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[OSRS] Alora - Gauntlet ★ Raids 1 & 2 ★ Group Ironman


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Edited by alora
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Hello everyone,


We’re back with another weekly update! Today’s update contains a few more neat pieces of content such as the ability to hunt Salamanders, functionality to Explorer’s rings as well as the 3rd and 4th rings being released, request Farming shops with replenishing stock for ironmen, and respawn timer notifications for instanced rooms. On top of this, we’ve also managed to squeeze in some bug fixes and QOL!


In other news... we’ve also been working on some Raids 1 changes (storage chests and a few other things, such as tweaks to the Olm’s combat) that should be our next week if all goes according to plan!


  • Salamander hunting:
    • Players can now hunt Red, Orange, and Black salamanders, as well as swamp lizards.
        • Traps can be set using a rope and a small net, and will expire after 2.5 minutes.
      • Black salamanders:
        • Black salamanders can be hunted in the area in level 20 wilderness if the player has at least 67 hunter.
      • Red salamanders:
        • Red salamanders can now be hunted in the area near ZMI if the player has at least 59 hunter.
      • Orange salamanders:
        • Orange salamanders can now be hunted in the desert hunting area if the player has at least 47 hunter.
      • Swamp lizard:
        • Swamp lizards can now be hunted in the Morytania swamps if the player has at least 27 hunter.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Watson in Zeah was previously aggressive and would attack players, this has been fixed.
    • Pieces of the rogue set can now be claimed from the untradeables shop for 100k a piece.
    • Varrock Armour 4 (from the Achievement shop) can now act as a Prospector jacket for the set effect of bonus experience when Mining.
    • Fixed a bug which sometimes caused the "Nothing interesting happens." message to be shown in the chatbox when interacting with equipment in the inventory.
    • Strange device has been removed from the Hard clue rewards loot table.
    • Fixed Duel arena teleport location when using the Ring of Dueling.
    • Cave Krakens now drop 50 noted vials of water instead of un-noted.
    • Magic dart can now be auto-casted using a Slayer’s Staff.
    • Players can now use the mythical cape to teleport to the Myth’s guild.
    • Checking the melting pot in Blast Furnace will now tell you the amount of each ore you have in the melting pot, as opposed to the total amount.
    • Fixed 3rd age axe attack/block animations, and the 65 Attack level requirement has been added.
  • Teleport animation fixed:
    • When using certain jewellery to teleport (such as Glories or Rings of duelling), or even using a lever, while being attacked, sometimes your "block" animation would take priority over the teleport animation.
      • This should no longer happen, and the teleport animation will play regardless of any other animation.
  • Farming shops:
    • Two new limited-stock farming shops are now available!
      • Both shops carry the same stock, but are in different locations and essentially provide double the amount of seeds that can be purchased.
        • Locations:
          • Amelia in the Farming guild
          • Olivia in the Draynor market
        • Seeds:
          • Potato seeds (200)
          • Onion seeds (100)
          • Cabbage seeds (50)
          • Barley seeds (200)
          • Jute seeds (50)
          • Rosemary seeds (200)
          • Marigold seeds (200)
          • Hammerstone seeds (200)
          • Asgarnian seeds (100)
          • Yanillian seeds (50)
  • Instance respawn time notifications:
    • Free Instance notifications (chatbox)
      • If you are in an instanced boss room, you will receive chatbox messages telling you how long it will take for the boss to respawn. Halfway through the respawn time, you will receive another notification.
      • Bosses affected:
        • Zulrah
        • Kraken
        • Alchemical Hydra
        • Cerberus
    • Private instance notifications (interface)
      • If you are in a private instance room, you will see the time left until the boss respawns in the top-left corner of your screen on the private instance interface.
        • This only applies to the boss in the room. 
          • For example, in a Bandos room, only General Graardor's respawn will be shown on the interface.
          • For the Dagannoth kings room in which there are 3 rooms, it will show the respawn timer of the most recently killed Dagannoth king.
  • Trading post listing update:
    • The Trading post was recently updated to show listings of players who are online first,  and although this is not being changed, we are extending this to also sort by the lowest price first by default.
      • This means that when you search for a whip you will see the lowest price of any player that is online. There may be lower prices from offline players, though, but at the very least you will not see the 2 billion GP offer on an Iron scimitar show up at the top of the list.
    • Note:
      • This doesn't apply to the "Recent" listings, which always shows the latest listings from online players.
  • Tournament cup updated:
    • The Tournament cup has been updated to include all of 2019's tournament winners thus far.
  • Draynor wall shortcut:
    • Players with level 42 Agility or higher can now utilize the Agility shortcut through the wall that separates Draynor village and Port sarim.
  • Explorer's ring changes:
    • Explorer's rings 1 & 2 were previously in the Daily task reward shop, but were lacking the proper features which have now been added:
      • Ring 1:
        • 50% run energy replenish twice a day
        • Cast Low level alchemy without using runes 30 times a day (no magic XP gained)
      • Ring 2: (All of ring 1 +)
        • The run energy replenish can be used 3 times a day instead of 2
        • Unlimited teleports to cabbage patch near Falador farming patches
      • Ring 3: (all of ring 2 +)
        • The run energy replenish can be used 4 times a day instead of 3
      • Ring 4: (all of ring 3 +)
        • 100% run energy replenish 3 times a day
        • Cast High level alchemy without using runes 30 times a day (no magic XP gained)
  • Daily task reward shop changes:
    • Explorer's ring 3 added for 200 points.
    • Explorer's ring 4 added for 250 points.
  • Volcanic Ash Mining:
    • The fastest way to get here would be to teleport to fossil island, and use the Magic Mushtree teleport to Verdant valley and run north.
    • Players can now mine Volcanic Ash at fossil island. Mining volcanic ash provides 10 base experience.
    • Players will get the following amount of Volcanic Ash from mining ash piles:
      • Mining level of 97 or higher: 6 Volcanic Ash
      • Mining level of 82 or higher: 5 Volcanic Ash
      • Mining level of 67 or higher: 4 Volcanic Ash
      • Mining level of 52 or higher: 3 Volcanic Ash
      • Mining level of 37 or higher: 2 Volcanic Ash
      • Mining level lower than 37: 1 Volcanic Ash
  • Ultracompost:
    • Ultracompost can now be made by using Volcanic Ash on Supercompost.
      • 2 Volcanic Ash and 1 Supercompost will be consumed in exchange for 1 Ultracompost.
    • Players can now fertilize their crops with Ultracompost, which provides an even larger yield than Supercompost fertilization.
  • Hosidius Kitchen:
    • Players can now cook their food on the Hosidius kitchen range, which provides a 10% increased chance of successfully cooking food.
    • Players can access this area from various teleports to Zeah, the closest of which being the Xeric’s talisman teleport to “Xeric’s heart”, then running south.


  • Store updates:
    • Certain items have been discontinued from the store due to them not being popular and simply cluttering the categories:
      • Gnome child hat
      • Warrior's ring (i)
      • Dragon javelin pack
      • Dark crab pack
      • Dragon bolt pack
      • Verac and Torag armour sets
      • Dark bow















We hope you enjoy this update! :)



Omicron & Chad


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Hello everyone,
This week's update contains many bug fixes and QOL/content updates, as well as the first batch of some highly requested Chambers of Xeric's changes! The focus this week has primarily been on filling up missing pieces of content such as Lunar spells, the Deranged Archaeologist, and Chewed bone sacrificing for the Dragon full helm. As for the CoX changes, the biggest update is the Storage units which can now be built to store items (private, or to be shared with your party) as well as the special bat-chest which provides a lucky player with food. We'll also be focusing some more on CoX updates (such as Olm's head-turning mechanism) in the next update.

  • Miscellaneous:
    • Gnome child hat is now tradable.
    • The black chinchompa teleport has been moved slightly north, to level 34 wilderness.
    • The value of ferocious gloves has been corrected, and should now protect appropriately.
    • Alchemical Hydra can now be assigned as a task to players from Nieve
      • Note that players who are killing Alchemical Hydra on task will still only receive a Brimstone key if that task was received from Konar.
    • The sulphur vents in Tzhaar city can now be used to cook food on.
    • Combat bracelet teleports now work as intended.
    • Viggora’s chain mace attack animation has been fixed.
    • The value of ranger boots has been updated.
    • The Revenant cave now requires 60+ combat and 250k+ risk to enter.
    • Ancestral Robes set:
      • Players can now use their ancestral robe set on the trading post to receive an Ancestral Robes Set item.
        • The Ancestral Robes Set can also be used on the trading post to receive the full ancestral set.
    • Players can now teleport from the equipment interface using the Mythical Cape.
    • Players can now check how many charges remain on their Viggora’s Chainmace/Craw’s Bow from the equipment interface.
    • Berry bushes now give 4 berries per bush instead of the previous 3.
    • Varrock armor 4 now properly provides the same boost as the prospector jacket.
    • Fixed the kraken safe spot.
    • Players can now destroy the Bonecrusher properly.
    • Fixed a spacing issue for usernames on the 19th item listing when searching for items on the Trading post (was a few pixels to the right)
    • On the Venenatis collection log, the Treasonous ring drop was showing up as the imbued version, which means it wouldn't count the drop if you received it. This has been fixed.
  • Wilderness Task Emblem Upgrades:
    • Players killing NPC’s on a wilderness task with a combat level of 50 or higher will now have a small chance to upgrade the highest tier emblem in their inventory.
      • Players who have tier 10 emblems in their inventory will not lose it, but instead be granted an extra tier 8 emblem.
    • The higher level the NPC, and the deeper the player is in the wilderness will both factor into the emblem upgrade rate.
  • Wilderness Supply Chest Changes:
    • Players now require 95 combat and at least 1m risk to open the wilderness supply chest.
    • The tele block spell will not be removed upon logout for players who open the chest.
      • Previously, if a player opened the wilderness supply chest, they would receive a 2.5 minute teleblock, however they would simply be able to relog to remove the timer. This issue has been fixed, and now the only way to remove the teleblock is to leave the wilderness, or wait out the timer.
  • TzHaar-Mej-Roh's Rune Store
    • Players can now purchase runes from this shop in Tzhaar City with Tokkul, at the following prices:
      • Elemental runes: 6 Tokkul each
      • Elemental rune packs: 645 Tokkul each
      • Chaos runes: 135 Tokkul each
      • Death runes: 270 Tokkul each
    • Players can sell runes back to the shop for 20% the price of the item in the shop.
  • Crystal/Brimstone chest changes:
    • Players will now see how many Crystal/Brimstone Chests they’ve opened each time they open them.
      • We did not keep track of how many chests players had opened in the past, so the count will begin at 0 for everyone starting as of this update.
    • Players can right click on the Crystal/Brimstone chest and click “Check” to see how many chests they’ve opened.
    • Lastly, when receiving rare items from either chest, your news announcement will display the number of chests you've opened.
      • Eg. Omicron has received 1 x Amulet of fury from the Crystal chest! (#73)
  • Deranged Archaeologist:
    • Players can now fight the Deranged Archaeologist on Fossil Island by using the “Deranged Archaeologist” teleport found in the teleportation wizard interface. 
    • Mechanics:
      • The Deranged Archaeologist has 200 hp, and similar mechanics to the Crazy Archaeologist, however his special AOE attack can do up to 55 damage per projectile.
      • He also cannot be safe spotted or hidden from. If you are within the area, and out of range of the Deranged Archaeologist, he will still be able to attack you with a projectile that cannot be protected from, so beware.
      • His primary ranged attack can be protected from using protect from missiles, however if players get too close, he may use melee to attack.
  • Barrows loot will now be added to rune pouch or ammunition slot if applicable.
    • When barrows loot is rewarded, if a player receives an ammunition reward that they have equipped, it’ll add the ammunition to their equipment slot instead of their inventory to save room.
    • Likewise, if a player has a rune pouch in their inventory, and are rewarded runes that they are carrying in their pouch, the runes will be added to their rune pouch automatically.
      • If the rune pouch is full(16000 rune limit),  the runes will instead be added to the player’s inventory.
  • Lunar spells:
    • Cure me spell:
      • Players can now cast the Cure Me spell if they have 71+ magic.
        • The spell requires 2 Astra runes, 2 Cosmic runes, and 1 Law rune to cast.
        • The spell provides 69 base magic experience.
      • The spell can only be cast if the player is poisoned, and once cast, the player will be cured of the poison.
    • String amulet spell:
      • Players can now cast the String Amulet spell if they have 80+ magic.
        • The spell requires 2 Astral runes, 10 Earth runes, and 5 Water runes to cast.
      • Once the spell is cast, it will continue to auto-cast itself until the player is out of unstrung amulets, or out of runes. 
      • The spell provides 83 base magic experience, and 4 base crafting experience.
    • Hunter kit spell:
      • Players can now cast the Hunter kit spell if they have 71+ magic.
        • The spell requires 2 Astral runes, and 2 Earth runes to cast.
        • The spell provides 70 base magic experience.
      • Casting the spell will provide the player with a hunter kit if they have the inventory space for it.
        • The hunter kit, when opened, will provide 1 impling jar, 1 butterfly net, 1 bird snare, and 1 box trap.
    • Recharge Dragonstone spell:
      • Players can now cast the Recharge Dragonstone spell if they have 89+ magic.
        • The spell requires 1 Astral runes, 4 Water runes, and 1 Soul rune to cast.
        • The spell provides 97.5 base magic experience.
      • If the player has an uncharge amulet of glory, combat bracelet, or skills necklace, casting the spell will enchant the uncharged piece of jewelry to 4 charges.
    • All lunar teleports added:
      • Players can now cast lunar teleport spells(excluding group teleports) if they have the required runes and level.
        • New teleports include:
          • Ourania
          • Port Khazard
          • Catherby
          • Fishing Guild
          • Moonclan isle
          • Waterbirth Isle
          • Ice plateau
          • Barbarian outpost
      • Since the teleports in the lunar spell book require runes(unlike other teleport spells), they will also grant magic experience for using them.
    • Spellbook swap spell:
      • Players can now cast the spell book swap spell if they have 96+ magic.
        • This spell requires 3 Astral runes, 2 Cosmic runes, and 1 Law rune to cast.
        • The spell also provides 130 base magic experience when casted.
      • Once cast, the player will be given an option to swap to either the normal or ancients spell book, and once an option is selected, the experience will be granted, and the runes will be consumed.
        • Note: No runes will be removed if the player does not choose a specific spellbook to swap to.
  • Chambers of Xeric updates:
    • Creature keeper room:
      • A single chest in the Creature keeper room will contain 5 cooked Psykk bats (which heal 23 hit points) rather than worms. Additionally, you'll receive 250 points in the raid for finding this chest.
        • This chest, once looted, will stay open. Only 1 player can loot it.
    • Storage units:
      • Storage units are now available!
        • These chests allow you to store items within the raid to use later for the final fight, or simply to store items while you search the chests or worms in the scavenger room.
        • Two right-click options:
          • Shared:
            • This option opens a storage chest which allows you to put raids items only within it (potions and food, for example).
              • These items will not be returned to you at the end of the raid.
          • Private:
            • This option is for you only, and allows you to store your own items (eg. Ancestral robes and a Staff of light).
              • These items are returned to you upon leaving the raid or logging out.
      • How to build chests:
        • You can build 3 types of chests: small, medium and large. Each chest serves the same purpose, and once one chest is built, every chest in the raid is built for the same size chest. You must have a hammer or Dragon Warhammer to build any of these chests.
          • Small chest:
            • Requires 2 Mallignum planks to build and level 30 Construction
            • Stores up to 250 raids items, and 30 personal items.
          • Medium chest:
            • Requires 4 Mallignum planks to build and level 60 Construction
            • Stores up to 500 raids items, and 60 personal items.
          • Large chest:
            • Requires 6 Mallignum planks to build and level 90 Construction
            • Stores up to 1000 raids items, and 90 personal items.
        • Mallignum planks:
          • These planks are dropped by Scavengers within the raid.
  • Chewed Bones:
    • Chewed bones can now be used on the pyre north-east of Otto’s grotto to build a pyre and have a chance at receiving the Dragon Full Helm. 
    • Players will require an axe, a tinderbox, a chewed bone, and a log of any type to build the pyre.
      • Once the pyre is built and set ablaze, a barbarian spirit will rise to thank you for releasing him, and provide you with a reward.
      • Once the Pyre is burnt, players will be granted 51 crafting experience, and 202 firemaking experience. 
    • Chewed bone prayer bonus:
      • For every chewed bone that the player sacrifices, they will be granted a prayer experience bonus on the next 5 bones that they bury or sacrifice at an altar. This bonus stacks, so sacrificing 5 chewed bones will allow the player to receive a bonus on the next 25 bones that they use.
        • Burying bones will provide 3x the normal experience, and using bones on the altar will provide 1.75x the normal experience when using the bonus.
  • Zamorakian Hasta reverting:
    • Players can now revert their Zamorakian Hastas back into Zamorakian spears by speaking to Otto Godblessed.
      • Note that this will not refund any of the gold paid for the Hasta, and if players wish to turn it back into a spear, they will need to pay the fee again.
  • Supercompost making:
    • Players can now make supercompost using compost bins found at farming areas around the Gielinor.
    • Supercompost can be made by filling the compost bins with 15 suitable items, found from the list on the OSRS wiki: 
      This is the hidden content, please
      • Once the 15 items have been added, players will have the option to close the compost bin, and then the timer will begin.
        • After 30 minutes have passed, the player will receive a notification that they can open the compost bin and collect the compost.
      • We’ve also added bananas and oranges to the suitable items list, since they are available at Trader Stan’s Trading Post.
    • When the compost bin is opened, players will be able to retrieve the following amounts of supercompost, given that they have empty buckets to fill with it:
      • Regular players: 15 supercompost
      • Super donators: 16 supercompost
      • Extreme donators: 17 supercompost
      • Legendary donators: 19 supercompost
      • Uber donators: 21 supercompost
      • Master donators: 24 supercompost
      • Immortal donators: 27 supercompost
    • Ultracompost making:
      • When the compost bin is ready to be harvested, players can use volcanic ash on the compost bin to fill their buckets with ultracompost instead of supercompost.
        • This requires 1.8x the number of compost you can collect, so if you have 25 supercompost left in the bin, you’ll need to have 45 volcanic ash to add to the compost bin.
    • Players can right-click the compost bin to dump it out at any stage if needed.
  • Trader Stan Shop Changes:
    • Stock of Pineapples has been increased to 200, and the price has been increased to 875 coins each.
    • Stock of Bananas has been increased to 400.
    • Stock of Oranges has been increased to 150, and the price has been increased to 801 coins each.
    • Stock of empty bucket pack has been increased to 100.
    • Stock of empty buckets has been increased to 500, and the price has been increased to 35 coins each.
  • Teleport interface updates:
    • The Teleport wizard has a few new teleports to help you get around quicker:
      • Bosses:
        • Deranged archaeologist (Fossil island)
      • Skilling:
        • Orange salamanders (desert location)
        • Black salamanders (wilderness location)
  • Wilderness Chaos Altar change:
    • There are two Chaos altars in the Wilderness, one in level 12 wilderness, and one in level 38. The level 12 altar was previously giving bonus experience when bones were used on it, when this was only intended for the deeper wilderness chaos altar.
  • Slayer helmet/Slayer dart effect fix:
    • Some monster variants were not properly being affected by the Slayer helmet or Slayer dart spell effect.
      • Some of the affected monsters:
        • Mutated bloodvelds, Warped jelly and pretty much any Slayer monster variant.
        • Dawn (Grotesque guardian), first one which you must defeat
        • Dagannoth kings
        • Demonic gorillas

(NOTE: In the GIF above of the storage units, it shows that the Saradomin brews stacked within the chest. This was a bug that has been fixed, and items do not stack in the chest unless they are stackable in your inventory (eg. notes or arrows))
We hope that you guys enjoy this update! As always, please report any bugs that you find as soon as they are found :)
Omicron & Chad

Edited by alora
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