Nathanat3r 2 Posted April 22, 2020 Report Share Posted April 22, 2020 Anybody got any ideas on why i players can't see other players chat in the box? Vencillio base Help would be appreciated! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tutus Frutus 361 Posted April 24, 2020 Report Share Posted April 24, 2020 On 4/22/2020 at 2:35 PM, Nathanat3r said: Anybody got any ideas on why i players can't see other players chat in the box? Vencillio base Help would be appreciated! What chat box? If you mean you cant see msges at all then there should either be an error print or you should show some code. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathanat3r 2 Posted April 27, 2020 Author Report Share Posted April 27, 2020 On 4/24/2020 at 3:36 PM, Tutus Frutus said: What chat box? If you mean you cant see msges at all then there should either be an error print or you should show some code. Yeah I can't see other player messages but there is no error print that's why I'm so baffled... My only thoughts are possibly the update entity code but I can't seem to fix it haha Quote public void updateEntities() { try { int anInt974 = 0; for (int j = -1; j < playerCount + npcCount; j++) { Object obj; if (j == -1) obj = myPlayer; else if (j < playerCount) obj = playerArray[playerIndices[j]]; else obj = npcArray[npcIndices[j - playerCount]]; if (obj == null || !((Entity) (obj)).isVisible()) continue; if (obj instanceof Npc) { EntityDef entityDef = ((Npc) obj).desc; if (entityDef.childrenIDs != null) entityDef = entityDef.method161(); if (entityDef == null) continue; } if (j < playerCount) { int l = 30; Player player = (Player) obj; if (player.headIcon >= 0) { npcScreenPos(((Entity) (obj)), ((Entity) (obj)).height + 15); if (spriteDrawX > -1) { if (player.skullIcon < 2) { skullIcons[player.skullIcon].drawSprite(spriteDrawX - 12, spriteDrawY - l); l += 25; } if (player.headIcon < 13) { headIcons[player.headIcon].drawSprite(spriteDrawX - 12, spriteDrawY - l); l += 18; } } } if (j >= 0 && anInt855 == 10 && anInt933 == playerIndices[j]) { npcScreenPos(((Entity) (obj)), ((Entity) (obj)).height + 15); if (spriteDrawX > -1) headIconsHint[player.hintIcon].drawSprite(spriteDrawX - 12, spriteDrawY - l); } } else { EntityDef entityDef_1 = ((Npc) obj).desc; if (entityDef_1.anInt75 >= 0 && entityDef_1.anInt75 < headIcons.length) { npcScreenPos(((Entity) (obj)), ((Entity) (obj)).height + 15); if (spriteDrawX > -1) headIcons[entityDef_1.anInt75].drawSprite(spriteDrawX - 12, spriteDrawY - 30); } if (anInt855 == 1 && anInt1222 == npcIndices[j - playerCount] && loopCycle % 20 < 10) { npcScreenPos(((Entity) (obj)), ((Entity) (obj)).height + 15); if (spriteDrawX > -1) headIconsHint[0].drawSprite(spriteDrawX - 12, spriteDrawY - 28); } } if (((Entity) (obj)).textSpoken != null && (j >= playerCount || publicChatMode == 0 || publicChatMode == 3 || publicChatMode == 1 && isFriendOrSelf(((Player) obj).name))) { npcScreenPos(((Entity) (obj)), ((Entity) (obj)).height); if (spriteDrawX > -1 && anInt974 < anInt975) { anIntArray979[anInt974] = boldText.method384(((Entity) (obj)).textSpoken) / 2; anIntArray978[anInt974] = boldText.anInt1497; anIntArray976[anInt974] = spriteDrawX; anIntArray977[anInt974] = spriteDrawY; anIntArray980[anInt974] = ((Entity) (obj)).anInt1513; anIntArray981[anInt974] = ((Entity) (obj)).anInt1531; anIntArray982[anInt974] = ((Entity) (obj)).textCycle; aStringArray983[anInt974++] = ((Entity) (obj)).textSpoken; if (anInt1249 == 0 && ((Entity) (obj)).anInt1531 >= 1 && ((Entity) (obj)).anInt1531 <= 3) { anIntArray978[anInt974] += 10; anIntArray977[anInt974] += 5; } if (anInt1249 == 0 && ((Entity) (obj)).anInt1531 == 4) anIntArray979[anInt974] = 60; if (anInt1249 == 0 && ((Entity) (obj)).anInt1531 == 5) anIntArray978[anInt974] += 5; } } if (((Entity) (obj)).loopCycleStatus > loopCycle) { try { npcScreenPos(((Entity) (obj)), ((Entity) (obj)).height + 15); if (spriteDrawX > -1) { int i1 = (((Entity) (obj)).currentHealth * 30) / ((Entity) (obj)).maxHealth; if (i1 > 30) { i1 = 30; } int barWidth = hpBars[0].cropWidth; int percent = (((Entity) (obj)).currentHealth * barWidth) / ((Entity) (obj)).maxHealth; if (percent > barWidth) { percent = barWidth; } if (!Configuration.enableNewHpBars) { DrawingArea.drawPixels(5, spriteDrawY - 3, spriteDrawX - 15, 65280, i1); DrawingArea.drawPixels(5, spriteDrawY - 3, (spriteDrawX - 15) + i1, 0xff0000, 30 - i1); } else { hpBars[1].drawSprite(spriteDrawX - (barWidth / 2), spriteDrawY - 3); if (percent > 0) { Sprite fullBar = new Sprite(hpBars[0], 0, 0, percent, 7); fullBar.drawSprite(spriteDrawX - (barWidth / 2), spriteDrawY - 3); } } if (Configuration.drawEntityFeed) displayEntityFeed(); } } catch (Exception e) { } } if (Configuration.enableNewHitmarks) { for (int j1 = 0; j1 < 4; j1++) { if (((Entity) (obj)).hitsLoopCycle[j1] > loopCycle) { npcScreenPos(((Entity) (obj)), ((Entity) (obj)).height / 2); if (spriteDrawX > -1) { switch (j1) { case 1: spriteDrawY += 20; break; case 2: spriteDrawY += 40; break; case 3: spriteDrawY += 60; break; case 4: spriteDrawY += 80; break; case 5: spriteDrawY += 100; break; case 6: spriteDrawY += 120; break; } Entity e = ((Entity) (obj)); if (e.hitmarkMove[j1] > -30) e.hitmarkMove[j1]--; if (e.hitmarkMove[j1] < -26) e.hitmarkTrans[j1] -= 5; hitmarkDraw(String.valueOf(e.hitArray[j1]).length(), e.hitMarkTypes[j1], e.hitIcon[j1], e.hitArray[j1], e.hitmarkMove[j1], e.hitmarkTrans[j1]); } } } } else { for (int j1 = 0; j1 < 4; j1++) { if (((Entity) (obj)).hitsLoopCycle[j1] > loopCycle) { npcScreenPos(((Entity) (obj)), ((Entity) (obj)).height / 2); if (spriteDrawX > -1) { if (j1 == 1) { spriteDrawY -= 20; } if (j1 == 2) { spriteDrawX -= 15; spriteDrawY -= 10; } if (j1 == 3) { spriteDrawX += 15; spriteDrawY -= 10; } hitMarks[((Entity) (obj)).hitMarkTypes[j1]].drawSprite(spriteDrawX - 12, spriteDrawY - 12); smallText.drawText(0, String.valueOf(((Entity) (obj)).hitArray[j1]), spriteDrawY + 4, spriteDrawX); smallText.drawText(0xffffff, String.valueOf(((Entity) (obj)).hitArray[j1]), spriteDrawY + 3, spriteDrawX - 1); } } } } } for (int k = 0; k < anInt974; k++) { int k1 = anIntArray976[k]; int l1 = anIntArray977[k]; int j2 = anIntArray979[k]; int k2 = anIntArray978[k]; boolean flag = true; while (flag) { flag = false; for (int l2 = 0; l2 < k; l2++) if (l1 + 2 > anIntArray977[l2] - anIntArray978[l2] && l1 - k2 < anIntArray977[l2] + 2 && k1 - j2 < anIntArray976[l2] + anIntArray979[l2] && k1 + j2 > anIntArray976[l2] - anIntArray979[l2] && anIntArray977[l2] - anIntArray978[l2] < l1) { l1 = anIntArray977[l2] - anIntArray978[l2]; flag = true; } } spriteDrawX = anIntArray976[k]; spriteDrawY = anIntArray977[k] = l1; String s = aStringArray983[k]; if (anInt1249 == 0) { int i3 = 0xffff00; if (anIntArray980[k] < 6) i3 = anIntArray965[anIntArray980[k]]; if (anIntArray980[k] == 6) i3 = anInt1265 % 20 >= 10 ? 0xffff00 : 0xff0000; if (anIntArray980[k] == 7) i3 = anInt1265 % 20 >= 10 ? 65535 : 255; if (anIntArray980[k] == ? i3 = anInt1265 % 20 >= 10 ? 0x80ff80 : 45056; if (anIntArray980[k] == 9) { int j3 = 150 - anIntArray982[k]; if (j3 < 50) i3 = 0xff0000 + 1280 * j3; else if (j3 < 100) i3 = 0xffff00 - 0x50000 * (j3 - 50); else if (j3 < 150) i3 = 65280 + 5 * (j3 - 100); } if (anIntArray980[k] == 10) { int k3 = 150 - anIntArray982[k]; if (k3 < 50) i3 = 0xff0000 + 5 * k3; else if (k3 < 100) i3 = 0xff00ff - 0x50000 * (k3 - 50); else if (k3 < 150) i3 = (255 + 0x50000 * (k3 - 100)) - 5 * (k3 - 100); } if (anIntArray980[k] == 11) { int l3 = 150 - anIntArray982[k]; if (l3 < 50) i3 = 0xffffff - 0x50005 * l3; else if (l3 < 100) i3 = 65280 + 0x50005 * (l3 - 50); else if (l3 < 150) i3 = 0xffffff - 0x50000 * (l3 - 100); } if (anIntArray981[k] == 0) { boldText.drawText(0, s, spriteDrawY + 1, spriteDrawX); boldText.drawText(i3, s, spriteDrawY, spriteDrawX); } if (anIntArray981[k] == 1) { boldText.method386(0, s, spriteDrawX, anInt1265, spriteDrawY + 1); boldText.method386(i3, s, spriteDrawX, anInt1265, spriteDrawY); } if (anIntArray981[k] == 2) { boldText.method387(spriteDrawX, s, anInt1265, spriteDrawY + 1, 0); boldText.method387(spriteDrawX, s, anInt1265, spriteDrawY, i3); } if (anIntArray981[k] == 3) { boldText.method388(150 - anIntArray982[k], s, anInt1265, spriteDrawY + 1, spriteDrawX, 0); boldText.method388(150 - anIntArray982[k], s, anInt1265, spriteDrawY, spriteDrawX, i3); } if (anIntArray981[k] == 4) { int i4 = boldText.method384(s); int k4 = ((150 - anIntArray982[k]) * (i4 + 100)) / 150; DrawingArea.setDrawingArea(334, spriteDrawX - 50, spriteDrawX + 50, 0); boldText.method385(0, s, spriteDrawY + 1, (spriteDrawX + 50) - k4); boldText.method385(i3, s, spriteDrawY, (spriteDrawX + 50) - k4); DrawingArea.defaultDrawingAreaSize(); } if (anIntArray981[k] == 5) { int j4 = 150 - anIntArray982[k]; int l4 = 0; if (j4 < 25) l4 = j4 - 25; else if (j4 > 125) l4 = j4 - 125; DrawingArea.setDrawingArea(spriteDrawY + 5, 0, 512, spriteDrawY - boldText.anInt1497 - 1); boldText.drawText(0, s, spriteDrawY + 1 + l4, spriteDrawX); boldText.drawText(i3, s, spriteDrawY + l4, spriteDrawX); DrawingArea.defaultDrawingAreaSize(); } } else { boldText.drawText(0, s, spriteDrawY + 1, spriteDrawX); boldText.drawText(0xffff00, s, spriteDrawY, spriteDrawX); } } } catch (Exception e) { } } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathanat3r 2 Posted April 29, 2020 Author Report Share Posted April 29, 2020 Bump still stuck with this annoying situation ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yvnghills 10 Posted April 30, 2020 Report Share Posted April 30, 2020 Hmm thats weird, try checking chat logs maybe, to find out if it's server sided og client. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
math 0 Posted May 3, 2020 Report Share Posted May 3, 2020 Very nice post highly intrigued by this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
king alpha 0 Posted May 7, 2020 Report Share Posted May 7, 2020 you paying lol this guy wants free shit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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