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Sky is here!


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Hey everyone My name is Sky (Alex), I'm a laid back person that is here to help other progress in the RSPS world. I know a lot about coding and love to help people. You can contact me for my skype or ask me questions on here, I have a daughter that is just over the age of one. My pride and joy. I'm almost always online with skype can send me a message and ill normally get to you within the hour. I constantly check my skype on my phone and if I'm not home, ill make arrangements to help you at a certain time. I have had a few successful servers, but I could never keep interest into Custom Servers.

My most successful server was WaddiexScape that reached about 60-80 players online daily and had a few hundred Customs that my Co-Owner and I had made and were never released, I have a project now that has Custom Pets that I had made, I'm currently working on an OS private server that I need some help with and would love to have be in the top page, currently been online for 2 weeks and already top 100 on runelocus :D 


Anyways I'm here for anyone that needs help and to Leak some servers that people charge way to much for :P Have a great day, best regards.




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What is a RSPS?

A RSPS, also known as RuneScape private server, is an online game based on RuneScape, and controlled by independent individuals.

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