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Hey there! I'm Martyr!

I have been around the rsps scene for quite a long time. I used to develop my own servers back when delta and allstar were popular bases (lol). The first rsps I ever played was called Ritzscape or something. I recently decided that I would like to get back into developing my own server, and DEFINITELY need a refresher. I haven't touched the subject in years. I've got eclipse and intellij installed and all set up for my journey through this little adventure of mine. First things first, I need to learn the java language again, if you guys have any resources that'll help me learn quickly that would be fantastic.

Basically my plans for my future rsps is to host it the entire time from start to finish. I feel like that way I can get the most support from friends and future friends to help me get through it! I'm know it will never be a top server (I'm way to busy for that scheme); however, I do want to find joy in programming again, and feel like the rsps community is the best place to do so. It's all for fun, and learning for me.

Hopefully I can make some friends here and create a server worth your enjoyment (as well as my own!)





Edited by Martyr
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What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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