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[OSRS] Alora - Gauntlet ★ Raids 1 & 2 ★ Group Ironman


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Hello everyone,

Today’s the day! Construction is now officially released; let’s dive right into it!

First of all, I’d like to apologize for the delay in bringing this update to all of you, I would’ve liked to have released it much earlier but we had other updates prioritized over construction for awhile, combined with other things that came up and slowed progress. Thanks to everyone for being patient and not turning construction into a meme. Well, that last part isn’t entirely true.. Nonetheless, the update is finally here and ready to be enjoyed! With this being said, we’re also getting into the swing of more frequent updates, and you can expect a Halloween event very shortly wink.png

Most of this update is related to Construction, but we’ve also managed to throw in a few bug fixes and small QOL updates alongside that. This skill is huge, and I am expecting there to be at least a handful of bugs, so as always, please do report those as soon as you can so that we can get them patched up!


  • Server updates:
    • Item requirement fixes:
      • Dragonhide bodies (g)
        • These items had missing requirements, such as the Black d’hide body (g) not requiring 40 defence or 70 ranged.
      • Light infinity bottoms:
        • This item now requires level 25 defence and 50 magic.
      • Slayer helmet
        • All of these helmets now require 13 defence to wear.
      • Heavy/Light ballista:
        • Although these items technically don’t have a requirement on OSRS, you need to fully finish Monkey Madness 1 & 2 to equip them, which includes receiving a defence experience reward which would bring you to 33 defence. This requirement has been added to the item to balance out pure PvP.
      • White armour:
        • All pieces of white metal armour now require 10 defence to wear.
      • Shayzien armour:
        • All pieces now require 20 defence to wear.
      • Arcane spirit shield:
        • Previously required 75 Defence, 75 Ranged (?). Now requires 75 Defence, 70 Prayer, 65 Magic as intended.
    • Construction preparation package:
      • Plank making:
        • The sawmill operator north-east of Varrock can now can now turn your logs into planks! For a cost, of course:
        • Normal logs - 1,000 gp each
        • Oak logs - 2,500 gp each
        • Teak logs - 5,000 gp each
        • Mahogany logs - 15,000 gp each
      • Plank Make spell:
        • The lunar spellbook will now allow higher donator ranks to cast the Plank Make spell to quickly turn your inventory of logs into planks!
        • The cost of making planks is 70% of what the Sawmill operator would typically charge. For example, Normal logs would be 700 gp each rather than 1,000!
        • Normal logs: Super+
        • Oak logs: Extreme+
        • Teak logs: Legendary+
        • Mahogany logs: Uber+
  • Tree health:
    • The following trees will now last longer:
    • Mahogany: Over 4 times longer
    • Teak: 1.5x longer
  • Mahogany trees:
    • Mahogany trees can now be cut down!
    • You can find these trees in their usual spots around OSRS, as well as a few trees that have been added to the Donator Zone. (2 on the south side of the island, and 3 on the north)
  • Fixed donator zone wall clipping bug (near Slayer master)

Clan chat icons:

  • When speaking in a clan chat, your rank icon (eg. Classic, Donator, Veteran, etc) will show next to your message, similarly to yell.

Bonus Slayer points event:

  • Administrators will now be able to enable bonus Slayer points for weekend events!


  • Herb sack will now go to the lost items shop for 250K GP.
  • Ironman fix:
  • When creating new accounts, ironman ranks would be added as secondary groups, when they should be primary. This has been fixed.
  • De-ironing bugs have also been fixed.
  • Any ironman who could not properly de-iron should now be able to.
  • Any bugged HCIM (eg. Died and weren’t de-HCIM’d) are now regular ironman.

Stomp animation blocked within wilderness (it was causing delayed movement with special attacks which made rushing much harder to notice)
Skeletal wyvern hint message for Slayer fixed.
Double doors can now be opened on higher planes (2nd/3rd floors of buildings)
Fixed dice bag turning into Granite clamp placeholder occasionally when withdrawn from the bank
Super Mystery boxes buffed:

  • Super Mystery boxes have been buffed to give less junk items (eg. Single barrows pieces) and will now give rarer items more often.

Diamond bolt fix:

  • Regular diamond bolts (not the (e) version) were very underpowered due to incorrect ranged strength bonuses. This has been corrected.

Bond opening bug:

  • If you were an Uber donator and opened a bond, you would be set back to Legendary. This has been fixed.

Staff update:.

  • ::giverandom
  • This command can be used to induce a random event on a player who is not in the wilderness, not in combat, and who has not had a random event within the past 5 minutes.

Clue scroll updates:

  • Clue scroll steps reduced to match OSRS:
  • Elite scrolls:
  • Reduced from 7-11 steps to 5-7 steps

Clue scroll emote performance QOL:

  • When performing certain clue scroll emotes (eg. Cheering at Druid’s circle), the area in which the emote would work was very small. This has been slightly increased for most clues.

Farming update:

  • Compost has been added to Vanessa’s shop.
  • This is also used to build certain objects in construction.

Birds nest update:

  • Nests are now slightly more common, and the chance to get a good nest (eg. An egg, ring, etc) has been increased as well.

Gods egg offering update:

  • Offering gods eggs now has a much higher chance of giving Evil chicken outfit pieces (3x as likely)


  • Construction:
    • The long-awaited Construction skill is now released!
      • There are so many details and aspects of Construction that are nearly impossible to list on this update thread, but general features include:
        • All rooms functional (main floor / upstairs)
        • All objects within rooms buildable
        • This includes special achievements objects such as hanging a KQ or KBD head in your house!
      • Public/private houses — chose to have guests visit your house and kick them out whenever you’d like.
      • House tab setting between Edgeville/house
        • Right-click your house tab to set whether you want it to take you home or to your house!
    • House pet:
      • Why shouldn’t Construction have its own pet? We don’t see any reason why not!
      • The luckiest of players will obtain the House pet while building any piece of furniture within their house!
      • Note: Having a gold hammer in your inventory or bank will increase your chance of obtaining this pet by 20%!
  • Construction supplies:
    • The Estate agent has 3 shops for Construction supplies: (all available to Ironmen/Classic players)
      • 1. Basic supplies (Saw, Hammer, Soft clay, Nails, Bolts of cloth, Limestone, Granite, etc)
      • 2. Garden supplies (Bagged hedges, trees, flowers, etc)
      • 3. Exclusives (Gold leaves, Skulls, Clockworks, Paintings, etc)
    • Supplies not in the shop(s):
      • Magic stones / Marble blocks:
      • Both of these items are not in the shop, but they can be obtained through the following methods:
      • Many NPCs will drop them from the Rare Drop Table (RDT) (shared by most NPCs)
      • The Ring of wealth (i) can increase your chances to hit the Rare Drop Table.
      • The Magic stone is far less common than the marble blocks.
      • Both items are possible rewards from the Crystal key chest at home
      • Both items can also be purchased from the web shop

Max cape changes:

  • With the introduction of Construction, it will now be a requirement for the Max cape! Anyone who has the cape will no longer be able to equip it until they master the latest skill.
  • This also applies to the Completionist monkey.

Pools of energy:

  • Pools that restore all kinds of energy (special, run, prayer, stats, hitpoints) can be built by all players in your house. As you all know, donators already have a rejuvenation pool in Edgeville to use with a 3 minute cooldown.
  • With this in mind, we will allow non-donaters to build/use pools in the house but the delay will be as follows:
  • Non-donator house pool: 7 mins cooldown
  • Edgeville donator pool: 3 mins cooldown
  • Donator house pool: 1 min 30 secs cooldown

Fishing trophies:

  • There is a rare chance you might find a larger than usual fish the next time you go fishing!
  • Big bass, Big swordfish and Big sharks are now lurking in the waters and can be occasionally caught.
  • These larger fish can then be hung up on the wall in the Skill hall of your house.
  • Rates:
  • Big bass: 0/950
  • Big swordfish: 0/2250
  • Big shark: 0/4500

Note: You can also now hang up your monster heads on your wall in your house!

  • Eg. KQ or KBD heads

Demon swords:

  • Demons across the world now have a slim chance of dropping swords that can be hung up in your house:
    • Darklight, Excalibur, Silverlight
  • Demons that drop these, from greatest chance to lowest:
    • Crystal demons, Black demons, Greater demons, Lesser demons

House altar bonus experience:

  • Altars:
    • Oak altar - 0% bonus experience
    • Teak altar - 10%
    • Cloth altar - 12.5%
    • Mahogany altar - 15%
    • Limestone altar - 20%
    • Marble altar - 25%
    • Gilded altar - 30%
  • Incense:
    • Any of the 3 incense burners (torches/candles don’t count) boost the base experience by the following percentages when they are lit up:
      • 1 burner: 25%
      • 2 burners: 50%
  • Note:
    • Ironman and Classic players cannot use other people’s gilded altars, only those in their own house.

Pet house:

  • You can now place pets inside your menagerie, and whenever you enter your house you will find them roaming freely within the menagerie room!
  • To reclaim these pets, simply click on the pet house and select “Remove pet” to view the list of pets.
  • You can have up to 8 pets inside your Pet house depending on the type of house.
  • Oak - 2
  • Teak - 3
  • Mahogany - 4
  • Consecrated - 5
  • Desecrated - 6
  • Nature house - 8


  • You can hire a servant by speaking to the Estate agent!
    • There are five servants:
    • Rick (level 20)
    • 2,500 coins
    • Cost per item: 50gp
    • Trip time: 60s
  • Maid (level 25)
    • 5,000 coins
    • Cost per item: 60gp
    • Trip time: 30s
  • Cook (level 30)
    • 15,000 coins
    • Cost per item: 100gp
    • Trip time: 17s
  • Butler (level 40)
    • 5,000 coins
    • Cost per item: 150gp
    • Trip time: 12s
  • Demon butler (level 50)
    • 10,000 coins
    • Cost per item: 250gp
    • Trip time: 7s


  • Follows the owner around the house
  • Fetch materials from the bank for a cost: (time taken / cost to retrieve listed above)
    • Planks (all types)
    • Soft clay
    • Limestome bricks
    • Steel bars
    • Bolts of cloth
    • Gold leaves
    • Marble blocks
    • Magic stones
  • Un-notes items
    • Any item can be un-noted (except bones), taking the same amount of time as fetching from the bank (and same cost)
  • Payment:
    • The cost for the servant is taken every 8 times they perform a service.
    • For example, after the Butler fetches items from your bank 8 times, the Butler will ask for payment of 5,000gp. If denied, your Butler will quit and you will have to pay the House agent for a new one.

Missing features:

  • Construction is such a huge skill and it was truly the most time consuming piece of content that I’ve ever worked on for Alora. I tried to fit in as many features and complete as much of the skill as I could, but we’ve taken enough time to create this skill and there are of course some pieces missing.
  • There are many things you can do inside your house. As previously mentioned, not every single thing is functional, as some things would take too much development time and not provide much content. For example, the games room works in that you can create all of the objects, but you can’t actually play the games within it. Many things do work, though, such as: Cape rack, Boss topiary, Boss display, Boxing ring, Gilded altars and more. For the sake of this post not turning into an essay, I’ll let you guys figure it all out yourselves.
  • The largest, and arguably only important piece of content that is missing at the moment is the ability to build dungeon rooms, which will be released in a future update once we’ve worked through any bugs presented with the current release.

Store updates:

  • Pharaoh’s sceptre:
  • A new custom item is now available on Alora! Found exclusively in the donation store, the Pharaoh’s sceptre is a unique item which has a god-like “hovering” animation when equipped.


  • Construction supplies:
    • Gold leaf
    • Package of 80 leaves for 80 tokens
  • Marble blocks
    • Package of 25 blocks for 100 tokens
  • Magic stones
    • Package of 5 blocks for 150 tokens
  • Crystal saw / Golden hammer
    • These items are sold for 100 / 120 tokens each, respectively:
    • Both items remove the requirement for a saw/hammer to be in your inventory while building in your house, as long as you have them in your bank.
    • The Crystal saw also provides an invisible +3 Construction boost (can be in your bank)
    • The Golden hammer increases your chance to receive the House pet by 25% (can be in your bank)

Website updates:

  • Highscores fix:
  • Some players (newly created accounts) were not showing on Hiscores — this has been fixed.
  • Some usernames were showing on multiple pages (eg. On the Fishing high scores, some users with 200m exp would show up on both page 1 and 2)


  • Search fix:
    • 3-letter usernames can now be searched through the forums.
  • Client updates:
  • Ability to tweak volume in the client:
  • Due to request by a user who could not adjust the volume to their liking, we’ve added finer tuning with these commands:
  • ::musicvolume [0-255]
  • ::soundvolume [0-127]
  • ::areavolume [0-127]

Screenshot command: (Thanks to @ for the detailed suggestion!)

  • You can now take a screenshot of the client window without the need of any third-party applications!
    • Simple type ::screenshot, ::screeny, or ::screen to take a picture of the window.
    • This will be saved into your cache folder, which is typically located in:
      • Windows:
      • C:/aloracache/screenshots
    • Mac:
      • /Users/*your_name*/aloracache/screenshots
  • If the file cannot be saved (unlikely, but possible) you will receive a red message in-game to notify you that it was not saved.

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This is the hidden content, please

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Thank you to everyone who helped with testing (Big shoutout to @@error and @Haris) and @ for helping out with graphics!

What are you waiting for? Start building that mansion!

Enjoy smile.png


Edited by alora
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  • 2 weeks later...



Hey guys,


Today’s update brings with it a few Halloween events, including the ability to find some rare pumpkins if you search diligently through the world! You’ll also have the chance to help out the Grim reaper, who is located at home in Edgeville, to stop something devastating from happening this Halloween.



  • Halloween updates:
    • Pumpkin season!
      • There are several locations around the world where pumpkins have been witnessed growing from the ground!
        • These are not easy to find, and will likely not re-appear in the same place twice. Get hunting, and find yourself a pumpkin to call yours!
          • Hints: Pumpkins will grow near grassy areas (usually the greenest areas), typically not too far off the beaten track. This means that you won’t find them in areas that are unused/unreachable in Alora (eg. Priffidinas), but you could find them near the boundaries of a city in a place that would not be frequented. Think outside the box!
          • There are only a limited number of pumpkins existing in the world at any given time. Once one is found, another will respawn elsewhere. It is unlikely for a pumpkin to spawn in the same spot twice, although it is possible, just not right after it is picked up (some time must have passed).
    • Jonas event:
      • The Grim Reaper has had a thorn in his side which he hasn’t been able to shake off! As you will soon find out, not all ghosts are friendly, and a particular ghost — Jonas — has been attempting to escape the spectral realm. 
        • You’ll have to use your cleverness to solve some riddles and find all of the locations where Jonas’ ghost has been before he is able to escape.
          • Some areas are outside of the usually travelled parts of Alora, (eg. In the desert), so make sure to keep your horizons broad to solve these riddles!


  • Website updates:
    • Halloween additions:
      • You have probably noticed the slightly spookier than usual logo. Big thanks to @Chase for designing it!
        • You’ll also notice some bats flying around on the homepage!
    • Store updates:
      • Marble blocks can now be purchased by ironman / classics.


  • Halloween/Birthday Store Sale:
    • Double token bonuses:
      • Buying tokens will now reward you with double the usual boost:
        • For example, buying $40 worth of tokens would get you 50 free tokens. Instead of 50, you’ll get 100 tokens while this sale lasts!
    • For a limited time, the following items are available in the shop:
      • Black h’ween mask
      • Jack lantern mask
      • Scythe


  • General updates:
    • Food:
      • Baguettes are now edible
      • Pumpkins are now edible
    • Superior Slayer encounters fix:
      • When being faced with a Superior Slayer encounter and having immediately teleported before, the encounter would sometimes spawn in the newly teleported area (eg. Your house, or Edgeville). This will no longer happen, as the encounter will only spawn near the location where the Slayer NPC had died.
    • Scythe holding animation fixed
    • Construction head mounts permanently fixed:
      • KBD head, Abyssal demon head, KQ head, Kurask head, Basilisk head, Cockatrice head
    • Clan chat fix:
      • Staff/support ranks will now override ironman/classic symbols in clan chat messages
    • Secateurs added to the following shops (for Construction build requirements):
      • Farming supply shop
      • Classic supply shop
      • Ironman supply shop
    • Light ballista update:
      • This ballista can now fire Dragon javelins.
    • Herb sack fix:
      • Herb sack is no longer stackable.
      • Herb sack should now go to the lost items shop if lost on death, although all items within will be dropped.
    • Bonus XP change:
      • If you go AFK and leave your account logged in, your bonus XP will eventually stop going down (after a few minutes of being AFK). This way, even if you leave your account logged in, your bonus XP won’t run out for no reason.














To get you guys started, I’ll give away the location of the first pumpkin. Remember, once this one is picked up it won’t spawn here again! Good luck smile.png



Happy Halloween!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,
I apologize for the late update! Of course, yesterday was Alora’s birthday, and I wanted to push the update then but was conflicted between continuing to work on Grotesque Guardians or just pushing the event by itself. I decided it’d be a much nicer update to have the new gargoyle bosses released alongside the birthday event, and that is why it was postponed. Nonetheless, the update is here and you’ll be able to participate in the event and hunt down those new gargoyle bosses right after!
Note: You will need a client update to play following this update! For most of you, this simply means restarting the client and clicking "Yes" when asked if you want to update. For those of you who have the RAR client, you'll need to re-download it manually from the client page.

  • Miscellaneous:
    • Duel arena fix:
      • Items can no longer be picked up or dropped within the Duel arena. 
  • Engine performance update:
    • We’ve made some changes to the game engine in hopes of reducing the processing delay of players every cycle. We’re going to continue to monitor this and make the necessary changes to ensure that the server doesn’t lag after extended periods of uptime.
  • Trade interface fix:
    • Very often in-game, the second trade window would say “You are about to trade: Item” without listing the items in the trade, or would show “Trading with: Other” instead of the other player’s name. Both of these issues have been fixed.
  • Thieving update:
    • You can now thieve cakes from the Ardougne cake stalls with level 5 Thieving.
  • Lost items shop update:
    • New items that will be protected upon death:
      • Jonas mask:
        • Reclaim cost: 250k
      • Birthday hat:
        • Reclaim cost: 250k
  • Zulrah fix:
    • Sometimes, Zulrah would be invisible once it goes down under and wouldn’t come back up again for a long time. This should no longer happen, and you’ll be able to see Zulrah as soon as it comes back up.
  • Inferno fix:
    • JalTok-Jad should no longer go invisible in the final wave.
  • Birthday Event:
    • Claus the Chef is distressed and in need of help! He’s preparing a huge cake for all of Alora to celebrate, but can’t seem to get it right without special ingredients.
      • Talk to Claus in Edgeville, near the western house (where the cooking range is) to see what he needs to make the birthday cake for this year’s celebration.
        • You’ll be sent on a journey across Alora to obtain these items, but you’ll be rewarded with a cool celebratory item that will help you remember this event for years to come!
  • Store update:
    • The Halloween sale has been extended as it overlaps with the Birthday event — but we’ve also added an exclusive Birthday item to the store!
      • Birthday balloons:
        • These tradable balloons will be available in the store for the next few days until the sale ends.
  • Grotesque Guardians:
    • Recently released in OSRS, this pair of Gargoyles — Dawn and Dusk — terrorize the rooftop of the Slayer tower.
      • You’ll need to find a brittle key — occasionally dropped by regular Gargoyles at a rate of about 1/121, to unlock the portal to access the roof.
      • These gargoyles are highly unusual, and you’ll need stay on your toes while fighting them to make sure that you can leave the rooftop alive!
    • Notable Rewards:
      • Granite dust:
        • You can mix this dust with Cannonballs to make Granite cannonballs.
          • These cannonballs have a max hit of 35 rather than the usual max hit of 30.
          • You can only have one type of cannonball in your cannon, so if you still have 10 regular cannonballs left in your cannon, you’ll need to fire them all before loading any granite balls, and vice-versa.
      • Granite hammer:
        • A hammer requiring level 50 attack and strength, with a special attack that has one powerful swing at 50% increased accuracy, requiring 60% special energy.
      • Granite gloves:
        • Gloves requiring level 50 defence, slightly superior to Adamant gloves.
      • Granite ring:
        • A ring requiring level 50 defence.
          • Can be imbued with a scroll, effectively doubling its bonuses.
      • Black tourmaline core:
        • Can be merged with Bandos boots, leaving you with Guardian boots — which have the best defensive melee bonus in-game.
      • Jar of stone
      • Noon:
        • Arguably the coolest looking pet now available in Alora, which can also be changed to it’s gargoyle variant, Midnight, through the metamorphosis option!
    • Notes:
      • This is a safe death, which means you’ll keep your items, BUT a dangerous one for HCIM who will lose their rank if they die here. You’ve been warned.
      • Level 75 Slayer is required to enter the portal.
      • Another huge thanks to @Chase for the wonderful work on the homepage slogan (Grotesque guardians await you)!

Good luck with the birthday event & gargoyle hunting!
Enjoy smile.png

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys,


Today’s update includes many necessary bug fixes and changes (such as with solo raids), as well as some content that we’ve seen requested for a long time (eg. Classic trading post). Additionally, a client update has been pushed with a highly useful QOL update which allows you to use your keyboard numbers to select dialogue options. 


We’re also working on a few other pieces of big content in the background which will be out later this week, including Mage Arena 2 and possibly the Revenant caves if you guys would like to see this in Alora. Released just days ago on OSRS, the Revenant caves have been a bit controversial due to their drop table which has the possibility of hitting drops such as 100 x Dragon Plateskirts. Although rare, these drops are considered by some to be over-powered which is why we need to poll this update. Vote above and let us know what you think!


  • Classic Trading Post:
    • The long awaited Classic mode Trading post has been released!
      • You can now trade items with other Classic players. Of course, the items listed here are completely separate from the original Trading post. You won’t see normal player’s items, and vice versa.
        • Besides this, it will work exactly the same as the original system.
  • Raids changes:
    • Reward changes:
      • We’ve increased the drop rate for rare loot in Raids, across the board. You are now more likely to receive loot in all scenarios.
    • Bug fixes:
      • Fixed an uncommon bug in Raids that would break the session.
      • Fixed a bug with getting stuck on the tightrope in the final room.
      • Overload pickup bug:
        • If you tried to pick up an overload with a full inventory, and then made space for the overload it would tell you that you already picked one up. This has been fixed.
    • Solo raid changes:
      • Making solo raids more feasible has long been requested, so we’ve made some changes to appease players who are interested in raiding on their own:
        • The hitpoints of enemies in a solo raid are now up to 25% lower. This includes the hitpoints for Olm.
        • During the Vanguard phase, solo raiders are now allowed a bit more lenience when it comes to the Vanguards’ HP regeneration. In a normal raid, if the hitpoints of all 3 Vanguards are not within 25% of each other, they all heal. In a solo raid, this number is raised to 35% to make it a bit easier.
  • Ahrim’s staff update:
    • The staff has been one of the worst Magic weapons in-game and not deserving of being a Barrows weapon. Due to this, we’ve followed OSRS’s footsteps and updated the weapon:
      • The staff is now single-handed instead of two-handed, making it much more useful as it can be used with a shield.
      • The staff now provides a 5% Magic damage boost.
  • Bandos godsword update:
    • The BGS has also been a weapon that dulled in comparison to its counterparts. To combat this, we’ve made the special attack take 50% rather than 65% of the special energy (as per OSRS’ update), which matches the energy requirement for all other godswords.
  • Ring of wealth (i) on death update:
    • This ring would be lost on death in PvP if not protected, due to it reverting to a regular Ring of wealth. Considering it is a donation item for ironmen and the reverted version is essentially worthless, this item will now be added to the untradeable shop just as it would be in a PvM death.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Veteran/Ex-staff ranks as a secondary will no longer over-ride staff (and other) ranks in-game (particularly when using ::yell).
    • Grotesque Guardians fixes:
      • Dawn will no longer appear at home in the death area.
      • Marble gargoyles will now drop brittle keys as well, but at a higher rate than normal gargoyles (2x as likely)
    • Thermonuclear smoke devil change:
      • The respawn time for this boss has been changed to 10 seconds to allow players to kill it more easily.
    • The Birthday event has been removed.
    • Construction fix:
      • An issue with the cape rack not removing your cape has been fixed.
    • Fixed a no-clip bug with a trapdoor near GE.
    • Fixed a bug with certain dialogues not closing when clicking “continue” or the space bar
      • For example, if you tried to open the Crystal chest without a key, it would send you a dialogue that could not be closed unless you walked somewhere.
    • A miscellaneous Zulrah error has been fixed.
    • A miscellaneous bug with the ::yell command has been fixed.
  • Grotesque guardian changes:
    • Slayer task:
      • You can now receive a Grotesque guardians slayer task. The experience/deduction will be applied after defeating both bosses.
        • Additionally, if you are on a gargoyle task, you can kill the guardians instead. In this case, the deaths of both guardians will be counted.
  • House update:
    • You can now kick players from your house. Simply use the right-click “Kick” option and your player will chase after the other player until you reach them, at which point they’ll be kicked.
    • Members of the owner's clan can also kick from the house provided they have the minimum kick rank requirement (follows the clan chat settings)
  • PvM Lectern fix:
    • Some bosses were bugged due to the use of a cannon.
      • For example, if your cannon started damaging a boss, the time at which you started attacking the boss would not register. So if it takes you 1 minute to kill the boss, but your cannon did the first 30 seconds, your kill time would be 30 seconds.
        • We’ve fixed this bug, and we’ve tried to remove all known unrealistic kill times from the PvM lectern.



  • Combat/Wilderness updates:
    • Combat fixes:
      • Freezing fix:
        • A bug which caused players to still continue running to their destination even if they get frozen has been fixed.
          • A frozen player will now be stopped right in their tracks as soon as the freeze lands.
      • PJ timer changes in Edgeville:
        • The PJ timer is currently set to ~5 seconds all across the Wilderness. This is still the default PJ timer, but for players in Edgeville (up to level 10 wilderness), the timer has been doubled to 10 seconds to make PJing less of a grievance in 1v1 fights.
    • Wilderness updates:
      • Bloody chest:
        • Loot rate update:
          • The loot rate from the chest has been heavily increased across the board, making it easier to get worthwhile rewards from the bloody chest. Make sure to try your luck at opening the chest after this update!
        • Skulling function/warning:
          • You will now be skulled once you open the bloody chest. Before you open the chest, you will be warned that you will be skulled (if not already skulled). If you are already skulled, no warning will be issued.
      • Bloody keys spawn:
        • To make the wilderness more eventful, we’ve added a new hourly event in which players will be able to get a free key in the wilderness!
        • Every 45-75 minutes, an announcement will be made to all players that a key will spawn at a certain location in 3 minutes.
          • Eg. “News: A Bloody key will appear at the Rogue’s castle in 3 minutes.”
          • This will give players a bit of time to prepare and gather supplies in case they encounter any fights on the way to obtain the key.
            • The location of the key is random and the locations available are spread across the wilderness. With that being said, most of the locations are deeper in the wilderness. 



  • Client updates:
    • QOL updates:
      • Welcome screen “Space-to-continue”
        • This means you won’t have to click the “Play” button on the welcome screen to get into the game. Just hit space!
      • 1-2-3-4-5 keyboard keys:
        • You can now use the number keys on your keyboard to select dialogue options rather than having to click them! This works for all dialogues, and combined with space-to-continue, you’ll never have to use your mouse again for dialogues.
    • Mini-map icon fix:
      • Some of you may have noticed that the minimap has been missing the icons (bank/poll booth/cooking ranges/etc) for quite some time now. This broke awhile back and I hadn’t noticed until recently. It has been fixed for the entire map.
    • Client timer fixes:
      • The way that client timers are initiated has been redone.
        • This is primarily intended to fix the bug where a player could yell “Oh dear, you are dead!” which would cause your death timer to show up. This will no longer happen.
    • Client background/logo update:
      • The background/logo on the client have both been updated to match the most recent homepage/forum design.



  • Forum updates:
    • The profile photo upload limit has been increased from 500kb to 2,000kb.
    • Additionally, some groups were only able to upload a 150x150 photo, but this has been increased to 200x200 for all groups.











Before and after:












Enjoy smile.png




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Hey guys,


This weeks update features plenty of new wilderness content, including the Revenant caves and the Mage Arena II mini-quest! You’ll be able to unlock those cool new imbued god capes, or explore the Revenant caves in pursuit of profit or bloody keys. It’s also officially December, and that means Christmas is right around the corner! As always, we’ll be working on a Christmas event for all of you to enjoy over the holidays.


  • Bloody key update:
    • Similarly to emblems, bloody keys can no longer be protected on death. They will always be dropped on the ground.
      • This makes things more interesting if a player with no risk (<3 items and not skulled) manages to pick up a key in the wilderness, as the looter is still at risk of losing their key.
    • Tradable:
      • Considering the previous mechanic (where you can obtain bloody keys by killing a player), it only makes sense that these keys become tradable.
    • Bloody key risk:
      • A value of 500,000 has been given to each key to increase your risked wealth (or your victim’s) for PKP calculation purposes.
  • Mage Arena II:
    • Kolodion has a new challenge for those powerful enough to participate — players with level 75 Magic can embark on a new mini-quest by visiting the Mage Arena.
      • You’ll be tasked with finding and defeating God demons that are hidden throughout the wilderness, with the help of an enchanted symbol which will help you locate them.
        • The locations of these demons often changes, and anyone in the wilderness carrying the enchanted symbol will be notified of this change. Refer to the chart below for approximate possible spawn locations:
      • After defeating all 3 Demons(Light, Darkness and Balance), you’ll be able to upgrade your God cape to an Imbued God cape which provides the best bonuses of all 3 regular God capes.
        • Note: You’ll have to use the specific spell for that god:
          • Demon of Light — Saradomin Strike
          • Demon of Darkness — Flames of Zamorak
          • Demon of Balance — Claws of Guthix
        • The demons are very powerful. They can hit up to 43, can use Ice barrage to freeze you, and can even tele-block you for 1 minute.
        • You can also use a Twisted bow on these demons. Any other spell/weapon will prove to be nearly impossible at harming these demons.
    • With this new quest, you won’t be able to purchase/wear the Quest cape until it is completed.
    • Imbued capes:
      • You can convert your Imbued god capes to Imbued Max capes by using the cape on a max cape. 
  • God spell changes:
    • You are no longer required to wear god capes to cast god spells. Only the staff for each respective spell.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Fixed a Herblore bug where you could not see the error message stating your level is too low to make a potion.
    • Staff update:
      • ::giverandom will no longer work on staff members.
  • Revenants cave:
    • A new wilderness cave has been uncovered! Spanning between wilderness levels 17 and 40, this multi-combat cave is home to dangerous Revenants with some interesting rewards for those who are brave enough to enter.
      • The cave is large and contains many normal NPCs such as Hellhounds, dragons, demons and more, but venture deeper into the cave and you will find an area haunted by Revenants waiting to claim lives.
    • Entrances:
      • Two entrances exist in the wilderness:
        • 1. Level 17 Wilderness, slightly north-east of the Dark Warrior’s Fortress.
          • Can be reached by way of Revenant teleport scroll
        • 2. Level 40 Wilderness, slightly south-east of the Lava Maze.
    • Revenants:
      • Revenants are dangerous enemies that can attack with all three combat styles.
        • They also have the ability to heal themselves at low health, as well as being able to freeze their opponents. These are dangerous enemies and should be treated as such!
        • Salve amulets (both the regular and (e) version) will provide Attack/Strength boosts against these creatures (15/20% respectively), as they are indeed undead.
    • Shortcuts:
      • The dungeon is filled with shortcuts to get around more quickly and to make for escapes. These shortcuts all required higher Agility levels, ranging from level 65 to 89.
    • Drops:
      • Bloody key:
        • Unlike the OSRS revenants, Alora’s revenants have a chance at dropping a full bloody key! Heightening the rewards for these creatures, as well as the risk. Remember, keys will always drop on death if you are killed.
      • Revenant teleport scroll:
        • A scroll which teleports you to the level 17 Wilderness entrance.
      • Revenant ether:
        • Used to charge the Bracelet of Ethereum. Tradable.
      • Bracelet of ethereum:
        • A bracelet which can be charged with Revenant ether (can hold up to 16,000 charges) and protects you from damage from revenants while equipped. (1 charge = 1 attack) Tradable.
      • Ancient emblems/totems/statuettes:
        • These ancient artifacts can be exchanged with the Revenant Cave Emblem trader, who roams around the northern part of the Revenants cave, for (all halved on Classic mode):
          • Emblem: 2.5m
          • Totem: 5m
          • Statuette: 10m
      • Ancient crystal:
        • Can be used to create an Obelisk within a Superior garden of your Player-Owned House.
      • Other:
        • Dragon skirt, platelegs, dagger, longsword, 2h sword
        • Rune equipment
        • Noted battlestaffs
        • Noted supplies
        • Magic seeds
    • Slayer tasks:
      • Krystilia can now assign revenants as a Slayer task. Any revenant can be killed to satisfy this task.
  • House update:
    • Obelisks can now be created in your Superior garden by using four Ancient crystals (Revenant drop) along with 4 Marble blocks.
      • You must have level 80 Construction to build this.
    • Grotesque Guardians display:
      • Using the Jar of Stone drop from Grotesque Guardians (and the other requirements), you can now set up a new Display case in your Achievement room!
  • Client fix:
    • Some dungeon entrances were showing up on the minimap as battlestaff icons. These have been fixed and you should now see the dungeon icon with a blue arrow.















































Enjoy smile.png Please report any bugs that you may come across.





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  • 3 weeks later...



Hey guys,


The much anticipated Christmas update is here! Talk to the Town crier at home to help save Christmas again this year as evil forces attempt to make sure there is no celebration at all. This update also includes some miscellaneous bug fixes, but we’ll be focusing almost solely on bugs in the upcoming update to address some other issues that have been reported by you guys. Additionally, we’ve got an awesome giveaway this year for you to participate in and have a chance to win IRL prizes. Read below for more details!



Note: You will require a client update after this update. If you use the auto-updating JAR client (Alora.jar or Alora_mac.jar) you simply need to restart your client. If you use the RAR client, you will need to re-download the client again manually.



  • Christmas giveaway:
    • As our way of getting into the Christmas spirit, and to show our gratitude for all of your continued support over the past year, we’re hosting a giveaway with IRL prizes this holiday season!
      • You can enter in-game by purchasing tickets from Haris at home (leaning on Well of Goodwill). This is not to be confused with Haris’ Christmas giveaway, as this one is run by myself! wink.png
        • Tickets cost 50m each, and each player (household if multiple people play from your house) can only have 20 tickets at most. This is very important, if your name is drawn and we find that you’ve purchased more than 20 tickets on multiple accounts you will be disqualified. 
        • The drawing will be on January 1st, 2018 at 09:00 EST.
        • Prizes are unlocked as everyone collectively hits milestones.
      • Prizes:
        • 2.5b milestone: Razer Mouse (DeathAdder Chroma)
        • 5b milestone: Razer Keyboard (BlackWidow Chroma V2)
        • 40b milestone: PS4 Slim Console (1TB)
    • FAQ:
      • How many people will win?
        • Assuming the full 40b gets donated, there are 3 prizes for 3 players.
      • Can the same person win multiple items?
        • To make it fair for everyone, if the drawing lands on the same person twice, there will be a re-roll.
      • Can anyone enter?
        • Yes, anyone can enter, including staff.
      • If it reaches 40b for the PS4, can the other prizes still be won?
        • Yes, if the 40b is reached, all 3 prizes are rewarded. If only 5b is reached, the first two prizes will be rewarded.
      • What if I win but do not want the prize?
        • You can also take the cash equivalent of the prize(via PayPal), or 1.5x the equivalent in Alora tokens.
      • I have a brother/sister who also plays, can we each enter 20 times?
        • Unfortunately, there is a cap on the number of tickets and it is set at 20 per household. This is to ensure everyone gets a fair chance and that nobody is cheating. We will be looking into the winners to make sure that they fairly purchased their tickets.
      • How will the winner be picked?
        • A random number will be picked, which will correlate to an entry on a list of names. Your name will appear on the list as many times as you’ve purchased tickets, meaning the more tickets you purchase the more likely it is to land on your name.


  • Server updates:
    • Christmas theme:
      • Alora has been covered in snow!
        • You can turn the snow on/off by typing ::snow in-game.
      • Festive makeover:
        • Alora’s NPCs have gotten festive this year, with many of them sporting Santa hats! These include many different pets, as well as certain NPCs such as the stray dog in Varrock and every rat around the world.
    • Christmas event:
      • Huge thanks to @ and (?) @ for writing most of the script for this year's event!
        • Christmas has arrived on Alora! Someone’s up to no good this year, and they’re doing their very best to ruin Christmas for everyone. The Town crier at home, near the Christmas tree, is asking for your help and will take you to the North Pole to investigate the disappearance of Santa further.
          • You’ll have to work together with the fairy elves to find Santa and save Christmas this year.
            • Your efforts will be rewarded with an exclusive, never seen before Snow Imp costume only available to those who complete this event!
            • You’ll also unlock a Christmas themed mesh net, meant for catching sprites, but it can also be used to catch implings or butterflies. Even Psykk bats in Raids are catchable with this net.
            • All of these event items are reclaimable for 100,000 GP each if lost on death.
    • Imbued God capes fix:
      • The recently released imbued god capes from Mage arena II were not correctly giving their 2% Magic damage boost. This has been correct for all capes, as well as their Max cape counterparts.
    • Completionist Monkey cape fix:
      • The Completionist Monkey has now been updated to have the best stats of the Imbued god capes, as well as the 2% Magic damage boost as it is a composite of all of the best capes in the game.
        • From +12 to +15 Magic defence
        • From +10 to +15 Magic attack
        • 2% Magic damage boost in both PvP and PvM
    • Change password command has been added.
      • You can now type ::changepassword, ::changepass or ::changepw to be taken to the change password page on the forums directly from in-game.
    • Report bug command added:
      • You can now type ::reportbug in-game to be taken directly to the bug report section.
    • Cape of Legends (Veteran cape):
      • Players who have been around for more than a year can now claim an item of their own to show off their veteran status!
        • As the requirements for forum veteran can be quite difficult to obtain even to some of our oldest players, this cape will provide players who don’t meet those requirements with an item to show off their achievement.
      • As long as your account is 365 days old or more, Hans will be able to sell you a Cape of Legends for 2,500,000 GP.
        • Speak to Hans in South-east Edgeville.
        • If you die with the cape in the wilderness, you can recover it from the Lost Items manager for 250,000 GP.
    • Construction fix:
      • Some players have noticed that sometimes pathfinding / following in houses could get very buggy. We’ve attempted to locate this problem and have pushed a patch that will hopefully resolve this issue once and for all and fix pathing within houses.
    • Bloody key change:
      • The world event which spawns a Bloody key in the wilderness every so often has had the following update applied:
        • You can no longer loot the key if you are under level 57 combat.
          • This only applies to the wilderness spawns, but not to key parts dropped by Crystal NPCs or by Revenants.
          • The reasoning behind this is that players are heading into the wilderness with no risk on level 3 accounts to loot these keys, which doesn’t promote wilderness activity as was the intention of this update. Level 57 leaves plenty of room for pures to be able to loot the key as well.
    • Twisted bow buff:
      • Currently the Twisted bow is most useful within Raids, but limited in its use outside of raids.
        • To combat this, we’ve boosted the PvM bonuses that this bow provides:
          • Accuracy boosted by 20%
          • Damage boosted by 15%
    • Pest Control changes:
      • You must now have at least 4 people in the Pest Control boat for the game to begin.
      • Fixed a bug which would cause the Pest control game to get stuck with no players inside, and no new players able to enter.
    • Miscellaneous:
      • Fixed some bugs with the game engine which may cause lag over time.
      • Karil’s top now has the correct 70 Ranged requirement.
      • Jester scarves now equip to the correct slot.
      • ::rules has been updated to the new rules thread created by @Lowkey
      • A bug with the rune pouch has been fixed.
    • Risk protection changes:
      • Previously, you needed at least 1/5 of the wealth of your opponent to attack them. For example, if your opponent has 10m risk, you must have at least 2m to attack them.
        • This has been cut in half, and you now only need 1m in the same scenario to attack the other player.
          • Keep in mind that as long as you have over 7.5m worth of risk, you’ll always be able to attack any player.


  • Forum/website updates:
    • The Uber userbar has been updated to better match the other user bars (Font / Color / Removed capitalization)
    • Christmas updates:
      • Alora’s logo is now Christmas themed.
        • Big thanks to @Chase for his work on this, as well as the slogan on the homepage!
        • The website will also forcibly be blue for the rest of the holiday season (rather than colour-changing).
      • Snowflakes are now falling on all pages of Alora’s website!
        • We know that some users have older computers that may lag with these snowflakes falling, so we’ve added a toggle button to the top right corner of all forum pages.
    • Terms of Service update:
      • Refreshed the TOS that was shown to newly registered members as there were some inconsistencies and errors within it.



  • Staff updates:
    • Staff members can now remove event NPCs by using a Holy wrench on them.
      • This is useful in the case of badly spawned event NPCs (bad location or wrong NPC id) during server events.






















We hope you enjoy this update and your holidays!


Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays smile.png





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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys,
The highly anticipated Dragon Slayer II quest is now live! There is plenty of new content to hop right into, including new bosses, new dungeons, new spells, new items and much more. There may very well be some bugs as this is a large update covering a wide array of content, so as always, please make sure to report any bugs that you find in the appropriate section. Without further ado:

  • Miscellaneous:
    • Duel arena fixes:
      • Duel bug (losing items) officially fixed:
        • Thanks to @ and @ for helping to find the bug! It should now be fully patched, including the “tie” bug introduced in the last fix. Also thanks to @ for help on the tie bug.
      • Multiple poison issue fixed:
        • You should no longer be able to be poisoned more than once in a duel.
    • Fixed ::punishments for players with 3 letter names
    • Lumbridge “sailing” update has been reverted/fixed. (Broken map)
    • Fixed Saradomin godsword special attack prayer bug (Prayer going above max level)
    • Battle Royale can now be 1x Combat experience or 330x (regular rate) depending on what option the host selects.
    • Trade bug fixed:
      • When a normal player traded an ironman/classic and got an error message, any other trade they tried to make afterwards (even to normal players) would be declined immediately. This has been fixed.
        • This also fixes the bug where you would lose items while trying to equip them on the Equipment screen. (related to the same bug)
    • Fix for prayer-protection on some NPCs:
      • Using Protect from Ranged against Mithril dragons and Waterfiends will now be more effective.
    • Construction bugs:
      • If you died in the boxing ring as soon as you were expelled, you would lose your items outside of the house. This has been fixed.
      • Additionally, the owner of the house (and anyone with kick permissions) would not have an attack option in the boxing ring, only a kick option. This has been fixed, and the owner of a house (and anyone with kick permissions) must be outside of their boxing ring to kick players, as they will only have an attack option inside.
      • Fixed a bug which caused some players not to be expelled from the house when switching from regular mode to build mode.
    • Total level fix:
      • Total level would always be 2 higher than it should have been (due to 1 level coming from Summoning and 1 from Dungeoneering, but @ won’t let me add those updates and made me scrap the upcoming EoC update so I’ve removed them) and is now fixed.
    • Hitpoint flashing:
      • Fixed a bug where your hitpoints would show ~253 HP for an instant if you were just killed by a player in PVP who dealt more HP than you had.
    • Ignore list bug:
      • Sometimes, ignored players’ messages would still appear in the chatbox or in yells. This should no longer happen.
    • Iban’s staff attack animations fixed:
      • You will no longer kick/punch when attacking with Iban’s staff (staff bash animation added)
    • Slayer helmet (i) from Black mask (i)
      • Previously, you could not use a Black mask (i) to create a Slayer helmet (i). You had to use the regular Black mask, and then imbue the helmet. This can now be done with an already imbued Black mask.
    • Salve (ei) and Salve (i) bonuses corrected:
      • Effects:
        • Salve: 15% bonus to attack and strength
        • Salve (i): 15% bonus to range, mage and melee attack and strength
        • Salve (e): 20% bonus to attack and strength
        • Salve (ei): 20% bonus to range, mage and melee attack and strength
      • Notes:
        • Salve amulets now also go to the untradeable reclaim shop.
        • These effects do not stack with Slayer helmet effects, but the highest effect will be granted.
    • Grotesque guardian jar can now be removed from your Achievement room display.
    • Fixed a bug which allowed players to use the “Preserve” prayer after a raid to keep heightened skill levels.
    • Item value fixes:
      • Completionist monkey value increased
      • Slayer helmets will no longer protect over Super combat potions.
    • Fixed a bug with crossbow fletching:
      • All combinations of crossbow limb + stock will now be fletchable.
  • Edgeville PvP updates:
    • You can no longer drop items worth 50k or more (just as it is in the regular Wilderness)
  • Master donator changes:
    • Pest control benefits fixed:
      • 6 extra points + 75k GP per round instead of 5/60k for Uber.
    • FAQ table updated to reflect proper bonuses/benefits.
    • Rainbow icon in FAQ changed to correct in-game icon.
  • Combat changes:
    • Unfreeze distance for barrage (how far your opponent must run away before your freeze ends) has been reduced from 14 to 11 steps. (To match OSRS)
      • This will make it more difficult for someone to freeze you and escape in the wilderness. 
      • If your attacker is 12 or more steps away, you will be unfrozen. If they are within 11 steps, you won’t unfreeze until the normal timer runs out.
    • Combat misc:
      • Dragon daggers specials would send an XP drop on a 0-0 hit. This has been fixed.
    • Dharok’s accuracy formula:
      • The chance to hit with Dharoks has been adjusted to account for your hitpoints. This means that the lower your hitpoints are, the higher chance you have to hit, up to a ~50% accuracy bonus.
        • This boost is exponentially calculated, meaning that if you’re at 50/99 HP there will not be a huge accuracy bonus, but there would be one at 1/99 HP.
        • Approximations:
          • At 50/99 hitpoints: (12.24% accuracy boost)
          • At 25/99 hitpoints: (27.9% accuracy boost)
          • At 10/99 hitpoints: (40.4% accuracy boost)
          • At 5/99 hitpoints: (45% accuracy boost)
          • At 2/99 hitpoints: (48% accuracy boost)
          • At 1/99 hitpoints: (50% accuracy boost)
    • Dragon Hunter Crossbow Buff:
      • To match the recent buff in OSRS, this crossbow now provides a 30% damage and accuracy boost against Dragons (including Vorkath), Wyverns and Olm. (As opposed to the previous 10% boost)
  • Duo-Raid changes:
    • To make Duo raids more viable, and reduce the requirement for large parties to do Raids, Olm will now only have 2 phases when in a 2-player party. With 3 or more players, the number of phases has not changed (between 3 and 5 depending on the size of the party).
      • The reasoning behind this update is that Solo raids are still quite difficult to do and not an “efficient” way to raid. This is intended, of course, but there are some timezones where it is difficult to find a large party to raid with, where duo raids would make more sense and increase overall activity for raids.
  • Boss Kill-time reset:
    • The staff team and I have agreed that the kill-times should have a fresh start in 2018 for many reasons, including:
      • Giving players a chance to compete and set new records
      • The ability to abuse some bosses in the past have skewed the kill-times
      • The ability to use a Cannon and get a much shorter kill-time than normally possible was a bug that was present for awhile, so many bosses had illegitimate killtimes.
    • As of this update, the leaderboard for boss kill-times is reset. Note that this does NOT apply to kill counts! Those are not reset (for bosses or otherwise).
  • Dragon Slayer II
    • The highly anticipated Dragon Slayer II quest is here!
      • We’ve written our own unique quest designed specifically for Alora for this quest, and there are some very sweet rewards that you’ll be able to obtain through completion of this quest.
        • You can start this quest by speaking to Glen, who is slightly east of Edgeville bank near the jailhouse. He’ll tell you that he has received some very concerning news and needs your help.
      • Requirements:
        • 6 Quest points
        • 85+ Combat level
        • Completion of the following quests:
          • Recipe for Disaster
          • Horror From The Deep
          • Monkey Madness
          • Lunar Diplomacy
      • The quest ends with the Vorkath boss fight (which can be re-entered after the quest), where you can receive the following items as drops:
        • Notable “Always” drops:
          • Superior dragon bones
            • Requiring level 70 Prayer, these bones give 150 experience (multiplied by our experience rate and any bonuses) making them the best bones in-game.
        • Notable “Rare” drops:
          • Dragonbone necklace:
            • While equipped, this necklace will restore prayer points as they are buried as follows:
              • Bones: 1 prayer point
              • Big bones: 2 prayer points
              • Baby dragon bones: 3 prayer points
              • Dragon bones / Dagannoth bones: 4 prayer points
              • Superior dragon bones: 5 prayer points
            • The necklace also provides a +12 Prayer bonus.
            • You must have level 80 Prayer to equip this necklace.
            • Note: This effect also works with the Bonecrusher.
          • Draconic visage
          • Skeletal visage:
            • This visage can be combined (with 90 Smithing) with an anti-dragon shield to create a Dragonfire ward, a Ranged shield which acts like a regular anti-dragon shield in terms of Dragonfire protection, but also protects against the icy breath of Wyverns.
              • Skeletal ward:
                • This ward can collect charges from Dragon/Wyvern breath and boost up to +50 on some of the base defence stats.
                  • You can also discharge the shield on your opponent.
          • Vorki:
            • The elusive Vorki pet has a very rare chance to drop from Vorkath.
          • Vorkath’s head:
            • This rare drop can be combined with Ava’s accumulator to create Ava’s assembler, an off-blue coloured device which has an 8% higher chance of saving ammunition.
              • It is also the best-in-slot cape for Ranged attack bonus.
              • You can combine this with a Max cape to receive a cape with the same bonuses and effects.
          • Jar of decay:
            • You can use this jar to add a Vorkath display in your house.
        • Vorkath boss:
          • The undead dragon is one of the most difficult NPCs to defeat in the game, with numerous attack styles:
            • Melee attack (if in range)
            • Magic attack (bright blue projectile)
            • Ranged attack (spiked ball)
            • Dragonfire types:
              • Normal (red)
              • Poisonous (green)
              • Pink dragon fire — disables all prayers upon impact.
              • High-damage dragon fire projectile
                • This projectile can be dodged, and should be, as it can one-hit you (can hit up to 99)
                • If you are standing 1 tile away from the explosion, you will be dealt half the damage.
                • If you are standing at least 2 tiles away, you will not be dealt any damage.
            • Special attacks:
              • Poison pool:
                • Vorkath will launch acid across the entire area, which you should avoid as it damages you very quickly. Immediately there-after, he will begin to spit rapid dragon fire at you, which you must dodge by running around the map while avoiding the poison pools.
              • Ice dragon fire:
                • An icy dragon fire will be launched at the player which freezes you in an ice barrage. The very next attack will be a zombified spawn which Vorkath spits into the corner of the map, which will immediately start walking towards you.
                  • This Zombified spawn will suicide attack you, and since you cannot move, you have two options:
                    • 1. Use “Crumble undead” to 1-hit KO the spawn
                    • 2. Try to kill it with regular attacks. If you do not get it to 0 HP before it reaches you, it will damage you based on how many hitpoints it has left.
          • You can use the Salve amulets against Vorkath as he is undead.
          • Vorkath can be assigned as a Slayer task (boss task) assuming you have defeated Vorkath at least once.
      • Quest rewards:
        • Access to Vorkath fight
        • Access to Myth’s guild
          • You can purchase a Mythical cape on the top floor, as well as the Dragon square shield right half and Dragon metal shard.
        • Access to Myth’s guild dungeon
        • Access to the the Metal dragon labratory, where Rune and Adamant dragons can be found
          • These drop components to form the new dragon equipment (see below)
        • Ability to make Super antifire potions
          • You can crush Superior Dragon Bones with a Pestle and Mortar, and then mix them with a regular anti-fire potion to create this potion.
        • Access to the Wrath altar, which can be used to craft Wrath runes with level 95 Runecrafting (for use in conjuction with the new Wrath spells)
        • Perks:
          • Speak to Ellen in the Myth’s guild to toggle the following perks:
            • Ability to auto-note dragon bones/dagannoth bones that are dropped
            • Ability to auto-note Mole skins/claws that are dropped
    • I’d like to say thanks to:
      • @
        • Most of the script for our quest was written by him, so if you enjoy the quest shoot him a thanks for the creativity behind it!
      • @
        • For letting me use his account on OSRS to obtain data for DS2.
      • @Chase
        • For the awesome slogan on the homepage.
      • @
        • No reason specifically. Although I did enjoy his recent mixtape, so we’ve paid homage to glen in this quest by giving him his own character!
  • Wrath Runecrafting:
    • Players who complete Dragon Slayer II can now craft Wrath runes!
      • These runes are used solely for the new Surge spells in the Modern spellbook.
      • These grant 8 experience per rune (multiplied by your skilling experience rate and any active bonuses)
      • You can find this altar by entering a cave in the southern part of the Myth’s guild basement, which will bring you up to the island south of the Myth’s guild which contains the Wrath altar.
  • Surge spells:
    • 4 New spells have been released!
      • You do not need to complete the new quest to use these. These spells are only available in the Modern spell book.
      • You must use Wrath runes to cast these spells, obtainable by either purchasing from other players, or crafting them yourself in the Myth’s guild with completion of Dragon Slayer II and 95 Runecrafting.
    • Spells:
      • Wind Surge
        • 81 Magic
        • Max hit: 21
      • Water Surge
        • 85 Magic
        • Max hit: 22
      • Earth Surge
        • 90 Magic
        • Max hit: 23
      • Fire Surge
        • 95 Magic
        • Max hit: 24
  • Dragon Equipment:
    • You can now create the following pieces of Equipment:
      • Dragon Square shield:
        • This shield can be created by combining the left and right halves of the shield (left half from monster drops, right half from Erdan’s shop on the 2nd floor of the Myth’s guild) with level 60 Smithing.
      • Dragon Kiteshield:
        • This new shield can be created by combining the Dragon square shield, Dragon metal slice, and Dragon metal shard with level 75 Smithing.
      • Dragon platebody:
        • This new platebody can be created by combining the Dragon chain body, Dragon metal shard, and Dragon metal lump with level 90 Smithing.
      • Dragon crossbow:
        • This new crossbow can be created by combining Dragon limbs to a Magic stock (purchased from the 2nd floor Myth’s guild shop) with level 78 fletching, and then with crossbow string.
        • You must have 64 Ranged to equip this crossbow.
        • It can fire up to Dragon bolts (see below) and has a special attack which drains 60% of your special attack bar and hits any enemy in a 3x3 multi-combat area. The primary target will take 20% more damage, whereas other targets will take 20% less damage.
          • For example, if the damage is 10, the primary target will be hit 12 and other targets hit 8.
          • In single-way combat, the attack will still work but only on one target with 20% extra damage.
  • Dragon bolts:
    • (Not to be confused with Dragonstone bolts)
    • A new type of crossbow bolt can now be created!
      • Dragon bolts can be fired from:
        • Dragon crossbow
        • Dragon hunter crossbow
        • Armadyl crossbow
      • To created this type of bolt, you can use Dragon bolts (unf) on feathers, and then on bolt tips. They can be enchanted thereafter. 
  • Teleporatation Wizard updates:
    • New teleport locations:
      • Cities:
        • Draynor village
        • Myth’s guild
      • Dungeons:
        • Metal dragon laboratory
      • Bosses:
        • Vorkath
        • Callisto

Staff updates:

  • Fixed global logins for some staff members who were having issues.
  • ::localplayers will now provide the exact # of players in your map (up to a maximum of 255)
  • Yell-mute added:
    • You can now ::yellmute or ::yellunmute players. This will disable their ability to use the yell channel, but other forms of communication would still work normally.

Forum updates:

  • The Moderating Team page has been re-sorted by the proper order of ranks, as opposed to being alphabetically sorted.
    • It is also now more neatly organized, with dividers between the different sub-teams. 
    • You can view the changes here: 
      This is the hidden content, please
  • Award system update:
    • The previous maximum of 15 awards showing when someone posts has been increased to 25.
  • Fixed “Recent Activity” on profiles not showing up for players with spaces in their usernames.
  • Master donator “shimmering effect”
    • A shimmering effect can now be seen around Master donators’ usernames when they post.
      • This is to differentiate them from other ranks, since the color effect loops through many different colors and may make you confuse the rank (eg. When the color is pink, it is mistakable for the Ex-staff rank)


This is the hidden content, please

We tried to squeeze in many different pieces of content for players of all game modes, and we're optimistic that everyone can find something to enjoy in this update smile.png

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  • 4 weeks later...


Hey guys,

This update took a little bit longer than anticipated, primarily due to having to spend a few days securing our systems further last week as well as having to implement some preventative measure for bots (which we will continue to do). Nonetheless, the update is here with plenty of new content for you to dive right into! :) Please note that some game/forum updates shown here may already be in-game from a previous background update.

Game updates:

  • Pet updates:
    • Metamorphosis versions:
      • Corporeal critter is now available!
        • This pet is a metamorphosis version of the Dark core dropped by the Corporeal beast. You can switch between the pets as you’d like, and if you’ve already insured your Dark core, your Corporeal critter is also insured (no need to pay twice).
      • TzRek-Jad
        • This pet is a metamorphosis version of the Jal-Nib-Rek pet dropped by TzKal-Zuk in the Inferno. You can switch between the pets as you’d like, and if you’ve already insured your Jal-Nib-Rek pet, your TzRek-Jad pet is also insured.
      • All dialogues for the new pets are also functional.
      • Fixed a bug where the “head” of the NPC in the dialogue would be invisible after metamorphosis.
    • New pets to obtain:
      • 3 new awesome looking pets can now be obtained! Through the World bosses event, any one of the 3 bosses can drop their own pet. Once you receive one, you can transform it into any one of the others (metamorphosis).

  • Super anti-fire updates:
    • In some cases, the Super anti-fire effect would not function properly (not reducing damage enough). This has been fixed.
    • Super anti-fire potions can now be decanted.
    • A warning will now be issued before your Super anti-fire protection runs out (in the chatbox).
    • Fixed a bug where Super anti-fire protection would remain after the timer runs out.
    • You can no longer drink Super anti-fire potions with one already active.
  • Vorkath/DS2 updates:
    • You can now kill Vorkath for Slayer experience on a Blue dragon task.
    • Dragonfire ward is now tradable.
    • The “Quest completed!” Interface had a Mage arena II cape on the interface. This has been updated to a Mythical cape.
    • The “Zombified spawn” that shoots out of Vorkath’s mouth will now be shot to wherever you are nearest to.
    • Fixed a bug where Vorkath would disappear mid-kill while “moon-walking” back and forth.
    • Fixed a combat bug where certain NPCs could not attack you back at a certain distance (Eg. Adamant dragon safespot is now patched)
    • Duel bug fix:
      • If a player dced or x-logged during the “countdown” portion of a duel, the player who did not log out would be stuck inside the duel arena, and both players’ staked items would be lost. This has been fixed, and the player who x-logs or disconnects will lose the duel (similar to forfeiting).

  • Box trap updates:
    • Box traps can no longer be triggered by invisible chinchompas.
    • The rate at which chinchompas are “lured” towards box traps has been slightly reduced.
    • Once a chinchompa is caught, it will now spawn in a completely new location rather than immediately under the caught box trap.
  • Make Flax spell benefits for donators:
    • Donators can now make more flax per cast:
      • Normal players: 5 per cast
      • Regular/Super donator: 6
      • Extreme/Legendary: 7
      • Uber: 9
      • Master: 10

  • Vote shop updates / Ornament kits:
    • With the addition of a new voting website (7 total, 6 required), we figured it’d be a good time to release some new items into the vote shop. These include:
      • Anguish ornament kit ~ 180 vote points:
        • You can now create a Necklace of Anguish (or). The same bonuses apply as the regular necklace.
      • Godsword ornament kits ~ 250 vote points each:
        • All godsword can now be ornamented! There are 4 different kits available in the vote shop. The ornamented godswords all have their correct combat configurations/special attacks/etc.

  • Fremennik Slayer cave shortcut fixes:
    • The “strange floor” shortcut to Pyrefiends now requires level 81 Agility.
    • The “crevice” shortcut from Basilisks to Turoths (previously not working) is now functional and requires level 62 Agility to use.
  • Teleport interface updated:
    • Seer’s village is now available on the Cities teleport page.
      • This was requested so that players could set Seer’s as their home teleport and teleport back there immediately upon completing the Seer’s rooftop agility course (this is possible in OSRS).
    • Additionally, a bug which did not allow you to set your home as Draynor village or the Myth’s guild has been fixed. Both are possible, with the Myth’s guild being a convenient home teleport for Wrath runecrafting.
    • Warning on right-click “Previous teleport” option:
      • When teleporting on the PvP menu (eg. To Dark castle), there is typically no warning issued.
        • This is fine, but when you right-click the Teleportation wizard to teleport to the last location, some players may have forgotten that their last location was in the wilderness.
          • To combat this, a warning will be shown on the right-click previous teleport option if the destination is in the wilderness.

  • Equipment fix:
    • Many items that should not be able to be equipped were equipable through the equipment interface, and have been fixed.
  • Missing item requirement fixes:
    • Dragon chainbody (g)
    • Dragon platelegs (g)
    • Dragon plateskirt (g)
    • Dragon full helm (g)
    • Dragon sq shield (g)
    • Dragon platebody (g)
    • Leaf bladed spear
    • Leaf bladed sword
    • Leaf bladed battle-axe
  • Area fixes:
    • Smoke devil dungeon (including Thermonuclear boss room) is now entirely multi as it is in OSRS.
    • TzHaar city is now multi as intended. This includes Mor-Ul-Rek.
  • Cannon fixes:
    • Slayer Tower basement no longer allows cannons to be set up.
    • Cannons will no longer be able to “steal” other players’ monsters in single combat areas. The cannon will only target NPCs that are either already in combat with the owner of the cannon, or not in combat at all.
      • If the player who is fighting the NPC doesn’t attack it for 6 seconds or longer, the cannon could then damage the NPC.
      • With this being said, players can still technically steal an NPC that a cannon has hit. Since a cannon works in a single zone (as long as the player is hidden and not being attacked), it would be too overpowered if the cannon could hog every NPC in a single area. This is why we’ve given other players the ability to steal NPCs that have been attacked by a cannon (but not if the cannon’s owner is already in combat with the NPC).

  • Dark blue graceful added:
    • This graceful set can be achieved by recovering with Graceful marks just as the other sets are, but the price of each piece is ~1.5x higher.
      • This is simply a cosmetic change, all other effects/bonuses of this set are the same as the other graceful sets.

  • Clue Hunter update:
    • The Helm of Raedwald (Clue hunter set helmet) can now be obtained when completing clues.
  • Dharok NPC update:
    • Dharok the Wretched will now be able to hit players for very high damage when he gets low on hitpoints. Be sure to keep your Melee protection prayer on while fighting him.
    • Additionally, a bug had caused Dharok to always hit 0s, which has also been fixed. His default max hit is 29, but at 1hp he can hit up to 64.
  • Tentacle whip dissolve warning:
    • When dismantling the Abyssal tentacle, a red warning will appear to notify you that you will not get back the tentacle upon dissolving. You will only have the whip returned.
  • Blowpipe nerf:
    • Blowpipe accuracy has been slightly nerfed (~15%) in PvM.
  • Thieving updates:
    • Ardougne knights thieving:
      • You can now pickpocket Ardougne knights for 1.5k each.
      • These are a good option once your Thieving level is a bit higher as you stop failing on them at 95 Thieving.
    • Formula for pickpocketing improved:
      • The failure rate for pickpocketing has been decreased, meaning you’ll fail less often across the board.

  • Battle Royale fix:
    • Multi-spells now work as intended. Previously, an ice barrage would only hit 1 player even if the arena is multi.
  • Kourend Catacombs update:
    • Dwarf cannon can no longer be used here.
    • To allow for Magic training through bursting, we’ve made some changes:
      • Abyssal demons in the catacombs were very buggy. They’d “freeze” and attack you from long-range.
        • Additionally, there weren’t enough of them in the area. Both issues have been addressed.

  • Slayer task changes:
    • Nechrayels can now be assigned by a Slayer master. (35-100)
    • Dust devils can now be assigned by a Slayer master. (55-125)
      • While on a Dust devil task, Smoke devils can be killed and you will still gain experience.
    • Slayer helm / Black mask bonuses fix:
      • We’ve changed the way that Slayer helm/Black mask bonuses work. Previously, if you had a task, your bonus would only work on that exact NPC (Eg. Blue dragon task, bonus on Blue dragon). Now, your helmet bonuses will also be applied to any related NPCs, such as Vorkath while on a Blue dragon task.

  • Completionist Monkey updates:
    • Crush attack bonus increased from +4 to +6 to match the Mythical cape.
    • Ranged attack bonus increased from +4 to +8 to match Ava’s assembler.
  • Staff of Light:
    • The staff of light can now be created!
      • You can create this staff by using Saradomin’s Light (dropped by Commander Zilyana) on the Toxic staff of the dead.
        • It is identical in stats, bonuses and special attack to the Toxic staff of the dead.

  • Miscellaneous:
    • The Samurai kata (hat) now hides your hair when equipped as intended (so that your hair doesn’t poke out of the hat).
    • Changing your gender will no longer reset your appearance colours (skin color included).
    • Dragon pickaxe with ornament kit now has the special attack bar.
    • Mage Arena II demons’ models have been changed:
      • Since these demons are no longer in the OSRS cache, we’ve been forced to replace them with other demons which we can work with. OSRS replaced them with some very cool looking demons which we will be using for other new content, World Boss Events. (see below)
      • You can also no longer damage these demons with melee at all. Previously, you would only hit 20% of your normal damage with melee. Now the damage is as follows:
        • 100% - Correct god spell (eg. Flames of Zamorak on Demon of Darkness)
        • 100% - Twisted bow
        • 20% - Any other mage spell
        • 0% - Any ranged/melee attack

    • Salve amulet damage bonus fixed:
      • The salve amulet(s) damage bonuses where not working as intended (accuracy was fine, though). This is now fixed, and both accuracy and damage bonuses should work perfectly.
    • Banshee prayer bug fixed:
      • Prayers will now be turned off when drained to 0 by Banshee’s screech.
    • Bond opening fixed/logged:
      • When opening bonds, Master donators would sometimes be set back to Uber. This has been fixed.
      • Additionally, we’re now logging bond openings for staff to be able to see when players open bonds.
    • Fire strike spell requirements fixed:
      • Now takes 2 air runes instead of 1 (Thanks @)
    • Hit delay bug fixed:
      • While in combat, players could perform certain skillcap emotes to delay damage. Eventually, all the damage would hit the player all at once, but it is a bug nonetheless. Skillcape emotes can no longer be performed while in combat.
    • Event NPCs spawned by admins will now be aggressive towards players (if the NPC is intended to be aggressive) and will walk around rather than staying on the same tile.
    • Edible seaweed and Kebabs can now be eaten (Thanks for the major bug report @uTorrent)
  • Wilderness/Combat changes:
    • Resource gate changes:
      • Resource gate now opens.
        • Previously, this gate would teleport you through. It will now allow 1 person to enter at a time.
      • Cost reduction for donators:
        • The price to enter is now reduced from 10,000 for donators:
          • Master ~ 1k
          • Uber ~ 2k
          • Legendary ~ 2.5k
          • Extreme ~ 4k
          • Super ~ 6k
          • Regular ~ 8k

    • Axe hut changes:
      • Picklocking the axe-hut doors was a bit buggy, sometimes you would not face the door when attempting to pick the lock. This should now be fixed.
      • When frozen and attempting to picklock the axe hut doors, you would not walk through if successfully picked. You should now be able to even if frozen.
        • With that being said, you’ll still be frozen on the other side as well. You can continue to picklock through the doors until you’re unfrozen if you choose to.

    • Bounty hunter QOL:
      • The chatbox message when you’re assigned a target will now say “You’ve been assigned a target: <username>” rather than “You’ve been assigned a target!”.
    • NPC changes:
      • Many Hobgoblins have been added west of black chinchompas. (Hobgoblin mine)
      • Many Zombies have been removed from the ruins south of black chinchompas.
      • Fixed freezing bug with NPC:
        • Sometimes NPCs would lose aggression towards you after being frozen (and just follow you around stupidly without attacking). This should no longer happen.

    • Teleblock change:
      • Whether the teleblock time will be full or half was previously determined when the spell landed, but the check will now be done as soon as the spell is casted. This means that if you aren’t praying Protect from Magic while the spell is casted, turning it on later will not halve the TB time. (Reported as a bug by players, if this is incorrect please let me know.)
    • EdgePvP changes:
      • EdgePvP (Instance) PJ timer increased to match the Edgeville wilderness PJ timer.
      • A rejuvenation pool has been added to the Edgeville PvP instance. It functions the same way that the regular Edgeville pool does.
    • DDS experience drop fix:
      • The DDS special attack would sometimes still send an XP drop if you hit 0-0. This should no longer occur.
    • Revenant caves minimum combat level:
      • You must now be at least level 50 combat to enter the Revenant caves.
        • This is to prevent the unintended low levels abusing the Leaf-bladed axe’s lack of Attack level requirement to kill the imps without worrying about being killed by other players. The Leaf-bladed equipment is also fixed so it makes this less of an issue, but we’ve added this requirement just in case there are other broken items we are unaware of.
          • This also applies to the Revenant cave teleport scroll.

  • Bloody key boost:
    • Bloody key loot has been heavily boosted across the board. Certain items such as DFS/Arcane spirit shield rates have been increased, but we’ve also removed general junk (ancient staff, d boots, etc) as well as increasing the chance of getting any single rare item.
  • Hunter - Box trap reset option:
    • You can now reset your box traps that have either caught a creature or collapsed.
      • If a creature is caught, you will collect the creature and re-set the trap.
      • If no creature is caught, you will take down the trap and re-set it.
    • This is no faster than taking down and re-setting the box trap manually, it is simply more convenient.
  • Staff updates — anti-bot measures:
    • As temporary bot prevention while we work on automated bot identification and prevention, we’ve added some new features for staff to use to track down bots. Our next update will focus on better random events as well as ways of flagging accounts that may be botting, which will then be sent to staff members for manual verification.
  • New random event:
    • A new random event which will ask players a random question has been added.
      • Topics:
        • General knowledge (eg. Name of the server)
        • Basic mathematics
        • Basic spelling task
        • Dynamic questions:
          • “Player-unique” questions. For example, “What is your current total level?”
          • “Server-unique” questions. For example, “What is the current bonus skill of the day?”
            • You can often use abbreviations for answers. For example, if the bonus skill of the day is Hitpoints, you can enter “hp” and it will suffice.

      • The same random event rewards as the old “Odd one out” event will be given.
      • If the player fails 3 times, they will be jailed and the staff team will be notified. If the player does not answer it within 5 minutes, they will also fail the random.
    • Random events will now also be presented during:
      • Fishing
      • Digging a Barrows grave
      • Boarding the Zulrah boat
      • Runecrafting
      • Agility course obstacles (not shortcuts)
        • Excludes wilderness agility course

    • It is important to note that random events do not show up unless you are actively performing an action (eg. Clicking on something). For this reason, most cases of players failing to solve a random in time are likely to be bots.
      • The only exception is fishing, where you only have a possibility to get a random event on the first fish you catch. (Assuming you are still around for the first fish)
        • If you are semi-AFK fishing, you’ll have up to 5 minutes to answer the question.

  • Agility course fixes:
    • All courses:
      • Less “delays” when clicking obstacles to make the course progress more quickly (there was a 0.6 second delay on many object actions that was unnecessary).
    • Gnome course:
      • Fixed some objects you could quickly click for double experience drops.
      • Fixed a bug where you could “no clip” onto the second floor.

World bosses event - Gods’ Battalion:

  • Backstory/Lore: (Thanks to for the awesome idea and creating the backstory!)
    • Before Zorgoth was defeated and his conquest to take over Alora suppressed in Dragon Slayer 2, he opened a pulsating rift located at ::event while he was attempting to summon Vorkath, the undead dragon. From this point forth, every 2-3 hours the 3 demon disciples of Guthix, Zamorak and Saradomin will descend upon the ::event area to torment any players fearsome enough to take them on. Porazdir being a Tsutsaroth demon, who was once one of Zamorak's most trusted generals during the God Wars. Justiciar Zachariah a Saradominist Justiciar, in the elite of Saradomin's army. Derwen is an ancient servant of Guthix. He takes great interest in Justiciar Zachariah and Porazdir, attempting to keep a balance between them. Each of these Demons are essence of what they used to be in the ancient God Wars, originally they were encaged in an endless fight to the death. You must stop these beasts before they reap carnage across Alora!
  • General:
    • Three bosses — each one appointed by a specific God, will spawn together once every 2-3 hours.
      • Attacking any of the bosses for at least 100 damage will grant you with the “Blessing of the Gods”:
        • Granted once any of the bosses die, this give a stackable, bonus experience of 20% for 30 minutes. This is reduced to 10% for Classic mode players.
        • You will receive a chatbox messaging stating when the bonus experience starts/ends as follows:
          • “Blessing of the Gods is now granting you 20% bonus experience for 30 minutes!”
          • “Your Blessing of the Gods has worn out.”
        • This timer saves on logout and will only be reduced if you are active (AFK players don’t lose time).
      • These bosses spawn at the ;;event area which is a safe death, multi-combat area.

  • Possible loot:
    • NOTE: For each boss, the top 2 hitters will be rewarded loot. 6 people will be able to loot in total during each event.
    • Shared:
      • Supplies:
        • White berries, desert goat horn, teak plank, mahogany plank, pure essence, numerous herbs, flax, coal, crushed bird’s nests, grapes, magic logs, uncut gems (incl. dragonstone)
      • Special:
        • Clue bottles (hard and elite)
        • Clue nests (hard and elite)
      • Rare:
        • Staff of light (reskinned Toxic staff of the dead)
        • God boss pet (Baby porazdir, Baby justiciar, Baby Derwen — but all 3 can be metamorphosed into one another, so you only require 1)

    • Unique:
      • Saradomin:
        • Saradomin dragon hide set, cloak
        • Holy blessing
        • Saradomin hilt
      • Guthix:
        • Guthix dragon hide set, cloak
        • Peaceful blessing
        • Bandos hilt
      • Zamorak:
        • Zamorak dragon hide set, cloak
        • Unholy blessing
        • Zamorak hilt

  • Bosses:
    • Saradomin boss - Justiciar Zachariah:
      • Attacks evenly with both Magic and Melee. Can hit multiple enemies with either attack depending on your distance. (Within 2 steps for melee, within 8 steps for the magic special)
      • Weakness:
        • Ranged
      • Strategy:
        • Zachariah’s melee attack is the strongest. Keep your distance and attack with range.

    • Guthix boss - Derwen:
      • Attacks primarily with magic, and sometimes with range. Can hit multiple enemies. Highest hitting of all 3 bosses.
      • Weakness:
        • Melee
      • Strategy:
        • Protect from Magic and damage with melee.

    • Zamorak boss - Porazdir:
      • Attacks primarily with range, and sometimes with melee. Can hit multiple enemies.
      • Weakness:
        • Magic
      • Strategy:
        • Protect from range while keeping distance and attack with magic.

    • General strategy:
      • Combined with the strategies above, try to keep the bosses separated. Since they can all damage multiple players, it is best to not be within fighting distance of 2 or more of them at the same time. Drag each one out to it’s own corner and isolate it.

  • Pet(s):
    • All 3 bosses can drop a pet version of themselves. Once you have obtained one of these pets, you can morph it into any one of the others. In essence, one pet means you have obtained access to all 3: Baby Justiciar, Baby Derwen and Baby Porazdir.
    • You can “Pray-to” these pets for a cool effect/over-head shout.

Website updates:

  • A birthday calendar to list today’s birthdays will now be listed on the sidebar of the forums.
  • Highscores will no longer show 2279 total level (all invalid ranks have been fixed).
  • @tagging fixed:
    • A notorious bug was that newly created accounts (through the client) would not be able to be @ on the forums, or @‘d in private messages.
      • This issue should now be fixed for new accounts. Any old accounts’ @tagging should also be fixed.

  • Forums crash (redirect loop) fixed:
    • New accounts created in-game would not be able to properly access the forums without the page breaking. This has been fixed.
  • Easy 2fa link:
    • This is the hidden content, please
      will now take you to your use CP 2fa settings page for easy access/referrals.
  • Performance optimizations:
    • Some areas of the website have been optimized for faster page loads, particularly for the first time a user loads our website, but also smaller optimizations for existing users.
      • This includes:
        • Minifying all javascript/css
        • Using google’s CDN for JS where possible
        • Compressing images to reduce file size
        • Removing useless/duplicate scripts
        • Limiting the # of images that can be loaded in a topic preview for recent news on the homepage (rather than loading useless GIFs from an update that cannot be viewed)
      • These optimizations reduce the total homepage size by nearly 50% and increase the page load speed by over 35%. This also applies to the forums, but to a lesser extent.

  • Security updates:
    • Many security updates have been applied to both the website and game.

Store updates:

  • New items:
    • The God bosses pet (which can transform between all 3 new pets: Baby justiciar, derwen and porazdir) is now available for 1500 tokens!
  • Rune pouch in the store now has an ironman symbol next to it (has been buyable for some time now, but it was missing the symbol).
  • “Custom Donation” button added to FAQ on shop to link to the customs thread.

Client updates:

  • The welcome screen on resizable has been fixed (invalid placement for the Welcome message)
  • Fixed a bug with HD + Resizable on Macs, where your client would be sized incorrectly.












We hope you enjoy this update! :) As always, please report any bugs to myself, staff members or in the correct section on the forums.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

Today’s update contains a ton of background updates, particularly those that will help us combat the use of third party programs on Alora, which will translate into a more fair and enjoyable experience for everyone. Aside from this, we’ve tried to squeeze in some cool content, QOL and bug fixes into this update.

Additionally, it has been quite some time now since Fossil Island was released on OSRS, and at the time we had let it slide to focus on construction and other updates that took priority within the past few months. We don’t think that full Fossil island is necessary, nor is it worth the time to implement when it could be better spent elsewhere, since it is somewhat dead content on OSRS at this point. With that being said, there’s no reason that the the important parts should not be available on Alora, those being the Wyverns (and their drops), as well as the Herbi pet. With this update, we’ve included just that smile.png



  • Yell update:
  • Staff/support team members that are also ironmen/classics will no longer have their rank color changed to their donator color.
  • For example, if you are Global mod but also Super donator, your yell tag would be green. It will now stay green as it should be.

Rune pouch update:

  • Wrath runes can now be stored.

World bosses update:

  • World bosses now drop loot for the top 3 hitters instead of the top 2.
  • The loot rate for the pets has been increased by 1000%.
  • The loot rate for Staff of Light & Hilts have been increased by ~35%.

::event area update:

  • You will no longer lose pets when dying at ::event.

Graceful recoloring:

  • You can now recolour previously coloured Graceful pieces!
  • Previously, you could only use your Marks of Grace to colour the plain (beige) Graceful set pieces. You can now use it on any piece (eg. To colour from Blue to Red).
  • Note that you still cannot get back the original beige colour without re-obtaining it from Grace.

Slayer fixes:

  • Thermonuclear smoke devil was not attackable while on a dust devil task. This has been fixed.
  • Mutated bloodveld and Greater nechryael kills will now count towards your Bloodveld/Nechryael task.

Farming fixes:

  • The tool leprechaun will now note both grimy and clean herbs for you.

Hunter fixes:

  • Sometimes, a box trap would create an “empty” bugged trap which you could not remove. This has been fixed.

Bar-note perk for donators:

  • Bar drops from dragons can now be auto-noted for donators! You can toggle this perk through Ellen in the Myth’s guild, which means you must have completed Dragon Slayer II as with other perks.

Alchemy warning:

  • When alching high value items, a warning interface will appear to ensure that you did not accidentally alch a party hat or something valuable.
  • High value items are classified as having a value (alch, shop or trading post) of more than 1,000,000 GP. (1M)

Fletching fix:

  • Previously, you could only fletch short bows and long bows when using a knife on a log, except for normal logs.
  • You can now fletch crossbow stocks for any type of log, and not only normal logs.

Taverley dungeon agility pipe:

  • Players with 70 agility can use the Agility pipe to Blue dragons from the ladder in the Taverley dungeon.

Barrows loot update:

  • The number of supplies given from the reward chest has been greatly increased (up to 20x the old amounts), but is also now randomized.
    • Runes:
    • Water ~ 1-1,960
    • Death ~ 1-998
    • Blood ~ 1-445
    • Chaos ~ 1-1,398
    • Mind ~ 1-2,889
    • Nature ~ 1-285
  • Ammo:
    • Bolt racks ~ 1-445
    • Rune bolts ~ 1-165
    • Addy bolts ~ 1-265

Vorkath fix:

  • Zombified spawn was too fast to kill before it exploded near you. It will now sit for 2-3 seconds before walking towards you to allow for extra reaction time.
  • Vorkath’s damage through prayer has been reduced, especially for Magic attacks.
  • Dragon hunter crossbow will now provide a 30% damage boost on Vorkath.
  • Ranged strength fix:
  • Ava’s assembler now provides +2 Ranged strength bonus
  • Assembler max cape now provides +2 Ranged strength bonus
  • Monkey (completionist) cape also now provides this +2 Ranged strength bonus

New Dragonstone bolt fix:

  • Some of the new bolts were missing their damage boost on the special attack, specifically:
  • Diamond dragon bolts (e)
  • Dragonstone dragon bolts (e)
  • Onyx dragon bolts (e)
  • Opal dragon bolts (e)
  • Pearl dragon bolts (e)


  • You can no longer add yourself to your ignore list.
  • Random PM Disconnection bug fixed:
    • Although not fully tested since it is difficult to reproduce, we believe we’ve found the reason that sometimes groups of players would simultaneously DC after receiving a weird gibberish PM. If the bug appears again, we’ll look into it to try other solutions.
  • Staff and server support can no longer be ignored in-game. You can add them to your ignore list, but it will have no effect.
  • Fixed a bug where you would see loot from a different plane (eg. Being on the 1st floor of a building) that should only be visible on the ground floor.
  • Inferno bug-fix:
    • Fixed a bug where the ranger in the Inferno could get “stuck” and not attack you back after being frozen.
  • Shadow sword is now tradable.
  • Silverlight sword attack animations fixed.

Tome of Fire update:

  • When worn, the tome will now provide 50% damage bonus to any fire spells, not only the Fire surge.

Untradable item drop bug:

  • Fixed a huge bug with untradable items being dropped. Many of you have dropped or died with untradable items only to have them disappear 60 seconds later. A popular reported item for this is the Amulet of Torture (or). We’ve fixed this bug, and made it so that untradable items will be on the ground for just as long as normal items are.

Lizardman shaman fix:

  • Wearing Shayzien T5 armour (from achievement shop) will now reduce the green acid pool damage from the shamans to 0.
  • It will also not allow you to be poisoned by shamans.

Combat fixes:

  • Sometimes, “dead” players would still be able to attack. For example, if you DDS spec a player which kills them, they would still be able to attack once (while their hitpoints are 0) before dying.
  • This will no longer happen, and the dead player will simply die without executing their final spec/attack.
  • This will also slightly change the dynamics in the duel arena, since the player with the first hit will have a considerably higher chance of winning.

Risk protection nerf:

  • Since risk protection complicates multi-pking with clans and really any non 1v1 situation, we’ve made it so that risk protection is disabled for 2 minutes after combat.
  • This means that if you’ve attacked someone, anyone can attack you for the next 2 minutes.
  • Everytime you attack a player, this 2 minute counter is reset. This means that as long as you are in combat, you will always not be under the protection of the risk protection mechanism.

Teleblock update:

  • Teleblock immunity will now last 30 seconds as opposed to 60 after teleblock wears off.

Myth’s guild “Mythical metal shop update”:

  • This shop will now sell the Dragon battleaxe, primarily for Ironmen/Classics to obtain.

Dragon battleaxe special attack fix:

  • The Dragon battleaxe special attack is now functional:
  • Consumes 100% special attack energy:
  • This drains the player's 
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    This is the hidden content, please
    This is the hidden content, please
    , and 
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     levels by 10%, while increasing their 
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     level by [10 + (levels drained / 4)]. The strength boost is comparable to that of a 
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     potion. However, depending on the player's combat levels and preexisting boosts, it can raise strength by up to +21.

Zahur has been added:

  • Zahur can provide many Herblore related services, including:
    • Cleaning of grimy herbs to clean herbs, regardless of your Herblore level:
      • For a cost of 500gp per herb, Zahur, can clean an inventory of herbs in an instant. Note that she cannot clean noted herbs.
    • Decantation of potions:
      • This is identical to the service provided by Bob Barter.
    • Completing Unfinished potions:
      • Zahur can take all noted ingredients (herbs + vials of water) to create Unfinished potions for you!
      • The cost of this depends on your donator rank:
      • Normal player: 3,000 gp per potion
      • Donator: 2,750 gp per potion
      • Super donator: 2,500 gp per potion
      • Extreme donator: 2,250 gp per potion
      • Legendary donator: 2,000 gp per potion
      • Uber donator: 1,750 gp per potion
      • Master donator: 1,500 gp per potion
  • Example:
    • Vial of water + Toadflax = Toadflax potion (unf)
    • Notes:
    • No experience is gained by this.
    • Your herblore level does not matter for this process.

Battlestaff crafting + orb charging:

  • Orb charging:
  • You can now charge orbs!
  • Having the required Magic level, simply take the required runes (see the relevant spell in your Magic spellbook) to the obelisk which you would like to charge your orb at and use the unpowered orbs on the obelisk.
  • The available obelisks are:
  • Air, earth, water and fire

Battlestaff crafting:

  • With charged orbs, you can now craft battlestaves!
    • You can use your charged orb on a battlestaff to be presented with the crafting options.
    • The requirements and experience gains are as follows (before your experience rate multiplier and other bonuses):
    • Water battlestaff:
    • 54 Crafting
    • 100 experience
  • Earth battlestaff:
    • 58 Crafting
    • 112.5 experience
  • Fire battlestaff:
    • 62 Crafting
    • 125 experience
  • Air battlestaff:
    • 62 Crafting
    • 137.5 experience

Anti-bot system:

  • We won’t get into too much detail on this update, but we’ve implemented a number of methods to help us detect players that are using 3rd party programs. We’re committed to ensuring that players use any type of software that is against our rules to gain an advantage will not be welcome on Alora, and we will continue to improve our detection methods to be able to quickly detect and ban these players.

Fossil Island content:

  • Herbi pet:
  • This pet can now be obtained through the Herblore skill!
  • Creating potions will yield the highest chance of obtaining Herbi, but cleaning herbs has a very slight chance as well.

Wyvern cave:

  • The Wyverns cave can now be accessed!
  • Ancient Wyverns are lurking within this cave, waiting for the unprepared adventurer to add to their piles of bones.
  • You must have a minimum of 82 Slayer to harm these wyverns.
  • The wyverns have a drop table with a wide array of loot, with the most valuable item being the Wyvern visage:
  • The wyvern visage can be used to create the Ancient Wyvern shield.
  • This can be done by using it on an Elemental shield while having 66 Smithing and 66 Magic.
  • The Elemental shield is commonly dropped by the Ancient wyverns.

These wyverns can be assigned as a Hard slayer task.

  • They will also count towards your Skeletal wyvern task.

The Dragonhunter crossbow will deal significantly more damage on these wyverns.
The cave can be accessed through the teleportation wizard’s dungeon teleports.

  • Requirements:
  • 82 Slayer
  • 4 Quest points

Teleport interface update:

  • Two new teleports have been added:
  • Donator Zone
  • Ancient Wyvern cave


  • You can now use a mobile-friendly version of the forums!
    • When browsing on a mobile device, a message at the top of the page to switch to the mobile version will appear.
      • If you do not see this message, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see a “Use Mobile version” link on the bottom right side of the page near the “Terms of Service” link.
    • You can easily switch back to the full version on your phone/tablet by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the “Full Version” button.
  • Award updates:
    • Awards are now resized to a maximum of 25x25 pixels. This allows for a more neat and uniform award area.
    • We’ve also cleaned up the awards container, gave it a border, in-line title and spaced it out properly.


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We hope you enjoy this update smile.png


Edited by alora
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