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Dreamscape made 14m$+


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OK so dreamscape source was released and i was just browsing through the files and i saw those sql donation files

so i was curious how much money these folks make and i wrote a dirty python script to calculate that for me

*note i assumed nobody would ever donate more than 30000$ so i made it so if the amount of donation in a transaction is over 30k i wont add that to the total

heres the script:

split1 = "INSERT INTO `paymentauthenticity`(`id`, `totalPrice`, `checkoutId`, `storeId`) VALUES ("
total = 0

def handle_line(line: str):
    global idx
    global total
    firstsplit = line.split(split1[1:])[1]
    amount = int(firstsplit.split(",")[1])
    if amount < 30000:
        total += amount

with open("paymentauthenticity.sql", "r") as ins:
    for line in ins:

the file says they made 6863583 dollars
and thats only since they implemented the sql donation system till the end of jan. 2019
don't forget about RSGP donations, i would say these people made over 10 million dollars overall

and for those who would say that the file is fake, its obviously not

Edited by d3vilspawnz
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  On 3/12/2019 at 12:12 PM, DesolutionRS said:

Noticed it aswell when i first downloaded the release....very interesting imo. Blows my mind that they pulled that much revenue over the years lol...


i almost quit my job upon checkin this hahaha


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  On 3/12/2019 at 2:13 PM, sixxor2 said:

i never knew how much such a rsps could make, that's really crasy.. 


Dont forget that they made money off of Jagex's Copyrighted content. Jagex can still take them to court and take back every penny. Not to mention if the IRS asks were they got all that money, id love to hear the response they give. 

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Incorrect personally I worked for the server and It wasn't 14M In the first year the server made 1.5m but now it's around 8M, The largest donation I ever handled personally was 60,000 USD

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  On 3/12/2019 at 2:25 PM, Madara said:

Dont forget that they made money off of Jagex's Copyrighted content. Jagex can still take them to court and take back every penny. Not to mention if the IRS asks were they got all that money, id love to hear the response they give. 


I believe the DreamScape office is located in Thailand.

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