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[OSRSPK/Elvarg] Thieving


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Been working on the base for a while now trying to get skills added. Thought i'd release this to help others do the same as me.

I accept any construction criticism as i'm still learning to code.

create a new package called thieving, I put mine in com.elvarg.world.content.skills.thieving.

In Player.java add:


private Thieving thieving = new Thieving(this);
	public Thieving getThieving() {
		return thieving;



package com.elvarg.world.content.skills.thieving;

import com.elvarg.world.model.Item;

 * This enum stores all our thieving stalls data.
 * @author Clive/Dinh
public enum Stalls {
	BAKERS_STALL(5, 16, 1, new Item[] {new Item(1891), new Item(1901), new Item(2309)}),
	GEM_STALL(75, 160, 5, new Item[] {new Item(1623), new Item(1621), new Item(1619), new Item(1617)}),
	FUR_STALL(35, 36, 2, new Item[] {new Item(958)}),
	SILVER_STALL(50, 54, 3, new Item[] {new Item(442)}),
	MARKET_STALL(90, 200, 7, new Item[] {new Item(1333), new Item(385), new Item(442), new Item(958), new Item(1623), new Item(1621), new Item(1619), new Item(1617), new Item(1891), new Item(1901), new Item(2309)});

	private final int levelRequirement;
	private final int experience;
	private final int clickTime;
	private final Item[] rewards;
	private Stalls(final int requirement, final int exp, final int time, final Item[] loot) {
		this.levelRequirement = requirement;
		this.experience = exp;
		this.clickTime = time;
		this.rewards = loot;
	public int getRequirement() {
		return levelRequirement;
	public int getExperience() {
		return experience;
	public int getClickTimer() {
		return clickTime;
	public Item[] getLoot() {
		return rewards;



package com.elvarg.world.content.skills.thieving;

import com.elvarg.world.model.Item;

 * This enum stores all our thieving pickpocket data.
 * @author Clive/Dinh
public enum Pickpocket {
	MAN(1, 8, new Item[] {new Item(995, 5) }),
	FARMER(60, 65, new Item[] {new Item(5291), new Item(5292), new Item(5293), new Item(5294), new Item(5291), new Item(5292), new Item(5293), new Item(5294), new Item(5295), new Item(5296), new Item(5297), new Item(5298), new Item(5299), new Item(5300), new Item(5301), new Item(5302), new Item(5303), new Item(5304)});

	private final int levelRequirement;
	private final int experience;

	private final Item[] rewards;

	private Pickpocket(final int level, final int experience, final Item[] loot) {
		this.levelRequirement = level;
		this.experience = experience;
		this.rewards = loot;
	public int getRequirement() {
		return levelRequirement;

	public int getExperience() {
		return experience;

	public Item[] getLoot() {
		return rewards;


package com.elvarg.world.content.skills.thieving;

import com.elvarg.util.Misc;
import com.elvarg.world.entity.impl.npc.NPC;
import com.elvarg.world.entity.impl.player.Player;
import com.elvarg.world.model.Animation;
import com.elvarg.world.model.Item;
import com.elvarg.world.model.Skill;

public class Thieving {
private Player player;

	private long lastInteraction;
	private static final long INTERACTION_DELAY = 2_000L;

	private final int STEAL_ANIMATION = 881;
	public Thieving(final Player player) {
		this.player = player;
	public void stealFromStall(Stalls stall, int objectId) {
		if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastInteraction < INTERACTION_DELAY) {
		if (player.getSkillManager().getCurrentLevel(Skill.THIEVING) < stall.getRequirement()) {
			player.getPacketSender().sendMessage("You need a thieving level of " + stall.getRequirement() + " to steal from this stall.");
		if (player.getInventory().getFreeSlots() == 0) {
			player.getPacketSender().sendMessage("You need at least one free slot to steal from this stall.");
		player.performAnimation(new Animation(STEAL_ANIMATION));
		Item lootReceived = Misc.randomElement(stall.getLoot());
		player.getInventory().add(lootReceived.getId(), lootReceived.getAmount());
		player.getSkillManager().addExperience(Skill.THIEVING, stall.getExperience());
		lastInteraction = System.currentTimeMillis();
	public void pickpocket(Pickpocket pickpocket, NPC npc) {
		if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastInteraction < INTERACTION_DELAY) {
		if (player.getSkillManager().getCurrentLevel(Skill.THIEVING) < pickpocket.getRequirement()) {
			player.getPacketSender().sendMessage("You need a thieving level of " + pickpocket.getRequirement() + " to pickpocket this npc.");
		if (player.getInventory().getFreeSlots() == 0) {
			player.getPacketSender().sendMessage("You need at least one free slot to steal from this npc.");
		player.performAnimation(new Animation(STEAL_ANIMATION));
		Item lootReceived = Misc.randomElement(pickpocket.getLoot());
		player.getInventory().add(lootReceived.getId(), lootReceived.getAmount());
		player.getSkillManager().addExperience(Skill.THIEVING, pickpocket.getExperience());
		lastInteraction = System.currentTimeMillis();

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