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Zulrune | ScapeSoft - Released


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On 9/20/2016 at 5:26 PM, Ace said:

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    - Added runecrafting abyss via mage of zamorak in wilderness
    - Added 24/7 wilderness events that give wilderness more of an incentive to be in. {
        Fishing spawns
        Wilderness bosses
        Firemaking & Cooking bonus experience
        .. more to come
    - Fixed character appearance customization
    - Added smart anti-pkp point farming system.
    - Added npc spawns [
        Added proper rock crabs (target selection and transformation)
        Added experiments (definitions & bonuses)
        Added yaks
        Added desert bandits
        Added monkey skeletons
        Added monkey guards
        Added armoured zombies

    - Added pyramid hunting shop with rewards
    - Added wilderness hunting shop with rewards {
        Added PvP Store to wilderness store possibilities
    - Added shop support for buying items with different quantities (you can buy 5M coins from wilderness shop for example)
    - Renamed store owners to their useful name, rather than "Horvik" etc
    - Killing revenants will give you wilderness points, they no longer drop pvp items.
    - Removed old wilderness icon and replaced it with pvp flaming skull icon {
        Shows the combat levels that can attack you in the wilderness
    - Added voting page on website






  Reveal hidden contents



  • Added shop handling
  •     Added nurse at home
  •     Finished thieving stall rewards
  •     Added money pouch
  •     Added clan wars ffa portal at home
  •     When you lose untradeables on death, you must run back to get them.
  •     Added high alchemy and low alchemy -> great money making        &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Thieving Stalls {
  •             Selling to general store will be little money but faster
  •             High alching will be more money but slower
  •         }
  •     Added item dialogues
  •     Added slayer tasks {
  •         Receiving a random slayer task by type
  •         Receiving a new task for 150K if you already have one
  •         When killing your slayer task, you have a chance to receive a cash drop
  •     }
  •     Converted matrix drops to .json drops per npc.
  •         E.G [
  •             To find the drops for a man, they are located in data..../man.json
  •             Modify/add drops quickly via the file
  •                 (Tool coming later to edit faster)
  •         ]
  •         Takes 10ms to read an npc drop from the file, and once it has been read it is cached in the server for faster usage.
  •     Added teleportating interface
  •     Continued construction reimplementation


  • Added recipe for disaster quest
  • Converted npc bonuses and combat definitions to json, using the same file for all npcs per name {
  • Man.json
  • Has drops for all men, npc bonuses for all men and npc combat definitions for all men.
  • Stored in a map with has an npc id for the key, so different npc ids can be in the file.
  • }
  • Fixed bug: Freezing npcs stops them from hitting u
  • Added instant special granite maul
  • Examining npcs which are attackable tells you how much health they have left
  • Added player look customization 100% - Shoes, Makeover mage, hairdresser


  •     Added all game currencies to info tab
  •     Added home teleport
  •     Removed 'Rewards' option from Vannaka - Zulrune points will replace slayer points
  •     Development on godwars dungeons has started. Changes from original godwars will be as follows:
  •         Traditionally in rsps the walking is removed from gwd, you must walk to the lairs in zulrune.
  •         Killcount monsters will actually be hard to kill, not just something you do quickly to fight the bosses.
  •         There will be separate killcounts per boss lair.


  •     Added saradomin godwars
  •     Added bandos godwars
  •     Fixed teleporting with controller checks
  •     Handling controller actions has never been simpler:
  •        &nbsptongue.giflayer.getControllerManager().verifyControlerForOperation(GodWars.class).ifPresent(c -> {
  •             c.updateInterface()rlSnd.png*]        });


  •     Fixed option dialogue positioning to be centered
  •     Converted shops to json for easier saving & editting


  •     Created new shop editting tool with the following features:
  •         Displays all shops in an ordered tree
  •         Updates a table with their items
  •             Support for dragging and dropping items into different slots in the table
  •             Right click support to delete items from the shop
  •         Right click support on shop for the following actions:
  •             Add item to the shop
  •             Edit shop
  •                 >> Edit shop name
  •                 >> Edit shop currency class name (used for point shops)
  •             Delete shop
  •         Able to add new shops to the existing list of shops
  •         Save button to save the current shops.
  •     Added zulrune point shop with untradeables
  •         With this update comes the full management of shops with different currencies
  •     Started player owned shop work


  •     Player Owned Shops complete:
  •         Searching for another player's shop works
  •         You can't buy items from someone's shop while they are in renovation mode (Modifying their stock)
  •         All shops are saved at proper timing to ensure no items lost.
  •         Players viewing your shop will always see the most updated stock
  •         You set prices of items in your shop.
  •         To claim your coins from your shop, you must talk to the shop manager about your collection box.
  •         You must pay 1M coins to have your own shop
  •         Searching for items through all player shops has been done efficiently and has no strain on the game world
  •         Shop owners receive messages about items being bought from their shop if they're online during the purchase
  •     All godwar dungeons have been added
  •     NPC with no combat definitions can't be attacked.
  •     Godwars will only teleport you to the lobby, you find your way to the dungeons
  •     Started desert treasure...
  •         Everything completed but boss fights


  •     Completed desert treasure quest {
  •         Rewards: Ancient spellbook access
  •     }
  •     Completed monkey madness quest {
  •         Rewards: korasi sword & greegree access
  •     }
  •     Added a confirmation dialogue for actions (starting quests for ex.) using the destroy dialogue box


  •     Added new degrading management. Has support for the following items now: {
  •         Barrows items degrading (degrade while the player is in combat)
  •         Chaotics degrading (degrade while the player is in combat)
  •         Pvp Items degrading (degrade while the item is worn)
  •     }


  • Started working on our website {
  •         All forum groups added
  •         All forums added
  •         All forum permissions added
  •         All forum icons added
  •         Recaptcha 2 usage for registration
  •     }    


  • 5/15/2015
  •     Rewrote npc spawning to use region-based json loading.
  •     Added horror from the deep quest


  •     Added treasure trails {
  •         Coordinate trail support
  •         Map trail support
  •         Action trail support
  •         Emote trail support
  •        &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Support for double agents or other fights for proceeding
  •        &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Added 5 of the following types of scrolls: map, coordinate, emote, actions (npc/object)
  •        &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Casket rewards all done for all tiers
  •     }
  •     Construction has been finished
  •     Fixed object spawning
  •     Forum announcements added for appeals & reports [player & bug]
  •     Shoutbox added on forums
  •     Forum integration started: usergroups are passed onto your ingame account
  •     Forum userbars added for all usergroups
  •     Forum crowns added for all usergroups
  •     Plank creation has been added + the spell
  •     Added wilderness resource center [A
  •         Runite ore rocks
  •         Thieving npc for cash
  •         Rocktail fishing
  •     ]
  •     Rewrote Nonmovingnpc class to have support for forced walking/forced non walking npcs


  •     Wrote item repair manager with support for all barrow armours and chaotic equipment
  •     Wrote system for achievements and added at least 5 of each type: EASY, MEDIUM, HARD, ELITE
  •     Added lunar diplomacy and wrote a skeleton for miniquests + applied to previous ones
  •     Added items to the zulrune points shop


  •     Development officially restarted
  •     ::commands command has been added, automatically updates when a new command is added, sorts based on command rights required
  •         Doesn't show commands that you don't have access to.
  •     Item examines & bonuses are now loaded from gson files
  •     New god books with epic bonuses after finishing HFTD {
  •         Bandos - Melee attack bonus, range & mage defence bonus
  •         Armadyl - Ranged attack bonus, mage defence bonus
  •         Ancient - Magic attack bonus, melee & range defence bonus
  •     }       &nbsprlSnd.png*]    Added different account types: {   &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Pkmode {
  •             Pros
  •                 Can set combat stats up to lvl 85 (prayer 52 only)
  •                 Dont have to do quests for pk items.   &nbsprlSnd.png*]            Cons
  •                 Drop rates from monsters is significantly lower
  •         }   &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Ironman {
  •             Slower experience rate
  •             Can't trade
  •             Can't pick up others' items
  •             Can't do stake duels against players
  •             Can't buy items from shops that players can sell back to
  •             When killing players in wildy, you can only loot their items if they're ironmen
  •         }
  •         Player Account Modes [
  •             Champion {
  •                 Slower experience rate
  •                 If they die once, all of their stats reset, their bank empties,
  •             }
  •         ]
  •     }
  •     Added new level up notifications
  •     Added modifying levels at sir tiffy cashien {
  •         You can reset skills for 2.5m each
  •         You can set skills for 3.5m each {
  •             You can only set skills to a level less than your current skill level
  •         }
  •     }
  •     Added item dialogues with support for item amount modification
  •     Added world floor items {
  •         Support for multiple items
  •         Each item has a delay number, which is the amount of seconds to wait after it has been picked up for the item to reappear
  •     }
  •     Added item on item handling {
  •         Spirit shield making
  •         Full key making
  •         Godsword making
  •         Vine whip making
  •         Dragon sq making
  •         Dragon platebody making
  •     }
  •     Added gertrudes cat {   &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Pet access as reward
  •             You loose your pets when you die
  •         Players can have up to 3 at the same time, as long as their size is not too big
  •     }
  •     Finished cow milking



  •     Added level targets
  •     Transferred everything to Intellij IDEA
  •     Added more teleport locations
  •     Moved quest location to north of edgeville, and cleared that space up.
  •         No objects, no ladders, no men.
  •         Objects are respawned on tiles that objects previously existed on
  •     Added items on death handling: {
  •         Untradeable items are dropped on death unless you're a donator
  •             Donators keep them in their inventory           &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Some untradeables though are deleted on death and you have to buy them back.
  •             E.G. God capes, god books.
  •     }
  •     Some untradeable items are droppable, but wont appear publically, rather they will be deleted.
  •     Other untradeable items, which are destroyable, can't be dropped and only destroyed.
  •     Added daily skills {
  •         These skills will give players bonus experience for training them that day.
  •         You will be told which is the daily bonus skill on login.
  •         There is a skill for every single day.
  •         The skill will save on server reboot
  •     }


  •     Added all teleports
  •     Added all achievements that weren't complete aside from the interface
  •     Converted ScapeSoft's Pyramid Hunting Minigame to Zulrune 100%
  •     Added clans (inviting, chatting, saving)
  •     Added lottery system, works as follows: {
  •         When the first ticket is bought, the lottery starts.
  •         Every ticket that is bought stores the buyer's name in a list
  •         24 hours after the ticket is bought, the draw happens.       &nbsprlSnd.png*]        The way the winner works is a random name from the list.
  •         Winners are saved to a file, and claim their rewards from the gambler as well.
  •         Winner's dont have to be online when the draw happens.
  •        &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Everything is saved to a file, so server reboots affect nothing.
  •     }
  •     RouteEvents will face the target entity while processing, just like RS.
  •     Completely redesigned shop system. {
  •         Brand new interface, 718 interface for shops is hideous.
  •         Same tools as before since I wrote good code for the previous code.
  •     }




On 9/20/2016 at 5:26 PM, Ace said:

Download Link:


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    - Added runecrafting abyss via mage of zamorak in wilderness
    - Added 24/7 wilderness events that give wilderness more of an incentive to be in. {
        Fishing spawns
        Wilderness bosses
        Firemaking & Cooking bonus experience
        .. more to come
    - Fixed character appearance customization
    - Added smart anti-pkp point farming system.
    - Added npc spawns [
        Added proper rock crabs (target selection and transformation)
        Added experiments (definitions & bonuses)
        Added yaks
        Added desert bandits
        Added monkey skeletons
        Added monkey guards
        Added armoured zombies

    - Added pyramid hunting shop with rewards
    - Added wilderness hunting shop with rewards {
        Added PvP Store to wilderness store possibilities
    - Added shop support for buying items with different quantities (you can buy 5M coins from wilderness shop for example)
    - Renamed store owners to their useful name, rather than "Horvik" etc
    - Killing revenants will give you wilderness points, they no longer drop pvp items.
    - Removed old wilderness icon and replaced it with pvp flaming skull icon {
        Shows the combat levels that can attack you in the wilderness
    - Added voting page on website






  Reveal hidden contents



  • Added shop handling
  •     Added nurse at home
  •     Finished thieving stall rewards
  •     Added money pouch
  •     Added clan wars ffa portal at home
  •     When you lose untradeables on death, you must run back to get them.
  •     Added high alchemy and low alchemy -> great money making        &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Thieving Stalls {
  •             Selling to general store will be little money but faster
  •             High alching will be more money but slower
  •         }
  •     Added item dialogues
  •     Added slayer tasks {
  •         Receiving a random slayer task by type
  •         Receiving a new task for 150K if you already have one
  •         When killing your slayer task, you have a chance to receive a cash drop
  •     }
  •     Converted matrix drops to .json drops per npc.
  •         E.G [
  •             To find the drops for a man, they are located in data..../man.json
  •             Modify/add drops quickly via the file
  •                 (Tool coming later to edit faster)
  •         ]
  •         Takes 10ms to read an npc drop from the file, and once it has been read it is cached in the server for faster usage.
  •     Added teleportating interface
  •     Continued construction reimplementation


  • Added recipe for disaster quest
  • Converted npc bonuses and combat definitions to json, using the same file for all npcs per name {
  • Man.json
  • Has drops for all men, npc bonuses for all men and npc combat definitions for all men.
  • Stored in a map with has an npc id for the key, so different npc ids can be in the file.
  • }
  • Fixed bug: Freezing npcs stops them from hitting u
  • Added instant special granite maul
  • Examining npcs which are attackable tells you how much health they have left
  • Added player look customization 100% - Shoes, Makeover mage, hairdresser


  •     Added all game currencies to info tab
  •     Added home teleport
  •     Removed 'Rewards' option from Vannaka - Zulrune points will replace slayer points
  •     Development on godwars dungeons has started. Changes from original godwars will be as follows:
  •         Traditionally in rsps the walking is removed from gwd, you must walk to the lairs in zulrune.
  •         Killcount monsters will actually be hard to kill, not just something you do quickly to fight the bosses.
  •         There will be separate killcounts per boss lair.


  •     Added saradomin godwars
  •     Added bandos godwars
  •     Fixed teleporting with controller checks
  •     Handling controller actions has never been simpler:
  •        &nbsptongue.giflayer.getControllerManager().verifyControlerForOperation(GodWars.class).ifPresent(c -> {
  •             c.updateInterface()rlSnd.png*]        });


  •     Fixed option dialogue positioning to be centered
  •     Converted shops to json for easier saving & editting


  •     Created new shop editting tool with the following features:
  •         Displays all shops in an ordered tree
  •         Updates a table with their items
  •             Support for dragging and dropping items into different slots in the table
  •             Right click support to delete items from the shop
  •         Right click support on shop for the following actions:
  •             Add item to the shop
  •             Edit shop
  •                 >> Edit shop name
  •                 >> Edit shop currency class name (used for point shops)
  •             Delete shop
  •         Able to add new shops to the existing list of shops
  •         Save button to save the current shops.
  •     Added zulrune point shop with untradeables
  •         With this update comes the full management of shops with different currencies
  •     Started player owned shop work


  •     Player Owned Shops complete:
  •         Searching for another player's shop works
  •         You can't buy items from someone's shop while they are in renovation mode (Modifying their stock)
  •         All shops are saved at proper timing to ensure no items lost.
  •         Players viewing your shop will always see the most updated stock
  •         You set prices of items in your shop.
  •         To claim your coins from your shop, you must talk to the shop manager about your collection box.
  •         You must pay 1M coins to have your own shop
  •         Searching for items through all player shops has been done efficiently and has no strain on the game world
  •         Shop owners receive messages about items being bought from their shop if they're online during the purchase
  •     All godwar dungeons have been added
  •     NPC with no combat definitions can't be attacked.
  •     Godwars will only teleport you to the lobby, you find your way to the dungeons
  •     Started desert treasure...
  •         Everything completed but boss fights


  •     Completed desert treasure quest {
  •         Rewards: Ancient spellbook access
  •     }
  •     Completed monkey madness quest {
  •         Rewards: korasi sword & greegree access
  •     }
  •     Added a confirmation dialogue for actions (starting quests for ex.) using the destroy dialogue box


  •     Added new degrading management. Has support for the following items now: {
  •         Barrows items degrading (degrade while the player is in combat)
  •         Chaotics degrading (degrade while the player is in combat)
  •         Pvp Items degrading (degrade while the item is worn)
  •     }


  • Started working on our website {
  •         All forum groups added
  •         All forums added
  •         All forum permissions added
  •         All forum icons added
  •         Recaptcha 2 usage for registration
  •     }    


  • 5/15/2015
  •     Rewrote npc spawning to use region-based json loading.
  •     Added horror from the deep quest


  •     Added treasure trails {
  •         Coordinate trail support
  •         Map trail support
  •         Action trail support
  •         Emote trail support
  •        &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Support for double agents or other fights for proceeding
  •        &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Added 5 of the following types of scrolls: map, coordinate, emote, actions (npc/object)
  •        &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Casket rewards all done for all tiers
  •     }
  •     Construction has been finished
  •     Fixed object spawning
  •     Forum announcements added for appeals & reports [player & bug]
  •     Shoutbox added on forums
  •     Forum integration started: usergroups are passed onto your ingame account
  •     Forum userbars added for all usergroups
  •     Forum crowns added for all usergroups
  •     Plank creation has been added + the spell
  •     Added wilderness resource center [A
  •         Runite ore rocks
  •         Thieving npc for cash
  •         Rocktail fishing
  •     ]
  •     Rewrote Nonmovingnpc class to have support for forced walking/forced non walking npcs


  •     Wrote item repair manager with support for all barrow armours and chaotic equipment
  •     Wrote system for achievements and added at least 5 of each type: EASY, MEDIUM, HARD, ELITE
  •     Added lunar diplomacy and wrote a skeleton for miniquests + applied to previous ones
  •     Added items to the zulrune points shop


  •     Development officially restarted
  •     ::commands command has been added, automatically updates when a new command is added, sorts based on command rights required
  •         Doesn't show commands that you don't have access to.
  •     Item examines & bonuses are now loaded from gson files
  •     New god books with epic bonuses after finishing HFTD {
  •         Bandos - Melee attack bonus, range & mage defence bonus
  •         Armadyl - Ranged attack bonus, mage defence bonus
  •         Ancient - Magic attack bonus, melee & range defence bonus
  •     }       &nbsprlSnd.png*]    Added different account types: {   &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Pkmode {
  •             Pros
  •                 Can set combat stats up to lvl 85 (prayer 52 only)
  •                 Dont have to do quests for pk items.   &nbsprlSnd.png*]            Cons
  •                 Drop rates from monsters is significantly lower
  •         }   &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Ironman {
  •             Slower experience rate
  •             Can't trade
  •             Can't pick up others' items
  •             Can't do stake duels against players
  •             Can't buy items from shops that players can sell back to
  •             When killing players in wildy, you can only loot their items if they're ironmen
  •         }
  •         Player Account Modes [
  •             Champion {
  •                 Slower experience rate
  •                 If they die once, all of their stats reset, their bank empties,
  •             }
  •         ]
  •     }
  •     Added new level up notifications
  •     Added modifying levels at sir tiffy cashien {
  •         You can reset skills for 2.5m each
  •         You can set skills for 3.5m each {
  •             You can only set skills to a level less than your current skill level
  •         }
  •     }
  •     Added item dialogues with support for item amount modification
  •     Added world floor items {
  •         Support for multiple items
  •         Each item has a delay number, which is the amount of seconds to wait after it has been picked up for the item to reappear
  •     }
  •     Added item on item handling {
  •         Spirit shield making
  •         Full key making
  •         Godsword making
  •         Vine whip making
  •         Dragon sq making
  •         Dragon platebody making
  •     }
  •     Added gertrudes cat {   &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Pet access as reward
  •             You loose your pets when you die
  •         Players can have up to 3 at the same time, as long as their size is not too big
  •     }
  •     Finished cow milking



  •     Added level targets
  •     Transferred everything to Intellij IDEA
  •     Added more teleport locations
  •     Moved quest location to north of edgeville, and cleared that space up.
  •         No objects, no ladders, no men.
  •         Objects are respawned on tiles that objects previously existed on
  •     Added items on death handling: {
  •         Untradeable items are dropped on death unless you're a donator
  •             Donators keep them in their inventory           &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Some untradeables though are deleted on death and you have to buy them back.
  •             E.G. God capes, god books.
  •     }
  •     Some untradeable items are droppable, but wont appear publically, rather they will be deleted.
  •     Other untradeable items, which are destroyable, can't be dropped and only destroyed.
  •     Added daily skills {
  •         These skills will give players bonus experience for training them that day.
  •         You will be told which is the daily bonus skill on login.
  •         There is a skill for every single day.
  •         The skill will save on server reboot
  •     }


  •     Added all teleports
  •     Added all achievements that weren't complete aside from the interface
  •     Converted ScapeSoft's Pyramid Hunting Minigame to Zulrune 100%
  •     Added clans (inviting, chatting, saving)
  •     Added lottery system, works as follows: {
  •         When the first ticket is bought, the lottery starts.
  •         Every ticket that is bought stores the buyer's name in a list
  •         24 hours after the ticket is bought, the draw happens.       &nbsprlSnd.png*]        The way the winner works is a random name from the list.
  •         Winners are saved to a file, and claim their rewards from the gambler as well.
  •         Winner's dont have to be online when the draw happens.
  •        &nbsprlSnd.png*]        Everything is saved to a file, so server reboots affect nothing.
  •     }
  •     RouteEvents will face the target entity while processing, just like RS.
  •     Completely redesigned shop system. {
  •         Brand new interface, 718 interface for shops is hideous.
  •         Same tools as before since I wrote good code for the previous code.
  •     }




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