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[RUSE] Dharok's Degrading. Oaks Version


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I've used Ruse a lot and never seen anything even similar to this.


				int recDamage = (int) (damage * 0.001);
				if (recDamage <= 0)
				if (recDamage > t2.getConstitution())
					recDamage = t2.getConstitution();
				attacker.dealDamage(new Hit(recDamage, Hitmask.RED, CombatIcon.DEFLECT));

From the recoil effect lol. It has nothing to do with barrows degrading. You're making your Dharok's return damage to the attacker..

You also have so much repetetive code. You could do it as simple as this:


		public static Optional<DegradingItem> forItem(int item) {
			for(DegradingItem d : DegradingItem.values()) {
				if(d.deg == item || d.nonDeg == item) {
					return Optional.of(d);
			return Optional.empty();


				//Handle equipped items for our target..
				for(Item item : t2.getEquipment().getItems()) {
					//Check if the target's item should degrade..
					Optional<DegradingItem> deg = DegradingItem.forItem(item.getId());
					if(deg.isPresent()) {
						ItemDegrading.handleItemDegrading(t2, deg.get());
					switch(item.getId()) { //Handle other items..
					case 2550: //Handle recoil effect..


Wrote this quickly.

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