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Rapid Pk - Released


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On 9/9/2016 at 10:10 PM, acesucks said:

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Looking for a ready to host PVP Server? Welp, this is the one! 
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Asking Price Was: $50 / Copy [Includes Souce, Client, Cache and Launcher]

Download IT NOW:  

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Features (The price next to each line is what I paid for the service):
- Preload Gear - $70 (spent $40, then $30 to a better developer to fix the speed and clean it up)
- Staff Online Interface - $20
- Quick Spawn Interface - $20
- scam free dicing system - $50
- Log-In Interface - $30
- New Loading-Screen - $10 (Image) + $15 (Impl.)
- Veng/Freeze Timers - $10/Each
- Player Profile Interface - $35
- Trivia System - $15
- Ranking System - $25 (Basically like League of Legends, Kill players = Gain ELO, Die = Lose ELO)
- Clan Status + Rank on top of the head + Toggle - $25
- Clean Random PVP Drop System - $30
- Improved Combat (Swiffy's) - $30
- Improved In-game PVP highscores - $25
- Bunch of new crowns - $10
- FIXES + BUGS = No clue what I spent $$$.

ALSO, The server has all the prices done. You literally have to do nothing to host it. It is extremely stable and has no dupe reported in it's 2 months of hosting.





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