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ScapeRune - Full Shilo Village Quest


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Well this one took a while. Too many dialogue changes for Trufitus throughout the quest. This one was the most time consuming quest I've written so far, taking over 7 accounts (2 of which were banned due to something I had that triggered bot detection).

I started development on Shilo Village in 2018, and took a break about 75% of the way through (protip: if you write a quest, don't take a long ass break, you'll forget so many things and you're almost better off re-writing it than revisiting it). Sometime during a deadman mode tournament, Jagex had to change things in Shilo Village due to a clan camping the quest area and not allowing players to finish the quest by killing them.

Luckily I had the part that they changed done, but when I came back to the quest after the long break, it really confused the hell out of me until I remembered this. Aiming for 100% accuracy to 2007 is getting harder with Jagex constantly changing random bits of OSRS, but I am still committed.

Here is a video of the quest, possibly coming out in the next update (depending on how testing goes):


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