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[OSRS] Alora - Gauntlet ★ Raids 1 & 2 ★ Group Ironman


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Hey guys,


Today’s update brings a whole bunch of new content for you to keep busy with, including a new Slayer master with unique tasks, an entirely new Slayer dungeon with 5 new monsters to slay, as well as a challenging boss to defeat and rewards to obtain. We initially planned to release Hydra by itself last weekend, but decided to take some extra time to develop the entire slayer system and dungeon, and properly implement this update. This way, we’re able to give you guys a larger, more enjoyable update and hopefully the extra time we’ve taken has allowed us to filter through the bugs. Without further ado, let’s dive right into it:


  • Miscellaneous:
    • Rare drop scroll effect on Barrows loot fixed.
      • You will be notified when this scroll affects your loot (as in other areas of the game).
    • The level 145 Dark warriors in the Dark Warriors’ Fortress had the same HP and max hit as the level 8 warriors and were giving too many Slayer points. They have been fixed and now have 137 hit points and a max hit of 18.
    • Fixed the ‘0’ amount showing up next to items on certain interfaces (certain shops, skill guide interfaces, etc). The only place this is intended to show up is in the GIM Bank where it is worthwhile knowing that you have 0 of a certain item.
    • A bug which caused stackable items (eg. Coins) to merge with an existing coin stack on the floor and then quickly disappear (due to the old stack expiring) has been fixed. The merging of the two item stacks will now reset the expiration timer.
    • Group Ironman can still loot pieces to create Bloody keys for the time being, but cannot open the chest at the moment.
    • Fixed Ahrim’s pieces not protecting over items of lower value (eg. Barrows gloves).
    • If a player is a Veteran and also a Super donator, it would show the wrong donator icon over yell (regular donator icon). This has been fixed.
    • The Dragon hunter crossbow dragon effect no longer works on Revenant dragons.
  • Ground loot changes:
    • A bug which caused some of your own loot to not be able to be picked as an Ironman has been fixed. Here’s how it worked:
      • If another player kills a monster and it drops Big bones, then you kill a monster on the same tile and it also drops big bones, you might not have been able to pick up either of the bones as the server would think you were picking up the other player’s bones.
        • This should now be fixed, with the server prioritizing your own loot, or your EIM partner’s loot, or your GIM group’s loot, over another random player’s loot.
  • Highscores:
    • Group Ironman highscores are now available!
      • You can choose to view the top teams, or the top individual players.
        • When viewing teams, you’ll be able to see the team names, player names, average total level, average total XP, and average combat level.
          • The teams are ranked primarily by average total level, and if two teams have an equal average total level, then the one with the higher average total experience will be ranked higher.
  • Mining update:
    • Similar to last week’s update with Woodcutting, the Mining skill has now been updated to factor in the type of pickaxe you are using.
      • Your mining speed will be affected by your pickaxe, meaning that using a Dragon pickaxe will allow you to mine ores far more quickly than a bronze pickaxe.
        • If you’ve been using a decent pickaxe already, you won’t see much difference in your mining speed, but if you’ve been using a bronze pickaxe you will notice that it takes significantly longer to mine ores.
  • Thieving update:
    • Thieving from the Cake stall will now yield Chocolate bars at a 1/15 chance (for Ironman Heblore training).
  • Elite Ironman / Group Ironman armour sets:
    • Respectively coloured Ironman armour sets for the Group/Elite ironman modes are now available!
      • For Elite ironman, this means that a gold armour set can now be obtained.
      • For Group ironman, this means that a blue armour set can now be obtained.
    • Notes:
      • If you have any regular Ironman sets in your bank/inventory/equipped, they will be replaced with the correct set for your game mode.
      • If you speak to Paul, you can obtain the new armour set.
  • Group Ironman changes:
    • General changes:
      • Bones on altar XP in player-owned-houses:
        • You can now receive bonus experience when using your bones on the altar of a POH owned by a player in your group. Previously, you would only get bonus XP in your own POH.
    • Group Ironman shared bank changes:
      • The shared bank will no longer “cut off” at the bottom if you have many items stored.
      • This bank now functions as more of a true bank, with items you deposit acting as stackable items at all times. For example, if you deposit 10 unnoted whips, they won’t take up 10 spots, they’ll stack together as they would in your personal bank.
      • Auto tab-switching:
        • If you are depositing a “stock” item, (eg. A Shark, which is in the food tab) you will be switched to the correct tab upon depositing it rather than depositing to the main tab.
        • If you are depositing an item that doesn’t fit into a stock (eg. Rune plate body) and you are on a stock tab, you will be taken back to the main tab.
      • “Shifting” of items:
        • Upon withdrawing items, the other items will shift to fill the empty slot.
  • Private chat split:
    • Private chat is now split by default for new players.
  • Collection log changes:
    • Many NPC drops (particularly those that don’t show up over announcements) were not being included in the collection log. This has been fixed.
    • Barrows loot was not being counted properly, this has been fixed.
    • Players who previously had a Rock golem that was coloured may not have had it logged in their collection log. We’ve fixed this for future cases, and if it happened to you please open a support thread and we’ll add the item for you manually.
      • Included in this update is a tweak for Rock golem pet insurance, which fixed the pets having to be individually insured after using an ore on it. Insuring one rock golem should now insure any colour you change it to.
    • The smoke devil pet was not correctly being counted at all, this has been fixed.
    • The Elder maul and Kodai wand had the wrong item ids and were not properly being counted. This has been fixed.
    • Ranger boots have been added to the Medium clue loot list. They were already a possible reward ingame, they simply were not on the list.
    • The House pet will now show up under the Skilling pets (rather than simply in the Misc. pets tab.
    • Obtaining an item (Specifically an Onyx) from Crystal chests, Shooting stars and Bird’s nests will now add it to your Collection log.
  • Vorkath changes:
    • You will no longer be able to splash on the Zombified spawn that Vorkath summons if using Crumble undead, even if you have a very low magic bonus. Crumble undead will guarantee that you kill the spawn in 1 hit 100% of the time.
  • Pet broadcasts have been added!
    • Many pets were not being broadcast, or were being broadcast incorrectly.
      • Changes:
        • Boss pets:
          • Many boss pets simply don’t get announced, as NPC drops are only announced if they have value (pets don’t have a value attached to them). They will now announce as they should, with the killcount of the boss being displayed.
        • Skilling pets:
          • Skilling pets typically do announce, but they don’t show the experience at which the player received the drop. The XP for the corresponding skill will now be shown, if applicable.
            • Eg. “Sheep has received a Beaver at 65.9m Woodcutting XP!”
            • Affected pets:
              • Rock golem, Rocky, Herbi, Rift guardian, Desert phoenix, Tangleroot, Baby chinchompa, Heron, Giant squirrel, Beaver, House pet
        • Mini-game pets:
          • Most of these were unchanged, for example the Raids pets always announce.
            • The Inferno/Fight cave pets will now show the killcount which they were received at.
  • Rare drop announcements over yell:
    • Items which will no longer be announced:
      • Leaf-bladed weapons
      • All drops from the city of TzHaar (Weapons starting with Tzhaar or Toktz)
      • Dragon battleaxe
      • Clue hunter equipment
    • Items added to yell:
      • Mutagen drops
  • Slayer changes:
    • Some Slayer effects (eg. Damage boost for Slayer helmet) for Wilderness tasks were not being applied properly. This has been fixed for all affected Wilderness tasks.




  • Karuulm Slayer dungeon:
    • A new Slayer dungeon with brand new enemies is now available!
      • Dungeon:
        • The dungeon contains 3 levels — each with many different creatures to slay. (See map below)
          • First level:
            • Hydras (includes a task-only room)
            • Wyrms (62 Slayer required) (includes a task-only room)
            • Alchemical Hydra (95 Slayer required) (boss — see below)
          • Middle level:
            • Drakes (84 Slayer required) (includes a task-only room)
            • Greater demons
            • Sulphur lizards (44 Slayer required)
          • Upper level:
            • Fire giants
            • Hellhounds
        • Note:
          • Venturing into any part of the dungeon past the first chamber (any part with monsters in it) will require foot protection — if you are not wearing any of the following boots, you will take constant damage while in the dungeon: (a warning is issued before entering these areas)
            • Boots of stone
            • Boots of brimstone
            • Granite boots
          • Cannons cannot be used here.
      • New Slayer master:
        • Konar quo Maten, the slayer master who is located atop Mount Karuulm, can now assign you unique new tasks.
          • You must have a combat level of 75 to obtain tasks from Konar.
            • Unique assignments:
              • Unlike other Slayer masters, Konar’s assignments must be defeated in the location of her choosing. If you kill the assigned monster in the wrong location, it will not count towards your task.
                • You will receive 25% more Slayer points and experience than your typical Slayer task, but skipping tasks is never completely free with Konar, even if you are a donator.
            • Konar’s drop table:
              • Aside from the specified task locations, Konar’s tasks all have a chance of obtaining loot from Konar’s drop table. This drop table, similar to the Rare Drop Table that many NPCs on Alora have access to, may contain some valuable supplies.
                • All assigned tasks by Konar have a chance to hit this drop table, but the higher the combat level, the higher the chance of landing on it.
                • You will receive a purple chatbox message when hitting this drop table.
                • Example items: (Full drop table screenshot below)
                  • 2-3 Magic seeds
                  • 120-160 Magic logs
                  • 40-160 Dragon dart tips
                  • Dusk Mystic robes (new recolour)
      • Access:
        • You can use the Teleport interface and navigate to the bottom of the Dungeons menu to teleport here.
    • New items:
      • Dragon hunter lance:
        • A one-handed weapon which increases both accuracy and damage by 20% when fighting dragons (excluding revenant dragons) and other draconic creatures, such as wyverns and the Great Olm.
        • Created by using a Hydra claw on a Zamorakian hasta.
        • Requires 70 Attack to equip.
      • Boots of stone:
        • Slayer equipment worn in the foot slot. These can protect your feet within the Karuulm Slayer Dungeon.
        • Purchasable from any Slayer master.
        • A Slayer level of 44 is required to wear them.
      • Boots of brimstone:
        • Created by using Drake’s claw to Boots of stone.
        • A Slayer level of 44, along with level 70 in Defence, Magic and Ranged is required to wear them.
      • Devout boots:
        • Created by using Drake’s tooth on a pair of Holy sandals.
        • Requires 60 Prayer to equip.
      • Brimstone ring:
        • Created by combining Hydra’s eye, fang and heart.
        • When casting combat spells while wearing this ring, it has a 25% chance to ignore 10% of the target’s magic defence.
      • Bonecrusher necklace:
        • Created by combining the Dragonbone necklace, Hydra tail and Bonecrusher.
        • Combines the effects of the Bonecrusher and Dragonbone necklace.
        • Reclaimable for 500k GP if lost on death.
      • Dragon knives:
        • The most powerful type of throwing knife, required 60 Ranged to equip.
        • The dragon knife has a special attack which consumes 25% special energy and throws 2 knives at once.
          • This attack is similar to the Dragon dagger special attack, but without the increase in accuracy and damage.
      • Dragon hasta:
        • A one-handed hasta which requires 60 Attack to wear, obtained from the monsters in the Karuulm Slayer Dungeon.
        • Has a special attack which causes the next attack to have a 5% boost in damage, and a 2.5% boost in accuracy for every 5% of special attack energy used.
          • For example, a player with 100% special attack energy who performs the special attack will cause their next attack to have 100% increased accuracy and a damage boost of 50%.
      • Ferocious gloves:
        • These can by created by using Hydra leather on the machinery outside of Hydra’s room
        • Requires 80 Attack and Defence to equip.
        • Reclaimable for 500k GP if lost on death.
      • Bones:
        • With the introduction of new creatures we bring new types of bones. Wyrm bones offer 30 Prayer XP, Drake bones offer 60 Prayer XP and Hydra bones offer 90 Prayer XP (both Hydras and the Alchemical Hydra drop these). These bones would work in the usual way with other features like the Gilded altar.
  • Alchemical Hydra:
    • The Alchemical Hydra is a challenging new boss that can be fought within the Karuulm Slayer dungeon. Upon entering the instanced room, you’ll be faced with a much larger version of the regular Hydra which changes colours and phases through different attacks as you weaken it by chopping off it’s heads.
      • Strategy:
        • Hydra attacks with both Ranged and Magic, switching styles in a predictable pattern every 3 attacks.
        • The Hydra will change phases during the fight as follows:
          • 100% HP - Green phase
            • Hits up to 17, and uses a special poison attack. (50% more damage if on wrong vent)
          • 75% HP - Blue phase
            • Hits up to 35, and uses a special lightning attack. (50% more damage if on wrong vent)
          • 50% HP - Red phase
            • Hits up to 35, and uses a special fire wall attack. (50% more damage if on wrong vent)
          • 25% HP - Gray phase
            • Deals 50% more damage (up to 52) and has a 75% damage reduction which cannot be removed.
        • It is important to note that the Hydra has a 75% damage reduction by default, which can only be removed by luring it over one of the vents in the room (opposite of its current colour/style).
          • Green form -> red vent
          • Blue form -> green vent
          • Red form -> blue vent
          • Gray form -> you will not be able to lure the Hydra over any vent in this phase.
        • If you lure it over the wrong vent, it will have 50% increased damage towards you. This damage increase is permanently on when the Hydra reaches the penultimate (gray) form.
    • Notable Drops:
      • Hydra bones (x2) (always)
        • Bury these bones for 90 experience.
      • Ikkle Hydra
        • A pet which can metamorph between all 4 phases/colours of the Alchemical Hydra.
      • Hydra’s eye, fang and heart (3 separate drops, ~1/161 chance for each)
        • Combine these to create the Brimstone ring.
      • Hydra’s tail (~1/403 chance)
        • Combines with Dragonbone necklace and Bonecrusher to create Bonecrusher necklace.
      • Hydra’s leather (~1/403 chance)
        • Used to create Ferocious gloves.
      • Hydra’s claw (~1/806 chance)
        • Combine with Zamorakian hasta to create Dragon hunter lance
      • Dragon knife
      • Dragon thrownaxe
    • Notes:
      • You will always receive two guaranteed drops.
      • You must be on a Hydra Slayer task to enter the area.
      • Cannons cannot be used here.
      • The drops for the Alchemical Hydra have been added to the Collection log.



































As always, please report any bugs that you may find as soon as possible. Enjoy smile.png





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