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[OSRS] Alora - Gauntlet ★ Raids 1 & 2 ★ Group Ironman


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Hello everyone,


Note: Abyssal tentacle degrading was originally in this update, but has since been removed and may be polled at a later date.


As promised, our second batch of weekly updates is now live! We've taken some time to adjust the Theatre of Blood drop rates, as they were recently released by the OSRS development team. On top of this, we've got plenty of new content such as ZMI Runecrafting, another low-level Draynor Rooftop Agility Course and fully treatable and enchantable Silver Jewellery. We hope you find can all find something to enjoy in this update! :)


  • ZMI Runecrafting:
    • Players can now access and use the ZMI altar!
      • Players must run through the long/safe path, or dangerous/short path to get the altar, and can craft pure essence on it. The altar rewards all runes except for Wrath runes, and has no level requirement to use. With that being said, the higher your Runecrafting level is, the more likely you are to get a better rune.
        • Players will receive 1 rune per pure essence they craft, or 1-2 runes if they are donator+.
        • Players can't teleport out of the ZMI area, unless they use the Ourania teleport in the Lunar spell, which is free to use, as all spellbook teleports are.
    • Access:
      • You can teleport to the ZMI area through the Teleport Wizard, or through the Ourania teleport in the Lunar spell book.
  • Abyssal tentacles dissolving:
    • The Abyssal tentacle now degrades. When you create one, it has 10,000 uses, and once the uses are up, your tentacle consumers your abyssal whip, and returns a tentacle to the player.
    • Players who have a tentacle in-game currently will have 10k uses automatically added to their accounts.
  • Trader Stan's charter shop has been added:
    • Trader stan is in Port Sarim, and he sells general items, including glassblowing pipes, buckets of sand, seaweed, and soda ash, and is accessible by all game modes.
      • His stock, unlike other shops in Alora, goes down in number when people purchase items. These items slowly restock over time (2 per 30 seconds).
  • Barehanded impling catching:
    • Players can now catch implings barehanded. If the player has the necessary level (see hunter guide), they can catch implings barehanded without any net required.
  • Silver jewellery crafting and enchanting:
    • You can now craft Silver jewellery by using your Silver bars on any furnace while having the appropriate mould (and gem) in your inventory.
    • Jewellery that can currently be created and enchanted:
      • Opal Necklace:
        • Requires level 16 crafting to make, using a silver bar and a necklace mould. Players can use the level 1 enchant spell on an Opal Necklace to create the Dodgy Necklace, which provides a 25% chance to succeed with a pickpocket if you were going to fail it.
          • The necklace has 10 charges, and will break after the uses are used. Players can right click the necklace to check the uses left, and break it to reset their uses.
      • Opal bracelet:
        • Requires level 22 crafting to make, using a silver bar and a bracelet mould. Players can use a level 1 enchant on an Opal Bracelet to create the Expeditious bracelet, which provides a 25% chance to decrease the monsters left on a task by 2, as opposed to 1.
          • The bracelet has 30 charges, and will break after the uses are used. Players can right click the bracelet to check the uses left, and break it to reset their uses.
      • Opal amulet:
        • Requires level 27 crafting to make, using a silver bar and an amulet mould. Players can use a level 1 enchant an Opal amulet to create the Amulet of Bounty, which provides a 25% chance of not using a seed when farming.
          • The amulet has 10 charges, and will break after the uses are used. Players can right click the amulet to check the uses left, and break it to reset their uses.
      • Jade necklace:
        • Requires level 25 crafting to make, using a silver bar and a necklace mould. Players can use a level 2 enchant on a Jade necklace to create the Necklace of Passage, which provides various teleports around the game.
          • The necklace has 5 charges, and will break after they are used.
      • Jade amulet:
        • Requires level 34 crafting to make, using a silver bar and an amulet mould. Players can use a level 2 enchant on a Jade amulet to create the Amulet of Chemistry, which provides a 5% chance to receive an extra dose when creating potions.
          • The amulet has 5 charges, and will break after the uses are used. Players can right click the amulet to check the uses left, and break it to reset their uses.
      • Topaz necklace:
        • Requires level 32 crafting to make, using a silver bar and a necklace mould. Players can use a level 3 enchant on a Topaz necklace to create the Necklace of Faith, which will boost a players prayer by 10% if their hitpoints fall below 20%, and they are wearing the necklace.
          • The necklace will turn to dust when the perk is used.
      • Topaz bracelet:
        • Requires level 38 crafting to make, using a silver bar and a bracelet mould. Players can use a level 3 enchant on a Topaz Bracelet to create the Bracelet of Slaughter, which provides a 25% chance to not decrease the monsters left on a task.
          • The bracelet has 30 charges, and will break after the uses are used. Players can right click the bracelet to check the uses left, and break it to reset their uses.
      • Topaz amulet:
        • Requires level 45 crafting to make, using a silver bar and an amulet mould. Players can use a level 3 enchant on a Topaz amulet to create the Burning Amulet, which provides various wilderness teleport options.
          • The amulet has 5 charges, and will break after the uses are used. Players can right click the amulet to check the uses left, and break it to reset their uses.
  • Draynor Rooftop Agility course:
    • The Draynor Rooftop course is now available for low-level Agility training!
      • With a requirement of 10 Agility, players now have an alternative to the Gnome agility course for low-level training.
      • The full course will give 120 experience (before multipliers) as well as 1-2 Marks of grace upon completion of a lap.
  • Cape changes:
    • Max cape update:
      • The 'Features' right-click option while the Max cape is in your inventory can now be used to swap your spell book.
    • Max cape options have been added to the following combination capes:
      • Fire max cape
      • Saradomin max cape (+imbued variant)
      • Zamorak max cape (+ imbued variant)
      • Guthix max cape (+imbued variant)
      • Ava's max cape
      • Ardougne max cape
        • This cape has only been given some of the options (notably the Spellbook swap) as it already has its own options.
      • Infernal max cape
      • Assembler max cape
    • Monkey (completionist) cape options update:
      • The Monkey has been given the same right-click options in the inventory and equipment tab as the Max capes.
        • Previously, it only had a Teleport option in your inventory. It will now feature the Spellbook swap option as well, and both options will be available in the equipment tab right-click.
  • Vote reward shop price fixes:
    • We intended to make the Rogue outfit 2,000 points (and 1,000 for restricted game modes), but following the previous update it was 2,250 points.
      • We've corrected this to 2,000/1,000 by reducing the price of the Rogue mask to 350 from 500, and the price of the top/bottom to 575 from 625.
  • Slayer vote book bonus fix:
    • Due to the Slayer bonus from Vote books only being a 25% increased, this means that if you receive 2 points, 25% more is 2.5, which the server would then round down and keep at 2.
      • This is now fixed, and the server will round upwards instead, to give you 3 points (effectively a 50% bonus in this case).
  • Miscellaneous:
    • The Wilderness supply chest would spawn about 2 seconds before the announcement was made, but it will now spawn simultaneous to the announcement.
  • Edgeville dungeon / Varrock sewer obstacle pipe:
    • Players with 51 Agility can now use the pipe to cross between these two areas, which should speed up Red spiders' eggs collecting.
  • Client updates:
    • The zoom buttons in the Settings tab have been fixed to properly zoom in and out. The middle button resets the zoom to the default.
  • Wesley the Crusher:
    • Wesley is now standing near Zahur by the Edgeville Furnace to crush your Herblore items for you!
      • He can crush any item that requires a Pestle and Mortar, such s:
        • Unicorn horns
        • Blue dragon scales
        • Bird nests
        • Chocolate bars
        • Goat horns
        • Kebbit teeth
        • Lava scales
        • Superior dragon bones
      • Wesley charges 500 coins per item, and is able to crush noted items. (except for Bird nests which are un-notable)
        • This price is reduced for Donator ranks:
          • Normal: 500
          • Regular Donator: 475
          • Super: 450
          • Extreme: 425
          • Legendary: 375
          • Uber: 325
          • Master: 275
          • Immortal: 200
  • Sand crabs:
    • Sand crabs can now be fought in Zeah!
      • These crabs are located on a sandy shore south of Zeah, which can be accessed by using the Teleport wizard and going Monsters -> Sand Crabs.
      • They have more hitpoints than Rock crabs, and there are more of them, making it a prime area for combat training.
    • Seaweed spawns:
      • There are now a whopping 28 seaweed spawns along this shore, making it the best area for collecting seaweed at the moment. There is also a bank chest on the shore.
    • Crabclaw Isle:
      • A private island to fight crabs is available to the south of the shore, for a fee of 100k GP.
        • You can stay here as long as you'd like, but if you leave, you'll have to pay another 100k to revisit.
  • Theatre of Blood changes:
    • Killtime record QOL:
      • The killtime records will now display the full team for ToB, whereas it usually shows 3 players maximum for other bosses/mini-games.
    • Points system / Loot rate matching OSRS:
      • OSRS recently released the exact formulas (# of points given for different actions in the raid, and how the affect the loot rates) which we've taken the time to implement into Alora's Theatre of Blood.
        • We now have near-100% accurate rates for the reward system in the Theatre of Blood.
        • This also means that Lil Zik is completely separate from the loot table, and is rolled at a 1/650 rate but does not affect your rare loot whatsoever.
      • Here's how it works in a nutshell (full image below with more details):
        • An 'invisible' point system in the background keeps track of your progress:
          • Dying reduces your points.
          • Dealing the most damage in a room/phase gives you more points.
          • Participating in each room gives you points. (AFKing will not)
          • Raid boosters increase the # of points you can obtain.
        • At the end, 1 player will be chosen as the MVP, which will be eligible for the rare loot.
          • The MVP is chosen based on how many points you have out of the team total.
            • For example, if you have 30% of the team's points, you have a 30% chance of being the MVP.
            • The MVP will then roll for the rare loot, which has an 11% chance. This 11% chance is reduced by deaths in your team, but is also increased by the vote bonus, server bonus on weekend events and drop scroll boosters.
              • Once you hit the rare drop table, you will be guaranteed one item at the following rates:
                • 1/19 -  Scythe of Vitur
                • 2/19 - Ghrazi rapier
                • 2/19 - Sanguinesti staff
                • 2/19 - Justiciar face guard
                • 2/19 - Justiciar chest guard
                • 2/19 - Justiciar leg guards
                • 8/19 - Avernic defender hilt




  • Store updates:
    • Clue booster:
      • Clue boosters can now be purchased from the donation store!
        • These will boost the chance of obtaining super rare loot from opening Clue scroll caskets by 20% for 1 hour, at the cost of 15 tokens.
          • Ideally, you'd complete your caskets and save the clues before using one of these boosters to maximize the benefit.
          • The booster will also increase your chance of receiving the Clue hunter outfit pieces.
          • These can be purchased by any game mode, but have the same restrictions a well:
            • EIM/GIM cannot open another booster if there is still time remaining on the current one.
            • EIM/GIM/HCIM/Classic/Realism can only open 1 Clue booster every 3 hours.


















Make sure to report any bugs that you find as soon as you encounter them!


Best Regards,

Alora Staff Team

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Hello everyone,


We're back with another round of weekly updates! We've worked hard to push this one out right at the start of the weekend. This week, we're introducing the Motherlode Mine, which provides a viable way to train Mining, as well as the introduction 


  • Motherlode Mine:
    • The Motherlode mine is now open for miners who are at least level 30 Mining!
      • Access:
        • You can reach the Motherlode mine by using the Teleport Wizard, or by using the Skills necklace. Alternatively, you can use one of the two shortcuts in the Falador mines.
      • Features:
        • This mining area features Ore veins, which can be mined for pay-dirt and yield 60 Mining experience.
          • These ore veins occasionally deplete, with the ores on the lower level having a higher chance of depleting.
          • The veins also have a chance to give uncut gems.
      • Pay-dirt:
        • The clean the pay-dirt that is mined, you can fill it into the hopper.
          • When deposited, it will be taken through a water circuit and will flow towards the sack at the end.
            • The sack can then be searched to collect various ores, ranging from Coal to Runite. 
              • Higher level ores will yield more experience.
            • You will also have a chance to receive Golden nuggets, which can be used in Prospector Percy's Nugget Shop.
        • Sack size:
          • The sack can hold up to 108 pay-dirt initially, but can also be upgraded by paying Prospector Percy 200 golden nuggets, which brings the maximum up to 189 pay-dirt.
      • Hazards:
        • Rockfalls:
          • Occasionally, rocks will fall in certain areas of the mine, damaging any unlucky players who are standing under them for 1-4 HP. These can be mined away for 10 Mining experience.
        • Broken struts:
          • Occasionally, the struts on the water wheels will break. This event affects everybody in the mine, and if both water wheels break, then the machinery can no longer clean pay-dirt for anyone. The struts can be fixed by using a hammer on them and grants some Smithing experience (1.5x the player's Smithing level).
    • Upper level:
      • To access the upper level, you must have at least level 72 Mining and pay Prospector Percy a one-time fee of 10M GP.
        • The upper level contains 68 additional ores that are closer to each other compared to the lower level. They also have a lower chance of depleting.
    • Rewards:
      • You can trade Prospector Percy to purchase the following items in exchange for golden nuggets:
        • Prospector outfit - 180 golden nuggets for full set
          • This set, comprised of helmet (40), jacket (60), legs (50) and boots (30) will provide a 2% boost to Mining experience when fully worn:
            • Helmet - 0.4%
            • Jacket - 0.8%
            • Legs - 0.6%
            • Boots - 0.2%
        • Bag full of gems - 40 golden nuggets
          • These bags can be opened to obtain 40 random noted, uncut gems.
            • The gems can range from Sapphire to Onyx, but we must warn you that the chance of an Onyx is slim to none. Here are the rates:
              • Sapphire - 49.93%
              • Emerald - 34.68%
              • Ruby - 11.8%
              • Diamond - 3.9%
              • Dragonstone - 0.62%
              • Onyx - 0.000001%
        • Coal bag - 100 Golden nuggets
        • Gem bag - 100 Golden nuggets
  • Wizard's Guild Rune shop:
    • Wizard Sinina on the second floor of the guild now sells all kinds of runes (except Cosmic, Astral and Wrath) with a limited stock of up to 5,000 of each rune for elemental, and between 250-400 for other runes.
      • You can also purchase Rune packs in this shop, carrying between 35-80 packs in stock for any type.
      • This shop is available to Ironmen.
  • Rogue set upgrade:
    • The Rogue set now also provides a chance at double loot from stalls, and not only from pickpocketing.
  • Vote shop updates:
    • Silver sickle ( b ) has been added to the vote shop for 300 vote points.
  • Mort Myre fungus collection:
    • Players can now use Silver Sickle( b ), which is purchasable in the Vote shop, to cast bloom in a 1 tile radius around the player, which will turn any Rotting logs into Mort Myre fungus logs.
      • Using the sickle deducts 6 prayer points.
      • Each log the player picks will provide them with 2 Mort Myre fungi, and the player can cast bloom an unlimited number of times.
    • Note:
      • All previous Mort myre fungus spawns have been removed, since they are redundant, and take away utility from the silver sickle.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Fixed a graphical issue on the Achievement shop interface (Karamja gloves were gigantic).
    • You can now 'investigate' the Kourend statue in Zeah to enter the Catacombs.
      • You can also leave through the exit rope to go up to the surface.
  • Jewellery fixes:
    • Amulets of Glory, Rings of Dueling and Games necklaces now have charges removed when used in the equipment tab, as they were previously bugged.
      • The Amulet of glory will not be lost, but the other two will crumble to dust upon being fully used.
    • Games necklace teleports added:
      • Burthorpe
      • Barbarian outpost
      • Kouren
      • Corporeal beast
      • Wintertodt
    • Skills necklace teleports added:
      • Fishing guild
      • Motherlode mine
      • Crafting guild
      • Cooking guild
      • Woodcutting guild
    • Xeric's talisman teleports added:
      • Xeric's Lookout
      • Xeric's Glade
      • Xeric's Inferno
      • Xeric's Heart
      • Xeric's Honor
    • Amulet of glory teleports fixed to include both Karamja and Al-Kharid, while the Duel Arena has been removed from the list.
  • Bonesack utility has been added:
    • The bone sack (from the Achievement shop) can now be used to fill with various types of bones.
      • It can hold bones, big bones, baby dragon bones, dragon bones, superior dragon bones, wyvern bones, lava dragon bones, Drake bones, Wyrm bones, Dagannoth bones, and Hydra bones.
      • Players can store the following amounts based on their rank: (bones in total, regardless of type)
        • Regular players->Super donators: 7 bones
        • Extreme Donators->Legendary Donators: 9 bones
        • Uber donators->Master donators: 11 bones
        • Immortal donators: 13 bones
    • Note:
      • If you die with the bone sack, it will drop all of the stored bones.
  • Cave krakens have been added!
    • You can now disturb the Whirlpools in the Kraken cave to force Cave krakens to rise to the surface of the murky waters.
      • After awakening the Cave krakens, they will attack you with solely Magic. You should also retaliate with Magic, as Melee cannot be used and Ranged attacks are heavily reduced against them.
      • Notable loot:
        • Kraken tentacle
        • Trident of the seas
      • Other loot:
        • Many staff / rune drops, as well as some seeds including Torstol and Snapdragon.
    • Notes:
      • You must be level 87 Slayer to attack these monsters.
    • Slayer:
      • You can now obtain Cave krakens as a Slayer task on a hard Slayer task and be assigned between 55 and 140 to slay.
  • Impling catching update:
    • You can now catch implings in Puro Puro without a jar, whether you are doing so barehanded or with a net.
      • Catching them barehanded will simply automatically loot the impling, without storing it in a jar.
      • You can also now do so without any inventory space, and the loot will simply drop to the floor.
  • Kalphite Queen rework:
    • Prayer mechanics:
      • Phase 1 is now more resistant to Ranged/Magic attacks.
        • Melee should be the choice during this phase.
      • Phase 2 is now more resistant to Melee attacks, requiring you to use Ranged or Magic to damage her.
        • You can also use Verac's to hit through the prayer, but other combat types will remain slightly more accurate.
    • Attack mechanics:
      • Her Ranged/Mage attacks are 100% accurate as intended, and will always hit (still a slight chance to hit 0 through RNG, and still reducible by Prayer).
      • Her Ranged attacks will now drain 1 Prayer point if they hit more than 0.
        • If wearing a Spectral spirit shield, there is only a 50% chance that your Prayer will be drained upon being damaged.
    • Other bugs:
      • Upon transforming to the second phase, the KQ will re-attack the previous target.
      • Fixed a bug where players who died and returned to the area would see the old form of the KQ rather than the 2nd form, if it is transformed.
      • The 'transformation' time between phase 1 and phase 2 has been reduced by a few seconds, as it was slightly longer than it should be.
  • Gold crafting has been fixed:
    • You can now use gold bars on any furnace again to create gold jewellery.
  • Sand crab changes:
    • Aggro/respawn fixes:
      • After respawning, some Sand crabs would not properly aggro on you, or they would not turn back into Rocks. They have now been fixed entirely and should work the same way that Rock crabs do.
    • Multi-combat zone fixes:
      • Crab claw isle is now a multi-combat as intended.
      • The bank area is now single combat as intended.
      • The south-east shore is now single combat as intended.
  • Master Farmer update:
    • You can now obtain Hops seeds from pickpocketing the Master Farmer, which should help for Birdhouse seed collection.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • The description for the Gem bag in the web-store has been fixed.
    • Fixed a bug which caused HCIM to lose status if they died immediately after leaving the Recipe for Disaster mini-quest.
    • The Fremennik Slayer dungeon entrance and exit have been fixed.
    • Larran's key, although typically untradeable, now always drops on death, even if another player kills you.
  • Cape fixes:
    • Regular players can no longer use the Donator zone chinchompa teleport.
    • Using certain Max cape functions that had options (eg. Chinchompas, Spellbook swap) would cause your player to perform the max cape emote. This should no longer occur.
    • Ardougne max cape unique teleports (Kandarin monastery and Ardougne farm) have been fixed.
    • Infernal max cape options have been fixed.
  • Daily tasks fix:
    • Daily tasks were not resetting at the proper time (server time) and would sometimes reset 6 hours prior to midnight. This has been fixed.
  • Castle wars barricade fix:
    • Burning barricades would make the underlying tile blocked from being walked on. This has been fixed.












We hope you enjoy this update! :)




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