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[OSRS] Alora - Gauntlet ★ Raids 1 & 2 ★ Group Ironman


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The Inferno, Combat Changes & More!

June 24, 2017


  • F2P Shop changes:
    • An ironman-only version of Oziach’s shop with the Fancy boots and Fighting boots has been added.
    • The regular version of the shop with all of the F2P items will be shown to non-ironman players.
  • PvM record changes:
    • The “Boss record lectern” has been renamed to “PvM record lectern”
      • A 3rd option on this lectern has been added to list the total overall killcounts for ALL NPCs. The other two options for boss killcounts/times remain unchanged.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Raids tight-rope fixed:
      • Players should no longer get stuck on the tight-rope.
    • Donation collection box wait time reduced:
      • From 1 minute to 15 seconds
  • Trading post changes:
    • Listing confirmation:
      • After pressing the confirm button when listing an item, another window will show up asking you if you wish to confirm your offer (showing the price and quantity)
    • Your trading post can now hold more than 2.147b GP for you to claim.
      • It will show the full amount (eg. 10billion), but if the amount is > 2.147b when you try to claim, it will give you platinum instead.
      • The buy-all value for an item will now show platinum if over 2.147b. This does not mean you can use platinum to buy items on the trading post, though. It only means that the value will be correctly displayed.
  • Combat updates:
    • Major combat bonus calculation fix:
      • Thanks to @Dawarloch for the bug report!
      • When speccing with the Granite maul and switching weapons very quickly on the spec tick, you could potentially land a hit with the bonuses of the new item you equipped. (eg. Hitting very high after equipping Dharok’s axe right after gmaul spec — although it should have used the bonuses of your Granite maul)
        • This has been changed by reworking the way bonus calculations are made, and doing them on the same tick of the attack(animation), not the tick that the damage is taken. Of course, this also includes calculating your victim's defence bonuses which will be calculated earlier (when you do the animation, not when they take the hit)
          • This may have small implications on hybrid combat as well and should make damage more realistic as it is using the bonuses from the armour you were wearing when attacking and/or casting a spell.
            • This applies to all three combat styles.
          • With this being said, the protection prayer calculation has not been changed. It is calculated on a later tick, to give the victim a bit of time to throw up their protection prayer.
    • PJ timer corrected:
      • Reduced from 6 seconds to 3.6 seconds (6 ticks)
    • Void changes:
      • Void damage bonuses have been nerfed to 10% following the recent OSRS update.
      • Elite void now provides slightly more damage bonus than regular, at 12.5% to both accuracy and damage.
    • Magic combat update:
      • Multi-spell fixes:
        • When performing a multi-combat spell (eg. Ice Barrage) there was previously a delay before your spell hit the surrounding enemies. It should now be instant and hit them at the same time as the main target.
        • Previously, the extra enemies hit by a multi-spell would retaliate before the spell even hit them. This has been delayed.
      • “Un-freeze” bug
        • Previously, a bug allowed players to walk while frozen by using an item on something.
  • Data updates:
    • We have grabbed the latest data from OSRS, including:
      • NPCs, Animations and Graphics
      • Maps & Objects
        • Mor-Ul-Rek and the Inferno
      • Items
        • Obsidian armour, Infernal cape, etc.
  • Client fixes:
    • Mac client fix:
      • The client window on Mac will no longer be unnecessarily large.
        • This also fixes the empty black space at the bottom of the client on resizable mode.
    • Resizable FPS fix:
      • Some players on resizable mode were reporting low FPS — particularly those with the “transparent chatbox” setting on. This has been fixed and the FPS should be normal again.
    • Sky color fix for instances/wilderness:
      • Instances and caves (anywhere not above ground) should now have a black sky color as opposed to blue.
  • Mor-Ul-Rek and the Inferno:
    • The city of Mor-Ul-Rek is now available to be explored by those who are worthy enough!
      • To enter the city, you must show one of the guards your Fire cape to prove your worth!
        • Once you have done this once, you will be able to enter the city freely whenever you desire.
      • Obsidian armour can now be purchased for Tokkul in TzHaar-Hur-Zal’s Equipment Store.
        • Alternatively, it can be obtained as a rare drop from TzHaar-Kets.
        • When the set is fully equipped (plate body, platelegs and helmet), a 10% damage boost to melee accuracy and strength is applied to ALL obsidian weaponry. This stacks with the berserker necklace effect for a possible total of 30% increased damage with Obsidian melee weaponry.
  • The Inferno:
    • Outline:
      • Located at the centre of Mor-Ul-Rek, the Inferno is an extremely challenging battle that is not for the weak.
        • You must sacrifice a Fire cape to attempt it, but once you have sacrificed it once you can enter the Inferno as often as you desire. 
      • NOTE: Upon entry, any Purple sweets in your inventory will melt.
    • Rewards:
      • Infernal cape:
        • If you make it through successfully, you will be awarded the exclusive Infernal cape!
          • This cape can also be combined with the Max cape to create the Infernal Max Cape.
      • Jal-Nib-Rek
        • A rare pet “nibbler” that can be obtained alongside the Infernal cape after completion.
      • JalRek-Jad
        • A custom pet that is unique to Alora, this pet can only be obtained by gambling your Infernal cape or through the webstore.
          • Due to the general dislike of the nibbler pet, we’ve decided to add an alternative, yet tasteful pet which, in our opinion, is more in-line with the type of reward the Inferno should provide.
    • Reward gambling:
      • You can speak to TzHaar-Ket-Keh near the Inferno entrance to gamble your existing cape:
        • You can gamble your cape for a slim chance at either the Jal-Nib-Rek pet, or an even slimmer chance at the JalRek-Jad.
    • Mechanics:
      • Pillars:
        • 3 pillars will be placed within The Inferno.
          • These will provide safe cover from enemies within the cave.
          • The locations of these pillars are randomized within 3 corners every single time a player enters The Inferno.
            • Nibblers will target them to try to collapse the pillars — therefore catching aggro for Nibblers early on is crucial for survival.
          • These pillars will collapse before wave 68.
      • Wave enemies:
        • Jal-Kek
          • Uses all 3 attack styles
          • Splits into 3 minions on death — each in their own attack style
        • Jal-ImKot
          • Burrow mechanic:
            • If a Jal-ImKot cannot reach the player, it will burrow into the ground and reappear next to the player to attack them.
        • Jal-MejRah
          • Drain 3 run energy per hit — as opposed to prayer drain as in fight caves
        • Jal-Zek
          • Attacks with Magic
      • Wave 68:
        • Three JalTok-Jads are spawned surrounding the you, and in a clock-wise order they will sequentially attack you. There is about ~3 ticks of time in between their attacks for you to switch prayers accordingly.
      • Wave 69:
        • The final and most challenging wave consists of a tricky battle between yourself and TzKal-Zuk, the final boss in the Inferno.
          • Essentially, you must hide behind the Ancestral Glyph (the floating shield) which moves back and forth along the lava.
            • If you are not behind this shield, or if it is killed, you can get one-hit by the boss quite easily.
              • Periodically, enemies will spawn and target the shield to take it down. It is in your best interest to get these enemies to aggro you rather than the shield to save it.
          • You must juggle attacking the boss, surviving against enemies (including another JalTok-Jad), and hiding behind the shield simultaneously to defeat this boss.
      • Extras:
        • Jad magic/range sounds have been added
        • Inferno music has been added, as well as the soundtrack for Mor-Ul-Rek!
        • Your TzKal-Zuk killcount/killtime will be recorded on the PvM Lectern.
  • Fight caves changes:
    • Normal TzTok-Jad fixes:
      • The combat mechanics/timers for regular Jad were highly inaccurate:
        • Both the magic/range delays have been matched to OSRS.
        • Projectiles and graphics have also been synched with the damage, so you get hit as soon as the fireball/range attack hits your character and not 1 tick after.
    • Fixed Fight caves (and other mini games) “escape”
      • There was previously a way to leave the mini-game while still being considered part of it, this has been fixed.
    • Pet gambling has been made easier:
      • There is now a higher chance to get the Ket-Rek pet from gambling your Fire cape.
  • Website update:
    • Our website logo/main background have been updated for The Inferno release!
  • Battle Royale changes:
    • Death mechanics changed in Battle Royale:
      • Your killstreak/KDR will be untouched.
        • This also applies to you if you die, you will not lose your kill streak or ruin your KDR.
      • The Wilderness scoreboard will no longer log your kill/death.
      • You will no longer receive PKP.
  • New command teleports added (Thanks to @
    This is the hidden content, please
     for the suggestion)
    • ::pc
      • Takes you to pest control.
    • ::fish
      • Takes you to the fishing guild.
    • ::wc
      • Takes you to the woodcutting guild.
  • Store update:
    • JalRek-Jad has been added!
      • Cost: 2000 tokens
      • Untradable
      • This pet is only obtainable through the shop OR by gambling your Infernal cape, but the Jal-Nib-Rek (nibbler pet) must be obtained in-game.









TP platinum:



TP listing confirmation:








Triple jads: (sped up)















Pillar collapse:
















We hope that you enjoy this update as much as we enjoyed bringing it to life! 


As always with a content update this large, there are bound to be some bugs. Please make a thread in the reports section and we will get to them as soon as possible. :)





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Do you think you have what it takes to beat the inferno? Only one person has completed it so far, and claimed one of the rewards we're offering to the first three players to complete the inferno on Alora!

For more information, check out this thread: 

This is the hidden content, please

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Hey guys,


As we near an incredible 8 months of Alora, I decided that it would be fun to create an infographic with all kinds of Alora statistics, with the help of our new graphics designer @

This is the hidden content, please
. We hope you find it as interesting as we did :)


Today's update fixes most, if not all of the reported bugs within the Inferno. Particularly, the dreaded bug where you have to run up to the final wave NPCs (as well as having them walk around and getting in your way) has been patched. 



  • Inferno fixes:
    • Fixed HP resetting to full when you relog on a wave.
    • Pillar/nibbler changes:
      • Pillars will now always spawn in the same locations. I thought that they were random, but this has proven to be incorrect.
      • Nibblers will now always spawn in the centre.
        • They will target any pillar, not the nearest pillar as they did before.
      • Previously, one nibbler would always attack a player instead of the pillar. This has been fixed.
    • Triple jad wave changes (68):
      • A bug previously caused the 2/3 jads to rarely attack back after the first had been killed.
    • Final wave changes (69):
      • Distraction enemies:
        • Jad can no longer attack with melee on the final wave.
        • You will no longer run up to the spawns on the final wave.
          • Technically, you can now range/mage the npcs in the room in the final wave from almost anywhere without running up close to them, and they should also not move when attacking you.
      • Shield changes:
        • The shield moved 1 square too far to the east, this has been fixed.
        • The shield will now “glow” red when it absorbs the fireball from the boss to let you know you are safe. (I missed this when watching videos of the fight initially)
      • TzKal-Zuk changes:
        • TzKal-Zuk’s attack speed has been increased by 1 tick (0.6 seconds) to match OSRS.
        • TzKal-Zuk can now be seen from the far eastern corner:
          • Previously, a bug would cause the boss to go invisible at the far right corner.
      • Fixed bug where you wouldn’t receive your Infernal cape.
      • Infernal cape will now go to the lost items shop and can be bought back for 2.5m


  • Firemaking object fixed:
    • The data update we did a few days ago had changed the ID of fires in the game. This has been corrected.
  • Miscellaneous fixes:
    • Fixed enemies attacking from different floors
      • Eg. Attacking from on on top of the Grand exchange
    • Gnome goggles slot fixed
    • Dragon sword requirements fixed (40 -> 60 attack)
    • System updates can now be cancelled/extended:
      • The other day we accidentally pushed out a 30 second update rather than 5 minutes (30 instead of 300 in the chatbox), which prompted us to add a command to cancel a pending update.
    • Crafting snakeskin items would require the wrong amount of items (less than required) after the first craft. This has been fixed.
    • Clan chat name bug fixed.
      • No longer allowed to use solely special symbols in your clan chat name. (Eg. “#” as the name)
      • <img> tags will no longer be allowed in Clan chat names.
  • Elysian spirit shield “effect” indicated
    • When your Elysian effect kicks in to reduce damage, a blue swirl graphic will appear around your character.
  • Dragon claws special attack fixed:
    • Previously, special attacking someone through Melee protection prayer was bugged.
  • Performance changes:
    • As some of you may have noticed, our previous server uptime was over 4 days!
      • Typically, Alora starts to experience lag after a certain number of days (less than 4), and our monitoring shows that we’ve made significant improvements and fixed some core issues that were causing this lag.
        • This means the server can remain online for longer without the need to reset simply for lag.






Enjoy! Goodluck to all of you who are going for an Infernal cape :)






Edited by alora
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