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[OSRS] Alora - Gauntlet ★ Raids 1 & 2 ★ Group Ironman


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Hey guys,

Today's update contains numerous QOL updates and bug fixes, as well as a few cool content updates! We've got some other noteworthy content that's being worked on for the next update, such as updated chatbox skilling interfaces ("Make" interface used for smithing, fletching etc), Trading Post buy options, and other content from the most recent content poll that passed. Stay tuned for more updates in the near future, and in the meantime, we hope you enjoy the updates below!


  • Forum updates:
    • Numeric values (post-count, likes count, etc) on forum profiles, user post bits (in topics and messaging app) and other places have been updated to be properly formatted.
      • Eg. Likes: 4001 becomes Likes: 4,001
    • Maximum # of questions in a poll has been increased from 10 to 20.

    • Added pages:

      • Terms of Service

      • Privacy Policy

      • Refund Policy

  • Store changes:
    • A "Recent purchases" feature which shows you recently purchased items by other players, to give you an idea of what people are spending their tokens on.
    • We've made some small improvements to the loading speed and smoothness of the store on the website. Additionally, a few cosmetic changes have been made (spacing and text sizes).
    • Lastly, we've moved the "Cart" a bit higher on the page, above the Collection box, making it more easily visible.
  • Game updates:
    • Chambers of Xeric // Raids 1 drop table changes:
      • Overall, the chance of obtaining a rare drop in the Chambers of Xeric has been slightly increased across the board.
        • The individual rates of the items on the rare drop table have NOT changed whatsoever, only the chance of hitting the rare drop table has been increased.
        • You'll still have a much higher chance of obtaining loot if you work harder than previous teams, and if you've got more points than your team average.
    • Konar's drop table update:


      • The Dusk Mystic set is rarely seen in-game (and usually not a complete set), so we've decided to heavily increase the drop rate of the pieces for this set.

        • All of the pieces of the dusk set are now 4x more common than before.

      • Foreign characters fixed:

      • Destroy item bug fixed:

        • If you tried to destroy an item, then switched it to another slot before clicking 'Yes' to destroy it, it would delete the other item you swapped it with.

          • This has been fixed, and if the item is not in the same slot, it will still be destroyed from wherever it is in your inventory.

    • This took awhile to figure out, and we hope that the part player base which uses these characters (Finland, Denmark, Norway, etc) appreciate the fix! You can now type in foreign characters such as:

      • Å,å,Ä,ä,Æ,æ,Ø,ø,Ö,ö and many more!

    • Inferno update:

      • When in the Inferno and on a TzKal-Zuk Slayer task, your Slayer helmet (or mask) effects will apply to all monsters within the Inferno.

    • Tournament streaming system:

      • Administrators can now properly stream tournaments, with a system similar to the one used by the OSRS team in Deadman tournaments!

        • This system allows the streamer (usually @Lowkey) to use their keyboard (WASD) to move the camera, and displays an interface which shows the hitpoints, prayer points, combat level, username, special attack energy and inventories of two players in combat.

    • Duel arena fix:

      • Sometimes if you are poisoned in a duel and you have killed your opponent (they are doing the death animation), you would get hit by their poison and die, leading to the duel being a tie.

        • This has been fixed, and poison/venom should no longer deal any damage to you in the duel arena if your opponent is dead/dying.

    • Vorkath update:

      • You are now always guaranteed Vorkath's head on your 50th kill, even if you've received it before.

        • Considering this update is late and some of you may be above 50 kills without a Vorkath's head drop, you'll also receive a Vorkath's head if you are 50+ kills and have never received one as a drop.

    • Prayer fixes:

      • Following the previous update, which changed how protection prayers are applied, we found that they were being applied too late, giving your victim way too much time to protect themselves from the attack. They are now calculated exactly 1 tick after the attack animation for Magic/Ranged attacks, meaning you have a very short time (0.6s) to turn on the correct prayer and defend against the attack.

    • Group Ironman changes:

      • Bank changes:

        • The maximum stack size for items in the shared bank has been updated from:

          • 10,000 -> 100,000 for general items

          • 1,000,000 -> 10,000,000 for coins

    • Group Ironman Orb QOL:

      • The GIM orb can now also be found in the Donator zone (Shilo village, ;;dz), rather than only at home.

        • Considering this orb is also a sort of bank for GIM, it makes sense to have it in the Donator zone as well.

        • This orb is located within the bank building.

    • XP drop fix:

      • Related to the fix above, XP drops will no longer show that you gained XP (dealt damage) when the hit ends up being 0 damage (or lower than the XP drop implies).

    • Skill guide menus:

      • We've fully updated the skill guides to match OSRS 1:1. This means that they'll be updated with all of the latest information, such as, for example, the Attack menu showing the Abyssal tentacle, Ghrazi rapier, Scythe, etc. This applies to every single skill, as they were extremely outdated.

        • This was half-updated since our downtime last week, but many pages were opening the wrong skill menu. It should work perfectly now.

    • ;;farm command:

      • You can now type ;;farm/::farm or ;;fg/::fg to be teleported to the Farming guild without going to the teleport wizard.

    • Quest tab changes:

      • The number in brackets next to the vote count will now show the # of times you've voted this month.

        • Previously, it was broken and would show your kill streak instead.

    • Miscellaneous:

      • Multi-spell effects (eg. Ice barrage) will no longer work on pets (my bad!).

      • You will no longer be given some tree contracts (fruit tree and regular tree) at the farming guild if you don't have the required level to use the respective patch (65 for regular trees, 85 for fruit trees).

      • A bug with the Shooting star has been patched (if 2 players have already found the star, and then 2 more arrive at the same time, it would bug out as there should only be a max of 3 players that can receive the reward).

      • The Kourend Catacombs teleport has been updated so that it places you in the middle of the dungeon, rather than on the west side.

    • Collection log fix:

      • The previous update broke the collection logs, with many pages not showing the right items and most showing the wrong kill counts. This has been fully fixed and tested.

    • Discord bot fix:

      • The discord #game_news channel has been disabled as of last week, which some of you may have noticed. This was due to a bug related to Discord which has now been fixed, meaning that the channel is now once again operational.

      • There was also a bug which caused some news announcements to not be sent to the news channel which has been fixed, meaning that all announcements should show up in Discord.

    • Bad word censor:

      • We've added a new censor to prevent malicious users from advertising other servers or websites, and to make our staff team's job easier in dealing with these users. The system which prevents these words (for example, the name of another server) checks all possible combinations (eg. If the server name was Alora, A10RA would be blocked as well).

    • Mute timer fixed:

      • When muted, you would often see "You are muted for another -85032 hours." rather than the correct time for your mute. You will now see an accurate counter for how long you have left on your mute (hours or minutes).

    • Max hit dummy:

      • A max hit dummy has been added in the thieving room north of the Edgeville bank!

        • This dummy will let you check exactly what your max hit is with your current equipment and attack style, as well as the max hit if you are using your special attack.

    • Clan chat update:

      • Previously sorted alphabetically, the order of the Clan chat player name lists will now be sorted a little differently.

        • Firstly, the list will be sorted by rank, with the highest ranked members at the top.

          • Afterwards, it is sorted alphabetically.

This is the hidden content, please



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