sanfew serum provides 73 Herblore experience.


















As always, please make sure to immediately report any bugs that you find. Enjoy! :)



Omicron & Chad



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7 hours ago, Draynor said:

Looks really nice mate GL hopefully i can hop on sometime

Give it a shot, you won't regret it. :)

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