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[OSRS] Alora - Gauntlet ★ Raids 1 & 2 ★ Group Ironman


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Hello everyone,


Happy Easter! We hope that everyone enjoys this holiday weekend spending time with their family, friends and loved ones.


Today’s update is primarily focused on Holiday events — Easter and April fools specifically! We’d also like to update you guys on the status of Elite(Duo) Ironman: As the vote has passed, we’ve confirmed that this game mode will be added, and have begun working it. We hope to have it out in the very near future, possibly in the next update. Keep an eye out for this update, and in the meantime, we hope you enjoy the following update:


  • Miscellaneous:
    • Random events will no longer occur at the Wilderness agility course.
    • Fixed an issue with rare implings not respawning in Puro Puro.
    • Fixed a bug where sometimes retaliating to someone who just attacked you would skull you. (If the damage was 0, and a melee hit)
  • Fixed equipment switching bug:
    • (From recent OSRS update) Equipping an off-hand item whilst there is a two-handed item equipped, or when equipping a two-handed item with an off-hand item already equipped, the item being unequipped will now land in the inventory slot held by the now-equipped item. 
      • See the below example for more information.
        • When you equip something to a slot where another item is already equipped, the game usually puts the unequipped item in the same inventory slot that you’d just freed up. For example, if you equipped a dagger to your right hand, and you’d got a mace equipped there already, the mace would go to the inventory slot where the dagger used to be. However, this didn’t happen for two-handed items. If you’d got a two-handed weapon equipped (e.g. Rune 2h sword), and you equipped a shield, the sword would be unequipped, but it would not always land in the inventory slot where the shield used to be. Similarly, if you’d got a shield equipped, and you equipped the 2h sword, the shield would be unequipped but would not always land in the inventory slot where the sword used to be. The game will now aim to make the unequipped item go to the same inventory slot that you’d just emptied, where possible. So when you’ve got a Rune 2h sword equipped, and you equip a Rune Kiteshield, you should now find the Rune 2h sword goes to the inventory slot where the kiteshield had been.
  • April fool’s event:
    • We’ll let you find out about this one yourselves! There are two separate April fools additions this year.
  • Easter event:
    • The Easter Bunny above the Falador hills is in need of help this Easter! You can get there quickly by speaking to his son, Milkee, at home in Edgeville.
      • You’ll have to help his other son, Chocco, within the Easter caves under Falador, to make sure this Easter goes exactly as planned! You’ll be rewarded accordingly. 
    • Rewards:
      • Eggshell platelegs and platebody
      • Easter egg helmet
        • This item was available from last year’s Easter event, but if you do not already have it, it will be rewarded again.
      • Peaceful/holy/chaotic handeggs




Shop updates:

  • A 25% sale has been applied for Easter! It will last 1 week, so take advantage of the bonuses while you can. 
    • You’ll receive 25% bonus on ANY token purchases.
  • Easter box added:
    • This item, similar to a Mystery box, can give you any of the following loot:
      • Fully bunny suit (comes together)
      • Full chicken suit (comes together)
      • Easter basket
      • Easter ring
    • Cost: 1000 tokens
    • Ironman/classics can also purchase this item.






Happy Easter! Enjoy smile.png




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Hello everyone,


We're back with a few content updates / bug fixes this week, mostly pertaining to the Elite Ironman release last week which was hugely successful. I'm thrilled to see so many people enjoying the new game mode, and hopefully these bug fixes and content updates improve the experience even more!

  • Elite Ironman Storage Box:
    • Due to popular request, Elite Ironmen who have partners can now share a storage box with their partner!
      • Located next to Paul in Edgeville, this box allows you to deposit up to 14 items which are shared with your partner.
      • Any items that you deposit will be left in the box until you or your partner retrieves them. This box is perfect if your partner is not online at the same time as you are, and you’d like to leave them some supplies.
      • Although the maximum number of items is 14, you can only store 10,000 of any specific item within the storage box.
      • Elite Ironmen who do not have partners cannot use this box as storage.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Fixed duel arena no movement bug (“I can’t reach that!”)
    • Limpwurt seed is now tradable.
    • Fixed a bug which would technically cause the game to think you were a Hardcore ironman when you weren’t, causing your status to be downgraded upon death.
    • Fixed the “huge” crossbows on the “How many would you like to make?” Interface when stringing or creating unfinished crossbows.
    • Sapphire ring Crafting level requirement fixed (from 30 to 20)
  • Duo Slayer changes:
    • Previously, you were able to receive tasks that involved an instanced boss (eg. Zulrah, Grotesque Guardians, TzTok-Jad, etc).
      • This will no longer be possible.
    • If your partner finished the task, your counter would still say (Task: 0 Green dragons) without resetting, causing you to have to kill one more.
      • This will no longer happen.
  • XP Counter fix:
    • A bug which caused your XP counter to go negative at high amounts has been fixed.
  • Elite Ironman changes:
    • House altars:
      • You can now receive bonus experience from using bones on your EIM partner’s house altars.
  • Thieving changes:
    • When pickpocketing, your level/equipment bonuses will now have more effect on your thieving success rate. You should fail less often, overall.
  • Tournament ring:
    • For the EIM pvp tournament (and future tournaments), a safe-death PVP ring has been added. 
      • You can type ::tournament to teleport to the spectator sidelines around the ring, but competitors can only be teleported in by staff members.
  • Ultimate Ironman update:
    • When dying to an NPC, Ultimate Ironmen’s items lost on death (NOT applicable to PvP death) will now last 60 minutes before disappearing. After the 60 minutes, the items will become publicly visible for a few more minutes.
      • This is intended to help UIMs temporarily drop their inventories by dying to an NPC, allowing them to more easily participate in certain types of content (particularly wilderness content such as Mage Arena II).
      • NOTE: We will not be responsible for your losses if you are unable to recover your items due to a server update. There is always a 5 minute timer before a server update, which should be plenty of time for UIMs to get their items back.
  • Dwarf Multicannon fixes:
    • A bug allowed players to set up a hunting trap (eg. Box trap or bird snare) next to someone’s cannon, causing it to disappear. This has been fixed, and traps can no longer be set up near a cannon.
      • Additionally, to prevent people from putting cannons in typical trap areas, cannons can no longer be set up in Feldip hills, the Donator zone, the donator Chinchompa cave or the Black chinchompa hunting area.


  • Website:
    • Fixed EIM highscores pages for specific skills (not Overall) showing (Solo) for all players, even if they have a partner.
    • Added ReCaptcha + new registration questions when signing up (to prevent spammers from registering)







We hope you enjoy this update smile.png




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone,
This update took longer than anticipated due to Daily tasks taking a ton of time to configure, as well as some unprecedented circumstances that took up some of my time, but I’m thrilled to announce the release of this new system! The Daily tasks will give you that extra challenge each and every day, while working towards your goals, which could be short term monetary gain (bloody/crystal keys), items that will increase your efficiency (Arclight, Propsector kit) or simply going for that fashionable cosmetic! (Achievement armour, western banners) Whatever your goal is, we know that you’ll find something in this update to enjoy smile.png On top of this, we’ve got some other long awaited updates such as the Kurask cave expansion, and some much needed PvP updates including a rotating Hotzone system. I’ll let you read the details yourself below!

  • Daily tasks:
    • Daily tasks are now available! (Thanks to @ for the awesome idea)
      • Mr. Daily can be found in Edgeville bank, and he’ll tell you which tasks are available today.
        • Features:
          • 3 daily tasks, one easy, one medium, and one hard.
            • These tasks are changed every 24 hours, based on UTC (server) time.
          • Each task will give a set number of points, typically 3, 5, and 10 for easy, medium and hard respectively.
            • Extreme Donators will receive an extra 1, 2, and 3 points for each task respectively.
            • Legendary Donators will receive an extra 2, 3, and 4 points for each task respectively.
            • Uber donators will receive an extra 3, 4, and 5 points for each task respectively.
          • Full completion bonus:
            • If you complete all 3 of today’s tasks, you’ll receive an extra 12 points!
              • Typically, this means a maximum of 30 points per day can be earned, while donators can receive up to 42.
          • All game modes can access this shop. (iron/classic included)
        • What types of tasks are available?
          • There are many different tasks that are randomly selected each day! The same task will never be given back to back, but can be given two days after.
          • Some examples include:
            • Easy:
              • Cut 50 gems of any type — 3 points
              • Claim a vote auth — 3 points
              • Use the high alchemy spell 100 times — 3 points
            • Medium:
              • Harvest any 3 herb patches — 5 points
              • Complete 3 raids — 5 points
              • Chop 300 Redwood logs — 5 points
            • Hard:
              • Gamble a Fire cape — 12 points
              • Earn 425 Runecrafting points — 10 points
              • Kill 35 Krakens — 10 points
        • What types of rewards are available?
          • General:
            • Bloody key, Crystal key
            • Anglerfish, super combat potions
            • Looting bag
            • Shayzien outfit (tier 5)
            • Mask of balance
            • Dark totem
          • New items:
            • Prospector outfit — provides 2.5% Mining experience when full set is worn.
            • Dwarven helmet — Highest crush bonus for a helmet in-game
            • Arclight — Extremely powerful sword against demons (provides 70% accuracy and damage boost, but requires charges from Ancient shards)
            • Achievement armour set 1
            • Achievement armour set 2
            • Western banner 1
            • Western banner 2
  • Kurask expansion (task-only):
    • A Kurask expansion area has been added in the Fremennik Slayer caves!
      • This area can only be entered by players who are currently on a Kurask slayer task (solo or duo) to ensure that it does not get over-crowded.
      • Notes:
        • 9 new Kurask spawns are available in this area, complementing the original 6 Kurasks in the non-task area.
        • The west side of the task-only area contains an intentional safespot which allows you to range/mage/halberd Kurasks with ease.
  • Propsector kit added:
    • This outfit, which provides a total bonus of 2.5% more Mining experience when worn, is now available for purchase in the Daily tasks shop!
      • Boosts:
        • Helmet: 0.4%
        • Jacket: 0.8%
        • Legs: 0.6%
        • Boots: 0.2%
        • Full set bonus: 0.5%
      • Total bonus:
        • 2.5%
    • The prices in the Daily Task reward shop are based on the experience given by each piece and are perfectly scaled. For example, the jacket (0.8%) is 4x the experience of the boots (0.2%), and is 4x the price.
  • Items dropped on death fixes:
    • Ironmen’s items would not last as long on the floor as normal players. This has been fixed.
    • The UIM update last update was bugged in some circumstances, and should now work as intended (tested).
    • Fixed a bug with some untradable items (eg. Ornament kit amulets) disappearing more quickly off the ground.
    • The timer on the client for how long until your items are visible to other players (or completely disappear, in the case of Ironmen) was showing a time longer than it should have been. It will now be more accurate.
  • Bones on Altar fix:
    • Ironmen (specifically Elite) will now receive bonus experience from using bones on their own player-owned-house altars, as well as Elite being able to receive bonus experience from their partner’s house altars. (This was broken last update)
  • Fixed instance-kick issue
    • Sometimes, if players are wearing a Ring of Life or Defence skillcape inside of certain instances (zulrah, vorkath, kraken, etc) which you can teleport out of, the ROL/cape would teleport you out even if you had high HP. This will no longer happen, and you will only be teleported out at low HP (<10% of max HP) as intended.
  • Raids fix:
    • Some of you may have noticed a bug that occurs periodically within Raids which causes you to enter another player’s instance when trying to enter the final room for the Olm fight.
      • This should hopefully be fixed as of this update, but will need to be tested over time as it is a hard bug to reproduce. If it is still broken, please report it as soon as possible.
  • Clue scroll fix:
    • A clue scroll calling for players to wear certain equipment and bow outside the Legend’s guild was asking for an Oak longbow or Regular longbow to be worn. As this is not skiller friendly, and the Regular longbow cannot be obtained, we’ve updated it to ask for a regular (normal wood) short bow instead.
  • Fire wave/blast fix:
    • When using the Fire wave spell with the Tome of fire equipped, you will now receive a 50% damage boost as intended.
  • Storage box changes:
    • Although the item limit is 10,000 per stack within the Storage box, we’ve increased the amount of gold that you can store within the box to 1,000,000 (1M) GP.
  • Karambwan fishing in Fishing guild fixed:
    • There is now a Karambwan fishing spot on the northern dock of the Fishing guild.
  • Serpentine helmet uncharging:
    • Uncharging/dismantling the Serpentine helmet would give you a chisel every time (chisel dupe). This has been patched, and dismantling will no longer grant you a chisel at all.
  • Seers agility course fix:
    • The first obstacle (wall climb) was giving way more experience than any other obstacle, causing players to simply teleport back to Seers village after the first obstacle.
      • This obstacle has been nerfed, but the entire course will still give the same experience. The last obstacle will give the most experience.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Pickup sound fix:
      • When picking up an item, sometimes another player would get it first (eg. At a drop party) but the pickup sound would still play for you. This was confusing, and ultimately disappointing (see: drop party) and has been fixed so that the sound only plays if you truly received the loot.
  • PVP/Combat Updates:
    • Bloody key changes:
      • Bloody keys can now only be picked up by players who are at least level 57.
    • Bloody keys can now be dropped upon killing your Bounty target!
      • The rate at which these keys drop is based on your Wilderness level as well as your target’s risked wealth.
      • Guidelines for wilderness levels:
        • 50 Wildy: 2.5x as likely
        • 35 Wildy: 1.5x as likely
        • 20 Wildy: 1.25x as likely
        • 10 Wildy: 1.15x as likely
      • The majority of the influence for risked wealth is in the <100M range, meaning that if the target’s risked wealth is greater than 100M (eg. 2b) it will have essentially the same chance as someone who has 100m assuming the same wilderness level.
    • Prayer fixes:
      • Some changes to prayer determination in combat have been made to make the effect of your selected prayer take effect more quickly.
    • Zamorak godsword special attack timer:
      • The timer for the freeze effect is 20 seconds, but the client timer would show 30. This has now been fixed.
    • Dragon claw special attack boost:
      • The accuracy of the special attack has been increased.
    • Berserker necklace special effect:
      • The berserker necklace effect was only working for the Obsidian maul (Tzhaar-ket-om), but now works for all of the intended weapons:
        • Toktz-xil-ak (sword)
        • Tzhaar-ket-em (mace)
        • Toktz-xil-ek (dagger)
    • Skotizo updates:
      • Drop table improved with new items:
        • Bloody key
        • Amulet of torture
        • Necklace of anguish
      • Teleblock effect:
        • With these improved loot additions, the risk of fighting Skotizo has increased… anyone attacking Skotizo will take on the challenge of being teleblocked for 2 minutes and 30 seconds!
    • Hotzones:
      • The hotzone feature has been revamped! Hotzones are now rotating spots where you will earn double PKP. The zone will rotate every 30 minutes and will always be different than the last one.
      • Possible zones:
        • Edgeville
        • Mage bank
        • East dragons
        • Dark castle
        • Demonic ruins
      • You can see whether you’re in a Hotzone or not in the bottom right corner, and you can also view the current hotzone in your quest tab.
        • You’ll also receive notifications globally when the hotzone changes.
  • Dragonhunter crossbow fix:
    • The effect of this weapon on Dragons/Olm/Wyverns was underpowered and has been corrected to 30% increased damage and accuracy.
  • The Arclight is now available!
    • Available in the Daily tasks reward shop
    • This sword, requiring level 75 Attack, is extremely effective against demon type monsters with it’s 70% increase in accuracy and damage against them, making it more effective than the Abyssal tentacle. The affected creatures include:
      • Imps
      • Lesser demon, Greater demon, Black demon
      • Abyssal demon
      • Nechryael, Nechryarch
      • Demonic gorilla
      • Skotizo
      • Porazdir (Zamorak boss from world bosses event)
    • Charges:
      • This sword holds charges (up to 10,000) for its effect. Charges can be added by using Ancient shards on the sword, every 3 providing 1,000 charges. If there are no more charges, the sword does not provide any accuracy or damage bonus against demon type monsters.
    • Untradable reclaim:
      • Upon death, this item will go to the Lost items manager and can be reclaimed for 500,000 GP.

Enjoy smile.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,
Make sure you update your client launcher before playing! (alora.jar) Read here for more details:

This is the hidden content, please

Today’s updates have some heavy focus on the client which hasn’t received any big updates in awhile, where we’ve added some QOL features such as the bank value overlay and the ground item overlay, which should both hopefully improve your gameplay. We’ve also applied some fixes to Daily tasks, as well as added a new “streak” system and the Seed box as a new reward. There are also plenty of other cool updates included today which you’ll see below!
In other news, as some of you may already know, OSRS’s planned release date for Raids 2 is quickly approaching, and we’re just as excited as you are! As with the first Raids release, we’re planning to be the first RSPS to release Raids 2, so we’re going to be grinding day and night to make sure you don’t have to wait too long to jump into the action. Keep an eye out for more information on this!
Note: Some of these updates may have already been added earlier this week in a silent update, but many are newly available as of today!

  • Daily task changes:
    • Weekend bonuses:
      • Event managers can now enable bonus Daily Task points on the weekends! This will give you up to 2x as many points for completing Daily task.
    • Daily task streaks: (Thanks to @ for the suggestion!)
      • Every day you fully complete your daily tasks will now count towards your streak! You have to complete every day’s set of 3 tasks to keep your streak going, otherwise it’ll reset back to 0 if you miss a day.
      • By completing all 3 tasks every day and building your streak, you can earn streak bonus points (only when fully completing the tasks of that day):
        • First day ~ 0 bonus points (starting the streak)
        • Second day ~ 2 bonus points
        • Third day ~ 4 bonus points
        • Fourth day ~ 6 bonus points
        • Fifth day ~ 8 bonus points
        • Sixth day ~ 11 bonus points
        • Seventh day ~ 15 bonus points
        • ALL days after 7 days (no limit): 15 bonus points
    • Bug fixes:
      • Fixed Coal bag reward:
        • The Coal bag in the shop was the wrong item and did not function as a coal bag. Anyone who purchased this item will automatically have a properly working Coal bag as of this update.
      • Fixed the following tasks:
        • Fish 250 Manta ray
        • Cook 250 Manta ray
        • Cook 100 Monkfish
        • Defeat TzTok-Jad
        • Defeat TzKal-Zuk
        • Complete 1 (or 3) Wilderness Slayer tasks
          • Was completing the task after 1 or 3 kills, not 1 or 3 tasks.
        • Complete 6 Raids
          • This one was working, but only required 5 Raids. We’ve decided to leave it at 5 Raids as this is difficult enough, and have renamed the description to avoid confusion.
    • Shop changes:
      • Seed box added for 350 points.
      • Arclight reduced from 600 to 500 points.
      • Mask of balance reduced from 500 to 250 points.
  • Seed box:
    • The seed box is now available to store your seeds in! This can currently be obtained through the Daily task reward shop, as well as through the donation store.
      • It can store up to 6 different types of seeds, and is able to carry up to 2,147,483,647 of each seed.
      • If lost on death, it can be reclaimed from the Lost items manager for 250,000 GP. Please note that as wth the looting back/herb sack/etc, if you destroy this item, you will lose the seeds inside. Additionally, banking the seed box will bank the seeds themselves as well.
  • Red Dungeon Cavern : Brimhaven Dungeon:
    • A new cavern with a total of 6 Red dragons (and 7 Baby red dragons) is now accessible within the Brimhaven dungeon!
      • The entrance is located in the Steel/Iron Dragons area in the Southern part of the dungeon, with the Red dragon entrance being on the west side of this area.
      • You must have an Agility level of 33 to go through the entrance.
  • PvP/Combat/Wilderness updates:
    • Combat fixes:
      • When attacking another player with Magic, you can now freeze them from a slightly further distance (1 extra step) to avoid your target easily escaping a fight.
    • The Chaos Altar (level 38 wilderness):
      • The altar in this temple will now be highly useful to players due to the following perks:
        • 1. It will provide the same bonus experience as a Gilded altar (POH) with two incense burners lit (the maximum experience in-game)
        • 2. There is a 50% chance of the Altar not consuming the bones that are sacrificed to it. This means that, in the long run, you’ll only need to use half the bones that you normally would to level up.
        • 3. The Elder Chaos druid immediately outside the temple can unnote your bones (and only bones!) for 200 GP each.
    • Prayer drain fixes:
      • General:
        • Overall, prayer was draining significantly slower than they should have been. The drain rate is now more accurate to OSRS for every single prayer.
    • PKP Exchange changes:
      • The PKP shop prices were too low following a recent update and introduced too many items into the economy, so the prices in the shop have been increased by 25%.
  • Slayer updates:
    • Slayer reward changes:
      • Ammo mould has been reduced in price from 15,000 Slayer points to 7,500 Slayer points.
    • Superior Slayer Encounter drops:
      • Some of the Superior Encounters were dropping bars (sometimes up to 15) that were un-noted. These should all drop noted now if they are noted on OSRS. Affected monsters include:
        • Marble gargoyle
        • Night beast
  • Clan chat QOL: (Thanks to @ for the suggestion)
    • Clan chat members are now organized by their ranks (as in OSRS)! This will make it easer to see the top ranked, as well as the owner, in the clan chat list as they be sorted from greatest rank to lowest rank, top to bottom.
  • Raids changes:
    • Tekton’s defence (melee, range and mage) have been nerfed by 40% in Solo raids.
      • This change was requested as it is quite difficult to defeat Tekton as a solo raider. Tekton’s defence in teams larger than 1 player has not been changed at all.
  • Boss drop table patch: (Thanks to @Lowkey for collecting data!)
    • As many players know, Alora’s drop system has had a major inconsistency since day one: Bosses are supposed to have a guaranteed number of drops, and we haven’t been delivering on that feature.
      • To correct this, we’ve matched OSRS’s number of drops per boss and updated it, guaranteeing your loot on boss kills. No more killing the Corporeal beast for zero loot! Here are the affected NPCs:
        • Zulrah
        • Kalphite queen
        • Vorkath
          • 2 guaranteed drops
        • Giant mole
        • Kraken
        • General Graardor
        • Commander Zilyana
        • K’ril Tsutsaroth
        • Kree’arra
        • Corporeal beast
        • Lizardman shaman
        • Cerberus
        • King black dragon
        • Chaos elemental
        • Chaos fanatic
        • Crazy archaeologist
        • Vet’ion
        • Venenatis
        • Callisto
          • 1 guaranteed drop
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Crazy archaeologist and Chaos fanatic are now counted as “boss” kills, and will appear on the Boss killcount records.
    • Toy cat is no longer tradable (loyalty system reward)
    • Corporeal beast fix:
      • Corp could previously hit players in the safe zone (immediately outside of his lair) if someone lures him very close to the entrance. This should no longer occur.
    • Quest tab update:
      • Barrows points will now show up in your quest tab next to your other point totals.
    • Clue scroll guide link:
      • ::clue/::clues/::clueguide now redirects you to the Clue scroll guide made by @ (
        This is the hidden content, please
  • Client updates:
    • Rank icons in Private messages:
      • Previously, when someone PMed you, the only icons that would appear were Moderators and Administrators. After this update, you’ll be able to see icons for all of the following ranks:
        • Ironmen:
          • Regular, elite, hardcore, ultimate
        • Classic players
        • Server support
      • We’ve chosen to leave out donator icons at the moment, simply because it isn’t necessary to display them over PM (whereas it can be useful to know that the person you are speaking with is Server support, or even an Ironman)
    • Item names overlay:
      • You can now choose to have item names displayed over ground items!
        • This setting is completely optional, and you can find the toggle for it in the settings tab. It is turned off by default.
        • It will show items that have a High alchemy value of more than 50,000 GP in a special colour.
    • Bank tab value overlay:
      • A new toggle has been added to show the value of your bank tabs!
        • Notes:
          • If on the main tab, the entire value of your bank will be presented.
            • If on any other tab, only the value of that tab will be presented.
        • Untradable items do not add to the total value of any tab.
        • The value used will be the highest of the exchange price or the high alch price.
        • IMPORTANT: Please note that this is often not the exact market value, but a rough estimate based on previous trading post prices.
      • You can toggle this setting in the settings tab.
    • Enemy health box update:
      • When attacking an NPC or player then running away (or eating), their HP box disappears. From this update forward, their HP box will stick around for 5 seconds before disappearing, as long as they are still online/alive. This means you can eat or switch weapons without worrying about the box disappearing.
    • Bug fixes:
      • Fixed an issue with some users (on 32-bit Windows OS) not being able to enter HD after downloading the client (or re-installing it). It will now work properly, but if you were previously affected please delete the entire (C:/aloracache/) folder and re-launch the alora.jar client.(Thanks to @ for pointing this out!)
  • Shop updates:
    • Our shop hasn’t received any love in awhile, so we’ve added some new exciting items to revitalize it! We also added numerous ironman donation items, since many Ironman/classics have expressed interest in obtaining higher donator ranks but didn’t have many items to spend their tokens on.
      • New additions:
        • Instance tokens have been added!
          • These tradable tokens will allow you to create any instance of your choice! While having a token in your inventory (or multiple, as they are stackable) you can create an instance without spending and GP.
            • These tokens come in packs of 10 from the shop, which costs 70 tokens.
        • Cosmetics:
          • Cow outfit
        • Equipment:
          • Shayzien armour set
          • Elite void set (with 3 helmets)
        • General:
          • Tome of fire
          • Herb sack
          • Seed box
          • Imbuement scroll
      • Changes:
        • Many items were moved from the General tab to the Supplies tab:
          • Anglerfish, Dark crab, Super combat potion, Dragon javelin and Dragon bolts.
  • Website updates:
    • HTTPS Support (SSL Encryption)
      • Our domain is now SSL certified! You may have already noticed this if you’ve seen the green padlock and “secure” text next to the URL. This long overdue procedure will offer increased protection while browsing our website.
    • Vote changes:
      • RSPS-Page has been removed from our vote page due to frequently failing to correctly notify us when a player has voted. This means that there are now 6 websites to vote on, and you need to vote on 5 in total to get your auth. (though we recommend all 6 as this helps the server tremendously!)

NOTE: You must update your client to play after this update!
NOTE2: The game will not work at all if you are using the .ZIP client and do not re-download! The .ZIP client does not auto-update like the .JAR client (alora.jar), and you will need to either start using the .JAR client located 

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. If you always use alora.jar, simply close and restart your client. You’ll know if you need to do this if you see the following error:
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We hope you enjoy this update! As always, please report any bugs in the correct section or directly to me in a private message smile.png

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone,
Make sure to check out the competitions for Raids 2 over here: 

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The waiting is finally over! The Theatre of Blood is now open for your entertainment. Hop right into it with your most trusted allies in hopes of obtaining epic rewards.
You can participate in the Theatre of Blood by using the mini games menu on the teleport interface, or by speaking to the Mysterious Stranger slightly south of Edgeville near the Lost items manager.
We’ve spent as much time as we could perfecting this Raid, from the exact attacks and mechanics of the bosses, right down the music that plays in each room. We hope that you enjoy it as much as we have putting it together for you! I’d also like to give a huge thank you to all of the beta testers who helped identify bugs before release.
Without further ado…

  • Slayer task changes:
    • Mithril dragons have been moved from Extreme tasks to Hard tasks, where Rune/Adamant dragons are.
    • Cave horrors are now available as Medium a Slayer task! You can be assigned between 40-110 of them.
  • Giant mole fixes:
    • Instance:
      • The Giant mole would often dig it’s way out of the instance, never to be seen again. This has been fixed, and the mole will now always reappear somewhere within your instanced cave.
      • Additionally, the “Time remaining” overlay would sometimes disappear within the instanced mole cave.
    • General:
      • The dig animation will now show up every time (sometimes you would not see it), as well as a new message that tells you that the mole has dug its way out of the fight.
    • Barrage(and other multi spell) PvM fixes:
      • Barrage would only hit other enemies that were within 1 tile of the main target. This does not work well with large enemies, such as the Nylocas from the Theatre of blood. Multi-spells will now hit enemies surrounding the main target based on size.
        • For example, if your target is size 5 and is barraged, any targets within 5 tiles from the central location will be affected. (Creates a much larger radius, allowing you to barrage large NPCs in a stack)
    • Mute timer fix:
      • If you are muted and attempt to yell or speak, you will be told how long is left until your mute is lifted. This timer was incorrect, meaning that even if the mute would be lifted in 5 hours, it would show random numbers (Eg. 24 hours or more). This timer will now be accurate.
    • Raids 1 (Chambers of Xeric) updates:
      • Dragon Thrownaxes are now a much more common drop from Raids. It is too uncommon in-game and should be more accessible for use in PvP. It has been added to the resources table (herbs, essence, etc).
    • Combat fixes:
      • Fixed Torag’s armour set + Amulet of the damned effect being way too defensive, making it almost impossible to penetrate.
      • Smite fix:
        • If you hit more damage than the player’s current hitpoints (eg. 70 with AGS on a player with 30 HP), Smite would previously reduce their prayer points based on the 70 HP removed. It will now base it off of the maximum hitpoints that can be removed from the victim, meaning 30HP in this case.
      • Ruby bolt (e) special attack damage capped to 100.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Fixed a bug with Dragon Slayer 2 where the quest would show up as green (complete) in the quest tab, but was in fact incomplete as you did not kill Vorkath yet.
    • All defenders from Bronze-Rune (not including Dragon) had the incorrect Defender animation and have been fixed.
    • Fixed a bug with the “Craft 500 Wrath runes” Daily task (would only count 1 inventory as 1/500 (whether you have 1 or 28 essence)
    • When players defeated a Juggernaut in a safe area (eg. Clan wars), their death would not be announced. This has been fixed, and their death will be announced regardless of their location.
    • Fixed a bug which allowed players watching BR to enter the arena and attack people.
    • Fixed a bug with dropped items causing them to appear sooner than possible if someone knows there is an item on a certain tile.
    • Pet drop scrolls / Rare drop scrolls renamed to:
      • Pet booster / Drop booster
    • Fixed a Clan wars bug that allowed players to force teleport out of areas.
  • Theatre of Blood
    • Requirements:
      • You must have a Total level of at least 1250 to enter the Theatre.
    • The Theatre of Blood is now available to any player who is up for the challenge!
      • The Theatre contains 6 different rooms:
        • The Maiden of Sugadinti
          • The Maiden will primarily target the nearest player with a Magic-based attack, but also shoots out blood spawns every so often at every player in the room. Nylocas Matomenos will also appear at 66.6% and 33.3% health to heal her. If they reach her successfully, they will heal her for however much health they have remaining.
        • Pestilent Bloat
          • The Bloat will walk around while severed arms and legs fall from the ceiling. You must avoid the Bloat as well as the falling objects until the Bloat falls asleep, at which point you can deal damage to it.
        • Nylocas Vasilias
          • Hordes of Nylocas will spawn in rapid succession until Nylocas Vasilias, the largest of them, will drop from the ceiling for a battle more worthy of your time.
        • Sotetseg
          • The dark beast, which has attacks that bounce between players. He will also occasionally drag a player into the Shadow realm, where they must solve a maze which other players must try to follow.
        • Xarpus
          • Xarpus begins weakened; exhumed skeletons appear on the floor to heal him. If you stand on top of them, they will not be able to heal him. Eventually, Xarpus will cover the room with acid attacks, so you’ll need to watch your step. At 25% hitpoints, Xarpus will face a single corner for a few seconds. If you attack from the same corner he is facing, you will be killed quickly. You’ll have to coordinate your attacks to survive this wave.
        • Verzik Vitur
          • The final battle is a challenging one -- it beings with Verzik seated on the throne and protected by a shield that can only be taken down with the Dawnbringer. You must time your attacks, hiding behind the pillars while Verzik launches her attack. Eventually, Verzik will walk down to the centre of the room and attack with all styles.
      • Rewards:
        • Justiciar armour
          • Wearing the full set will apply a damage reduction in PvM. The exact formula for the amount of damage reduced is bonus / 3000, where bonus is the player's defence bonus for that particular style. Stacks with Elysian spirit shield effect.
        • Scythe of Vitur
          • Must be charged with Vials of blood and Blood runes.
          • Has a multi-damaging effect which allows you to attack multiple (up to 3) nearby enemies at once. If it is a larger creature, it can deal up to 3 hits on it.
        • Sanguinesti Staff
          • Must be charged with Blood runes.
          • Similar to the Trident of the Swamp, has a built in attack. Can deal slightly more damage than the Trident, having a base max hit of 34.
        • Avernic hilt (defender)
          • Used to create the Avernic defender when combined with the Dragon defender.
        • Blood vials
          • Used to create Battlemage and Bastion potions
        • … as well as many different supplies!
      • Each room has it’s own unique mechanics which will require you to coordinate with your teammates to properly escape the Theatre alive.
    • FAQ:
      • Will this count as a dangerous death for Hardcore Ironmen?
        • No. We feel that this is too limiting, and we’d like our HCIM to be able to participate in this content.
      • Will I lose items if I die within the Theatre?
        • No. Your items are safe upon death.
      • What happens if I die within?
        • You are placed into a prison while your teammates complete the room. If everyone dies, the raid is failed.
      • What if I run low on supplies?
        • There are two supply chests within the raid, at the 30% and 70% completion marks. Depending on your performance, the Vampyres will award you points to spend on supplies in these chests. (Saradomin brews, restores, food, stamina potions)
  • Client updates:
    • A client icon for OSX has been added to the tray.
    • Fixed an issue with the mouse when switching items.
  • Forums:
    • Like button has been upgraded to be more personal! (Smite icon, purple color)


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As always, please make sure to report any bugs that you find in the appropriate section. Enjoy! smile.png

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

I apologize for the delay in getting this update out, after the Theatre of Blood release (and subsequent hot fixes) I took a bit of a break. Thankfully, I’ve managed to squeeze in a fair amount of content, QOL and bug fixes since then for everyone to enjoy and to make up for the wait! The Revenant weapons are now available for those who are brave enough to venture into the Wilderness to claim them…

The next update or two will very likely be focused on bug fixes and QOL as well, though we will try to implement content from any OSRS updates (if at all) as usual. After that, we’ve got some big things that are cooking up with Alora that we’re sure you’re love. Keep your eye out for more information soon ;)


  • Revenant weapons:
    • The Revenant drop tables have been updated with brand new weaponry and equipment! All of the Revenants now have a chance to drop the following:
      • Amulet of Avarice
        • This amulet will cause all drops within the Revenant caves to be noted. This includes non-revenant NPCs as well! The caveat is that the amulet will cause you to be skulled at all times. If you choose to un-equip the amulet, your skull will fade after 20 minutes.
      • Craw’s bow
        • This two-handed bow requiring 60 Ranged, when charged with ether, will deal an extra 50% accuracy and damage against any enemy in the Wilderness. It will consume 1 ether per shot, but does not need ammunition (similar to the Crystal bow).
      • Viggora’s chainmace
        • The one-handed Chainmace has similar bonuses to the Dragon scimitar, but offers 50% extra Melee accuracy and damage against any enemy in the Wilderness.  
          • Stackable with Slayer helmet / Salve amulet effects.

      • Thammaron’s Sceptre
        • This one-handed sceptre has similar bonuses to the Master wand, but will deal 100% more magic accuracy and 25% more damage to any enemies in the Wilderness.

    • Notes for all weapons:
      • Stackable with Slayer helmet / Salve amulet effects.
        • Will consume 1 ether per attack.
        • Ether charged inside the weapon will be dropped on death.

  • Wilderness boss changes:
    • Combat changes:
      • Scorpia’s Melee and Ranged defence has been increased, while its Magic defence has been lowered.
      • Callisto’s ranged defence has been buffed.
    • Drop table boosts:
      • Chaos elemental:
        • Rune scimitar and Rune Sq. Shield added to droppable
        • Wine of Zamorak will now be dropped commonly (5-10, noted)
      • Chaos fanatic:
        • Wine of Zamorak maximum drop is now up to 20 (rather than 10)
        • Pure essence maximum drop is now up to 500 (rather than 250)
      • Scorpia’s uncut gem drops can now drop up to 2x as many.
      • Crazy archaeologist can now drop up to 2x as many Uncut gems and dragonhide, and can now drop between 100-250 Soul runes.

  • Tournament cup:
    • Winners of our more notable events (such as the PvP cup / PvM cup) will now be added to the Tournament cup which can be found at home! The winners of the June and July cups have been added to this list, and it will continue to be updated.
  • Rare drop announcement update:
    • Rare drop announcements will now show the # of kills / completions where applicable.
      • For example:
        • Old:
          • “Omicron received 1 x Abyssal whip as a drop!”
        • New:
          • “Omicron received 1 x Abyssal whip as a drop! (Kill #33)”

    • This applies to:
      • Rare drops (including boss pets)
      • Raids 1 & 2 loot
      • Inferno completions

  • Raids 1 - Chambers of Xeric:
    • When receiving a rare drop, instead of the announcement saying “Omicron received a Twisted bow as a Raids reward!” it will say “Omicron received a Twisted bow as a Chambers of Xeric reward!”
    • Olm changes:
      • The falling rocks will now deal less damage (max hit of 33 rather than 45)
      • Using Magic against Olm’s Right Claw will now be more accurate.
    • Tekton changes:
      • Tekton’s defence has been reduced overall.

  • Raids 2 - Theatre of Blood:
    • Milestone capes:
      • ToB milestone capes are now available! Speak to Harpert near the Theatre, right next to the Vote booth by the bank. He will award you with capes at the following milestones:
        • Sinhaza shroud tier 1 - 100 completions
        • Sinhaza shroud tier 2 - 500 completions
        • Sinhaza shroud tier 3 - 1,000 completions
        • Sinhaza shroud tier 4 - 1,500 completions
        • Sinhaza shroud tier 5 - 2,000 completions

    • Room changes:
      • Sotetseg:
        • The dark beast boss could be “safespotted” in a way where you would stand under him and flinch hit him. This has been patched, and he is able to attack you regardless of whether you are under him or not.
        • The big red ball (that hits up to 115 and must be split between players) had a bug which caused it to not deal any damage sometimes. This has been fixed.
        • The main attacks that bounce between players have been slightly slowed down.
        • The time that your prayers are disabled for having the incorrect protection prayer up has been reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.
      • Verzik Vitur:
        • When using the Dawnbringer, the player who had it would get the most damage points for this part of the fight (and therefore a better chance at loot). The Dawnbringer will now split the damage points among every player who is alive during the battle, equally, to make it more fair.
        • Nylocas spawns:
          • Solo update:
            • When fighting the boss as a solo player, the special attack with 4 Nylocas spawns that explode was far too difficult. This has been nerfed to 2 spawns for Solo players only (or a team with all players dead except 1).
          • Bug fix:
            • Sometimes, after the “explode” animation on the Nylocas, they would still damage you if you did not appear to be next to them. This is due to the fact that the animation would delay their movement, so it would appear as if they were frozen at that spot that they exploded, but in fact they continued to move towards you. This has been fixed, and they will stop moving upon explosion.

    • Loot changes:
      • The chance of obtaining rare loot has been slightly boosted for any team of any size.
      • The chance of obtaining rare loot has also been boosted a bit more for solo players, due to the difficulty of completing a solo raid.
      • The following loot will now appear more commonly:
        • Avernic hilt
        • Justiciar armour
      • Any other loot has the same rate as before, aside from the overall loot boost that has been applied.
    • Weapon changes:
      • Considering the Twisted bow has a damage boost within both raids (it is less powerful outside of raids for balance purposes), it only makes sense that the new Theatre of Blood weapons also have a boost within raids (and only within raids!) to balance them against the bow.
        • The Ghrazi Rapier, Scythe of Vitur and Sanguinesti staff have all received slight damage and accuracy boosts within raids (both raids 1 & 2). They have been untouched in terms of accuracy and damage outside of raids, though.
      • Scythe of Vitur fix:
        • Now properly hits nearest 2 other npcs (in a 180 degree arc, with your main target being in the centre at the 90 degree mark).
        • Damage is unchanged as it has the same bonuses, max hit and special function as OSRS.
        • The attack animation for the Scythe has been updated to the same one from OSRS.
        • The graphics (red swipe effect) will now look smoother (100% to OSRS, changes depending on direction you are facing)

    • Other:
      • Miscellaneous performance improvements.
      • Boss HP bar / orb changes: (Will require a client restart/update)
        • HP bar has been shortened slightly.
        • The percentage text on the HP bar of the boss would sometimes glitch and not be in the right position. This has been fixed.
        • Fixed the health orbs for your teammates. They will now show the amount of hitpoints your or your teammates have lost.

  • Daily tasks:
    • Fixed the “Win 3 duels” task not working (would credit the loser).
    • Fixed the “Mix 10 Anti-fire potions) task not working.
  • Combat:
    • Ruby bolts can now hit over 100 against juggernauts (Staff with 50,000 HP) to make events go more quickly.
    • Twisted bow changes:
      • The Twisted bow was sometimes too powerful against enemies with a high Range defence bonus, for example, the Pestilent Bloat. Ranged defence will now have a heightened resistance to the Twisted bow’s damage and accuracy bonuses. The overall effects on most enemies will not have changed, or only slightly changed, especially those with no ranged defence.

  • Grotesque Guardians nerf:
    • The hitpoints of Dawn and Dusk have both been reduced from 600 to 450 hp following an OSRS update.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Chicken is now in the shield slot rather than the weapon slot.
    • Client launcher will now contain the Alora dock icon on OSX.
    • Some vote booths (near banks) were not working, for example the one near the Theatre of Blood. These have been fixed.
    • Dying with a Herb sack / Seed box will now send a red message stating that the contents of your sack / box have been lost.
    • Previously, a raw Karambwanji could be cooked, which would then turn into a Karambwanji which healed 3 hitpoints. This item was removed in OSRS< causing it to be a “null” item on Alora. This has been entirely removed, and Karambwanji can no longer be cooked, only used as bait for Karambwan.

  • Discord updates:
    • The discord icon for the server has been updated to look more professional and uniform with Alora’s theme.
    • Discord Rich Presence:
      • Discord will now be able to identify what you are doing on Alora! If you are in a raid, you’ll be able to let everyone know, and they’ll know how long you’ve been raiding for.
        • Activities included:
          • Raids (both Chambers of Xeric and Theatre of Blood)
          • Pest control, Duel arena, Clan Wars, Battle Royale, Barrows, Fight caves and The Inferno (including the wave you are on).
          • Skilling (any skilling activities provided you are not in a raid or mini-game)







Please make sure to report any bugs in the

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We hope you enjoy this update! :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone,


Today’s update consists of some general bug fixes and QOL that have been long overdue, as well a bit of new content to freshen things up! The next few weeks, we’ll also be pushing out more bug fixes by going through the suggestion list.


In other news…

While our priorities at the moment are to fix up the bugs and to get those QOL updates out, we’ll also be working on improving the client (adding new plugins), as well as exploring the possibility of a seasonal tournament system on Alora (similar to DMM) somewhere down the road. This sort of system would offer a cash reward for the winner, and would be run every few months. We’ll post more details soon with our ideas for it (and allow you to chip in with yours) once we’re closer to that being a reality smile.png 


  • Loyalty rewards: Chompy bird hats: (Thanks to @ for the suggestion!)
    • You can now purchase one of the 3 tiers of Chompy bird hats from the Loyalty point exchange!
      • There are only 3 hats to purchase in the store, but purchasing any one of them will actually give you the entire set of chompy hats in that tier (6 different colors).
      • The cost of each set is not cheap, though, coming in at:
        • 100,000 points for Tier I
        • 200,000 points for Tier II
        • 400,000 points for Tier III
      • These hats are not tradable. If lost on death, you can reclaim them from the Lost items manager for 100k, 200k or 400k gp per hat depending on the tier.
  • Raids 1 changes (Chambers of Xeric):
    • Balancing:
      • Great Olm has been made ~33% less accurate, and it’s max hits on same attacks have been reduced by ~25%.
        • Affected attacks:
          • Crystals beneath feet
          • General head attacks (projectiles)
          • (Rock fall damage was nerfed 25% last update)
      • Tekton’s accuracy and damage have both been nerfed by 25%.
    • Bug fixes:
      • A bug with Vasa Nistirio which caused him to null and the raid to be restarted should now be fixed.
      • A bug which caused Vasa Nistirio to not launch his Rock attacks for awhile if you went through the raid quickly has now been fixed.
      • It was possible for Vasa to use a final attack before dying (while it’s HP was 0). This should no longer occur.
  • Raids 2 changes (Theatre of Blood):
    • Bug fixes:
      • The loot chest would only show 4 items, it will now be able to show up to 6.
      • The loot chest would sometimes show air strike symbols on the interface, this should no longer occur. Additionally, some users have reported crashing after opening the chest and trying to close it, this should also no longer occur.
      • The loot interface is also now more centered on the fixed screen mode.
      • Fixed a bug with the Scythe of Vitur causing it to be able to murder pets (Sorry, little guys).
  • Discord changes:
    • Icon transparency:
      • All of the activity icons (eg. Woodcutting icon) are now transparent (white background removed) to look more appealing.
    • Visuals:
      • The “Training Melee” activity will now have an Attack icon next to it.
      • Being “In-game” without any other action will now show a smaller Alora logo as the activity icon (to differentiate from players who are at the welcome screen and not yet logged in)
    • Bugs:
      • Sometimes, the “Crafting” activity would appear even though you were not crafting. This has been fixed.
        • Crafting will also be more specific, rather than just stating “Training Crafting” it will display details such as “Crafting Battlestaves”.
      • Thieving icon was entirely missing and has been added.
      • When training Slayer, it would frequently alternate between “Training Ranged” (or Melee/Mage) and “Training Slayer”. Slayer will now take precedence so that your status doesn’t update every second or two. 
  • Client crash fix:
    • Some users’ clients were crashing immediately after launching (presumably only affecting Linux users at the moment). We’ve fixed this, you’ll need to restart your launcher (alora.jar) to get the latest version of the client which should not crash. The issue was due to the Discord library not being supported on your operating system, and the client not properly handling the exception. In this case, the client will function as normal without any Discord integration.
  • Barrows reward updates:
    • A previously requested feature, your barrows loot will now appear on an interface upon looting the chest!
    • Additionally, your loot will be added to your inventory if possible, and if not, it will be dropped on the ground.
    • Rather than a maximum of 4 times, you can now receive up to 7 rewards from the barrows chest. (Minimum 3)
    • You can now receive Crystal key halves and/or coins (1-100k) from the chest.
    • Lastly, the value of your chest will be displayed in a red chatbox message (Eg. “Your loot is worth approximately 2M gp!”). 
      • This is simply an estimate based on exchange prices and should be taken only as a reference.
  • Rare drop yell removals:
    • The following items will no longer appear over yell:
      • Dragon 2h sword
      • Ecumenical keys
    • We debated removing the Ancient crystals as well, but decided against it to not reduce PvP activity.
  • Revenant changes:
    • Revenants will now drop up to 15 ether, rather than the previous maximum of 10.
    • The minimum combat level required to enter the caves has been reduced from 50 to 40.
  • Slayer update:
    • When being assigned an Extreme Slayer task, you can now choose how many of the monster you’d like to be assigned.
      • The minimum size of the task is 3, and the maximum is 35.
  • PvP changes:
    • Scoreboard:
      • The top 30 PKers by killcount list was skipping over the #1 player, which is currently Diedosas. This has been fixed.
    • Smite:
      • Smite was previously not removing enough prayer points from the victim in certain cases, this has been fixed and matched to OSRS.
  • Combat/PvP changes:
    • Ranged weapon speeds:
      • The Twisted bow’s “Rapid” mode was the same speed as the regular mode. It will now fire 1 tick faster while on Rapid.
      • The Crystal bow overall (every combat style) was 1 tick too slow and will now fire more quickly.
    • Magic weapon speeds:
      • All magic spells have a delay of 5 ticks (3 seconds between each attack), but certain built-in spells fire more quickly and were not as fast as they should be. The following trident-based weapons will all now fire 1 tick more quickly (2.4 seconds) than regular Magic spells, matching OSRS and making Magic a more viable PvM method:
        • Trident of the Seas (and (e) version)
        • Trident of the Swamp (and (e) version)
        • Dawnbringer
        • Sanguinesti staff
      • Note that the firing speed is *only* faster when using the built-in spells for these staffs, and that the normal spell delay and melee attack delay will apply if the built-in spell is not used!
    • Scythe of Vitur fix:
      • Although the Scythe’s multi-damaging effect only works in Multi-combat zones, the Scythe is supposed to hit larger creatures (Eg. Cerberus) up to 3x, even in non-multi zones. This has been fixed.
    • Barrage gap:
      • The barrage gap has been increased to the correct distance, meaning that your freezes should land if you are within distance of your opponent (and they are not immune to freezing after just having unfrozen, of course).
    • Magic weapons with built-in spells not working in PvP:
      • Previously, the Trident of the Swamp/Seas and the Sanguinesti staff could not be used in the wilderness at all. Now, they will still not allow you to attack with the built-in spell, but you can use it to manually cast other spells on players (eg. Using a Trident to cast Ice barrage).
    • Red-skull command:
      • You can now red-skull yourself, which means you cannot protect any items whatsoever. The protect item prayer will be disabled for those with a red skull, allowing high-risk fights to take place. 
        • Similar to the normal skull command, using the ::redskull or ::redskullme command will give you a red skull for 20 minutes. You can also speak to the Emblem trader to be red-skulled.
        • Protect item will be disabled, and if you already have it enabled upon typing the command, it will be turned off.
        • Notes:
          • You cannot remove the skull until the timer is up, unless you die.
          • A warning will be given to confirm that you want a red skull to ensure that you know what it means.
    • NPC aggressive distance for most NPCs has been slightly reduced (from 4 steps to 3) within the wilderness.
  • Ring of suffering effects:
    • You can now use a Ring of recoil (noted or unnoted) on your Ring of suffering to charge it, imbuing it with the same recoil properties!
      • A maximum of 100,000 charges, equivalent to 2,500 rings (40 charges each), can be stored.
        • Keep in mind that these recoils/charges cannot be removed from the ring.
      • The effect is toggle-able, so if you are training combat and do not want to waste charges, you can disable it.
      • Charges are not lost upon death.
  • Bracelet of Ethereum updates:
    • You can now uncharge your bracelets for 250 ether each. 
      • Simply right-click and use the “uncharge” option.
    • Bracelets can now be toggled to auto-loot ether from your slain revenants.
      • You can enable this option (disabled by default) by right-clicking your bracelet and selecting “Toggle-absorption”.
      • Note that this will only auto-loot ether dropped by a monster that you have defeated, and not someone else’s ether that may be laying on the ground.
  • Looting bag “open” option:
    • You can now “open” your looting bag to auto-loot any items that you pickup in the wilderness!
      • This option will save you time when PvMing (or PvPing), and can be toggled by right-clicking the Looting bag and selecting the “Settings” option
      • You can “close” your looting bag with the same right-click option, though it is closed by default.
      • Keep in mind that this only works for items that are tradable and picked up within the wilderness.
  • Vorkath fixes:
    • Attack adjustments (previously inaccurate to OSRS):
      • All 3 Dragonfire attacks (purple, green and red) can now be fully defended against (deal 0 damage) if you are using a Super anti fire and an Anti-dragon shield (or Dragonfire ward/Dragonfire shield). Using lesser protection, such as a regular Antifire potion, or having no dragonfire-protection shield will lead to varying and higher amounts of damage.
      • The white dragonfire attack, which summons the Zombified spawn, will no longer deal any damage to you. It is simply a summon animation/projectile.
      • The dodgeable dragonfire attack’s max hit has been increased from 99 to 115 if not dodged.
      • Protect from Magic will now completely negate any damage from the Magic attack (blue projectile).
  • Jugs:
    • Empty jugs can now be purchased from the Supply shop (Or the Ironman/Classic supply store).
    • You can now fill jugs of water by using them on any water source.
  • Jugs of Wine:
    • Jugs of wine can now be created by using grapes on a Jug of water!
      • It requires level 35 Cooking, and will grant 300 Cooking experience.
    • You can drink Jugs of wine to restore 11 hitpoints.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Client optimizations:
      • We’ve compressed the size of the client (and dependancies) that is required every time there is an update which should make the downloads significantly faster.
    • Removed an unnecessary login message that would display for Elite Ironmen.
    • On rare drop announcements, the kill # would always be one too high. For example, if you get a rare drop on kill #50, the announcement would say 51. This has been fixed.
    • Fixed broken yell/clan chat for Official Graphics designer rank.
    • Attempting to add feathers to dart tips will no longer work if you don’t have any free inventory spaces.


  • Website:
    • Vote script bug:
      • A bug which occasionally gave duplicate auths for voting has been patched.


This is the hidden content, please












We hope this update improves your experience on Alora, and as always, please make sure to report any bugs that you find immediately smile.png




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